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[OP-F1] I'm...New.

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She listened to the beautiful music, her heart fluttering at the sounds she loved it. She used to play guitar in real life, her hands gliding over the strings. She never thought she would ever be stuck here, where she could never practice...Could she? She smiled at the thought. She loved music, and she knew she would never stop loving it.

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Argumail looked at his friend playing a great song, but he was thought the song would sound better if he add in a violin. He waited he him to enter a part of the song that it would be easy for him to harmonize. As he played he shut his eyes, he thought hard on the situation.

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Ryuu was having a blast. In fact, he was singing the lyrics to the song as well. He thought that if you are stuck in a world like this, why jot make the best of it. He may jot have some of the instruments he also liked playing, but the piano brought back so many happy memories. Ones of him being taught by his mother, playing with chikiyo as a kid, meeting his first friend at school. He almost didn't want the song to end, but he knew it had to happen. Upon finishing the song, he looked back at Arga, who had been harmonizing with him. "Wow, I never knew that you were into this kind of music. Anyways, I'll play whatever now, so any requests?" It was almost as though Ryuu was shining. He was so happy. 'I love music. There's always a song to match your mood, and right now I'm hopeful. Chikiyo, forgive me, but I think I'll just have to get over you. I've finally met someone just as kind as you. I think things might work out in the end. If not, then it's okay. I've always been strong. I'm not about to stop.'

((I try to wait for everyone to post, but if someone posts something directly related to my character, I have a rule. I will respond to them, but I will try to make it something that people can easily play off of or do something at the same time. If you haven't noticed I almost always wait for at least two people to post before I respond.[This was done in light of Steel's small rant. His rant and this response should in no way be taken as offensive or anything along those lines. This has been a message from yours truly, Kazuya. Have a good day.] Oh and about the videos. I think there should be a video button in the editor above a post. If not then, somehow my post just did it automatically since I'm on a mobile device. Lastly, what a coincidence! I'm a musician too. I play [you ready for this] piano, violin, cello, saxophone, guitar, drums, bass, ukulele, and finally I sing. I love music!! It's 80% of my life!))

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Argumail said,"I always love this type of music, me and Lo..." he choked up and decided to leave it at that. He looked out of the window and remember the time Louise taught him play the violin. It was hell for her but, she did it. She played the piano and he played the violin."I know lets play Rain by Brian Crain" Argumail looked at his pal's and he realized that he liked the girl. Perhaps I should back off, I already lost one best friend over a girl. he thought. He began to rmember the song he played with Louise.


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"Mind if I play something?" Steel said once Ryuu was done with that song. Back in the real world, he had played the piano as well along with the guitar and violin. He also liked to sing. He sat down in front of the piano and began to play. As he began to play, he began to sing along with the song he was playing, one that he knew by heart, his filling the room.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpQqiQRLRvs (The singing. I guess this can be used as the thing that actually happens with Steel)


OOC: I actually play those instruments and sing as well. By the way, how do you post those Youtube videos like that? Also, slow down on the posting a little. I think you're going too fast with the posting to the point that it's like you're trying to ignore me and the other people around. I know that you need the leveling up but this is making it hard for me to enjoy the RP. It's like how Argu kept on posting and posting on that open RP that me and wolfstein were doing. Sorry about the small rant.

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((If didn't want me to join then, don't make it OP... Plus, it not like waited for Davros to post and then I did, No I waited at least 5 hours, unless I'm bored. That generally happens Steel, when you don't show up, you get cut out. And then everyone enjoys it but you. One more thing YouTube work best if you just put in the URL and then submit your post. Don't mess with it.))

Argumail smiled, "Pretty talent , Mister. Who taught you to play?" He placed done his violin and sat down, he was tired and quite thirsty. He pick up a drammre and drank it in one gulp. "Ahhhhh! another please." Argumail said to a passing waiteress. He then turn to Steel,"Will you play another?"

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Rose watched all of this happen before her with a smile on her face. She loved listening to all kinds of music. Her head spun at the thought.

She looked around, hopefully looking for a guitar... There! It was leaning against the wall behind the piano. She rushed over and slipped the strap over her head. She started to tune it, then she played it.

{this is mobile and I don't really have YouTube so sorry I couldn't add a song.}

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Ryuu's presence glowed as he watched Rose pick up the guitar. "I've got an idea. Can you play this song?" He whispers the name Helo Sleepwalkers in her ear. "I'll sing if you play the guitar. I could also play the bass." He walks behind the piano and picks it up. "Hey Arga! If I remember correctly there is a drum set around here. You know how to play? Steel, Just pick a melody that seems to go along well with the song. I think you could do it." Ryuu's mind immediately went to the idea of creating a band. He had always wanted to join one, but since nobody really liked his company, he never got the chance. He quickly showed Arga the pattern on the drums. and got into position. "Ready." He waited until everyone nodded, then started.


((Heads up I decided to change the song from bios to Hello Sleepwalkers so there wouldn't be two guitars, I thought the bass/guitar solo was awesome, and its lyrics almost relate to my character.))

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Argumail looked uneasy, he had never played the drums before. Every hit of the drum felt like a betrayal of his beloved Louise, but he played on. When the song was he got up slowly and placed the drumstick down gently. He smiled reassuringly and spoke monotonously," Well that is enough playing for me, I would like to listen now." His pupil shook and he could feel his crazed behavior returning. So he gripped his cup and squeezed it until it shattered. Then he felt a little better. 

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"I'm ready too." Steel said as he got his ears ready to listen so he could accompany the other member's music and harmonize with them and keep them in balance. His fingers were put in neutral position on the piano.


OOC: Sorry, I was just a little pissed about something yesterday

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Rose played along, her fingers going along with the song, gliding through pretty well. She loved the feeling of music and how it lifted your heart and made you just want to sing! She loved that feeling, that was what she was feeling right then. She hummed along, and whey they where done she let the guitar hang around her neck, clapping along with the crowd of people. She let the guitar down next to the wall behind the piano, her spirits lifting as she turned back to the others. "That was fun!" She said enthusiastically, and it was the truth. She loved it.

She had genuinely loved it.  

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Ryuu was having the time of his life playing with these people. "Wow! You guys really have some talent! When we get out of this game, we should really meet up again and start a band. What do you guys think?" Ryuu had never been in a band. He always thought that was for normal people and he most definitely wasn't normal. He loved playing around with the thought of finally being treated like he was just one of the crowd a bit. (He didn't realize that being in a band still separates you from everyone else, just in a good way instead of the bad way he was separated.)

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"That could be interesting." Steel said in response as he calmed himself after the performance. "It could be fun to do this with everyone. We would just need a name for the band now. Now that I think about it, wasn't that guy named L supposed to take Argumail away? How'd you slip away from him?"

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Argumail clapped for his new friends. They had performed brilliantly. He took a slip of drammre and then he looked down. He was happy for his Kazuya, he found something to look for to in the game beside his love of decapitated his enemies. "Band?" He thought but want one part off it if that meant playing drums.Then the guy with the familiar face asked a question. Argumail loomed at him calmly and smiled politely," I'm a master of a booty load of martial arts, I think it would quite easy for me to escape anyone grasp.

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Ryuu looked at everyone. He was practically ecstatic, until he looked at Arugmail's expression. 'What's wrong with him? I guess it's not really my business, but I would like to have a drummer. I guess I could have a violinist instead though.' He heard Steel's question and laughed. "L wouldn't be able to take him away. He's got neither the right nor the power. But anyway, our band may have to do without the drummer and have a violinist instead, but other than that, any ideas on a good band name?

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Argumail looked at Ryuu and shook his head," I have no right to stroll here, for it is not my place." He smiled devilishly," It is time you had something, beside ripping the intestine out your enemies, in this game. Although I don't playing with you sometimes. This is your band, not mine."

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Ryuu was deep in thought, trying to think of a good band name. 'It needs to incorporate something that we all have in common or at least something similar...' Ryuu kept thinking until he got a decent idea. "How about... Daydreamers. I mean we all are asleep, in a sense, IRL. I still would like to hear all of your ideas though."

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