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[F1-SP] Days into Nights <<The First Few Lessons>> [Complete]

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Keeping their head about them they watch as the boarlet move, slower now as though assessing Echo. Come on, you are going to attack soon, you wont wait forever. All I have to do is watch and wait. The boarlet tenses their back legs as they initiate an attack Bingo the boarlet flies at Echo, lunging with all its might to bring the lone adventurer down. Echo was not to be caught off guard though, and like a fly swatter they slam the ax blade down knocking the boar out of the sky, keeping it out of reach of their person “AH-HA! I knew it would work. I will have to remember that for the future. I am sure it wont work every time but ahh it worked this time!” They hit accept on the horn drop and looked around. “I guess that is all I need. I can return to the blacksmith shop and turn in this reward”



ID 237532

BD 8 [Hit] {2 DMG} = 6 BD (Roll) + 2 (ACC)

MD 4 [Miss]


[3] Wildfire 18/20 HP | 15/20 EN | 2 DMG | 2 ACC | 1 MIT | 4 LD

Boarlet #3 0/5 HP | 3 DMG


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Echo began the walk back to the shop, a pep in there step now that they had accomplished this task Another step, another stone. Look at how far you are coming. To think not but two days ago this was an impossibility and now? You killed three boarlets. Granted they are weaker then most monsters you will encounter but you are getting the hang of it! The grass turned to stone and they began the arduous process of pushing their way through the busy streets. So these shops are exclusive to the quest right? I doubt I will be able to commission from them so I should keep an eye out for shops to commission gear from. I think I could use a new hat!

Approaching the shop they walk in with confidence

“Ah you are back, only took you half a day”
Echo places their hand behind their head 

“Ha, yeah I am not as skilled as some but I got the job done, also found some other goodies on the way” Echo pulls the tusks out and hands them to Lyle


"I use these on hilts,"

“Now what were you coming to me for?”

“Oh I was wanting to know if you borrowed money from or knew who borrowed money from the mayor, apparently someone didn't pay their dues and he is sending me as a debt collector. I am not too keen on the idea but I-”

“You talk a lot when you are anxious, huh? Calm down.”


"Now, I'll have you know that I don't take loans from anyone, especially men the likes of Dorian White. You might try old Pete Larkin. He spends all his time fishing for river monsters or some such nonsense." With a scoff, he adds, "Without a real job, the man could probably use the charity." Lyle turns back to his work.

Without another word Echo turns and leaves, Sounds like this is the last task. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long I would like to try to get a real meal tonight. Maybe I will try one of the other restaurants in the town, though bread and broth are a good combo… I guess we will see what is available


WC: 306

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Walking to the pier it doesn't take long for Echo to find the fisherman, the older man sits at the end of the dock line in the water.

“Um. excuse me are you Pete Larkin?”

“Aye, that be me. Who wants ta know?”
“Oh, sorry I am Wildfire. I was sent by Mayor Dorian, apparently someone owes him some money and after a number of run-a-rounds it looks like you might be my guy”


When you explain why you're there, Pete looses a deep, hearty belly-laugh. "Yer tellin' me Mayor Dorian's taken to sending players to do his dirty work? Fine, fine, he’ll get his money, as soon as ye help me finish pulling it out of the drink!”

“Oh I can help with that, I used to fish with my father all the time." 

Leaning over, Echo grabs hold of the cage. Their first tug at the cage lifts it out of the water some but not quite to the extent it would make it onto the dock. 

“One more good pull should do it”

“Aye get a better grip on it”

Adjusting their hold, Echo pulls hard lifting with their legs. In one fluid motion they manage to land the cage onto the deck.



WC: 161


ID 237533
LD 14 [Fail] = 10 (Roll) + 3 (Consumable) + 1 (Search)

ID 237534

LD 16 [Success] = 12 (Roll) + 3 (Consumable) + 1 (Search)


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“Ah would you look at that! Quite the haul I would say” 

“Yeah I think you are right”

That answers my question about if it goes off of your current gear, perhaps I just got lucky earlier finding two pole-arms in a chest. I should see if I can find another one on the way back, probably take a long route. 


With a grin so bright it rivals the sun, Pete bestows upon you a sealed letter for Dorian, saying that its contents will more than settle his debts.  He wipes it against a stale barrel of day-old catch before handing over to you.  “That should serve Dorian right, for how he treats his debtors,” spitting into the lake to accentuate his dislike.

“Thank you, I hope the rest of your fishing goes well I can only imagine that you will have more good luck based on what I see here it looks like you have been having plenty of luck so far!”

With a wave Echo leaves the man behind and begins to walk to the edge of town.

Just a quick search and I will be done, looks like I have plenty of time before sundown. That took a surprisingly short time, not that I am complaining. It definitely could have been substantially worse. I still cant believe that fighting those boars took me so long, I guess  I should see if I cant get better with my weapon. I wonder if there is a training ground somewhere. Reaching the edge of the safe-zone they make their way to the small clearing the searched in before



WC: 206

ID: 237535
LD 12


150 Col | 8 Mats

[Perfect Armor] <<Unidentified>>

[Rare Consumable] x2 <<Unidentified>>


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They spend a good amount of time looking for the chest. Combing the area, one step at a time scanning the ground for anything that might jump out at them. After about two hours they decide it is probably time to call it. I probably have to wait longer for the chest in this area to respawn. I might have to see about coming in later in the week, maybe I will find it then. I guess I should go find the mayor and deliver this letter, that way I can be done with this quest once and for all. Though I guess there is a possibility I can help someone else on it right? That is what new players are supposed to do I think, find someone more competent to help them? And here I am, doing something that is meant to be done with others alone. Clearly I learned nothing from college. Is that what Skye meant when they told me I have a hard time reaching out for help. I wonder if that is what broke me in the end, my inability to seek others for problems that I couldn't fix. Instead I just barrel through everything and hope it will be enough. I think it is time I put an end to thoughts like that…. Oh but that means I have to go and find someone to work with. Eak, that sounds like it is going to be a lot to put myself though… no i have to commit to this, it is the best clear path forward. 

They begin the short walk back to the safe-zone the sun now low in the sky after a long day of work. It feels good, I think. I have been sulking in that room so long I forgot what it was like to work actively with my hands. And look at what all I can accomplish if I really set my mind to it. I found two treasure chests, killed three boarlets and even found some materials in the woods. This was important, having something to focus on, a goal to achieve. It was important in ways I am only just now understanding.

They stop as they walk, looking into shops on this floor, most closing up for the night. I wonder how the ordering process goes, is it a shop by shop basis or is it something that is consistent between, like a universal request form


WC: 409

ID 237536

LD 6 [Failure] = 2 (Roll) + 3 (Consumable) + 1 (Search)

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Approaching the town square Echo finds the mayor and waves them down “Alright I found your guy, it looks like the person who owes you money is Pete, he says that he is going to give you a catch that should just about cover his debts. Here is his letter confirming my statements” 


"Well, yes," he stammers, "I suppose that's a fair trade. Truth be told, I don't quite remember how much we loaned him, anyway." Delicately, with two fingers, Dorian sets the parchment aside. "Uh, alright, that's all, then. Thank you for your help. If you ever need anything in this town, do not hesitate to drop my name. I'm sure that's far more valuable than any monetary reward I could offer you, anyway."

“So all this running around was for nothing then? You don’t know how much they owe you. Do you know the hoops I had to jump through to get this letter? And just ‘drop your name’? You know what, it’s fine, this is fine, it’s over with now and I am going to go and get some food. Thank you for your time” Echo walks away, doing their best not to show their frustration in their body language. I can’t believe that is all I get out of this. I mean to be fair I got stuff from the vendors which is probably more than worthwhile but that mayor really rubs me the wrong way. In the future I think I need to be more on the lookout for people like that. I can’t imagine that there are too many players that have that same outlook though. 

Making their way to a restaurant they find a table out of the way watching the other people dining there. I wonder what all they have done today, if any have done any crazy deed. I am sure there are some higher level people hanging around. It is really hard to say. 

A waitress approaches 

“What can I get you?”

“Oh, I guess a harvest salad would be nice” 

“Of course, we will have that right out for you”

This will be the first real meal I have had in ages, I hope it is good. I can't imagine it will be much worse than what I have been eating regardless. It is not long before the waitress returns with a plate of vegetables. 

“Here you go, wave me down if you need anything else”

“Thank you”

The first bite was heaven after nights and days of broth and a mountain of fondue, some real vegetables were a very welcome change. Before Echo knew it the plate was empty. With a longing look they decided it was probably enough and made their way back to the old in. 

“Ah your back, how did things go today? I see you survived it”

“Yeah I killed three boarlets, so that was well. Finished the quest off too, so I can't complain there either.”

“Good on ya lad! Do you want anything before you head to bed?” 

“Actually some whiskey would be appreciated, chilled if you can.” 

“Whiskey, eh? I don't think you have ordered alcohol here before, in all the time you have been staying here.”

“I guess I never really had an occasion to before, but this feels like it probably should be one” 

The bartender pours two glasses of whiskey and slides one to Echo. Echo raises the glass “To new beginnings and new opportunities.”

“Here, here” 

They down their glasses. The whiskey is like fire. I should have expected dregs when I ordered Echo thinks to themself as they try with effort not to wince at the taste. It is not like I chose a fancy place to call home. No, I had to choose the out of the way tavern falling apart. But I like it here, beginnings are hard to come by and I am happy to have had such a place as this to help me in my time of need. 

“Hey I don't know that I have thanked you for putting up with me for all this time, so for what it is worth, thank you for giving me a place to stay”

“What kind of Inn keeper would I be if I didn’t help someone who was down on their luck and down on themself? That's what places like this are for after all, they are a place for people to get back on their feet, and that is what we will do, no matter how long it takes.”

Echo smiles at the man, before standing 

“Well I best be getting to be, I have a busy day tomorrow and there are only so many hours to sleep. Have a good night” 

“You do too”
Walking up to their room. Echo doesn't even bother to remove their armor, they flop onto the well made bed and just like that they are out like a light. To dream better dreams of better days.



WC: 758




Total Word Count

***Note that anything in spoilers that were in the middle of a body of text was not counted as it was ripped straight from the quest itself***

12028 Words


2000 EXP= 800 Quest + 1202 (12028/10*1 [Teir]*1 [group Factor]


3150 Col = 800 (2 pages) + 2000 (Quest) + 200 (Treasure Chest) + 150 (Quest Chest)

21 Mats= 3 (Part 1) + 10 (Treasure Chest) + 8 (Quest Chest)

Quest Rewards

 Zackariah’s Special Draught

    A ruddy-colored drink mixture that looks like it definitely came out of an apprentice alchemy class.
    Tierless Perfect HP Recovery Potion)

Initiate’s Draw

    A mundane but reliable bit of gear provided by Lyle Tealeaf for services rendered.
    T1 Perfect [Weapon of Choice] - Guandao 3 Acc

Big Bertha Braciole

    A restorative fish entrée that helps restore some spent vigor.
    (5x) T1 Rare Vitality Consumable (Snack)


Treasure Chest Rewards

T1 [Perfect Weapon] <<Unidentified>> ID: 237370a

 T1 [Perfect Weapon] <<Unidentified>> ID: 237370b

T1 [Perfect Consumable] <<Unidentified> ID: 237370c

T1 [Perfect Armor/Shield] <<Unidentified>> ID: 237535a

T1 [Rare Consumable] x2 <<Unidentified>> IDs: 237535b, 237535c


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