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[F27-EV] reconciliation. <<purusartha.>>

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R5tSbC7.png | NIGHT
 | Lv. 150 >> P. 117, Lv. 33
 | Status: //

 lost og roll results for "< ID23069". nulled and rerolling them. also using mega slime farm.


NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 150/150 | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11+1looting. | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


  • Cosmic Devourer+1 
  • rider. 
  • locket. 

battle-ready inventory

  • Teleport Crystal (3) | TELEPORT
  • imugi's inspiration. (5) | MASS HP RECOVERY



mod count: 5/7

    • focus, stamina, precision
    • shift: aoe
    • athletics, nimble
  • SEARCHING | RANK 3+1/5
    • emergency recovery
  • HOWL
    • focused howl


    • untraceable, vanish, surprise attack-t






  1. Liquor of Light | DMG III
  2. Breakfast Fry | PROTEIN II
  3. Berry Crumb Bars | LD III
  4. Crème Brûlée | ACC II
  5. Mousse | PROSP IV filled


  • Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 15% of EXP earned in that thread.
  • Lv. 10 | +1 LD to looting.

sword arts


en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined.

  • ST | x12 -> x15 | x20
  • AOE | x15 -> x18
  • TECH-A | x12 | STUN | 13EN
  • TECH-B | x12 | DELAY
  • TECH-D | x12 | SHATTER
  • TECH-F | x8 | AOE STUN 
  • TECH-G | x12 | BURN




  • Dimensional Backpack, Item Stash
    | +2 Battle-Ready Inventory Slots.
  • Well Rested
    | -1 EN for the first three expenditures of each combat. 
  • Relaxed
    | +(5 * Tier) HP per out-of-combat post. Full energy restoration occurs after two turns out of combat.
  • Squeaky Clean
    | -25% DoT damage taken from the first DoT applied to this player in a thread.
  • Skylight: Searching
    | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cooldown of 30 days to reassign.
  • Multipurpose
    | +1 LD/Prosperity/Stealth/Detection to one post per thread. Can be applied after a roll.
  • Filling
    | +1 T1 slot to a food consumed by this player in a thread. Can exceed Cook enhancement caps.
  • Col Deposit
    | +5% col from loot-minimum mobs, +10% col from treasure chests.

foraging | r2 | xp: 69/150

  • Greenhouse
    | +2 G.EXP, +1 CD&LD to gathering attempts.
  • Familiar: Profession
    | +2 G.EXP
  • Demeter's Cornucopia
    | +1 CD to gathering attempts. 

there was a festival amidst all of the preparations leading up to the twenty-eighth fight. if night wasn’t a firm believe that cardinal marched to its own pace, perhaps she could scarcely believe it. but between the ongoings of the twenty-seventh having a mind of its own — what with the discussions outside of the battle that bistro had to debrief her on, that that damn cook went to visit — and the business of her everyday life. night, irrevocably, found herself being pulled away from her schedule to attend against her own will.

and, perhaps, for once she allowed it to happen. there was something so incredibly despicable about having to prepare both for your own funeral and your own victory at the same time. a little bit of a damned if you do / damned if you didn’t moment. night simply just wanted to exist at the heart of it all — blissfully, peacefully, in her absolute ignorance of the fact that she, like everyone else, had to drive themselves out of the castle before they could properly return to their lives beyond their reality. too bad, then, that she was too occupied in playing a game to present herself half asleep once again.

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just as well that she had a pest that jostled her into waking herself up whenever she did feel overcome with sleep. never say night wasn’t ever trapped in her own vices. she hauled herself off, tracking that yellow crystal’s trail, even mixed with the crowd, shadow unseen, and amongst the rest, generic indicators matching in turn. it never mattered. to anyone else, they mightn’t have captured a deviation.

to night, day’s crystal was simply special.

they stalked towards the edge of town, past bistro’s invite, and past the other players gathered around the plaza of the city. past nari’s home. night wondered if it was a good idea to have paid the old home of her ex a visit, but at the slight turn of day’s head towards the direction they were headed towards, she decided otherwise. it didn’t turn out well the last time she did, anyway. better to pretend it never existed at all.

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there, at ronbaru’s perimeter, there were hardly any players present. day’s cursor mingled with the others in gold, and night followed her, keeping an eye out. she didn’t have to do much to attract unwanted attention, however — bistro didn’t tell her as much, but it quickly became apparent to her how important it was for her to take it down.

“excuse me,” said the approaching quest giver, with a wave of her hand. tucked behind their ear, the same tell-tale feather, a multitude of colors, that day had pointed out earlier in their mingle near the teleporter. must’ve marked out the ones who kept the festival running, no doubt. in her periphery, past their host’s shoulder, the player could spot a collection of cargo piled atop each other. night wasn’t looking to hitch a ride, however. “if you’re headed to one of the other settlements, would you mind taking some of these to wherever you’re going?”


> FREE ACTION-SYS: travel 1/2

ID238263 | bd5+6 = 11 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #1
ID238264 | bd7+6 = 13 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #2
ID238265 | bd9+6 = 15 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #3
ID238266 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #4

15 * 27 = 405 DMG

15+(3*2) -2-1 = 18 EN

Roaming Elemental #1 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #2 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #3 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #4 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 132/150 (150-18) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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night stayed silent, but shot a glance to her counterpart walking on ahead. and, as though on command, day had turned back to give night a tilt of her head. the gesture she made to beckon her companion was invisible to cardinal’s defaults. “sure,” night returned eventually, head turned to address their quest giver. “where do you need them sent towards?”

“oh, all of the settlements, really.”

night was escorted to the pile of cargo, day chasing the pair from behind. they stopped shortly after getting close enough for the quest giver to talk to one of their fellow colleagues, a discussion under hushed breaths, before the player was faced with a choice. “where will you be going today?”

night hummed. she hadn’t really thought that far ahead. her gaze drifted over to day as she considered, and her other half had bounced on the spot, raising herself on her tiptoes and coming down from that elevation, repeatedly. it wasn’t difficult to tell that the construct already had an answer.


> FREE ACTION-SYS: travel 2/2

ID238267 | bd5+6 = 11 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #5
ID238268 | bd7+6 = 13 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #6
ID238269 | bd4+6 = 10 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #7
ID238270 | bd6+6 = 12 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #8

15+(3*2) -2-1-4 = 14 EN

Roaming Elemental #5 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #6 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #7 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #8 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 118/150 (132-14) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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“well, if you asked me,” day said, with a slight smirk and her head leaning sideways, “i’d say we could do another trip around the floor.”

night frowned, and fumbled with her interface to send a message.

NIGHT: even if it took us a couple of days before?

day stopped feigning an impatience, gesturing with a hand. “we were handling other business too, remember? besides, the night’s still young — pun not intended. we can make each stop a quick visit, if you’re so worried.”

the player considered the proposal briefly. she then turned to the festival staff. “i’ll head to all of them on your behalf,” night offered. it had warranted a bright smile, rivaling the light of nearby candles.

“oh, how wonderful!”

activity began to surge behind her, with the other attendants preparing their shipment to be hauled. their spokeswoman clasped her hands together, giving night a wry smile. “but you needn’t carry this out solely for our sakes, surely… especially if you imagine it out of the way of wherever you’re headed.”



ID238271 | bd10+6 = 16 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #9
ID238272 | bd4+6 = 10 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #10
ID238273 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #11
ID238274 | bd4+6 = 10 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #12

15+(3*2) -2-1-4 = 14 EN

Roaming Elemental #9 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #10 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #11 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #12 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 104/150 (118-14) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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she’d considered briefly about delivering a cool line to say how it wasn’t that much of a deal to quest on behalf of such a unique local effort, but decided against it upon trialing a practiced delivery in her head. night wasn’t suitable enough for it. “it’ll be like a tour,” she reassured her assignor. 

“ah, i see!” and what doubts the woman had carried were assuaged. “well, if you must know, the other cities will be holding their own celebrations when you arrive, so don’t be alarmed when you see all the hustle and bustle.”

“celebrations,” night repeated, glancing to the gathered crowd past her side from the direction they’d came. “like— multiple? similar to the one held here?”

“yes,” was the answer night had been given, before four different parcels of varying shapes and sizes were offered to her. each had been kept in her inventory with relative ease. day had begun shifting about on the spot again, and the player took it as her cue to leave the quest giver with a nod and a farewell wave.



ID238275 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #13
ID238276 | bd8+6 = 14 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #14
ID238277 | bd6+6 = 12 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #15
ID238278 | bd7+6 = 13 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #16

15+(3*2) -2-4 = 15 EN

Roaming Elemental #13 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #14 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #15 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #16 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 89/150 (104-15) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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night turned to day as they shuffled towards the safe zone’s threshold. “so where’re we headed to first?”

“first?” day blinked, quiet for a pause. they’d almost stopped. night had staggered her steps in the interim, allowing day to catch up when she continued. her response was carefully manufactured. “shouldn’t you’d be making the decision?”

a gentle breeze swept them by. from on high, a small lamp had flickered out as they left ronbaru behind. night but looked past her shoulder towards the town they’d just left. “the last time i made decisions on this floor,” she started, hesitantly, “i don’t think it went well.” the base of her palm pushed gently into day’s shoulder as they continued walking. “so you pick,” was night’s insistence.


day thought about it, her eyes closed. it wasn’t every day the construct was given such a choice. they drew close to a crossroads that split off towards one of the other settlements. night considered if their partner had decided to travel across the city once again. they’d have a long detour, then.



ID238279 | bd7+6 = 13 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #17
ID238280 | bd3+6 = 9 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #18
ID238281 | bd8+6 = 14 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #19
ID238282 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #20

15+(3*2) -2-4 = 15 EN

Roaming Elemental #17 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #18 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #19 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #20 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 74/150 (89-15) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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the answer felt like it had taken forever, and yet night allowed herself to wait. day gestured down one path. “we move towards dagan, then.”

“dagan?” night watched her counterpart nod, and follow her down that path. she had no complaints about their choice of destination, but a curiosity nagged at her. “why dagan?”

“honestly?” day replied, falling into step with night once they’d rounded a bend. the path was straight from there and forwards. “i’m just going by what route i recall us taking prior on that quest line with koga.”

“the mysterious divide.”

day hummed to affirm her response. the player’s own expression shifted, then, almost upset and confused. “when did he even get around to inviting you out for that quest line, anyway?”

“that morning itself, i suppose?”

night stared at her, as though the extension hadn’t meant a lot to the entity; day seemed shrugged it off. but surely it must have. surely it did, right?



ID238283 | bd9+6 = 15 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #21
ID238284 | bd5+6 = 11 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #22
ID238285 | bd3+6 = 9 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #23
ID238286 | bd7+6 = 13 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #24

15+(3*2) -2-4 = 15 EN

Roaming Elemental #21 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #22 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #23 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #24 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 59/150 (74-15) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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“you’re acting like it’s no big deal,” she said, “that he asked you out in the first place.”

“i mean,” day started, voice low. “it was a pretty big deal, if you were to ask me to be honest about it.”


night’s gaze had bounced from the view ahead, back towards her partner. it had slipped past her notice that her tone had suddenly shifted — there was a tinge of envy, or was it mistrust? in her voice that seemed accusatory. day had glanced towards her player, but kept her eyes on the road. “a big deal how?”


now it was night’s turn to keep her eyes off her partner, and day to stare at her instead. the gemini had opened her mouth to say something, but then faltered. “do you remember that hero you were thinking so much about. the one back with the lights?”

“the statue?” night clarified. “... yeah. what about him?”



ID238287 | bd9+6 = 15 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #25
ID238288 | bd4+6 = 10 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #26
ID238289 | bd6+6 = 12 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #27
ID238290 | bd2+6 = 8 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #28

15+(3*2) -2-4 = 15 EN

Roaming Elemental #25 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #26 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #27 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #28 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 44/150 (59-15) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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“it’s just…”

and day’s hands tightened into a fist. the look she directed towards the ground was intense, the sheen on her blue eyes only highlighted by the darkness cast over the entire floor. though night would not catch sight of that storm brewing behind her mirror’s windows, she knew, between the silence and the dense air of the wilderness that sat around them, something had to be wrong.

“i can’t… tell,” day started, “if you were curious about him — because of what he represented. …but, moreover, if it was of that, then to whom.”

night heard her companion let loose a small exhale, considering her double’s words. “curious, of who the hero was,” she corrected. “and then of what he represented — the values for what he stood for —” and her voice trickled away, as she untangled her interpretation of day’s words further. “— and to whom those values matter to, or will be perceived by.”



ID238291 | bd4+6 = 10 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #29
ID238292 | bd9+6 = 15 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #30
ID238293 | bd4+6 = 10 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #31
ID238294 | bd10+6 = 16 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #32

15+(3*2) -2-4 = 15 EN

Roaming Elemental #29 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #30 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #31 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #32 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 29/150 (44-15) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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three points to bring up and run past day. the construct gave her clarification a nod, so they wouldn’t be misunderstood. night hummed, returning the gesture. they walked, taking their time under the soft radiance of the moon.

she decided the first question could be answered relatively quickly. “so,” she began, facing day past a dip of her head. “the quest line we went on — the mysterious divide? even after all of those trials we’d gone through, we still haven’t found out anything about this hero mentioned, joyously celebrated over, even though it was the only line of progression from intel that stemmed from this floor.” 

she didn’t turn to look towards ronbaru as she considered him further, however. “that makes him a mystery. it’s almost a little strange how they didn’t just celebrate the direct passing of wushen past its absence from the floor, nor consider the timing of such a celebration would be held. it’s been a year since then, approximately at that, and only now is such a festival being held.”



ID238295 | bd9+6 = 15 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #33
ID238296 | bd6+6 = 12 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #34
ID238160 | bd4+6 = 10 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #36
ID238159 | bd6+6 = 12 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #35

15+(3*2) -2-4 = 15 EN

Roaming Elemental #33 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #34 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #35 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #36 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 14/150 (29-15) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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day joined in with night’s line of thinking afterwards, humming. 

“so you might be considering… that the festival is only celebrated in times of peace?”

“it’s a little hard to say that,” night replied, bitter, even if she hadn’t intended to be. “because if this were a culture we’d both been privy to watch over for at least a few years, then i’d be certain. …but it’s not.”

though night had unspooled her train of thought and allowed day to peer into what little crumb of madness had been pestering the player ever since their arrival onto the twenty-seventh, the quiet that followed there after had meant that even day was getting stuck with the pieces of information on offer. wasn’t she omniscient? couldn’t she just read into the code that fabricated most of the event and then tell her if she was headed in the right direction with her lore speculations, even if they had to play a lame game like hot-and-cold just to decipher what was really going on here?



ID238067 | bd3+6 = 9 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #39
ID238066 | bd7+6 = 13 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #38
ID238065 | bd7+6 = 13 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant I #37

14+4 = 18 EN
15+(2*2) -2 = 17 EN

Roaming Elemental #37 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #38 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #39 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 1/150 (14+4-17) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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night waited for day’s contemplation to end first before they moved onto the next discussion. but, by then, they’d already reached the entrance of vesh. day gestured to the player towards the collection point nearby, and night followed through, handing over the package as was warranted of her. their exchange had been brief. and, if night remembered correctly, their next stop would be at…

“hold on,” one of the hosts at vesh stopped her with a clarion voice. “won’t you join us in one of our celebration festivities? it’s the least we could do to extend you an invite for the trouble we’ve put you through.”

the player was taken aback. not so much for cardinal’s insistence at her participation, but that she was invited to indulge at all. if it was reading her intent, then it knew she was likely to move on. so…

she folded her arms, looking around the plaza and then pretending she wasn’t curious. “what do you recommend?”

-> handing in a delivery in vesh, dagan.

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 2/150 | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6

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of course they went to the baths.

there were multiple springs located amidst dagan’s mountains. she asked for a private one for personal comfort, but had no intent for any further activity in the wilds. even as night watched day sink into the water, relaxing comfortably in the cold, it was obvious, too, that she still had their discussion on her mind. that was fine. even if night had decided to forget her train of thought, it meant she had to be prepared to pick up her mental notes again if it was brought up later, as they would be traveling along.

still, it was a cozy spot, and had they not meant to wrap things up quick, they might’ve stayed for longer. night kept the location bookmarked, sending a tell to bistro with a picture towards the city scenery, as though it was a ploy to get the broker envious.

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 150/150 | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6

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they skipped out of town quickly afterwards. “to srona,” night said, clarifying their destination with day. the player then realized she remembered their route from here onwards. “why did we even use a horse back then?”

day scoffed, amused, adjusting her ponytail as they left vesh behind. “because someone thought we’d take forever to get here,” she said, jabbing a finger towards night once her hands were free. night held her hands up, palms open, facing day. 

“okay — i’ll take the heat for that.” and she stuffed her hands into her pockets. “but it’s a lot more peaceful now than back when we were riding the wagons, isn’t it?”

her counterpart shot her a questioning look. “is that the word i’d use for it? maybe we haven’t encountered any threats just yet, given how dagan’s known for domestication and cultivation. the plains here are meant to be safe, even if they aren’t suitable for agriculture exactly…”


> FREE ACTION: SYS | travel 1/2

ID238068 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #1
ID238069 | bd3+6 = 9 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #2
ID238070 | bd9+6 = 15 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #3
ID238071 | bd5+6 = 11 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #4

15+(3*2) -2-1 = 18 EN

Roaming Elemental #1 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #2 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #3 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #4 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 132/150 (150-18) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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“but i guess it’s hard to beat what happened in the past, huh?” day slung her arms back, fingers knitted together as she rested her head against her hands. 

“past the mountains here…” night had muttered, eying the road ahead. she remained quiet for a time, in deep recollection on how to head towards their destination next. she hummed when she remembered something, however. “the last time we were in srona, wasn’t there was a fire at one of their medical outposts?”

“it had been arson,” day returned, “as far we remember it.” and then she tilted her head as they strolled along, starting to reach the breach in the land’s divide, where they crossed over into the forest region from the mountains. she pointed her chin towards the few hostels lurking nearby. “the elementals present then weren’t exactly helping, either,” day added, wincing. 

“there were elementals back then?”


> FREE ACTION: SYS | travel 2/2

ID238072 | bd8+6 = 14 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #5
ID238073 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #6
ID238074 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #7
ID238075 | bd10+6 = 16 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #8

15+(3*2) -2-1-4 = 14 EN

Roaming Elemental #5 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #6 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #7 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #8 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 118/150 (132-14) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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day shot night a sly look, before she looked ahead again. was it disbelief etched upon her face? it was hard for night to tell.

“to be fair,” day followed up afterwards, “you and koga were busy tending to the herbs rather than the forest surrounding it.”

night thought carefully upon her words. day was right. the fire had taken much of her attention, she but figured day had stepped out the way because of cardinal’s direct influence. any agreement upon them… well. night never had the best memory. it had also seemed like so long ago that night had entirely forgotten. “where did you go then?”

“to the fringes of the outpost,” said day. “even if it was scripted, i doubt any of you would want to deal with a fire that accidentally got out of hand upon the nearby forest.”

night hummed, turning to her companion. “no, you’re right. we wouldn’t want that at all.”



ID238076 | bd10+6 = 16 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #9
ID238077 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #10
ID238078 | bd2+6 = 8 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #11
ID238079 | bd3+6 = 9 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #12

15+(3*2) -2-1-4 = 14 EN

Roaming Elemental #9 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #10 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #11 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #12 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 104/150 (118-14) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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they stepped through the threshold, into the forest. there was a sense of warmth that the outskirts hadn’t carried; the dense cluster of trees in the woods and the glow of the crystals combined made sure the ambient atmosphere would be different than that of the mountains. the winds present weren’t as strong, if they were felt at all by the travelers. while walking, day was the one to point out an impasse, a herd of hostile meandering elementals. night took the initiative to cull them, before settling back onto their delivery route.

the edge of her blade cut through thin air and the dying shards of the fallen alike before it settled gently on night’s shoulder. cosmic devourer was returned to its hold with a bounce of her hand. “and that’s that,” night called, with a released breath. day, too, had finished up with the last of her quarry, wandering over in hurried steps.



ID238080 | bd10+6 = 16 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #13
ID238081 | bd9+6 = 15 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #14
ID238082 | bd2+6 = 8 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #15
ID238083 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #16

15+(3*2) -2-4 = 15 EN

Roaming Elemental #13 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #14 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #15 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #16 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 89/150 (104-15) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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“where did we stop?”

“where did what now?” 

the view of yvlon’s landmark tree was in day’s blurred periphery as night had asked. but as it turned out, it wasn’t important.

“our conversation.”

day’s shifted her gaze over from the distance to the player. “which one?”

“that’s a good question.” it hadn’t even occurred to night that they were having two separate conversations at one point. it was after a pause, the woman thinking, that they started back down the path they intended to take in the first place. “about the hero, maybe.”

“oh, that again.” and day’s elbows pointed to the sky once more, her head resting against her hands. “you’re really curious about who they’re celebrating, huh?”

“i mean, for multiple reasons.”

night fidgeted. her fingers had been opening and closing the shortcut for her menus as she waved them up and down, watching the baubles shift against the ground they passed.



ID238084 | bd2+6 = 8 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #17
ID238085 | bd6+6 = 12 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #18
ID238086 | bd4+6 = 10 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #19
ID238087 | bd7+6 = 13 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #20

15+(3*2) -2-4 = 15 EN

Roaming Elemental #17 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #18 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #19 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #20 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 74/150 (89-15) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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“but,” night began, “the fact that these heroes do exist, in some way shape or form, lends them importance. right?” she gestured, and waved her sword of light into existence. night held it out in front of them to consider. “i’d thought about orgoth’s disposition to the raid when we were on the twenty-fifth.”

“before the darkness,” day mumbled, her own movements aimless.

“before the darkness,” night agreed. and as her mind searched for her next opinion, she felt the shudder, a soft buzz akin to numbness on her forearm, against the outstretched blade. the gentle shift of white – another weapon – that had tapped onto her own blade fell into her attention. day smiled, walking beside her, when night turned to look.

“hey, look,” she’d said. “now we match.”

it was a vague cough, caught partway between a laugh, woven with nervousness that night slowly pulled her sword away from day’s spear.



ID238088 | bd4+6 = 10 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #21
ID238089 | bd2+6 = 8 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #22
ID238090 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #23
ID238091 | bd1+6 = 7 | -> Roaming Elemental, Variant II #24

15+(3*2) -2-4 = 15 EN

Roaming Elemental #21 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #22 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #23 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132
Roaming Elemental #24 | HP: 0/405 | DMG: 132

NIGHT | HP: 1120/1120 | EN: 59/150 (74-15) | DMG: 27 | ACC: 6 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | AA | LD: 11 | QTY: 2 | PROSP: 6


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