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[F21 | PP] Mined Your Own Business | <<Trouble in the Mines>>

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Acanthus relaxed in the teleportation plaza of Tomoika. The twenty-first floor was not a popular floor, which thankfully meant less foot traffic. The foot traffic was even more scarce given that Acanthus had decided to arrive late in the evening. Aside from the odd stragglers and a few NPCs, Acanthus had the place to herself.

She knew she shouldn’t be out this late, but sleep had eluded her the past few nights. Between Edict’s disappearance and the upcoming boss raid, most of her waking time was clouded with anxious thoughts. She had noticed a discernible decline in her mental health over the last few months, which fed into the cycle of poor sleep. But more importantly, she’d fallen behind on her self-imposed experience quotas, so she combed through the info-brokers guide for a few hard-hitting adventures. Initially, she had hoped to undertake them by herself, but she quickly realized that the more challenging quests would be the most efficient. The only problem was who to invite.

She recalled meeting Wulfrin in Ronbaru, and how proactive he had been in offering his help. He seemed strong and dependable. She had also heard through the grapevine that he was now responsible for the Sharkbait training program. If Freyd was willing to hand the project off to him, then she trusted him.

Opening her messages, she hastily typed and sent:

@Wulfrin. Thanks for your help at Diwali the other day.

I apologize for the sudden message, but I need to finish a quest on floor 21 as a favor to a friend. If you have any time today or tomorrow, I would really appreciate your help. I’m sorry to impose, but the timing is unfortunately urgent.

P.S. A full party would probably be best, so if you know anybody else that would like to do this, please bring them along as well.

She hoped that he was enjoying a good night’s rest, and that he would receive the message in the morning. But she wouldn't ask questions if he answered at this hour.


Acanthus | HP: 780/780 | EN: 92/92 | DMG: 26 | MIT:114 | ACC:7 | AA  | EVA:4 | BH:26 | VAMP-D: 43 | REC: 8 | LD:5

Using Slime Farm! +10% EXP



Equipment and Consumables


All enhancements reflected in the stat block unless otherwise specified.

Weapon. botan. AA | ACC 3
Armor. Enduring Thistle VAMP-D | MIT | REC | FIREPROOF
Trinket. Evasive Charm | EVA 1 | REC

Bowl of Nails (without milk) | T4 Perfect meal | ID: 231276c | MIT 3
Ass-Kicking Absinthe | 231994-1 | DMG 3

Smores | EVA 2
Creme Brulee Tray | ACC 2

Abilities (Skills, Shifts, Masteries, Add-ons, and Mods)


All enhancements reflected in the stat block unless otherwise specified.

  - Light Armor R5
  - Searching R4
  - Straight Sword R5
  - Battle Healing R3

Extra Skills:
  - Assault Mode
  - Disguise
  - Forgotten King's Authority
  - Hiding R5

  - Parry
  - Photosynthesize
  - Survival

  - Ferocity
  - Precision
  - Resolve
  - Stamina

  - Meticulous
  - Night Vision
  - Tracking
  - Justified Riposte

Combat Mastery: Damage R3

TECH Shift

Battle Ready Inventory (7 Slots)
Dimensional Backpack + Item Stash


Lama Sabachthani | Soundtrack | 236687 | Hypnosis 2 | Lullaby 2 (Instant)
Pain deeper than words, engraved by a hand that does not know its own heart.

Edict's Threnody | Soundtrack | 236686 | Perpetuate (Instant)
If my suffering will not end, then neither will yours.

Dr. Pepper | ID: 231141a | T4 Perfect Potion | HP Recovery 3            
Desc. This fizzy soda drink is made from an exquisite blend of 23 different flavors.



House Name: Villa of Coruscating Flowers (The Villa)
Location: Floor 24 - Paradise Islands
Plot Size: Estate - PK Accessible
Rooms: Listed below. All rooms are assigned to Acanthus.

  • Master Bedroom
    • Well Rested | -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.
  • Greenhouse
    • Green Thumb | +2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts.
  • Extended Workshop: Recording Studio (25,000 col)
    • Hard Working | +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day.
  • Mega Slime Farm
    • Advanced Training | +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.
  • Living Room:
    • Relaxed | Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  • Attic (Bedroom)
    • Skylight (Searching) | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill (Searching). Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase.
  • Basement:
    • Multipurpose | Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.
  • Storage Closet: (10,000 col)
    • Item Stash | +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
  • Master Bathroom: (25,000 col)
    • Squeaky Clean | The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)


Crafting and Gathering


Crafting Profession:
 - Performer[2638exp] R5
Gathering Profession:
 - Forager[779exp] R5   






Edited by Acanthus
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<<Floor 22, Wulfrin's estate>>

Wulfrin's mind was far too clouded for sleep. Diwali was a nice distraction for a time, but it had come and gone far too soon in his eyes. He lay in his bed staring up at his lakeside estate's ceiling. Sound asleep next to him was Ciela, his darling wife. Thoughts of countless possibilities flooded his already over active brain. Contingencies on contingencies. For the fifth time now, he attempted to induce sleep.


A message alert chimed in his ears. With a few quick gestures, being careful not to wake his sleeping partner, Wulfrin hastily navigated to view his inbox. Acanthus needed his help, and it wasn't like he was going to sleep soon anyway. Wulfrin gently got out of bed and lay a gentle kiss on Ciela's cheek.

"I'll be back soon," He whispered before donning his adventuring gear and set out for floor 21.

<<Floor 21>>

Wulfrin prowled around the teleport plaza for a few moments hoping to find his summoner. Thankfully that didn't take long. Acanthus seemed just as out of it as she had during Diwali. Wulfrin unfortunately could sympathize all too well, though he wasn't sure if it was just the pre-raid jitters, or something else bothering her. He also couldn't figure out how to bring it up either.

"So..." Wulfrin made himself known. "Raid got you unable to sleep too huh? Can't say I blame you. Everything outside of that room is known knowledge that anyone can prep for, but that boss arena? It's uncharted territory. Let's see if we can't clear our minds a bit shall we? What's on the quest log tonight?"

* * *

Damage 3 Consumed - Ass Kicking Absinthe
Accuracy 2 Consumed [Filled] - Freyd's Gungir
Evasion 2 Consumed - Smores
Protein 2 Consumed - Skewer Roll
Mitigation 3 Consumed - Stalwart's Stew meal from Freyd
Field Rations 1 Consumed 
Toxic Venom 1 Consumed - Kinsugi

Wulfrin | HP: 851/851 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 26 | MIT:98 | ACC: 8 (+1 AA) | AA | EVA:2 | BH:28 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3

Note: CS Shades of the Gemini is in use. If a player objects, they should note so in their first post and the skill will be considered inactive.


"Name: Wulfrin
True Tier: 6
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 19
HP: 851/851
EN: 110/110

Damage: 26
Mitigation: 98
Accuracy: 8
Evasion: 2
Battle Healing: 28
Loot Die: 3
Stealth Rating: -2
AA FRB: 40 TXC-V: 32
FRZ: 64
Equipped Gear:
  - Icingdeath | T4 Demonic Straight Sword | Freeze 2 | Frostbite | AA
  - Fallen Angel Garb | T4 Demonic LA | MIT 2 | REC 2
  - Dioscuri | T1 PErfect Trinket | ACC 3

Combat Mastery:
  - Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
  - TECH Shift

Familiar Skill:
  - Rending Familiar

Custom Skill:
  - Shades of the Gemini

  - Battle Healing R3
  - Charge
  - Energist
  - Light Armor R5
  - Searching R3
  - Straight Sword R5

Extra Skills:
  - Disguise
  - Forgotten King's Authority
  - Survival
  - Meditation

Inactive Extra Skills:
  - Frozen Hide
  - Brawler
  - Assault Mode

  - Focus
  - Precision
  - Resolve
  - Stamina

  - Meticulous
  - Night Vision

Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:
  - Crystal of Divine Light x5
  - Imugi's Inspiration | Mass Healing x5
  - Popcorn | T4 Vitality 2 x5
  - Rhino's Horn x1
  - TP Crystals x1

Housing Buffs:
  - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  - Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
  - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  - Attic (Storage): +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
  - Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
  - Master Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat
  - Master Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)
  - Extended Workshop: +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
  - Ornate Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts.
  - Dining Hall: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  - Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

Guild Hall Buffs:
  - Treasury: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:
 - Blacksmith[1896exp] R8
Gathering Profession:
 - Fishing[509exp] R5"                                                                                                                            


Edited by Wulfrin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Returning from a recent training foray against the Forgotten Time King, Freyd left @Typhoonflame with a few parting words of advice and hearty praise for her courage and discerning insights before pointing her back towards the central plaza.  Taking another route, he'd planned on visiting The Knight Shift to check on Ren and drop him off additional supplies when he spotted two familiar faces nearby.

"What are you two miscreants doing out here," he began with a wry grin.  "Do your moms know what you're up to?  Do I need to call the brute squad in to keep you in line?  GET OFF MY LAWN!"  Sounding slightly unhinged, the Whisper was in a good mood after putting Bob (aka the Forgotten Time King) in his place, his armor having a few extra heft notches from the monstrous mob's greataxe.  He was still chuckling at the thought of mowing a lawn in Tomoika by the time he closed the distance.  Something in their faces seemed haunted, carrying the same look he'd seen in others as they'd prepared for their first raids.  He'd felt it himself, not so long ago.

"Can't sleep, eh?" His cowl nodded to confirm its understanding. "Alright.  I know the drill.  What are we distracting ourselves with?  And don't bother objecting.  I'm not showing up to their two players short because you dipped when you should have lunged against Ugzeke.  I might as well get my warmup beatings in now.  They help loosen the joints."  Rotating his left shoulder for emphasis, one might have thought the walloping he just took from FTK would have sufficed.  But, that really wasn't the point.  If it kept their minds busy and focus honed, it would be worth it.


Note: CS (Shades of the Gemini) and CSA (Beckon the Void) are in use.  If any other player objects to these, please state in first post and it will be considered inactive.
Note: Freyd has previously completed this quest.

Freyd consumes and shares:

Gungir’s Shard (Untradeable/Unique/Reusable Consumable): Crème Brûlée Tray | ACC 2 | Feast (6/6) - takes 1 portion [filled] and shares the rest.
Draft of Keen Edge | Tierless | Perfect Potion | Damage 3 | 235943
Stalwart's Stew | T4 Perfect Meal | MIT 3 | 216713 & 216714 -> converted to lesser Feast (4/4) - takes 1 portion

Freyd | HP: 1280/1280 | EN: 160/160 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 212 | ACC: 8 (incl. AA) | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | BH:70 | VAMP-D: 70 | VAMP-O: 141 | PARA-V | LD:5


Name: Freyd, Kuro bara no kishi
True Tier: 18
Level: 33
Paragon Level: 141
HP: 1280/1280
EN: 160/160

Damage: 21+3
Mitigation: 152+60
Accuracy: 4+2+1+AA
Evasion: 2
Battle Healing: 70
Loot Die: 5
Stealth Rating: -5
VAMP-D: 70
VAMP-O: 141

Equipped Gear:
  - Veritas | T4 Katana) | AA, PVO I, VO I, Taunt
  - Negare Omnia | T4 HA | MIT III | VD I
  - Night Shades | T3 Trinket | ACC III | EVA I

Combat Mastery:
  - Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
  - AOE Shift

Familiar Skill:
  - Grappling Familiar (not dead yet)

Custom Skill:
  - Shades of the Gemini (CS)
  - Beckon the Void (CSA)

  - Battle Healing R5
  - Charge
  - Energist
  - Extended Mod Limit
  - Extended Weight Limit
  - Fighting Spirit
  - Heavy Armor R5
  - Howl
  - Katana R5
  - Quick Change
  - Searching R4

Extra Skills:
  - Disguise
  - Survival
  - Hiding R4
  - Forgotten King's Authority

Inactive Extra Skills:
  - Meditation
  - Lady Luck
  - Photosynthesize
  - Brawler
  - Assault Mode
  - Frozen Hide
  - Parry

  - Focus
  - Focused Howl
  - Iron Skin
  - Precision
  - Reveal
  - Stamina

  - Detect
  - Emergency Recovery
  - Impetus
  - Night Vision
  - Tracking
  - Untraceable

Inactive Mods:
  - Justified Riposte

Battle Ready Inventory:
  - Crystal of Divine Light (Reusable 1/thread) x1
  - Mass HP Rec [Inst] (+10% HP) x7
  - Meathook (Reusable 1/combat) x1
  - Ordsea Crystal-B (Reusable 1/combat) x1
  - Ordsea Crystal-B (Reusable 1/combat) x1
  - Rhino's Horn (Reusable 1/combat) x1
  - Samael's Pride | T4 Katana | FLN II | HLY II  x1
  - Teleport Crystals x7
  - The Bonded Word. | T4 Demonic Trinket - ACC III, REC I x1

Housing Buffs:
  - Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
  - Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
  - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  - Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
  - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  - Attic (Bedroom): +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase.
  - Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
  - Guest Room: Players can have one «Amenity» in a «Guest Room» and the «Amenity» cannot be recovered. Players are allowed to change which «Amenity» is in the «Guest Room». Multiple instances of the same «Amenity» do not stack. This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members.
  - Extended Workshop: +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
  - Ornate Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts.
  - Dining Hall: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  - Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

Guild Hall Buffs:
  - Trading Hall: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters and Rank 4 merchants/performers receive +1 crafting/identification attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters and Rank 5 merchants/performers receive +2 crafting/identification attempts per day.
  - Treasury: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild Totem:
  - Tanos

Crafting Profession:
 - Appraising[3478exp] R5
Gathering Profession:
 - Fishing[576exp] R5                                                                                                                            


Edited by Freyd
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"So, you've got the guts to show your face 'round here again, do ya?" A short, bearded fellow crossed his arms, scowling at Morningstar from behind a stall. Various odds and ends were held up by wooden shelves and sprawled out across every other surface imaginable.

A vial of Watcher's Extract caught his eye. Nobody had purchased it in the days that had passed—probably due to its ridiculous price.

"12,000 col. That's my final offer; take it or leave it," Morningstar leaned against the counter.

"Bloody brains of a human, you got! I told you once and I'll tell you again—I only deal in raw gold!" The dwarf was visibly angry.

"15,000 col. Final offer."

"Ya got rocks in your head?"

"Alright fine. 20,000. That's as high as I can go."

"Shove off, ya baby-faced fool!"

Morningstar dramatically shrugged as he stepped back from the stall. He turned, meandering back towards the heart of the town. All the way, the dwarf shouted rude remarks in his direction. Noticing a group of familiar (and much more pleasant) faces, he made his way over. Acanthus, Wulfrin, and Freyd seemed to be preparing for a quest.

"Why, hello there. What's it today? Drakes, dragon knights, or a time king?"

 | Lv. 70 >> P. 37, Lv. 33
 | Status: [ // ]


  Hide contents

Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 118/118 | DMG: 22 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V


  • Dying Sun
  • Inner Focus
  • Sapphire

battle-ready inventory

  • Magdalyn's Cuckoo


  Hide contents

mod count: 4/5

    • precision, stamina, ferocity
    • shift: tech
    • precision
  • SEARCHING | RANK 4/5 (5)
    • night vision, detect, tracking, reveal

extra (active)



  Hide contents


  • | #


  1. Gungnir Creme Brulee Tray | +2 ACC
  2. Stalwart's Stew | +60 MIT


  • Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 15% of EXP earned in that thread.
  • Lv. 10 | +1 LD to looting.

sword arts

  Hide contents

en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined.

  • ST | x12 -> x15 | x20
  • AOE | x11 -> x14
  • TECH-A | x16 | STUN | 13EN
  • TECH-B | x16 | DELAY
  • TECH-D | x16 | SHATTER
  • TECH-F | x12 | AOE STUN
  • TECH-G | x16 | BURN

misc/housing buffs

  Hide contents
  • Dimensional Backpack | +2 Battle-Ready Inventory Slots.
  • Well Rested | -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.
  • Squeaky Clean | The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down).
  • Filling | Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
  • Tasty | Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
  • Relaxed | Increases out-of-combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  • Multipurpose | Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.
  • Skylight (Searching) | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. 


  • #





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Wulfrin arrived quicker than she anticipated. She fought the urge to apologize. Asking him for help and then immediately apologizing… the only word that came to her mind was “unbecoming.”


“What's on the quest log tonight?”

Acanthus opened her quest journal and rotated the window so that Wulfrin could see. “Info broker’s guide mentions a quest up here that has some pretty good rewards—or ok rewards, depending on your preference for danger. I thought that with you and one or two others, we could probably make short work of the hardest option and earn some good experience. Given the time frame, I suppose rousing another person is out of the question.”

Freyd appeared with a wry smile as if he’d been waiting for the opportunity to make an entrance. The man must have ears and eyes on every floor.


“Can’t sleep, eh? Alright.  I know the drill.  What are we distracting ourselves with?”

Acanthus opened her mouth to wave him off. Surely Freyd had better things to do.


“And don’t bother objecting.”

Acanthus’ mouth clamped back shut. Mind-reading must be an unlockable skill.

“Trouble in the Mines. Just a quick quest, and maybe something else after if there’s time. I’d say the quest is a long one, but I remember thinking that about Ki-Raion—and being very wrong. Then again, Morningstar isn’t—”


"Why, hello there. What's it today? Drakes, dragon knights, or a time king?"

Mind-reading was definitely an unlockable skill, then. She took a deep breath to clear her brain. “Drakes today. We have to find the Foreman of the Mines to start the quest. Then, we find the Drake Matriarchs and kill them both. I… don’t actually know where to find the Foreman here in Tomoika. I remember my source told me to ask for a ‘George,’ but then he laughed like it was a joke.”

Edited by Acanthus
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  • 2 weeks later...

"That's more than I have to be honest," Wulfrin shrugged. "Good to see Freyd and Morningstar are tagging a long. Pure happen stance that we've got four members of the raid team together for a quick quest."

Wulfrin scanned the immediate area. No NPCs stood out as quest givers to him, but that's pretty much par for the course in Aincrad. The NPCs didn't have floating exclamation points to signify you needed to talk to them. Usually you had to go off of either talking to each individual until you found the one you need, or you got your info from a broker. Unfortunately based on Acanthus's tale, it seemed she had stumbled on one of the shadier ones.

"I don't suppose the two veterans with us know where to start," Wulfrin casually attempted to nudge the conversation towards their end goal. "I'd like a little bit of guidance before I resort to asking each NPC in our vicinity for info and probably getting nowhere."

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Freyd just laughed at Morningstar's sudden arrival and Acanthus' startled reactions.  

"I should probably start assuming that you have a sleeping cot in ever bar and gambling den in Aincrad, Star, and that you simply teleport between to them to whichever location is most imminently convenient."  Judging by the size of the grin and delight on Freyd's face, it was meant to be a compliment.

"Maybe we got word you were up to something," he added, turning to Wulfrin, "and thought it best to intervene early before you went all 'Cave of Wonders' on us before the raid."  Patting his shadow on the back, Freyd winked and pondered his words for a moment.

"NPC... no.  I honestly can't recall.  It's been too long and my memory's stretched across too many floors these days.  But I do know a guy who might."  

Excusing himself for a moment, the Whisper wandered to the nearby Knight Shift and spoke with its familiar white-haired proprietor.  The two exchanged brief, friendly words before the smith donated an ample amount of gesturing and Freyd a corresponding measure of nods.

"Yup.  Figured a business connection might exist there.  Ren's been trying to unionize the local merchants and corner the market on ore from the best local providers for months.  If anyone knew where the find the mining foreman, it had to be him.  This way, chums.  It's not far."

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"Drakes today."

Thank every single god. They were doing a quest he hadn't done.

"Bars? In Tomoika?" Morningstar laughed. "No shot—unless you want to drink sober with a bunch of loud dwarves. Now, gambling dens, on the other hand..."

He chuckled again at Freyd's playful comment about Wulfrin's escapade on Floor 8. Before Morningstar could say that he didn't know where to start, Freyd ran off to find out who "George" really was. Star didn't even think to ask Ren. He supposed staying well-informed was easy when you had guild members stationed so broadly around the castle. Star could have done a better job at that, truthfully.

They followed Freyd to the mines and found the foreman outside, shouting at a platoon of miners. Star interrupted their verbal beating. "Are you George?"

"Wha?" The gruff man grumbled. "Gorge. The name's Gorge. Who are ya? Whaddaya want?"

"To kill drakes, I guess."

"It's about damn time ya came. Theys about 30 fathoms thatta way. We can't start mining that deep with those lizardshits around, so do it right or don't get paid."

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The man’s finger spasmed in a direction away from the floor, and Acanthus’ face scrunched in confusion. 

“Fathoms are actually a unit of depth. But you’re pointing us east. So do we need to dig down here and then travel east? Or are we supposed to travel east and then dig… Fifty four meters? If my math is correct.” The man scowled at her. “Don’t get smaht with me.” She waited a moment to see if he would actually clarify. When he did not, she turned to address the rest of the party. “Thirty… fathoms that way.” She rubbed her temples. “Cardinal is either being stupid or difficult. I suspect it is the latter. My suggestion would be moving east according to the George’s—Gorge’s, sorry—direction. If we find the drake nest, great. If not… I hope you’re all ready to do a little digging. Though I’m not sure how we’re getting through five and a half stories of dirt and rock.” Using the rickety twitch of Gorge’s finger as the world’s worst compass, Acanthus led the way out of town. “Again, we should be looking for the two nests in the mine, and their accompanying Matriarchs. If you see any indications about hunting the drakelings or foraging for mushrooms, you can ignore them. We’re trying to earn everything we can from this quest.”

The flora of the twenty-first floor guided their way to the mines with a faint, gloomy light. Scores of mushrooms, each colony a different shape and color, bloomed with a tenacity that Acanthus found admirable. Despite having barely any water, the mushrooms of this floor dug deep into the rocky crevices and flourished. Rather than depending on a light source, they made their own.

“I’d like to be a mushroom,” Acanthus said absentmindedly. Half a second later, she realized she had failed to contain that particular thought. “I… hm. That was an inside joke. I told my family sometimes. They told it back.” Casually, her eyes flicked over to a nearby ledge. Not tall enough. “Don’t worry about it.”

Maybe if she’d been looking for the drake nest instead of admiring mushrooms and embarrassing herself, she would have actually contributed to the group. Instead, she fell back to allow the others a chance to find the nests. She decided that perhaps the group could be distracted by some small talk.

“I have Ren to thank for my armor, so I should have remembered he works on this floor. I didn’t realize you two knew each other. Long time friends, or partners?”

* * *

Post Action: Searching for Drake Nest
239523 | LD 2 + 5. Failure.

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  • 1 month later...

"Reminds me of the Parsec argument when it comes to the Kessel Run," Wulfrin chimed in as Acanthus and Gorge the Foreman butted heads briefly. "Sometimes media just doesn't understand the difference between units of measurement."

Wulfrin rarely came out to Floor 21, despite it being the location of the Betrayal of the King quest and the location of Ren's shop. Wulfrin immediately felt a sense of shame as he remembered that he had yet to stop in and speak with Ren. He had done so much since he procured his first set of proper gear. After that it was his first face off with Terra Firma. He snapped back to reality when Acanthus made an off handed comment about being a mushroom.

"We talking like a bella?" Wulfrin chuckled trying not to make Acanthus feel too awkward. "Or are we talking about being one of those shrooms that allow people to see gods and shit?" Wulfrin immediately got uno reversed when Acanthus quickly deflected and changed the subject. Great now I'm the asshole. Wulfrin stayed quite for the rest of the initial search, prefering to keep his head on a swivel fore the drake nests, but with no luck gracing his presence.

* * *

Post Action: Searching for Drake Nest
ID 241119 | LD 3 + 3=6. Failure.

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"Call it a business arrangement," Freyd replied to Acanthus, regarding his connection to Ren.  "I like to invest silently in Aincrad's up and coming players.  He likes to help people.  We came to a mutually beneficial agreement."  [description of travels].  "Ren's an idealist, not necessarily well suited for the rigors of the front lines or the harsh realities of this world.  Let's just say that his neighbors and competitors don't always appreciate his charitable demeanor and occasionally need reminding that pranking him is off limits."

"Kessel Run."  Freyd snorted at the reference while nodding his emphatic agreement.  "Now, let's see.... were those metric fathoms or Danish leagues?  I feel like we should be rounding that to the nearest cubit, just to be safe."

Having so much fun piling on, it completely slipped their guide's mind that he could have just found the things using Tracking.  Maybe it was for the best?  They all needed a bit of wind-down time anyway, and twenty-one's tunnels were somewhat of a marvel, once you got past the trolls and hordes of giant flesh-eating spiders.


Post Action: Searching for Drakeling Nest
ID 241120 | LD 3 + 5= 8

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Star nudged Acanthus. "What's a kessel run?" he whispered. "Is that like a fathom?"

Using Gorge's fantastic directions, and listening to Freyd's incredible description of his travels, they made their way into the caves of Floor 21. Morningstar wasn't sure what exactly they were walking into, but he knew he'd know it when he knew it. Fourteen parsecs, eighty-nine jiffies, and a couple of bloits northward, and they eventually came to a clearing.

"I guess those are the drakelings, then," Star pointed to the little flying critter perched on a stalagmite. "They're kind of cute. Is this quest morally permissible?"

He took a small step back. He wasn't going to be the first one to smother baby drakes and destroy their homes. He didn't want that on his resume, and he was pretty sure Willow wouldn't approve of it. He stared at Acanthus for as long as it would take to make her uncomfortable enough to crush a drake nest.


Post Action: Searching for Drakeling Nest
ID 241268 | LD 11 + 6 = 17

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Acanthus had already moved on so fast that she accidentally ignored Wulfrin’s attempts to ease the tension. Her shoulders sagged. It’s impressive to consider that I took an awkward moment and somehow made it worse. Before she could respond and defray her ever-increasing embarrassment, Freyd launched into a fantastic, near-unbelievable description of his time with Rencesvals. Acanthus listened, [description of her excitement].

Morningstar broke the spell when he nudged Acanthus. "What's a kessel run?" he whispered. "Is that like a fathom?"

“Kestral Run? No, I think they fly.” Acanthus furrowed her brow in confusion. Why had the group suddenly become interested in birds of prey? Maybe it had something to do with Wulfrin’s familiar. Or maybe the drake nest Morningstar had found. It was a large mound of sticks and mud and rocks, infested by little scaled creatures. She’d always loved reading about dragons. Now that she saw some up close…

“They… smell?” Acanthus scrunched her nose. The nest smelled like the inside of an uncleaned cage. The perched drakeling almost looked hurt. But that was probably just her reading too much into the wide-eyed stare it gave her as she approached. “Go on. Shoo.” She waved at the drake. It continued to stare, uncertain of what to make of her. “I… command you?” A forked tongue lolled out from its lips, licking the air curiously before retreating.

Acanthus rolled her eyes. “There’s nothing morally dubious about this quest, Morningstar. It’s just like any other video game where you have to smash things for experience.” With a firm swipe, she knocked the drake off its perch, and set to work smashing the eggs. The baby drake, tail nub tucked between its legs, sprinted off into the darkness.

Covered in foul-smelling drake-egg, Acanthus returned to the group. She dusted off her hands casually, laying eyes on each of the players. “That was a lot easier than I thought. And I bet that drakeling ran off to the second nest. Maybe the info broker’s guide was wrong about those matriarchs. I mean, if there wasn’t one here, then I would bet the second one is unguarded too.”

Post Action: Destroy the Drakeling Nest
Not just the drakemen, but the drakewomen and drakechildren too.

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"Hold up," Wulfrin stepped back a bit when Morningstar of all people asked about THE FREAKING KESSEL RUN. "You're telling me that the famous Stephen Star has never heard of the infamous 12 Parsec Kessel Run performed by Han Solo in only the greatest film of all time Star Wars: A New Hope? I am appalled. My flabbers are ghasted. Note to self, both Acanthus and Morningstar need an invite to movie night. This is a problem I must solve."

Having totally checked out of the task at hand, Wulfrin found himself holding back the urge to go off on a massive, and incredibly detailed tangent on the specifics on how Parsecs were a unit of distance not time, the ins and outs of the galaxy far far away, and other rather unnecessary tid bits of useless Star Wars knowledge that made his family refuse to ever play Star Wars: Trival Pursuit with him ever again. That game night was a fun experience for only one person, Wulfrin, who swept the entire line of questions without missing a beat.

"Neat," Wulfrin chuckled a bit as the opportunity for another Star Wars reference presented itself on a silver platter. "Acanthus is pulling a Vader and slaughtering younglings now. Guess moral ambiguity is more just a point of view."

Wulfrin only had to travel a few yards to find the next drake nest. Another group of freshly hatched drakelings and a handful of unhatched siblings sat adorably staring at the swordsman.

"Do it," Wulfrin said in a gravely voice. "Strike them down and fulfill your destiny."

* * *

Looking for second drake nest
ID 241577 | LD 13+3. Found 

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“Kestral Run? No, I think they fly.”

Morningstar wasn't sure what that meant. "Kestrals? I thought they were called drakelings," he said, right before witnessing Acanthus' monster massacre.  He grimaced as she stepped into the drake nest, stomping about on the unhatched eggs. "I feel icky."

Wulfrin was saying something about kestrals again. And why was he talking about Star Wars? "A New Hope? Is that the one where Skywalker kisses his sister?"

He loved film—he just didn't care much for Star Wars. It was a fun watch through the first go around, but beyond that, he'd wholeheartedly ignored it. There was something about it that made him groan, consistent with every single movie. It was the dialogue, he thought, but he would need another watch-through to conclude the theory—and that would never happen. Now, Lord of the Rings, he could get behind. It was a trilogy he grew up with, that he had binged a trillion and a half times, and it—

Oh my god—Wulfrin just murdered a child.

Their "work," as Foreman Gorge would have put it, brought with it the attention of the local homeowners. From the darkness of the caves appeared two scowling drake matriarchs, enormous compared to the younglings. Just about every section of their body was reinforced with deep blue scales. Even their beige underbellies looked thick. Each matriarch was equipped with a deadly horn atop their snout, as well. They were built for protecting their nests, which the motley crew of players were currently busy destroying.

"I can't say we don't deserve it," Morningstar shrugged, swiping at a drake while his party mates finished off the last of the eggs.



POST ACTION | [C] TECH-D -> Drake Matriarch 1

242538 | BD1+8=9 | CD12 | 22*16-105 = 247 DMG

EN: -21

Acanthus | HP: 780/780 | EN: 92/92 | DMG: 26 | MIT:114 | ACC:7 | AA  | EVA:4 | BH:26 | VAMP-D: 43 | REC: 8 | LD:5
Wulfrin | HP: 851/851 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 26 | MIT:98 | ACC: 8 (+1 AA) | AA | EVA:2 | BH:28 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3
FreydHP: 1280/1280 | EN: 160/160 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 212 | ACC: 8 (incl. AA) | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | BH:70 | VAMP-D: 70 | VAMP-O: 141 | PARA-V | LD:5
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 97/118 | DMG: 22 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V

[0,0,0,1] Drake Matriarch 1 | HP: 1003/1250 | DMG: 275 | MIT: 125 105 | ACC: 2 | Shatter: -20 (1/3)
[0,0,0,0] Drake Matriarch 2 | HP: 1250/1250 | DMG: 275 | MIT: 125 | ACC: 2


  • Divide and Conquer | Drake Matriarchs will always move to surround their opponents and attack from both sides. Because of this behavioral pattern, it is impossible to attack both at the same time by way of AoE. Additionally, Hate acquisition skills and mods such as Howl and Focused Howl will only affect one Drake Matriarch at a time.
  • Metamorphosis | When one Drake Matriarch dies, the other will sprout wings and take flight. This provides +25 DMG and +3 EVA.  This effect is permanent, once triggered.


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Free Action (Item): Lama Sabachthani -> Drake Matriarch 1
Hypnosis 2 | Lullaby 2.

Post Action: TECH-A -> Drake Matriarch 2 (-13 EN)
242554 | BD 9 | Minor Critical! 27 * 16 = 432 - 125 = 307 damage. Stunned.

Acanthus | HP: 780/780 | EN: 92/92 | DMG: 26 | MIT:114 | ACC:7 | AA  | EVA:4 | BH:26 | VAMP-D: 43 | REC: 8 | LD:5
Wulfrin | HP: 851/851 | EN: 110/110 | DMG: 26 | MIT:98 | ACC: 8 (+1 AA) | AA | EVA:2 | BH:28 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3
Freyd HP: 1280/1280 | EN: 160/160 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 212 | ACC: 8 (incl. AA) | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | BH:70 | VAMP-D: 70 | VAMP-O: 141 | PARA-V | LD:5
Morningstar | HP: 820/820 | EN: 97/118 | DMG: 22 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 7 | BH: 43 | LD: 6 | REC: 8 | FLN: 16 | AA | PARA-V

[0,0,0,1] Drake Matriarch 1 | HP: 1003/1250 | DMG: 275 | MIT: 125 105 | ACC: 2 0 | EVA -2 | Shatter: -20 (1/3) Hypnosis 2 (1/2) Lullaby 2 (1/2)
[2,0,0,0] Drake Matriarch 2 | HP: 943/1250 | DMG: 275 | MIT: 125 | ACC: 2 | Stunned | Stun Imm. (0/3)


  • Divide and Conquer | Drake Matriarchs will always move to surround their opponents and attack from both sides. Because of this behavioral pattern, it is impossible to attack both at the same time by way of AoE. Additionally, Hate acquisition skills and mods such as Howl and Focused Howl will only affect one Drake Matriarch at a time.
  • Metamorphosis | When one Drake Matriarch dies, the other will sprout wings and take flight. This provides +25 DMG and +3 EVA.  This effect is permanent, once triggered.


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