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[F29] <<Nascondino>>

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Floor 29
Party Limit: 4 | 20+ Posts


Quest Rewards:

  • 1500 Experience Points
  • 1937 Col Each


  • Search for the source of the noise.
  • Interact with the Astragalus Anathema.
  • Attempt to provide aid to the Astragalus Anathema.
  • Optional: Defeat the Astragalus Anathema.


A brief amble down the streets of Miremore, and all one would hear is a choir, of distant howls from the unrelenting coastal wind, of the soft creaks from the trees, boughs bending from the bluster. The houses here lay dormant, their interiors scattered, devoid of all but the shadow of life. Occasionally, the slams and jostling of doors punctuate the background humdrum, shocking the unaware player, but there is nothing — no one — to write home about.

On this particular stroll through the city, however, there is but one difference to the norm. A distant muffled cry — part sobbing, part groaning — arises above all other sounds. If there truly is life to be found on the floor, then perhaps it is here and now that players shall find it.



Players will need to roll an LD8+ to locate the source of the noise. The crier's origin is upon a high tower of one of the abandoned homes.

Up the stairwell, each wooden step is coated with a dried vivid blue stain.
The tower's hold seems to be an attic. Hiding between crates, an individual almost humanoid can be found, their back against the stockpile. One of their limbs seems to be broken, bloodied azure. Instead of a face, however, there seems to be a blooming flower instead.

At the player's first interaction with the Astragalus Anathema, this individual will start to bolt for an escape instead. They will attempt to dart past the players down into the home below.


While the Astragalus Anathema is running away, it will roll for LD with a +5 modifier. Players will need to roll a modified LD that beats the Astragalus Anathema's score to catch them. Each player will have three chances each. Doing so will afford them a chance to attempt to talk to or heal the individual.

If all attempts to catch the Astragalus Anathema fail, players will need to locate them within the household; this will take three posts as a party.

Succeeding in catching or discovering the Astragalus Anathema will allow players to attempt to attack them, or use a healing skill or item on them.


In most cases, the Astragalus Anathema will go into a frenzy. With an ear-piercing shrill, they tear at their broken limb, leaving it flailing on the ground behind them as they lunge towards the players. Players must now fend themselves from the Astragalus Anathema.

If, however, players were to use an "Elven Armor Salve", the Astragalus Anathema will become docile instead. Players may skip the confrontation with the Astragalus Anathema; the quest is considered complete.



<<Astragalus Anathema>>
Petals wilting, you find them broken, bloodied and bruised.
Perhaps, if they had a mouth to speak, they would be saying, “Help me”.



<<Astragalus Anathema>>
Petals wilting, they find you broken, bloodied and bruised.
Perhaps, if you had a mouth to speak, you would be saying…

HP: 1500/1500 | DMG: 300 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3

BLEEDING HEART | Astragalus Anathema is bleeding out over time. At the start of their turn, they receive 75 DMG.
RING AROUND A ROSIE | Each player in combat rolls an extra die. This die will also be used for [READY OR NOT]. On a LD6+, if the player does not have the [BLOOM INTO YOU] condition, their HP will match Astragalus Anathema’s current HP. When activated in tandem with [READY OR NOT], [RING AROUND A ROSIE] is to be resolved last. 
READY OR NOT | Each participant in combat rolls an extra die. This die will also be used for [RING AROUND A ROSIE] if applicable. On a CD4+, this ability will activate, alternating its effects for players who have the [BLOOM INTO YOU] condition or otherwise. If the player does not have the [BLOOM INTO YOU] condition, they will obtain it, swapping their current ACC & EVA with Astragalus Anathema. If the player has the [BLOOM INTO YOU] condition, they will lose it, swapping their current ACC & EVA with Astragalus Anathema. If this ability activates on Astragalus Anathema’s roll, the ability’s effect is applied against the player with the highest hate. The [BLOOM INTO YOU] condition will last until it is removed or Astragalus Anathema is defeated. When activated in tandem with [RING AROUND A ROSIE], [READY OR NOT] is to be resolved first.




Unlike most enemies that shatter into fractals, the Astragalus Anathema instead dissolves at the player's feet, form unstable. They melt into a mix of blue and white liquid, disappearing underneath the house's floorboards, pooling at the front house of the home they were found in. The last noises they made were ones steeped in pity, regret, and forgiveness. For what, however, no one may ever know.



Unlike most enemies that shatter into fractals, the Astragalus Anathema instead dissolves at the player's feet, form barely stable. They crumble progressively, slow yet twisted — their petals curl over their florets as their body gives way, and for a moment, there is a human face in the abomination. Their eye, hued opal, blinks once before closing in sorrow, never having a chance to open again. 

What is left of the Astragalus Anathema melts into a mix of blue and white liquid, disappearing underneath the house's floorboards, pooling at the front house of the home they were found in. The last noises they made were ones steeped in pity, regret, and forgiveness. For what, however, no one may ever know.


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