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[OOC] Clash of Blades: Season 1 - Informational

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Welcome everyone to the first season of the Clash of Blades tournament!
Clash of Blades will be a PvP league style competition. This will include weekly matches between combatants spanning over enough time so that all participants are able to face off against everyone at least once. Culminating in a tournament bracket at the end of the season, where the top half of contestants will be pitted against each other for riches, fame, and glory. Such Matches will comprised of 1v1 matches, with our own set of rules tailored specifically to increase the fun of short-form PVP sessions and encourage the interaction of differing playstyles and strategies. Your goal during the season will be to rack up as many wins, and as few losses as you possibly can by the end of the League Section, or Group Stage.




This competition will be in a Seasonal style Format, akin to a sports season. This means there will be two stages: the Group Stage, and the Bracket Stage. All participants will start in the Group Stage.

    Group Stage
In the Group Stage, Combatants will compete in a Single Round-Robin Tournament. This means that each Combatant will have One weekly match, continuing each week until all Combatants have fought every other Combatant once. The results of each weekly match-up will be placed onto each Combatant's record in a separate thread for tracking, which will also display each Combatant's overall win rate, and other relevant stats. At the end of the Group Stage, once the final week has come to its conclusion, and its results calculated, the top Half of participating Combatants with the highest win rates will advance to the Bracket Stage.

   Bracket Stage
Once advanced to the Bracket Stage, those Combatants remaining will be placed into a traditional Tournament Bracket, where they will be drawn into starting positions based on their win rates in the Group Stage, with the top two Combatants from Group Stage being placed on opposite ends. From there, the results of matches will cause the victor of each match to advance to the next round, and the defeated to be eliminated from the competition. Repeating until there is only one Combatant left standing, who will be crowned the Champion.

General Rules
     The season will require all participants to follow these set rules, these are subject to change throughout the season to allow for growing pains, and general fun. Any and all rule changes, will be announced and applied as needed in current threads.

  • All Fights will be Non-Lethal. Players will be unable to die, so please feel free to go all out!     
  • Your player level, will be locked to 10. This will allow fair competition amongst various tiers. And ensure that each fight is on fair footing.     
  • Your player tier will be locked to tier 1, and paragon levels will be disabled.         
    • The only addendum to this rule is Combatants can bring up to 3 Extra Skills they have unlocked. This is done to increase variance, and allow certain builds to be more viable.             
  • All skills will be treated as if they are rank 3. Anything above, will be brought down to match.     
  • All Custom Skills, and Sword Arts are disabled.         
    • The "Collected Sword Arts" will all have their Multiplier limited to be x8 for the purposes of this. (IE: TECH-C/D/E/G x8 in place of x12.) The EN cost of these Sword Arts will not be reduced.             
  • No outside consumables will be allowed.     
  • The following Mods, and Skills are banned and unable to be used:         
    • Familiars: Either give too much or too little for what we are wanting to accomplish with this event.             
    • Rank 4/5 Mods & Addons: As a result of our stipulation that all Skills are locked to a Rank 3 Cap, any Mods unlocked or usable in Rank 4 or 5 are Disabled. They cannot be used.
    • Parry Mods: While parry is fine, we find the mods to be a bit on the stronger side, as well as creating unfair loops. For now, they are disabled.
    • Energize [First Aid Mod]: It is basically useless, and just makes your first aid cost 2 more energy. (?)             
  • First Aid can now target the User, for the purposes of the 1V1. This expands the list of possible and viable builds.             
  • Combatants will declare their skills, stats, and equipment on their first post of each weekly match. Equipment and Skills brought can be altered between matches, but not during. Combatants are limited to their battle-ready inventory, and Skills, Mods, and Addons, they have unlocked. A specific template will be provided each week to make tracking and locking in Player-Builds visible, and easy to read.     
  • Rolls and their results will be regularly audited by the hosts. Discrepancies will be noted, then discussed with the Combatants involved. Cheating will result in a default loss for the week! So please make sure you're not double rolling, or otherwise trying to bend the rules. Some leeway will be given for mistakes; no one is perfect, after all.         
    • If a Combatant is found to be Cheating Three total times, they forfeit the Competition, all of their matchups will be considered a loss for the Cheater, and a win for their opponents.
  • And remember to have fun! 




Along with your general attacks, you will have access to unique, League only actions to further add depth to the system for the purposes of a 1v1 environment! Your actions will be separated primarily in two groups, based on their impact, and our discretion. These groups are a Main Action and Swift Action. For the purposes of this 1v1 style tournament, all players will have access to a default set of Main Actions and Swift Actions provided by the rules we set. (See Below). In addition, certain Mods and Skills grant access to additional actions on site that aren't universally available. For the purposes of this, it is important to note that the majority of things labelled "Free Action" within the ruleset will be moved into one of those two groups, and assigned an Energy value. The reason for this is to add depth of strategy to one's build, and their action economy, ideally increasing the amount of consideration given to the actions Combatants take on each turn, and how they plan for what their opponent has. See below for in-depth information on where your favorite actions are grouped, and their assigned Energy (abbreviated to EN) costs. Note that Cooldowns are still relevant, and applicable!

All Combatants get One Main Action and One Swift Action per a round.

Main Actions


The following actions are considered Main Actions - Combatants may choose the order in which they do their Swift and Main Actions. Combatants may only perform one Main Action per a turn, or post.             
Attack - This includes all relevant Sword Arts, Swings, or Strikes. Their Energy values are assigned within the rules and guidelines of the site.
Consumables - Unless stated otherwise, or noted as a [Crystal] item, all consumables take a Main Action to use, and cost 2 EN.
Rest - A Combatant may choose to wait, giving their minds and bodies a slight moment of reprieve, returning 10 EN.
Entrench - Prepare for impact, raising your defenses by 30 MIT until the start of your next turn. Costing 5 EN.             

The Following Skills and their Actives are considered Main Actions and will use their assigned Energy Cost:
Stealth* | First Aid | Charge | Howl** | Focused Howl** | Parry | Purify | Shield Bash | Searching***

*Using Stealth or attempting to hide, will cost 3 Energy to Perform. Attacks made from Stealth are Auto-Hit. (Though effects still require the appropriate rolls.)
**For purposes of this event, all Players will generate Hate. When a Combatant reaches 10 hate generated by their opponent, they must make an Attack against their opponent. Attacks will generate 1 Hate by Default.
***Searching or attempting to detect an opponent in stealth cost 3 Energy to Perform, regardless if the attempt was successful or not.             

Swift Actions



The following actions are considered Swift Actions - Secondary actions that are used to aide your main action, or otherwise provide small, strategic advantages. Combatants may choose the order in which they do their Swift and Main Actions. Combatants may only perform one Swift Action per a turn or post
Consumables - Consumables labelled as such, or with the [Crystal] tag, are Swift Actions, and cost 2 EN.
Take It Slow - Take no Swift Action, conserving your Energy.
Evade* - Increase your Evasion by 1 until the start of your next turn. Costs 2 EN.
Focus* - Increase your Accuracy by 1 until the start of your next turn. Costs 2 EN.             
The Following Skills and their Actives are considered Swift Actions and will use their assigned Energy Cost:
Quick Change | Concentration | Disguise | Meditation | Forgotten King's Authority | Dragon's Ascent | Lady Luck | Photosynthesize** | Brawler | Assault Mode | Frozen Hide

*Evade and Focus follow enhancement caps.
**The Effects of Photosynthesize last until the end of user's next turn.             



  • Matches will start every Sunday, and last until around Midnight Saturday night.     
  • At the end of the week, if neither Combatant has hit ≤0 HP, then the Winner will be decided by who has more remaining Health.
  • Every week will have a randomized Pre-Match Shop, in which Combatants can use Steel Tokens to purchase Consumables and Temporary items to further vary their playstyle, and prepare for their specific opponent.
    • The Pre-Match shop will host up to Five items per a week, all costing a predetermined amount of Steel Tokens based on what the hosts determine as their value. These items will - for the most part - be randomly drawn from a greater pool. This is to avoid a specific Item meta, and encourage creativity.
    • Combatants will be issued Eight Steel Tokens every single week. Steel Tokens do not carry over between weeks, and do not go into your inventory. They are used for nothing but the Weekly Pre-Match Shop.
    • Items redeemed at the Pre-Match Shop do not carry between Weeks, and cannot be taken outside of the Competition. They are temporary, and are not to be used outside of the competition.             
  • Around Thursday morning every week, the following Week's match-ups will be posted, along with the Pre-Match Shop to go with it.

Furthermore, Matches will have individual flavors and thematic mechanics that change and evolve week by week, adding variety to how Combatants interact and RP their actions and situations! This Tournament will take you from the shining shores of Floor 24, to the Eldritch Hellscape of Floor 29, further down to the uncharted, treacherous Jungles of Floor 6, and everything in between!

As a teaser to one such thematic event; The League Week of Valentine's will require that you buddy up and make nice with one of your other competitors. You'll be fighting with your backs against each other!





With the approval of Staff, we have worked out rewards based on participation, and placement within the tournament!
All Duels and Matches within this event will receive double EXP to further incentivize and reward the fast posting cycles of the event.

Bracket Stage
For advancing past the Group Stage, and into the Bracket Stage, the top half of Combatants will receive a bonus of Col.

Top 4
All Combatants who advance to the Semi Finals will receive a choice of Gleaming Shard or Demonic Scale.

The Champion, and winner of the Finals, will get both a Gleaming Shard and Demonic Scale, as well as a special title commemorating their glorious victory!

Those are simply that of the staff approved rewards! We'd love to expand on this with the help of the community!
Interested in helping out? Want a shout-out for your player owned-shop or business? Consider sponsoring! Donations of In-Shop Coupons, excess Col, or additional materials to add to the Prize Pools will come with a special thank you, and an advertisement for your shop in some of the Match-Setup posts. Message @Kindling on site, or Vesuvyan on Discord for more details.



That was a lot to take in. It is worth mentioning that much of the information above will be repeated where relevant, and that this post will be up for at least the duration of the Event. You can always come back here and review any information, or changes in that information as the Competition progresses. If you still have any questions or clarifications that you need, or would like to give feedback or praise, feel free to do so in the replies to this post. Frequently asked questions or needed stipulations will be posted below. Feel free to check back in on this post/thread at any time to see updates to it, or check in on the conversation. This post was a massive work in progress. If there is anything that is missing, or that I see brought up a lot, I will try to edit this post to include that information.

No questions or reservations left? Head on over to The Sign Up Thread to get registered for the competition.


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for all your help in set up, testing, and conversation!

And special thanks to Staff as well. You guys were extremely easy to work with on this!


Frequently Asked Questions
Ask questions to make them frequent!!!!

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Changes as Of Week 2 (Feb 16th, 2025)

Rules for initiative have been changed. Players will roll as before, on their opening post, and if the last to post is the winner, they may make an attack. EXCEPT Attack or other actions involving rolls must be a separate roll from the initiative roll.
Antidote Crystal can be used while under the effects of CC (Frozen/Stun/Paralyze/etc), but Antidote Potion cannot.
First Aid will only cost 1 Extra Skill Slot to bring.
Shatter has been nerfed to reduce mitigation by only 5 per stack for the duration of the competition. 
Cleansing or Curing a stun will still grant the Stunned Target Stun Immunity for 3 turns. 

Specifically for Week 2, AOE sword arts will be disabled.
As well, Combatants will have access to the 'Helping Hand' action. 
Helping Hand - Main Action - You restore an ally from unconscious with 15% of their max HP. 4 EN cost.

Any further changes, please contact Vesuvyan or Lemonarsonist on discord, or check back here on the informational.
Thank you, and have fun!

Edited by Kindling
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Week 1 Results are in, The current records will be posted here, and updated as the tournament goes on. Making for easy tracking of the progress of each Combatant, and to allow speculation on who will advance to Brackets as each week shapes out.

it looks ugly as hell, i dont have html and i hate tables.

    COMBATANT   W - L    %                    
Lessa        1 - 0    100%  
Koga        1 - 0    100%
Pollux        1 - 0    100% 
NIGHT        1 - 0    100%  
Jomei        1 - 0    100%
Wulfrin        1 - 0    100%  
Vigilon        1 - 0    100% 
Katoka        1 - 0    100% 
Kiru        0 - 1    0%
Hirru        0 - 1    0%  
Morningstar    0 - 1    0%          
Acanthus    0 - 1    0%      
Kiyabu Hisao    0 - 1    0%            
Telrenya    0 - 1    0%    
Tricolor_mina   0 - 1    0%           
Oscar        0 - 1    0%   

Edited by Kindling
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