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[F05 | PP] Desert Captives | <<Arabian Nights: The First of Many>>

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Ryo sheathed his blade. That group was done, and with any luck that'd be the last of the usurpers. He looked behind them to see Cassim still alive. Good. Last thing they needed was this breaking the quest. Looking back Ryo was just able to catch Nym's hands prompting her voice to appear in his head. He whipped around to face the south seeing more of them coming. There was going to be too many of them to keep up with, and he wasn't practiced enough with wide arcs. He had been building and practicing for single target for duels, and bosses. Acanthus had already moved into position, and he would be close behind her. Ryo drew his blade and raised it, deflecting a scimitar to the side before being pressed back to back against Acanthus. Ryo sidestepped another slash down that was aiming for his shoulder. At least the mobs here were still slow enough to properly dodge.

Ryo spoke. "Doesn't matter who's been here before nor does it matter how this happened." He said. "What matters is that we're here and we need to figure out a way out of this." He continued to think as he quickly sliced his katana up slicing through an overzealous bandit. His blade cut through him entirely and revealed something shimmering in the distance. An idea sparked in his head. He brought his blade up and locked in place against another bandit. Throwing the bandit off Ryo spoke. "I've got an idea! The NPC's can't follow us into town. Wipe these bandits, carry Cassim and set up and repeat until we're back at town. Then the City Guard will take care of the rest." Ryo suggested.


Acanthus | Lvl 66 (34/32) | Acanthus | HP: 840/840 | EN: 98/98 | DMG: 23 | MIT:95 | ACC:5 | AA  | BRN-IM  | FL.AURA: 8 | BH:46 | HB: 37 | VAMP-D: 46 | REC: 4 | LD:5
Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 7 | HP [700/700] | EN [108/108] | ACC [5] | DMG [22] | EVA [4] | BH [+37] | Bleed [36] | Keen [+1 BD] | LD [+1]
Ryo HP: 680/680 | EN: 77/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2

Desert Bandit 5 | 0/550 | 150 DMG | 
Desert Bandit 6 | 274/550 | 150 DMG | 
Desert Bandit 7 | 274/550 | 150 DMG | 
Desert Bandit 8 | 274/550 | 150 DMG | 

Post Action:ST-1 -> Desert Bandits 1
241510 | BD 7 | Hit! | 21 * 15 = 315 damage. Defeated
?????? | BD ? | - | 
?????? | BD ? | - | 
?????? | BD ? | - | 

Mob Loot: Col: 2750 Materials: 2 [241511a] T4 Rare Trinket



Ryo | HP: 680/680 | EN: 85/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2 



Ryo | HP: 680/680 | EN: 100/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2
Acanthus | HP: 840/840 | EN: 98/98 | DMG: 23 | MIT:95 | ACC:5 | AA  | BRN-IM  | FL.AURA: 8 | BH:46 | HB: 37 | VAMP-D: 46 | REC: 4 | LD:5
Nymoria | HP [700/700] | EN [108/108] | ACC [5] | DMG [22] | EVA [4] | BH [+37] | Bleed [36] | Keen [+1 BD] | LD [+1]




»Gin Kin (+9 DMG)
»Fierce Deities Coat (+36 MIT, +3EN Recovery)

»Accuracy Charm (+3 Accuracy)

battle-ready inventory


»Katana R5 (+7 DMG)
»Heavy Armor R5 (+40 MIT, -5 Stealth)
»Battle Healing R3 (18 healing per turn)
»Searching R2 (+2 LD, +2 Stealth Detection)

extra skills

»Survival (Healing effects 10% more, immune to environmental effects)
»Leadership R1 (Grants access to Leadership Arts, takes 2 Extra Slots)
»Leadership R1


»[Katana] Focus (Minor Crit on BD 8, reduce DoT threshold by 1)
»[Katana] Stamina (-2 EN)
»[Heavy Armor] Iron Skin (+15 MIT, +45 HP)


»Impetus (+1 DMG)
»Emergency Recovery (Heal 62 when brought below 156 | Once per thread | 10EN)
»Night Vision (No penalties from low light/darkness)


» Dining Room: "Tasty" - Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
» Basic Kitchen: "Filling" - Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps.(Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.)
» Living Room: "Relaxed" - Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.

Edited by Ryo
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’need to….ay….of….his…’ Nymoria could barely hear the words as she darted around blade, club, shield and pole in an attempt to remain untouched by the bandits that had just arrived. Acanthus had done an excellent job stunning at least a part of the group – the part that Nymoria had allowed past her, while she focused on hindering the remainder for the other two to have some space to operate. She’d spied, out of the corner of her eye, as Ryo brought down one of them with a strong strike, and she skipped to the side slightly to put herself closer to the stunned group, while maintaining a blockade for those still trying to push forwards.

Unimportant. Focus. Fight. She brought her sabre up to deflect a scimitar, sending sparks flying as she wheeled around and positioned herself even closer to the stunned group. She knew the effect would be wearing off shortly, which meant she wouldn’t have much time to bring them down and give them more breathing room. She hadn’t been slowed in her movement enough to get a proper count of the group, but she figured there were upwards of ten more still to face – which meant they’d either need to find a way to retreat, or a way to end them all without posing danger to themselves.

Or…a way to make them retreat… She cocked her head, as much to dodge the blade that had descended slightly to slice away a side of her face as to consider the thought. Slowly, the idea came to her, and she spun on the spot to face Acanthus, hoping her quick explanation would be understood. Acanthus. Make them fear.

She couldn’t wait to see if Acanthus would know what she meant, and instead moved as a larger weapon slammed into the spot she’d been standing mere breaths ago. Her sabre slashed through the air, aiming at the slowly unfreezing figures, hoping to bring them – and if she were lucky, another – down with her strike. Hopefully she understood that I meant to scare them away…



Acanthus | HP: 840/840 | EN: 64/98 | DMG: 23 | MIT:95 | ACC:5 | AA  | BRN-IM  | FL.AURA: 8 | BH:46 | HB: 37 | VAMP-D: 46 | REC: 4 | LD:5
Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 7 | HP [700/700] | EN [76/108] | ACC [5] | DMG [22] | EVA [4] | BH [+37] | Bleed [36] | Keen [+1 BD] | LD [+1] | +4 EN | -18 EN
Ryo | HP: 680/680 | EN: 77/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2
[1,0,0] Desert Bandit 6 | 0/550 | 150 DMG
[1,0,0] Desert Bandit 7 | 0/550 | 150 DMG
[2,0,0] Desert Bandit 8 | 0/550 | 150 DMG

[0,1,0] Desert Bandit 9 | 220/550 | 150 DMG
Adjustments made to Hate/Damage - Acanthus scored Minor Critical Hit last post on Bandit 8.

ID241516 | BD: 9+5 = 13 | <<AoE-I vs. Desert Bandit 6>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(22+1)x15] = 345 damage | Desert Bandit 6 defeated
ID241517 | BD: 4+5 = 9 | <<AoE-I vs. Desert Bandit 7>> | Hit: [22x15] = 330 damage | Desert Bandit 7 defeated
ID241518 | BD: 3+5 = 8 | <<AoE-I vs. Desert Bandit 8>> | Hit: [22x15] = 330 damage | Desert Bandit 8 defeated
ID241519 | BD: 3+5 = 8 | <<AoE-I vs. Desert Bandit 9>> | Hit: [22x15] = 330 damage | MOB: 5-4 = 1 | Miss.

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Loot Rolls
ID241448 | Desert Bandit 1 |  LD: [15+1] = 16 | CD: 2 | Results: 2,750 [1,650+1,100] col, 2 materials, Rare Consumable (1), Rare Weapon (1)
ID241449 | Desert Bandit 2 | LD: [19+1] = 20 | CD: 5 | Results: 1,650 col, 4 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)
ID241450 | Desert Bandit 3 | LD: [9+1] = 10 | CD: 4 | Results: 2,750 [1,650+1,100] col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID241451 | Desert Bandit 4 | LD: [14+1] = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: 2,750 [1,650+1,100] col, 2 materials, Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable
ID241520 | Desert Bandit 6 | LD: [1+1] = 2 | CD: 7 | Results: 1,650 col, 4 materials
ID241521 | Desert Bandit 7 | LD: [10+1] = 11 | CD: 8 | Results: 3,850 [1,650+2,200] col, Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID241522 | Desert Bandit 8 | LD: [10+1] = 11 | CD: 8 | Results: 3,850 [1,650+2,200] col, Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1) 

Loot Collection
19,250 col
14 materials
Uncommon Consumable (4) | ID241450, 241451, 241521, 241522
Rare Consumable (1) | ID241448
Rare Weapon (4) | ID241448, 241451, 241521, 241522
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID241449
Perfect Trinket (1) | ID241449

All Items Collected T4


Edited by Nymoria
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Acanthus nodded at Ryo's suggestion. Luring them to a safe area would enlist the help of NPCs, many of which had high stats or would respawn quickly. It was a solid idea. But in the meantime, bandits formed ranks just outside the camp. Their short-term prospects were not looking so good.

Nymoria cocked her head. Acanthus. Make them fear. Acanthus looked back quizzically. “Does that even work? These aren’t people. They’re just programs that run at us until they die.” The last bandit of the pack closed in on Acanthus, out for blood. She regarded him curiously. “Do you have a name?” The bandit paused for a brief moment. Cardinal was likely scrambling to respond with a minimal amount of resources. “Mustafa.” The bandit replied flatly, uncertain of what to make of the parley. Acanthus raised an eyebrow. “Mustafa, do you fear?” The man twitched, gripping his sword nervously. He laughed shakily. “Of course not! Weaklings like you could never hope—"

In a flash of blue, his hand disappeared. Mustafa screamed in pain. “See?” Acanthus said matter-of-factly. “They aren’t programmed to be afraid.” She approached the rapidly shrinking man. “They may look like this right now, but it’s just because I lowered his health. Notice that he isn’t actually running.”

“Y-y-you witch! You’re a monster, our boss will have your head!” Acanthus grabbed him by the hair and the man winced, holding his hand. She looked over him like a curious child would eye an interesting insect. “That’s not a bad idea. Thank you, Mustafa.” In a single blue line, she drew a line across his neck and launched her message towards the approaching bandits. The head faded into nothingness before it could reach them.

Acanthus turned to Nymoria and Ryo and shrugged. “It didn’t work. Maybe if they are closer to witness it? Or there may simply not be a morale parameter for these mobs. If that’s the case, then we should prepare to fight our way back to the nearest settlement.”

Acanthus | HP: 840/840 | EN: 62/98 | DMG: 23 | MIT:95 | ACC:5 | AA  | BRN-IM  | FL.AURA: 8 | BH:46 | HB: 37 | VAMP-D: 46 | REC: 4 | LD:5
Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 7 | HP [700/700] | EN [76/108] | ACC [5] | DMG [22] | EVA [4] | BH [+37] | Bleed [36] | Keen [+1 BD] | LD [+1] | +4 EN | -18 EN
Ryo | HP: 680/680 | EN: 77/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2
[1,0,0] Desert Bandit 6 | 0/550 | 150 DMG
[1,0,0] Desert Bandit 7 | 0/550 | 150 DMG
[2,0,0] Desert Bandit 8 | 0/550 | 150 DMG

[0,1,0] Desert Bandit 9 | 0/550 | 150 DMG

Recovery. 241679 | CD 9 | +8 EN.

Post Action: ST-1 -> Desert Bandit 9 (-10 EN)
241678 | BD 5 + 6 | Hit! 23 * 12 = 278 damage.

Looting Bandit 9
ID: 241680 | LD: 2+6=8 | CD:2+0=2 | Col:4042, Mats:0, [241680a] T4 Uncommon Consumable     

Edited by Acanthus
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Make them fear? Would that work? Ryo watched as Acanthus lopped a bandits hand off and proceed to threaten him. Unsure of how to react, Ryo sheathed his blade and picked the NPC up. "C'mon, up you go." He said as he strained slightly as he lifted the man over his shoulders into a fireman's carry. Acanthus had cleared the one's closest to them, and he agreed with her. "I'll carry him. Acanthus, Nym." The two of them were much better at taking care of crowds than he was. He was used to going out with Teion, and with her giant axe she cleaved through enemies just the same. Ryo turned his face around so Nym could see his lips. "Cover me. I'm going to make a break for the city." He said, using his free hand to point to the glint in the distance. Carrying the man would mean that he'd be unable to use his weapon effectively but it would mean they'd be able to move faster.

As he moved,  he spoke. "Programs or not, they might start using bows if we're not carful. I don't want to get caught up with how ever many the game tries to spawn on me." He said, trying to move efficiently through the sane. It was difficult, but thanks to his Survival skill it wasn't to terrible. His feet dug into the loose sand thanks to the added weight and he slid more often but he always kept his balance. "Hey, we make it back alive. I'll do more than buy drinks." Ryo called out. "I'll make us all a nice meal." He offered. "I'll make some curry. It's a specialty of mine! How's that sound?" He said, kicking more sand behind him as he ran.



Ryo | HP: 680/680 | EN: 85/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2 



Ryo | HP: 680/680 | EN: 100/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2
Acanthus | HP: 840/840 | EN: 98/98 | DMG: 23 | MIT:95 | ACC:5 | AA  | BRN-IM  | FL.AURA: 8 | BH:46 | HB: 37 | VAMP-D: 46 | REC: 4 | LD:5
Nymoria | HP [700/700] | EN [108/108] | ACC [5] | DMG [22] | EVA [4] | BH [+37] | Bleed [36] | Keen [+1 BD] | LD [+1]




»Gin Kin (+9 DMG)
»Fierce Deities Coat (+36 MIT, +3EN Recovery)

»Accuracy Charm (+3 Accuracy)

battle-ready inventory


»Katana R5 (+7 DMG)
»Heavy Armor R5 (+40 MIT, -5 Stealth)
»Battle Healing R3 (18 healing per turn)
»Searching R2 (+2 LD, +2 Stealth Detection)

extra skills

»Survival (Healing effects 10% more, immune to environmental effects)
»Leadership R1 (Grants access to Leadership Arts, takes 2 Extra Slots)
»Leadership R1


»[Katana] Focus (Minor Crit on BD 8, reduce DoT threshold by 1)
»[Katana] Stamina (-2 EN)
»[Heavy Armor] Iron Skin (+15 MIT, +45 HP)


»Impetus (+1 DMG)
»Emergency Recovery (Heal 62 when brought below 156 | Once per thread | 10EN)
»Night Vision (No penalties from low light/darkness)


» Dining Room: "Tasty" - Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
» Basic Kitchen: "Filling" - Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps.(Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.)
» Living Room: "Relaxed" - Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.

Edited by Ryo
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Nymoria stopped on the spot and stared at Acanthus as the woman first explained the inability to feel fear, then turned into torturer became executioner before her very eyes. She felt her own eyes go wide as her expression changed to one of fear-inspired surprise, and she remained still and unmoving as Acanthus terminated the man before her with an almost casual composure.

What the- Nymoria’s mind snapped to present as she began moving, standing beside Acanthus with a look of concern, and something darker upon her face. Her sabre trembling in her left, as her right quickly signed out her emotions, trying to bring some sort of logic to what had just occurred. Not torture. You. Better. Do not become Cardinal. Code, they are. But something more. Avoid darkness inside.

She didn’t get a chance to say any more as Ryo collected the form of their recovered NPC, and began making their way back towards the walls of safety, and completion of the quest itself. Nymoria found herself spinning as another group of bandits rushed towards them, determined to cut them down on the spot before they could retreat to safety. Nymoria’s sabre moved as she blocked what appeared to be some modified form of a glaive, before slashing outwards to drive them back a few steps and give her the chance to sign towards Ryo.

Run. We guard. Go. Nymoria pointed to herself and Acanthus, before turning her attention back to the desert coloured bandits, positioning herself in a retreating, defensive line with Acanthus so that they could cover Ryo as they made their way back to safety. Her blade moved fluidly through the air, and she was careful to keep herself from retreating too quickly, or too slowly.



Acanthus | HP: 840/840 | EN: 64/98 | DMG: 23 | MIT:95 | ACC:5 | AA  | BRN-IM  | FL.AURA: 8 | BH:46 | HB: 37 | VAMP-D: 46 | REC: 4 | LD:5
Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 7 | HP [700/700] | EN [58/108] | ACC [5] | DMG [22] | EVA [4] | BH [+37] | Bleed [36] | Keen [+1 BD] | LD [+1] | +0 EN | -18 EN
Ryo | HP: 680/680 | EN: 77/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2
[0,0,2] Desert Bandit 10 | 190/550 | 150 DMG
[0,0,1] Desert Bandit 11 | 220/550 | 150 DMG
[0,0,2] Desert Bandit 12 | 190/550 | 150 DMG
[0,0,2] Desert Bandit 13 | 190/550 | 150 DMG
Adjustments made to Hate/Damage - Acanthus scored Minor Critical Hit last post on Bandit 8.

ID241900 | BD: 10+5 = 15 | <<AoE-I vs. Desert Bandit 10>> | Major Critical Hit: [(22+2)x15] = 360 damage
ID241901 | BD: 4+5 = 9 | <<AoE-I vs. Desert Bandit 11>> | Hit: [22x15] = 330 damage
ID241902 | BD: 10+5 = 15 | <<AoE-I vs. Desert Bandit 12>> | Major Critical Hit: [(22+2)x15] = 360 damage
ID241903 | BD: 10+5 = 15 | <<AoE-I vs. Desert Bandit 13>> | Major Critical Hit: [(22+2)x15] = 360 damage

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Loot Rolls
ID241448 | Desert Bandit 1 |  LD: [15+1] = 16 | CD: 2 | Results: 2,750 [1,650+1,100] col, 2 materials, Rare Consumable (1), Rare Weapon (1)
ID241449 | Desert Bandit 2 | LD: [19+1] = 20 | CD: 5 | Results: 1,650 col, 4 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)
ID241450 | Desert Bandit 3 | LD: [9+1] = 10 | CD: 4 | Results: 2,750 [1,650+1,100] col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID241451 | Desert Bandit 4 | LD: [14+1] = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: 2,750 [1,650+1,100] col, 2 materials, Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable
ID241520 | Desert Bandit 6 | LD: [1+1] = 2 | CD: 7 | Results: 1,650 col, 4 materials
ID241521 | Desert Bandit 7 | LD: [10+1] = 11 | CD: 8 | Results: 3,850 [1,650+2,200] col, Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID241522 | Desert Bandit 8 | LD: [10+1] = 11 | CD: 8 | Results: 3,850 [1,650+2,200] col, Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1) 

Loot Collection
19,250 col
14 materials
Uncommon Consumable (4) | ID241450, 241451, 241521, 241522
Rare Consumable (1) | ID241448
Rare Weapon (4) | ID241448, 241451, 241521, 241522
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID241449
Perfect Trinket (1) | ID241449

All Items Collected T4


Edited by Nymoria
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She dispatched four more bandits with a detached efficiency, but Nymoria’s shock caused Acanthus some alarm. “I—they aren’t real,” she repeated simply. “Code or not. Darkness? Nymoria, it’s not—” Not important right now, she thought to herself. But the look in her friend’s eyes said otherwise. Straining to find a diplomatic answer, she responded. “I won’t do it again. And we can talk about it more when we make it back to town. But I’m going to prioritize our safety, even if that means exploring some options that make you uncomfortable.” She hoped Nymoria would ignore her dance around the simple words, “I’m sorry,” but truthfully, she wasn’t. She still thought Nymoria was overreacting. Darkness? I would have never done that to a player. There’s a clear line I won’t cross. Just because hers is drawn differently doesn’t make me wrong.

Ryo broke the tension by slinging Cassim over his shoulder and preparing to escape. He offered a celebratory meal and drinks once they all returned. "I'll make some curry. It's a—

—specialty of mine! How's that sound?"

Haru looked down at the bowl. It smelled delicious. Better than hers usually did. “Thank you, but I’m not really hungry tonight. Besides, I have some other errands to run tonight before the stores close.”

“Sit down, Haru.” Her father already had the curry halfway to his lips. “He spent all this time making us dinner. Leaving would be unbecoming. Sit.” Reluctantly, Haru took her place, shoveling robotic spoonfuls into her mouth. It tasted even better than it smelled.

Acanthus blinked. The memory felt unfamiliar to her, but the chef slowly drew into focus.


Acanthus | HP: 840/840 | EN: 49/98 | DMG: 23 | MIT:95 | ACC:5 | AA  | BRN-IM  | FL.AURA: 8 | BH:46 | HB: 37 | VAMP-D: 46 | REC: 4 | LD:5
Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 7 | HP [700/700] | EN [76/108] | ACC [5] | DMG [22] | EVA [4] | BH [+37] | Bleed [36] | Keen [+1 BD] | LD [+1] | +4 EN | -18 EN
Ryo | HP: 680/680 | EN: 77/100 | DMG: 21 | MIT:75 | ACC:3 | BH:22 | REC: 3 | LD:2

[0,0,2] Desert Bandit 10 | 0/550 | 150 DMG
[0,0,1] Desert Bandit 11 | 0/550 | 150 DMG
[0,0,2] Desert Bandit 12 | 0/550 | 150 DMG
[0,0,2] Desert Bandit 13 | 0/550 | 150 DMG

Recovery. Recover roll omitted. +4 EN.

Post Action: TECH-F -> Desert Bandit 9-13 (-17 EN)
241943 | BD 10 | Hit! 23 * 12 = 278 damage.
241944 | BD 5 + 6 | Hit! 23 * 12 = 278 damage.
241945 | BD 9 | Hit! 23 * 12 = 278 damage.
241946 | BD 10 | Hit! 23 * 12 = 278 damage.

(Again, we're simplifying the math bc they're dead either way)

Looting Bandit 10-13
ID: 241950 | LD: 15+6=21 | CD:11+0=11 | Col:4620, Mats:4, [241950a] T4 Perfect Trinket     
ID: 241949 | LD: 8+6=14 | CD:11+0=11 | Col:4042, Mats:2, [241949a] T4 Rare Armor/Shield     
ID: 241948 | LD: 16+6=22 | CD:11+0=11 | Col:5775, Mats:2, [241948a] T4 Perfect Trinket     
ID: 241947 | LD: 2+6=8 | CD:4+0=4 | Col:4042, Mats:0, [241947a] T4 Uncommon Consumable     

Edited by Acanthus
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Ryo's boots dug into sand as he continued to run. "Carrying someone and running sucks!" He complained aloud, his feet kicking up more sand than usual. Ryo stopped in his tracks, leaning in on his tippy toes as a bandit tried to cut him off. In a panic, Ryo tossed the NPC into the air and then ducked under the bandits glaive before standing back up and catching the man. The NPC gave some complained mumbling, to which Ryo apologized for. Nym had to come in and intercept, giving Ryo ample time to escape the group. Ryo saw her hands move as she signed quickly at him. He gave a determined grin, and nodded. He turned his back to them and continued to run back to town. It was odd. Ryo had only met them earlier today, exchanged maybe at most a few sentences with them and he trusted them like family.

Ryo slid down the dune they had previously hiked, more than ensuring his full escape from the bandits. He was close enough to the city by now that they wouldn't follow him. He leaned over and set the NPC on the ground. Standing back up he stretched his back out and looked behind him. Yeah, bandits wouldn't be following him out this far. Especially with those two clearing every bandit that dared to try and follow him. Them as a pairing sure were trouble, he was glad to him them on his side. Ryo cupped his hands next to his mouth. "Oiiiiiii!" He shouted. "Hurry up! If we're gonna have dinner I'm gonna need spices and the shops close soon!" The samurai said, beaming a large smile.

Ryo helped Cassim to his feet. "You alright?" Ryo asked the NPC. The man coughed and sputtered, he was clearly injured. Who knows how long he was stuck in that bandit camp, being starved and beaten. Ryo opened his inventory and produced a waterskin. "Here, some water." He said offering it to him. The NPC took it midsentence and began to drink it. Ryo smiled again, it was nice to know that he was helping someone. Cassim thanked him, slapping a ring hand over his shoulder. "You saved me." He spoke through a scratched throat and a thick accent. "I don't know how I'll ever repay you!" The man said. Ryo took his empty waterskin. "It's alright. Just seeing you alive and happy makes it worthwhile." Ryo stood up, and helped the man to his feet. "Lets get you back to your brother." Ryo said.

Turning around Ryo noticed that the two girl had arrived. "About time you two showed up." Ryo said, softly scolding them. "Let's get him home, this quest turned in, and I can pick up some stuff for dinner." He said, placing a hand on his chin. "I hope the shops have something good still. Ah, I'll make do with what I can find. I always do." He said, smiling. He still had some things left at his house, but it was always nice to pick up fresh when he needed it. Items in game never expired, but it was a habit at this point. He opened his inventory, and produced a pad of paper. He jotted down things he was going to need. "Cumin, cardamom, cayenne-oh!" He turned to face them, beaming a large smile. "Do you ladies like your curry spicy, or more mild? I can make it either way for you." He asked, touting his cooking skills. He turned back around, and added more to his list. "Man, hopefully the ending of this quest doesn't take too long." He said again, not wanting to miss the opportunity to buy some proper spices.

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Nymoria stayed only long enough to ensure no further bandits were rushing in from behind, before moving atop and down the other side of the sand dune. She still felt rattled from Acanthus’s actions, and although the woman had, in a way, apologised for what she’d done – something about it had felt hollow to Nymoria. Words that had been spoken, but only for the intent of turning attention away in the moment, so that they could continue on with their business. Maybe she actually meant it…?

Her thoughts were torn away as Ryo’s voice reached her, broken at first until she glanced in his direction, and she found him prattling on about a meal. It took Nymoria a few breaths before she understood what he was trying to say, or ask in this case. With more apprehension than should have come from such a simple question, she found herself responding in exaggerated signs, her movements wide and less sharp than they usually would have been. I do not mind my curry to be spicy. I am fine with whatever is the preferred option for everyone. If we want a mild curry, that would be okay as well, I am just happy to be able to taste the amazing creation you have in mind for us. Is there anything we can help with to prepare it?

She waited until Ryo had answered, and turned away, before bombarding Acanthus with her presence. She moved in closer, shifting her body so that her signs would be visible only to the warrioress that she wanted to speak with, and her face carried an expression of fear mixed with pure fury.

Torture is unacceptable. They are creations of Cardinal, yes. But that should not change who you are. You are a good person. You do not do these things. Her hands flowed quickly, signing out the words almost as quickly as she moved on to the next. There was a fury in her form, a shaking that seemed to sit entirely opposed to the sharp, clean movements that her hands made – a movement that had an almost aggressive slashing to it, when it shifted around in motion. Continue this behaviour and you will lose yourself. It is easy to start with ants, before moving on to larger things. This is the actions of a killer. You are not a killer. Do not do more than is necessary. Do not allow the darkness within yourself to take control. I know too well what that can do.

She turned away, not waiting to see what Acanthus would say, her form still shaking as she marched after Ryo. Only when she had come level with the samurai’s form, did she sign once more. I am hungry.

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I know too well what that can do.

An ominous end to their conversation. Acanthus wondered if it had something to do with her extended absence, but she was too tired to push the topic. It’s not torture. And if it is, it’s not something I enjoy. It’s a necessary evil, and if I have to break a few fake arms to save myself and my friends… Nymoria would have done the same.

Ryo interrupted with a loud shout. He was intent on feeding them, and the shops that carried his cooking ingredients closed soon. Can't he just buy ingredients in stacks of 99? isn't not like they spoil here. But she was getting distracted. "One moment, please." With a few quick swipes of her menu, she began to take notes. Acanthus needed to update the information guide with the random event that had just transpired. If there was even a chance it could happen again, sharing it with the other Players could save lives.

The group dropped Cassim off with his brother. Acanthus extracted the group with a series of careful apologies. “Yes, we will come back. Morgiana is her name? We will meet with your housekeeper to follow up. No, we cannot stay, we have plans for the evening. Very sorry.” She shut the door to Ali’s house quickly, but politely. Truthfully, she needed to find some different apologies to extract herself from this group as well. Dinner sounded pleasant enough, but time by herself was necessary to process Nymoria's comments. She didn’t need any new surprises at the moment.

“Do you ladies like your curry spicy, or more mild? I can make it either way for you.”

The words "extra spicy" rose to her lips and died, unlocking the mental image of her cousin like a password. That familiar face stared back at her from behind the samurai gear. Even still, she spoke hesitantly.

“...Mochizuki? Ryoji Mochizuki?”

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Ignoring the hushed conversations behind him, Ryo continued to shop. A spice here, an ingredient there, a new pestle and mortar. Ryo smiled as he gathered his things. It wasn't needed, but it was always nice to have. The little things that made this virtually life seem real. However, what he didn't expect what happened next. The utterance of his name sent a chill down his spine. He froze in place, nearly dropping the fresh ginger he had just picked up. Had he told her his name before, and he forgotten? No, he didn't tell anyone his real name. Expect Teion, and he trusted her enough to not just spread that around. And the only other person who knew his real name, well they were on the Memorial.

He turned around, his eyes meeting hers. He did know her, just from where? His mind shot back to a memory of his childhood.

"See, it smells really good huh?" A small child said. "I learned so you wouldn't have to cook all the time." He said, his expression loud and bubbly. His spirit only dimmed when the person he looked up to said that they weren't hungry. A gruff voice spoke up, urging them to eat. His eyes lit up as they tried his food for the first time. It wasn't met with disgust. He chuckled to himself, marking this down as a victory.

Ryo stumbled back a bit, recognizing the woman in front of him. "You-" He stammered. "It can't be." He said, his eyes welling up. His emotions were running rampant. A woman he viewed as his older sister growing up, was here in front of him. And how could he forget her? Her family took him in after the accident, and he couldn't even bother to remember their faces? What a silly fool he was. Now not only that but she was here trapped with him in this death game. He slammed the palms of his hands into his eyes to wipe away his tears. This, sucked. She was trapped here, and she could die and then he'd lose her again. But, why was he so happy to see her? His face scrunched up as he sniffled, his emotions no longer getting the best of him. "Yeah, that's me!" He proclaimed, jabbing a thumb into his chest. "It's, good to-" He stammered. "I missed you Haru."

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Nymoria’s eyes flowed back and forth between the two individuals in front of her, trying to make sense of everything that was happening. Names had been provided, and an intimate connection that was far too unfamiliar for Nymoria rose between them – although she could not say whether it was one of appreciation, apprehension or pure acceptance.

I should…not be involved in this. She wanted to turn and walk away, and yet she found herself drawn into watching the events unfolding before her. Something about the connection was a piece that Nymoria strived for, subconsciously, and yet knew she would never obtain. Instead, she would simply have to be content watching it.

So… curry? She signed after a few seconds, as if to try and bring attention back to the fact that she was still present beside the two of them. An awkward, oddness had descended upon her, and although she was happy for them to reconnect, she also wanted to find any excuse she could to move things along – and escape.

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It didn’t make sense. She had struggled with the reality of this world for so long. And just when she was coming to terms with its artificial nature, Ryoji showed up. How could this place be fake when she recognized someone else who was real? Her thoughts became awash in a sea of memories. They’d taken in Ryoji after the accident. And in return, he had learned how to cook and excelled at it. Dinners in the Masuda house had become less of a dull, soulless affair after Ryoji had joined them.

“No, Nymoria. Please stay.” She collected her thoughts, uncertain of how to proceed. She initially planned on leaving the pair with an excuse about her training. But now she had someone to catch up with. Maybe she could do just one dinner. The worry crossed her mind that this food would be like anything else she had eaten in the game—Cardinal might spoil even Ryoji’s cuisine. But the chance of something tasting like home was too much to pass up. “Curry sounds good,” she said softly. “I’m… looking forward to having some. Thank you.”

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Ryo wiped the remainder of his tears away from his face. He then began to laugh. The sudden shock being overcome by his own stupidity. “I can’t believe that I didn’t recognize you!” He said slapping a hand on Acanthus shoulder. “You grew up a bit since I saw you last time. It’s gotta be the haircut.” He said, jesting as he continued to laugh. “Oi, Nym you’re invited too.” He said. “You two familiar with floor eleven? I’ve got a mansion there, we can meet up there and I’ll make sure that we get some food going. It’s not quite the same as the real world, but I found out if you take your time and use the individual ingredients rather than just the quick-recipie it works out to almost the same!” He said proud of that fact.


He let in a deep breath before babbling again. “You guys are gonna like Pennyworth, oh! And Teion might be there too.” He said, turning to Acanthus. “Teions my girlfriend. Bet you didn’t know I could get one of those huh?” He said giving a devious smirk. He continued to ramble, and shop as the moments went on.

Loot and EXP

Ryo | [Word Count: 11035/10 = 1103.5] * [True Tier: 4] * [Group Factor: 0.6] = 2648 EXP
Acanthus | [Word Count: 11035/10 = 1103.5] * [True Tier: 7] * [Group Factor: 0.6] = 4635 EXP, Laurel Wreath: 695 col
Nymoria | [Word Count: 11035/10 = 1103.5] * [True Tier: 4] * [Group Factor: 0.6] = 2648 EXP, Laurel Wreath: 397 col


2750 Col
+400 Col [1 Page Completion]
2 Materials
Rare Trinket | ID 241511a
22,521 Col
8 Materials
Uncommon Consumable (2) | ID 241947a, 241947a
Perfect Trinket (2) | ID 241950a, 241948a
Rare Armor/Shield | ID 241949a
19,250 col
14 materials
Uncommon Consumable (4) | ID241450, 241451, 241521, 241522
Rare Consumable (1) | ID241448
Rare Weapon (4) | ID241448, 241451, 241521, 241522
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID241449
Perfect Trinket (1) | ID241449

(All Items Collected T4)


Quest - Cassim Survived
+500 EXP
Dungeon Map: Cave of Wonders
Unlock <<Arabian Nights: Unfinished Business>> quest

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