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[F20 | SP] Creating Bonds | <<Nature's Treasure: Little Eden>>

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Nature’s Treasures: Little Eden

Nemo’s around here somewhere, I know it. Nymoria could feel the odd dampness of the jungle floor reaching her, the sweat somehow uncomfortable as she pushed through another of the area of Xoco in search of the NPC who held the only keys into the garden aptly named after the man-drake. Nymoria had heard rumours that he’d be found within the confines of Xoco, wandering and waiting for someone to accompany him towards his plethora of plenty, and she had headed to the floor almost immediately after finishing her breakfast. There’s no way that someone else has found him yet. It’s way too early for most people.

Nymoria was far from the earliest of risers, and yet she’d awoken early that morning. She’d laid in bed for a time, wondering at all the changes that had occurred in her life, mourning over the things she’d lost, and wondering at the things she’d gained since some of those losses had occurred. That had drawn to a close fairly quickly, however, as Nymoria realised she was lamenting over things she couldn’t change. Instead, she’d chosen to rise from her bed and head out into the morning – the sun hadn’t even risen at the time, the darkness somehow welcoming and oddly off putting at the same time – in an attempt to get something done.

That was when she’d received notice that Nemo had been located, and that he’d be spending a few days amongst the jungles of floor twenty. She’d toyed with the idea for a time; she had other pending quests, duties and activities to attend to – and yet her store of materials for crafting, and battering in this day and age, had been running short. Short enough that she had been planning on attending the garden again at some point anyways. It was enough to push away any remaining doubt or held over sympathies towards the outstanding work.

Hi, Nemo. Nymoria waved as she approached the familiar man standing at the edge of one rope bridge. It had taken her well over an hour to find him, and as she stepped into his view she found herself biting her tongue in order to keep the annoyance out of her attitude. It hadn’t been the NPC’s fault in any way that he had been waiting here – and it would be unkindly, to say the least, for Nymoria to act in such a displeasing way towards him.


Nymoria consumes Imperial Quarter Blend {1} [Tea | Potion | Damage III]



Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 8 | HP [700/700] | EN [108/108] | ACC [4] | DMG [25] | EVA [4] | Bleed [36] | LD [+6] | SD [+7] | Prosperity [2] | Quality [1]
Tier 4 | Tier 5
Laurel Wreath (15% EXP in Col)




  • Reticent [Rapier | Tier 4]
    Enhancement: Accuracy [2 Slots]
    Enhancement: Bleed [1 Slot]
  • Ring of Evasion
    [Jewellery | Tier 1]
    Enhancement: Evasion [3 Slots] 
  • Quality Bracelet [Jewellery | Tier 3]
    Enhancement: Prosperity [2 Slots] 

    Enhancement: Quality [1 Slot] 

Battle-Ready Inventory

  • Uncommon Health Potion {5} [Potion | Tier 1 | Heals 5% Maximum HP]
  • Honey Cookie {5} [Snack | Tier 1 | Vitality II]
  • bento {1} [Meal | Tierless | Oveerhealth III]
  • Honey Cookie {5} [Snack | Tier 1 | Vitality II]
  • Chocolate Truffles {4} [Dessert | Tier 3 | Vitality II]
  • Dear My Friend {3} [Support Song | Tier 4 | HP Recovery III | Instant]
  • Teleport Crystal {1}
  • Crystal of Support | [3/3 charges]
    Heals the user and each party member for (50 * Target's Tier) HP. Requires a Post Action to use. 



Utility Skills
Extended Weight Limit [
Active: Passive. Effect: +2 additional Battle-Ready inventory slots.]
[Rank: 5. 
Active: Passive. Effect: +1 LD per rank. +1 to Stealth Detection per rank.]
[Rank 3 Searching Mod] Detect [
Active: Passive. Effect: Grants +2 Stealth Detection. Grants +1 LD when searching for dungeons and labyrinths.]  
[Rank 5 Searching Addon] Reveal [Active: Passive. Effect: +2 LD when searching for dungeons and labyrinths. You may also search for a dungeon once every 10 posts (instead of 15). Reduces the personal post cool down when searching for a labyrinth to 3 posts (instead of 5).]  

Combat Skills
Energist [Active: Passive. Effect: Increase base Energy by 5*Tier.]

Weapon Skills
Rapiers [Rank: 5. 
Active: Passive. Effect: +7 DMG]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Stamina [
Active: Passive. Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Precision [
Active: Passive. Effect: +1 ACC.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Rapier Ferocity [
Active: Passive. Effect: +2 DMG when using the weapon of your choice. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.]
[Rank 5 Shift] AOE Specialist [
Active: Passive. Effect: For the following Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers and +2 to EN cost; AoE-I, AoE-II. No other Shifts may be taken.]

Armour Skills
Unhindered [Active: Passive. Effect: +1 Accuracy, +1 Loot Dice, +1 Evasion, +5*Tier HP. Your mitigation is capped at 0 equipment slots.]

Active Extra Skills
Leadership [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: Gain access to Leadership Arts every rank. In order to use a Leadership Art, it must take up a mod slot. Each Leadership Art takes up a different mod slot. Leadership Arts from different sources do not stack.]
[Rank 1 Leadership Art] Elusive [Active: Post Action. Energy: 4 EN. Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Increase the Evasion of all players in your party by 1 for a single turn.]
[Rank 2 Leadership Art] Rally [Active: Post Action. Energy: 6 EN. 
Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Increase the Accuracy of all players in your party by 1 for a single turn.]
[Rank 3 Leadership Art] Steadfast [Active: Post Action. Energy: 8 EN. 
Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Status Effects that would be applied to the party for the next two turns would instead be applied to the user instead (normal rules for how status effects refresh instead of stacking apply).]
Survival [Active: Passive. Effect: Increases Healing effects received from all sources by 10%. Grants immunity to all damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.]

Inactive Extra Skills 
Concentration [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. Effect: As a free action, gain Absolute Accuracy on your next attack. In the case Absolute Accuracy is already present, increase your Accuracy by 1 instead. Effect lasts until the start of next turn.]
Frozen Hide [
Active: Free Action. Energy: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 turns. Effect: As a free action, apply one slot of Frost Aura and one slot of Frost Thorns equal to your tier to yourself until the start of your next turn.]

Combat Mastery
Damage [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 * Tier additional Base Damage per rank. Ranks of this Skill obey Damage enhancement caps.]

Familiar Skills
Hunting Familiar [
Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. : Effect: Your familiar has a nose for treasure. Roll LD/CD (without bonuses) as if you had slain a loot-minimum mob.]

Sword Arts


[x12] ST-I (12 10 EN) | A single-target sword art.
ST-II (15 13 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
ST-B (20 18 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, this CD check applies to only the first roll.
[x15] AOE-I (13 11 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
AOE-II (16 14 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed all intended targets the previous turn.
[x12] TECH-A (13 11 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
TECH-B (13 11 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a debuff that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.
8 6 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.

Housing Buffs


Shizuka [Home]

Master Bedroom [-1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.]
Living Room [
Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.]

Atelier (Extended Workshop) [+2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day.]
Greenhouse [+2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts.]
Storage Closet [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot.]
Attic (Storage) [+5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests.]




Edited by Nymoria
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’It’s so good to see you again! Did you want to come to the garden today?’ Nemo was as friendly as he always was whenever she saw him now. A far cry from the frustrated drake that had first attempted to keep her from leaving the garden, once she had begun abusing it. Their relationship had been, in a word, contentious since the event. Nymoria had been trying her best to forgive the man for the way in which he had treated her, knowing that it was nothing more than how Cardinal had designed him. It had been far more difficult than she would have liked to admit to, however.

I would love to accompany you today, Nemo. It has been a long time since we have seen each other. She fell in beside the man as he began walking down a pre-determined route, taking them away from the rope bridge and towards the garden that Nymoria planned to plunder; the garden that Nemo considered his greatest treasure in life. Such a cruel design, this quest. If only there was a way to assist Nemo with some part of it…

Her sentiment may have been empty, but as she walked alongside the man – letting him talk to his heart’s content, through in agreements, disagreements, or small non-committal commentary every so often to keep the conversation moving – she found herself wondering if there wasn’t something more that could be done. A lull in the conversation, Nemo’s words falling away and nothing more coming from Nymoria for the moment, provided her the gap she needed to ask the question that had been burning within her.

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Nemo, are you upset when people come to your garden and…find things? She couldn’t quite label it as stealing. Not in the normal sense, at least. The game had been designed in such a way that the area was plentiful, either blessed by Nemo’s presence or whatever reason was given, so that players could reap from the bounty to be found within. Still, she found herself gnawed at a measure of guilt based upon the actions, and wondered if the NPC was even aware of the situation that he was required to repeat every single time he encountered a player.

’It…saddens me to see the things destroyed, the things taken away…but everyone always comes back. It takes away the loneliness, makes things better…in a way. And I always end up finding new friends, new plants…and even new animals in some cases. I…’ The man seemed to pause, wavering in emotions that he couldn’t quite explain. Nymoria couldn’t tell if that was the NPC simply being unfamiliar with the emotions, or if it was feeling them for the first time ever and found himself confused by it all. When he spoke again, though, she felt that it was the former situation. ’…I think I would say I’m sad to see the damage that visitors do, but I understand the necessity. It gets very lonely in the garden, and having people come visit…it’s worth the price. It would be nice if someone came just to see me, but…I understand that they need things too – and my powers provide that, for them.’ Edited by Nymoria
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Nymoria fell silent as she considered the NPC’s words, trying to figure out what to say in response. It was clear that the man was sacrificing precious things just to have people come visit him – a depressing thought in and of itself. Yet, it was made worse by the realisation of how most players treated him; Nymoria included. Most cast the man off as little more than an objective; a thing to attend to when they needed something – a tool. She found herself feeling suddenly ill at the thought, and forced her mind to consider what she could do in order to help alleviate some of the negativity that was brewing between the NPC and the players.

Nemo…do you hunt? The question seemed to take the NPC by surprise, and it took a while before he suddenly nodded in return – no words, a simple nod, covered by an expression that showed clear confusion on his own part. Would you like to come hunting with me, today? I would really enjoy your company.

Nemo seemed to hesitate at the idea, before smiling broadly in response to her words. His voice, when he spoke, seemed to have changed in a way that Nymoria could only encapsulate with happiness. ’I would love to come with you, but I may not engage in the hunt itself. I…do that enough on my own time. Spending time with you would be…pleasing, though.’

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It was enough for Nymoria, even if it wasn’t much of a success in all reality. She smiled in response to the man’s agreement – or form of agreement, as it may have been. Her hands moved quickly as she responded, the excitement building in her as she felt a small measure of pride at providing something to Nemo in return. I would appreciate having the company. I am alone today, as well, as you can likely see. It would be nice to have someone along who I can…talk to.

Nemo seemed to laugh in response to her small joke – one which she wasn’t entirely expecting the NPC to have picked up on. He gave a small nod, his teeth still showing through his wide grin, before waving a hand towards a small entryway off to their side. The archway was crafted in elegance, the trees used in its form bent and shifted through magical means that seemed almost Elven in nature. ’Well, why don’t we head on in then?’

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’Welcome to my garden, again.’ Nemo smiled as he waved a hand towards the open plains that were visible just beyond the archway leading into the garden. Nymoria gave a soft smile towards Nemo, before glancing out into the garden beyond. It was similar to how she remembered it from the last time she had visited the vast fields. Small pieces had shifted and changed, a fact that she associated to the new location that the garden was connected to, but none of it was any less breathtaking to Nymoria as she stepped beyond the archway and into the garden proper.

It is pleasurable to have returned. It looks beautiful as always, Nemo. The man bowed slightly at the compliment from Nymoria, smiling in embarrassment and pleasure before turning back towards the garden to admire it himself. Nymoria glanced away from the man, taking in the area and shifting on her feet slightly to better align herself. What should we hunt to begin with?

’Hmmm…’ Nemo looked around, before pointing towards a few packs of small, drake like creatures in the distance. Nemo grinned slightly before turning back to Nymoria, ensuring that his face was visible for her. ’Some people think we’re cousins, somehow…but we’re not related at all. And they’re truly rather pesky, in all honesty.’

Nymoria nodded, smiling slightly herself before heading out towards the packs of Snapdragons. She signed quickly towards Nemo as she moved, drawing her sabre and turning back towards the creatures once she’d finished her commentary. Oh, do not worry. I had assumed you were better than they were.



Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 8 | HP [566/700] | EN [92/108] | ACC [4] | DMG [25] | EVA [4] | Bleed [36] | LD [+6] | SD [+7] | Prosperity [2] | Quality [1] | -16 EN -134 HP
Snapdragon 1 | HP [375/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 2 | HP [375/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 3 | HP [750/750] | DMG [132]

Snapdragon 4 | HP [375/750] | DMG [132]
Piercing CrunchGains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.  

ID240811 | BD: 8+4 = 12 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 1>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | MOB: 2-4 = 0 | Miss
ID240812 | BD: 8+4 = 12 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 2>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | MOB: 10-4 = 6 | Major Critical Hit: [132+2] = 134 damage
ID240813 | BD: 1+4 = 5 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 3>> | Miss. | MOB: 2-4 = 0 | Miss.
ID240814 | BD: 7+4 = 11 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 4>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | MOB: 7-4 = 3 | Miss

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The dash into the creatures had been less than successful in Nymoria’s opinion. Her sabre had slashed through the group, cutting a few of them and yet causing no major break in their defences. Nemo had stepped to the side, just within sight of Nymoria, where she would be able to continue communicating with him once she had a lull in the fight. A lull which she was not immediately given.

The snapdragons countered her assault almost immediately, and she found herself parrying weak strikes as three of the four closed in on her. It was a single breath before the jaws clamped down that she realised there had been four of the creatures – the fourth having slipping around and behind her, before embedding its teeth deep within her neck and tearing away. The weak slash backwards that she gave did nothing to provide her assistance – a pure miss of the thing’s small form.

That…could have gone better… She signed slowly towards Nemo, causing the man to laugh gently in the distance. He’d seemed worried at first, but as Nymoria showed no signs of any real, imminent danger, he seemed to settle slightly. She raised her sabre, putting aside any further commentary as she dove back into the group, preparing to cut them down as quickly as she could.



Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 8 | HP [433/700] | EN [80/108] | ACC [4] | DMG [25] | EVA [4] | Bleed [36] | LD [+6] | SD [+7] | Prosperity [2] | Quality [1] | +4 EN | -16 EN -133 HP
Snapdragon 1 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 2 | HP [375/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 3 | HP [375/750] | DMG [132]

Snapdragon 4 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]
Piercing CrunchGains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.  

ID240823 | BD: 8+4 = 12 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 1>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | Snapdragon 1 destroyed.
ID240824 | BD: 1+4 = 5 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 2>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | MOB: 3-4 = 0 | Miss
ID240825 | BD: 7+4 = 11 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 3>> | Miss. | MOB: 9-4 = 0 | Minor Critical hit: [132+1] = 133 damage
ID240826 | BD: 5+4 = 9 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 4>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | Snapdragon 4 destroyed.


Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)

Loot Totals
25,200 col
2 material
Rare Trinket (1) | ID240828
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID240827
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)


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Two down. She signed hastily towards Nemo as the first pair of the snapdragons disappeared beneath her sabre’s strike. She managed, if only barely, to catch one of the others that had evaded her earlier, but as she brought her blade around to connect with the third of the pack, she instead found its claws raking into her side and driving her back and away.

’Careful now! They’re feisty!’ Nemo called out when Nymoria’s eyes happened across him. The man was making sure that she could hear and see his movements, so as to not miss any detail of their conversation – a detailed note that Nymoria had somehow never expected from the NPC. One that she certainly appreciated, however.

Feisty. Very! She signed quickly as she ducked another dash from one of the two remaining snapdragons, backing up slightly to give herself some space, before lunging back towards the pair. She had already lost far more health than she had expected, and although she was just warming up, the fight wasn’t going anywhere near as well as she wanted. Not concerningly so, yet…but let’s not let this go on longer than necessary.



Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 8 | HP [433/700] | EN [70/108] | ACC [4] | DMG [25] | EVA [4] | Bleed [36] | LD [+6] | SD [+7] | Prosperity [2] | Quality [1] | +4 EN | -14 EN -0 HP
Snapdragon 2 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 3 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]

Piercing CrunchGains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.  

ID240831 | BD: 6+4 = 10 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 2>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | Snapdragon 2 destroyed.
ID240832 | BD: 6+4 = 10 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 3>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | Snapdragon 3 destroyed.


Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)

Loot Totals
53,550 col
4 material
Rare Trinket (2) | ID240828, 240833
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID240827
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Weapons (3) | ID240834 (a/b/c)

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’I’m fine, thank you. I’m glad to see you’re okay as well. That was…well, it was certainly a fight to watch! You did spectacularly.’ Nemo beamed in response, apparently enthused simply in the fact that someone was taking the time to speak with him, more than just to get the quest started. It made Nymoria wonder how often he was simply used as a guide, and then cast aside as the player’s rushed to return to wherever they had come from, or had to go to next. Perhaps we’ve been far too harsh upon the NPCs of this world, without considering the repercussions…

Thank you. The compliment means a lot coming from you, Nemo. The NPC seemed almost embarrassed at the commentary, turning and looking away for a second to hide his reaction – or, at least in an attempt to hide it. Nymoria gazed out over the open grasslands before them, eyeing another pack of creatures in the distance, but deciding that now wasn’t the moment to engage them. Instead, she settled into a small open area, leaning back against a rock and letting her hands rummage through the dirt a bit as she considered what to say next.

’It’s peaceful here.’ Nemo seemed to still be distant as he spoke, his eyes staring off into the distance. Nymoria had only caught the words while she happened to be looking in his direction, and for a moment she wasn’t sure if they were meant for her or not. As he continued speaking, however, she knew that it was more than just a thought stated aloud for the world to hear. ’I made this garden to be peaceful. And it is, so long as adventurers don’t come and corrupt it…which isn’t to say that you’re at fault for anything. It’s…there are some, who come and destroy without end. Without purpose. As if they take pleasure in it…and they show no care, no consideration for me or my small Eden.’

Post Action: Foraging
ID240871 | LD: [17+1] = 18 | CD: [8+1] = 9 | Result: 5 materials, 1,500 col | +18 EXP [320/499 EXP]

  Hide contents

Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)

Loot Totals
55,050 col
9 material
Rare Trinket (2) | ID240828, 240833
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID240827
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Weapons (3) | ID240834 (a/b/c)

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Nymoria let a few moments pass as she thought on the words, before sharing a thought of her own; one which she had been considering since they’d arrived not so long ago. Why do you let people in here to destroy things? You always seem upset by their actions. Would it not be better to keep them out?

’I think…it’s because I’m lonely. I spend all this time creating this wondrous garden, but I have no one to share it with.’ Nemo’s response was instantaneous, although apprehensive in tone. It seemed like he both knew the answer, and yet found trouble putting it into words. ’It’s saddening…angering even, to watch adventurers come and destroy everything. Take everything as though it’s theirs, and I put no effort into it all…but it’s also lonely here, without anyone to keep me company. To see the wonders that are locked away in here…’

Nymoria could feel a sense of regret coming from the individual, and although she doubted it would do anything in the future, she couldn’t stop herself as she signed her response. Most adventurers don’t want to destroy your Eden. But we need all the resources we can to make it back to our home. It is how we continue pushing forward, fighting against the growing darkness that threatens to capture and consume us all…and your garden is vital to that effort. You are vital to that effort.

Post Action: Foraging
ID240872 | LD: [15+1] = 16 | CD: [8+1] = 9 | Result: 5 materials, 1,500 col | +18 EXP [338/499 EXP]

  Hide contents

Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)

Loot Totals
56,550 col
14 material
Rare Trinket (2) | ID240828, 240833
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID240827
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Weapons (3) | ID240834 (a/b/c)


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She could see Nemo smile in response to her words, although she couldn’t quite tell if it was heartfelt and truthful, or simply a means of showing respect to her ideology. She knew that he still felt a measure of pain and suffering, as well as anger towards the players that came and ruined the garden – destroying everything without even having asked permission, in most cases. She hoped, however, that she could at least help him to understand why they did such a thing – though she knew he would likely have forgotten it all the next time they met. At least, I assume…Maybe Nemo is one of the NPCs that remembers everything he experiences? Or does it just work that way when certain players attend and meet with them…I haven’t figured that out yet.

It was a mystery to Nymoria, but one that she was interested in solving. Not that she would get to do so quite yet. It would require a lot more investigation, a lot more research. Testing the responses and awareness of NPCs – but it was something she could start doing, at least. She considered her idea even as her hands continued pulling through the grasses, finding gemstones that she could hold up and show to Nemo. She’d just located a collection of amethyst, pocketing them away before deciding to test her theory on Nemo himself.

Hey, Nemo? Have you ever met a player named Freyd? Her hands signed the question slowly, ensuring that she pronounced the name properly so there would be no confusion. Nemo seemed to think for a few seconds, as if trying to bring the name to memory. She had just given up when he suddenly smiled.

’Freyd? It’s been a while, but yes. He’s been here before. He’s an…interesting fellow, for sure.’ Nymoria didn’t need him to explain any further. Freyd was the type to give her both the chills down her spine, and somehow a warm and welcoming feeling all at the same moment. An oddity among oddities, for certain.

Post Action: Foraging
ID240874 | LD: [1+1] = 2 | CD: [2+1] = 2 | Result: Failure | +5 EXP [343/499 EXP]

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Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)

Loot Totals
56,550 col
14 material
Rare Trinket (2) | ID240828, 240833
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID240827
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Weapons (3) | ID240834 (a/b/c)


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He…yes, that sounds like Freyd. She smiled as she signed, uncertain or unwilling to say anything beyond that. A lot of ideas came to mind when she thought of the shadowy figure that was the player, and yet none of them were necessarily good or bad – they simply were. Similar to the man himself, Nymoria figured. She leaned back and thought about the various players she’d come across, suddenly wondering how many had interacted with Nemo. She figured a large majority of them had, and it only made her wonder how they had treated Nemo in turn.

He probably hasn’t been treated very well. There are a lot of…intense players. They aren’t necessarily bad, or evil…but they’ll definitely be standoffish and unwelcoming. Or view the NPCs as little more than tools to the end of a goal. She had almost no issue picturing the various players treating NPCs as such; seeing them ignore the conversations in order to speed things up. Even Nymoria had been known to do that, sometimes. We’re all human…but do the NPCs know that? Do they understand that? Is…there a way to make them understand that? She found herself dwelling on the thought as silence fell between her and Nemo. She was content to sit and relax, to enjoy the company and not have to try and pretend to be social. Just sitting here with him is enjoyable, at least. And he seems happy about it.

Post Action: Foraging
ID240875 | LD: [15+1] = 16 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 4 materials | +10 EXP [353/499 EXP]

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Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)

Loot Totals
56,550 col
18 material
Rare Trinket (2) | ID240828, 240833
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID240827
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Weapons (3) | ID240834 (a/b/c)


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’You seem…lost in thought.’ Nemo glanced at her, an odd look upon his face. As if he didn’t want to disturb her, and yet found the silence between them odd, or unwelcoming. Nymoria gave a soft shrug, before signing her response.

I was just thinking about how nice it would be if all players treated you, and other non-player characters, with respect. About how we can be better towards the native people of this world. She felt embarrassed bringing the words forth, as if they were somehow inappropriate to share with others. Nemo seemed to laugh, however, as if amused by the idea.

’That would be an interesting idea indeed! To see adventurer and kind coming together as one…I think when that day happens, all conflict in the world will end!’ He laughed again, and although some might have found insult behind his words, Nymoria found herself smiling in response. She wasn’t sure if it was simply a natural response to his words, or if it was the naiveness with which he seemed to view the world. As naïve, in some senses, as her own views of it all.

Post Action: Foraging
ID240876 | LD: [4+1] = 5 | CD: [12+1] = 13 | Result: Failure | +5 EXP [358/499 EXP]

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Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)

Loot Totals
56,550 col
18 material
Rare Trinket (2) | ID240828, 240833
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID240827
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Weapons (3) | ID240834 (a/b/c)


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Nymoria pushed herself from the dirt, shaking off a few extra pieces of assorted items that had managed to collect themselves onto her leggings. She stretched slightly, loosening the muscles that had begun to tighten as she had relaxed while she had been enjoying their few moments of solitude and conversation. Turning towards the fields, she eyed a nearby pack of snapdragons, wolves and bladed creatures that moved through the grasslands.

Should we head off and bring down another collection? Any preference on which we hunt? She signed towards Nemo, wanting to get his opinion on the matter before simply heading off and targeting something, if for no reason other than to gain his permission in the act.

’Hmm…perhaps more of the snapdragons? There has been a lot of them lately, and a bit of population control may not be a bad thing.’ He pushed himself up into a standing position, eyeing the creatures in the distance before nodding in confirmation. ’Yes, I’d say the snapdragons. The others aren’t overcrowding yet, and…well, it’s something familiar too, I think that makes it easier for you?’

It was enough for her, and she took off towards the small pack once Nemo was ready to go. She drew her sabre, carefully holding it to the side as she pushed through grasses that came up above her knees, enjoying the more relaxed pace that they took. Only once she was closer did she push into a sprint, closing the distance before leaping at the snapdragons with aggressive intent.



Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 8 | HP [700/700] | EN [90/108] | ACC [4] | DMG [25] | EVA [4] | Bleed [36] | LD [+6] | SD [+7] | Prosperity [2] | Quality [1] | +0 EN | -18 EN -0 HP
Snapdragon 5 | HP [375/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 6 | HP [375/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 7 | HP [309/750] | DMG [132]
| Bleed [36 | 1/2]
Snapdragon 8 | HP [309/750] | DMG [132] | Bleed [36 | 1/2]
Piercing CrunchGains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.  

ID240877 | BD: 8+4 = 12 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 5>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | MOB: 5-4 = 1 | Miss
ID240878 | BD: 3+4 = 7 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 6>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | MOB: 3-4 = 0 | Miss
ID240879 | BD: 10+4 = 14 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 7>> | Major Critical Hit: [(25+2)x15] = 405 damage | Bleed [36 | 1/2] | MOB: 2-4 = 0 | Miss
ID240880 | BD: 10+4 = 14 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 8>> | Major Critical Hit: [(25+2)x15] = 405 damage | Bleed [36 | 1/2] | MOB: 2-4 = 0 | Miss

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Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)

Loot Totals
56,550 col
18 material
Rare Trinket (2) | ID240828, 240833
Perfect Armour/Shield (1) | ID240827
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Weapons (3) | ID240834 (a/b/c)


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She danced around the snapdragons, tearing them apart with her blade quickly in a manner that would be the most efficient. A small part of her almost felt sorry for the creatures, their ends already determined – a simple path to non-existence all that needed to be followed. She could see, out of the corner of her eye, Nemo watching with a passive expression as she moved through and around; a deadly force that he clearly wanted no part to engage with. At least he doesn’t look upset, this time…

’You’re almost there! This is even better than before!’ Nemo called out to her as she crossed towards him once more, putting herself between the man and the snapdragons. She could feel herself smile slightly in response to the commentary, a measure of pride – as small as it may have been – washing over her as she tipped around another of the miniature drakes.

Thank. You. She signed the words as she continued dodging, preparing to return a strike towards her targets once they had shown an opening that she could use. Already two of them were on their final stretches, and Nymoria figured she could bring all four down with one more well-timed strike. Just don’t rush into things without a measure of awareness and caution. That’s how you get yourself killed. Be careful, but precise. She lectured herself even as she moved to engage, bringing the sabre up in preparation for her attack as she stepped forwards.



Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 8 | HP [700/700] | EN [78/108] | ACC [4] | DMG [25] | EVA [4] | Bleed [36] | LD [+6] | SD [+7] | Prosperity [2] | Quality [1] | +4 EN | -16 EN -0 HP
Snapdragon 5 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 6 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 7 | HP [273/750] | DMG [132]
| Bleed [36 | 2/2]
Snapdragon 8 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132] | Bleed [36 | 2/2]
Piercing CrunchGains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.  

ID240883 | BD: 4+4 = 8 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 5>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | Snapdragon 5 defeated
ID240884 | BD: 9+4 = 13 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 6>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | Snapdragon 6 defeated
ID240885 | BD: 1+4 = 5 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 7>> | Miss | MOB: 8-4 = 4 | Miss
ID240886 | BD: 10+4 = 14 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 8>> | Major Critical Hit: [(25+2)x15] = 405 damage | Bleed [36 | 1/2] | Snapdragon 8 defeated

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Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)
ID240887 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [11+1] = 12 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Gleaming Scale (1), Random Dungeon Map
ID240888 | LD: [1+6] = 7 | CD: [9+1] = 10 | Result: 7,087 [3,000+3,000+750+337] col, 5 materials, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240889 | LD: [18+6] = 24 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2.250+412] col, 3 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Weapons (2)

Loot Totals
80,961 col
29 material
Gleaming Scale
Random Dungeon Map | ID240887
Rare Trinket (3) | ID240828, 240833, 240888
Perfect Armour/Shield (3) | ID240827, 240889,
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Weapons (5) | ID240834 (a/b/c), 240889 (a/b)


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Three of the four were caught beneath her strikes as she unleashed a flurry of slashes and stabs into the midst of the group. The fourth – whether it could be called smarter than its companions and cousins or not – dove backwards in an attempt to avoid Nymoria, weakly flailing with its claws into the air as it retreated to safety. She considered chasing after the final being for a second, before realising the trap that it could create by putting distance between it and herself. All it would need to do would be to circle around at the last second, and Nymoria could fall under a deadly strike, if she wasn’t careful.

Best to wait it out, give it a moment to finalise its retreat, then follow it. Caution is care, care is success. The mantra made little sense in her mind, and brought a small giggle to her – an action that caused a raised eyebrow from Nemo, she noticed. She shook her head, signing quickly to the man as she gave herself – and by extension, though not on purpose, the Snapdragon – a moment’s breath in the conflict. Thought of something funny. Bad mantra. Stupid.

Nemo seemed to shake his own head, smiling suddenly before calling out to her. ’It happens. Sometimes humour strikes us at the most inopportune moments! Life is funny like that, isn’t it? You’re doing something where it’s entirely inappropriate, for a normal person, to laugh. Then it just hits you!’

Nymoria found herself grinning alongside Nemo, the absurdity of the entire situation catching her off guard and taking her out of her seriousness for a moment. She shook herself, forcing her attention back towards the fight as the Snapdragon began to flit towards her. Time enough for enjoyment once this is over and we’re safe once more. For the time being – focus. She leapt forward to greet the small creature, hoping to overpower it quickly and bring an end to the fight quickly.



Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 8 | HP [700/700] | EN [73/108] | ACC [4] | DMG [25] | EVA [4] | Bleed [36] | LD [+6] | SD [+7] | Prosperity [2] | Quality [1] | +4 EN | -9 EN -0 HP
Snapdragon 7 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]

Piercing CrunchGains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.  

ID240890 | BD: 3+4 = 7 | <<ST-I vs. Snapdragon 7>> | Hit: [25x12] = 300 damage | Snapdragon 7 defeated

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Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)
ID240887 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [11+1] = 12 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Gleaming Scale (1), Random Dungeon Map
ID240888 | LD: [1+6] = 7 | CD: [9+1] = 10 | Result: 7,087 [3,000+3,000+750+337] col, 5 materials, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240889 | LD: [18+6] = 24 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Weapons (2)
ID240891 | LD: [13+6] = 19 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 6,300 [3,000+3,000+300] col, 5 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)

Loot Totals
103,010 col
42 material
Gleaming Scale
Random Dungeon Map | ID240887
Rare Trinket (3) | ID240828, 240833, 240888
Perfect Armour/Shield (3) | ID240827, 240889, 240891
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Trinket (1) | ID240891
Perfect Weapons (5) | ID240834 (a/b/c), 240889 (a/b)


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The final Snapdragon disappeared in a shower of shards, and Nymoria turned to face Nemo with a small grin upon her face. She wasn’t sure if the man was finding as much enjoyment in the motions of hunting and looting as she was, but he seemed content enough to at least have her company – as little as she was giving to him in the moment.

’That was superb! You’re an amazing fighter, Nymoria. I don’t think I could have done as well as you did there, and I’m a dragon in disguise!’ Something about the way he said the words made Nymoria stop and pause, cocking her head as if taking Nemo in for the first time again. With his humanoid form, she had found herself forgetting that the man before her was no man – and not just in the sense that it was an artificial intelligence, but rather a drake taking on the form of a person, in order to blend in better with…well, she wasn’t entirely sure what.

Before she could explain her confusion – although she wasn’t even sure if he had noticed or not – Nymoria found herself dodging as another swarm of snap drakes approached from her right side; pulled in through her very presence in the area. She ducked backwards, bringing up her sabre in order to defend herself from their claws even as she tried to retaliate against their sudden assault. She wanted to curse herself for not paying attention, but she knew that in the moment she hadn’t been able to keep an eye on every direction – this was no more her fault, than the wind blowing around her.



Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 8 | HP [567/700] | EN [55/108] | ACC [4] | DMG [25] | EVA [4] | Bleed [36] | LD [+6] | SD [+7] | Prosperity [2] | Quality [1] | +0 EN | -18 EN -133 HP
Snapdragon 9 | HP [375/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 10 | HP [375/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 11 | HP [324/750] | DMG [132]
| Bleed [36 | 1/2]
Snapdragon 12 | HP [375/750] | DMG [132]
Piercing CrunchGains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.  

ID240892 | BD: 7+4 = 11 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 9>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | MOB: 6-4 = 2 | Miss
ID240893 | BD: 6+4 = 10 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 10>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | MOB: 4-4 = 0 | Miss
ID240894 | BD: 9+4 = 13 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 11>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(25+1)x15] = 390 damage | Bleed [36 | 1/2] | MOB: 9-4 = 5 | Minor Critical Hit: [132+1] = 133 damage
ID240895 | BD: 2+4 = 6 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 12>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | MOB: 7-4 = 3 | Miss

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Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)
ID240887 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [11+1] = 12 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Gleaming Scale (1), Random Dungeon Map
ID240888 | LD: [1+6] = 7 | CD: [9+1] = 10 | Result: 7,087 [3,000+3,000+750+337] col, 5 materials, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240889 | LD: [18+6] = 24 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Weapons (2)
ID240891 | LD: [13+6] = 19 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 6,300 [3,000+3,000+300] col, 5 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)

Loot Totals
103,010 col
42 material
Gleaming Scale
Random Dungeon Map | ID240887
Rare Trinket (3) | ID240828, 240833, 240888
Perfect Armour/Shield (3) | ID240827, 240889, 240891
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Trinket (1) | ID240891
Perfect Weapons (5) | ID240834 (a/b/c), 240889 (a/b)


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The group of snapdragons surrounded her, clawing at her blade and attempting to knock it out of the way – an act that they were almost successful in as one of the creatures managed to slash across Nymoria’s neck, causing it to flash red for a few seconds before she pushed them backwards and away. She followed up with a quick, hard slash of her blade, catching all four and severely wounding one before forcing them backwards through the air.

’Are you okay?’ Nemo called out from the other side of the drakes, a look of concern upon his face that seemed oddly out of place in the moment of the fight. Nymoria almost found herself laughing, but managed to wave away the concern of the drake in hiding, his features taking only a slightly less worried expression as she waved and signed towards him in response to his concern.

Fine. Small wound. Nothing to worry. She turned her attention back to the group of miniature drakes before her. Her attack had given them pause, and she found them flittering about her, uncertain if it were safe for them to rush forwards once more, or if they should instead take a moment to recuperate themselves, before attempting to face what was clearly a more serious threat than they had originally registered. Nymoria, however, had no intention of letting them recover any more than they already had, and plunged forward with her sabre in an attempt to finish off the group with one final, harsh blow.



Nymoria | Lv. 33 | P. 8 | HP [567/700] | EN [41/108] | ACC [4] | DMG [25] | EVA [4] | Bleed [36] | LD [+6] | SD [+7] | Prosperity [2] | Quality [1] | +4 EN | -18 EN -0 HP
Snapdragon 9 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 10 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]
Snapdragon 11 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]
| Bleed [36 | 1/2]
Snapdragon 12 | HP [0/750] | DMG [132]
Piercing CrunchGains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.  

ID240896 | BD: 6+4 = 10 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 9>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | Snapdragon 9 defeated
ID240897 | BD: 2+4 = 6 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 10>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | Snapdragon 10 defeated
ID240898 | BD: 9+4 = 13 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 11>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(25+1)x15] = 390 damage | Bleed [36 | 1/2] | Snapdragon 11 defeated
ID240899 | BD: 3+4 = 7 | <<AoE-I vs. Snapdragon 12>> | Hit: [25x15] = 375 damage | Snapdragon 12 defeated

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Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)
ID240887 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [11+1] = 12 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Gleaming Scale (1), Random Dungeon Map
ID240888 | LD: [1+6] = 7 | CD: [9+1] = 10 | Result: 7,087 [3,000+3,000+750+337] col, 5 materials, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240889 | LD: [18+6] = 24 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Weapons (2)
ID240891 | LD: [13+6] = 19 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 6,300 [3,000+3,000+300] col, 5 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)
ID240900 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 materials, Perfect Weapons (3)

ID240901 | LD: [17+6] = 23 | CD: [2+1] = 3 | Result: 6,300 [3,000+3,000+300] col, 5 materials, Perfect Trinket (1), Perfect Weapon (1)
ID240902 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [7+1] = 8 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID240903 | LD: [14+6] = 20 | CD: [7+1] = 8 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)

Loot Totals
143,959 col
53 material
Gleaming Scale
Random Dungeon Map | ID240887
Uncommon Consumable (1) | ID240902

Rare Trinket (3) | ID240828, 240833, 240888
Rare Weapon (1) | ID240902

Perfect Armour/Shield (4) | ID240827, 240889, 240891, 240903
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Trinket (3) | ID240891, 240901, 240903
Perfect Weapons (9) | ID240834 (a/b/c), 240889 (a/b), 240900 (a/b/c), 240901


Edited by Nymoria
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Nymoria released a sharp breath, settling harshly onto the ground beneath her before waving a hand for Nemo to join her. The fight – and the subsequent ambush – had taken more out of her than she cared to ever admit. Still, she was alive and healthy – for the most part. Small blessings. It could have gone a lot worse, if I hadn’t been more lucky. Imagine if any of them had managed to truly overpower me… She felt a shiver pass down her spine at the thought, and forced the entire idea out of her head.

Do the creatures here populate by themselves? It was the first question that popped into her mind, and she signed it towards Nemo as the man settled across from her. She couldn’t imagine the man constantly finding and replenishing the populations here by himself, even with all his determination towards the continued growth of the garden.

’Aha, yes actually. It has caused a bit of a crisis, in some cases…Not too long ago the Orchid Nymph population sprung out of control, and I found myself having to…’ He suddenly trailed off sheepishly, and Nymoria spotted a touch of embarrassment reach his facial features. Curiosity getting the best of her, she waited until he finished his thought, wanting to hear what he had done in order to quell the burst. ’…well, I invited some players to come reduce the population a bit. I guess…I guess I got a bit hard on them at the end. They moved from just the nymphs, onto some of the other creatures, and…’


Post Action: Foraging
ID240940 | LD: [15+1] = 16 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 4 materials | +18 EXP [376/499 EXP]

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Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)
ID240887 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [11+1] = 12 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Gleaming Scale (1), Random Dungeon Map
ID240888 | LD: [1+6] = 7 | CD: [9+1] = 10 | Result: 7,087 [3,000+3,000+750+337] col, 5 materials, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240889 | LD: [18+6] = 24 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Weapons (2)
ID240891 | LD: [13+6] = 19 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 6,300 [3,000+3,000+300] col, 5 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)
ID240900 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 materials, Perfect Weapons (3)

ID240901 | LD: [17+6] = 23 | CD: [2+1] = 3 | Result: 6,300 [3,000+3,000+300] col, 5 materials, Perfect Trinket (1), Perfect Weapon (1)
ID240902 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [7+1] = 8 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID240903 | LD: [14+6] = 20 | CD: [7+1] = 8 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)

Loot Totals
143,959 col
57 material
Gleaming Scale
Random Dungeon Map | ID240887
Uncommon Consumable (1) | ID240902

Rare Trinket (3) | ID240828, 240833, 240888
Rare Weapon (1) | ID240902

Perfect Armour/Shield (4) | ID240827, 240889, 240891, 240903
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Trinket (3) | ID240891, 240901, 240903
Perfect Weapons (9) | ID240834 (a/b/c), 240889 (a/b), 240900 (a/b/c), 240901


Edited by Nymoria
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Nymoria could already figure out what had occurred. She found herself empathising with Nemo, even if only slightly. She could understand the frustration of the players coming and helping to clear out the population a bit, but then spreading off and causing more and more destruction without even asking permission. She knew that were she in his place, she would likely have been frustrated as well.

You are very passionate about your garden. It is good to see. She signed with a smile towards Nemo, hoping that it would break apart any negative feelings that were growing within him at the memory. She had no doubt that he had done only what he had been destined to do, and yet he had done it for a reason, which was already more than a lot of NPCs and other monsters she had come across in Aincrad. Or perhaps you’re just unfamiliar with their reasons for doing what they do…


Post Action: Foraging
ID240941 | LD: [16+1] = 17 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 5 materials, 1,500 col | +18 EXP [394/499 EXP]

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Loot Rolls
ID240827 | LD: [16+6] = 22 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500+525] col, 1 material, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumables (2)
ID240828 | LD: [10+6] = 16 | CD: [10+1] = 11 | Result: 14,175 [3,000+3,000+4,500+3,000+675] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240833 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [6+1] = 11 | Result: 11,025 [3,000+3,000+4,500++750+525] col, 1 material, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240834 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [4+1] = 5 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 material, Perfect Weapons (3)
ID240887 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [11+1] = 12 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Gleaming Scale (1), Random Dungeon Map
ID240888 | LD: [1+6] = 7 | CD: [9+1] = 10 | Result: 7,087 [3,000+3,000+750+337] col, 5 materials, Rare Trinket (1)
ID240889 | LD: [18+6] = 24 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Weapons (2)
ID240891 | LD: [13+6] = 19 | CD: [5+1] = 6 | Result: 6,300 [3,000+3,000+300] col, 5 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)
ID240900 | LD: [20+6] = 26 | CD: [6+1] = 7 | Result: 17,325 [3,000+3,000+4,500+6,000+825] col, 1 materials, Perfect Weapons (3)

ID240901 | LD: [17+6] = 23 | CD: [2+1] = 3 | Result: 6,300 [3,000+3,000+300] col, 5 materials, Perfect Trinket (1), Perfect Weapon (1)
ID240902 | LD: [8+6] = 14 | CD: [7+1] = 8 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1)
ID240903 | LD: [14+6] = 20 | CD: [7+1] = 8 | Result: 8,662 [3,000+3,000+2,250+412] col, 3 materials, Perfect Armour/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)

Loot Totals
145,459 col
62 material
Gleaming Scale
Random Dungeon Map | ID240887
Uncommon Consumable (1) | ID240902

Rare Trinket (3) | ID240828, 240833, 240888
Rare Weapon (1) | ID240902

Perfect Armour/Shield (4) | ID240827, 240889, 240891, 240903
Perfect Consumable (2) | ID240827 (a/b)
Perfect Trinket (3) | ID240891, 240901, 240903
Perfect Weapons (9) | ID240834 (a/b/c), 240889 (a/b), 240900 (a/b/c), 240901


Edited by Nymoria
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