Minako 0 Posted February 17 #1 Share Posted February 17 A week had past since the last duels had concluded. Thanks to some prominent connections with another player who lived on this floor, they were able to rent the space they were using. And with him being a cook, they were also able to make sure that everyone was able to get something cute and romantic to have before fighting began. They had set up inside of the Grand Cathedral in Taft on the eleventh floor, the most romantic spot that they could properly get their hands on that wasn't a beach, or restaurant. Tables had been set up so each person would be able to have private conversations to their partner about whatever they so wished, consume their food, and have enough time to form a battle plan before their fight began. The first fight Minako had to host was a favorite of hers. Lessa and Telrenya were paired up and had to face off against Kiru and NIGHT. The randomizer really had a way with fun for this week. Minako took center stage, a small stone in hand that would amplify her voice. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen." She said, addressing the crowd that arrived. It was slightly larger than last weeks, by a small margin at least. The promise of drama, and the performance of last weeks bouts seemed to have increased crowd numbers. "Tonight, is a very special evening. Valentine's Day. A day for when you, and that special someone get to spend a romantic evening together." She paused for a moment. "To watch some bloodspooooort!" She said loudly, getting the small crowd excited. "And for our first combatants we have none other than four of Aincrad's deadliest beauties! In this corner we have, the Guardian of Aincrad and the Troubled Treasure! It's Lessa and Telrenya!" Minako said letting the crowd hype them up. Minako moved over to the other side of the arena. "And on this side of the arena, we have a pair with shadows for eyes. It's Kiru and NIGHT!" Minako said, introducing that team to the crowd and having them get hyped up. As she had previously Minako would wave each team over to the center to speak to them privately. "Alright you guys, I hope you're ready! It was a really good week last week and there's even more here now so be sure to be extra flashy." She said, nodding to each team. "That being said, let me go over the rules one more time alright..." ~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~ Welcome to the second week of Clash of Blades - Doubles! There has been several changes from last week, so please be sure to have the Informational at the ready! Another soft reminder to NOT use outside items. Please use only the items purchased in the Event Shop. Spoiler First, character set up! A lot of sheets and stats were hidden from us last week which made policing stats and checking numbers difficult at times as we had to reach out or sometimes use guesswork to determine what happened. This week, and for all other weeks, we are requiring you to link your Clash of Blades stat sheet in your opening post. Failure to do so could potentially result in a forfeit, and loss on your record. Second, initiative has been altered! Each player will get 1 initiative roll each. The player with the highest roll will act first. Then whoever on the other team has the highest roll will go second. Then the other two will go off, alternating between teams. Following an ABAB pattern. Example: Spoiler Kindling and Minako are on Team A Alkor and Zelrius are on Team B Kindling rolls a 17, Minako a 6, Alkor a 15, and Zelrius a 7. Kindling won, and goes first, followed by Alkor who rolled the highest on his team. Minako next, followed by Zelrius. In addition to the turn order, we are no longer allowing people to reuse their initiative rolls for combat. If you are the last roll, and win the initiative we will allow you to use the same post but not the same roll. You will need to re-roll to attack. Third, please make mention of your dinner date! This is Valentine's Day after all! No matter how awkward it may have been or romantic it is please lean into these themes and Role-Play to your hearts content. ~♥ Minako sent each team back to their spots, and got into position herself. "Now then combatants, Let's Clash!" Link to post Share on other sites
Telrenya 0 Posted February 17 #2 Share Posted February 17 (edited) A simple round table stood dressed in a pristine white cloth, adorned with a pink vase holding an arrangement of roses and baby's breath. The glow of a soft yellow candle provided an ambiance that truly set a romantic mood, the presentation spot-on for a dinner date for two. Two comfortable padded chairs stood opposite each other, with rolled silverware resting in front of each. In the center of the small table sat two entrees: a single plate with a generous serving of spaghetti and meatballs, and a wooden tray with an assortment of high-quality sushi. An interesting dinner pairing. Telrenya stood quite awkwardly an arms length away from what would be her seat, pressing her fingertips together in front of her chest in an awkward fidgeting motion. She was surprised to hear that the second round of the tournament deviated from the typical 1v1 matchup, and took place at a different venue. The changes in structure were nothing much to worry over, but it was the name of her assigned partner that was causing her to fret. Lessa. She'd heard of her before, from more than one source. A frontliner as of late, but also a friend of Jomei's. She wondered if Lessa knew her name. She unglued her fingers from one another and reached her hands up to suddenly give her cheeks a short 'slap', scrunching her nose and squeezing her eyes shut for a moment. 'I just...hope I make a good first impression.' What impeccable timing. Lessa's approach would cause Telrenya's spine to straighten up, her shoulders to go a little stiffer, and a smile that wasn't disingenuous was plastered on her face. "Ah, hello! It's nice to finally meet you." She instinctively folded her hands down in front of her and gave a polite bow towards her partner. When she lifted her head, her eyes flickered towards the immaculate dinner date table. "I, um, suppose this was set up for us." Her smile grew awkward, uncertain if the woman would be interested in the peculiar food options. Initiative... ID#: 241175 | LD: 19 Sharing Dinner... Spaghetti & Meatballs (Paid for by Lessa) - Team gains 1 DMG and 10 MIT Assorted Sushi Plate (Paid for by Telrenya) - Each team member ignores the first negative status ailment Quote Telrenya | HP: 200/200 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Sushi Plate Telrenya | HP: 200/200 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:18 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA CLASH OF BLADES CHARACTER SHEET Hide contents »Telrenya's Clash Sheet THREAD INFO Hide contents equipped »Twilight Turmoil (Paralyze II / Bleed II) »Knight's Vow (MIT I / EVA II) »Erin's Favor (ACC II / EVA I) battle-ready inventory »Celestial Blessing (EVA II / ACC I) »Cute Chocolates (Heals party 10% of max HP) »Stuffed Teddy Bear (Give your partner 'Safeguard' with 50 HP) skills »Rapier R3 (+5 DMG) »Cloth Armor R3 (+12 MIT) »Energist (+5 EN) »Combat Mastery: Damage R3 (+3 DMG) »[Extra] First Aid R3 »[Extra] Survival (10% Healing effectiveness; Immune to environmental effects) addons »[First Aid R3] Hyperactive (+3 EN for 3 turns on party member or self | Unique | 3 post CD | 5 EN) mods »[Cloth Armor R3] Athletics (+1 DMG) »[First Aid R2] Purify (Remove all status conditions on self or party member | 1 post CD | 3 EN) »[First Aid R3] Energize (Restore 8 EN to party member | 10 EN) buffs » Edited February 23 by Telrenya Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted February 17 #3 Share Posted February 17 | NIGHT | Lv. 150 >> P. 117, Lv. 33 | Status: freaking out. Notes: sheet found [here]. Spoiler NIGHT | HP: 200/200 | EN: 58/58 | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 equipped Cosmic Devourer+1 ABS. ACC, ACC III pretense. VAMP-D II, HB II infinity. ACC, EVA III battle-ready inventory Energizing Tea | SWIFT | +10 EN on Crit. Antidote Crystal | SWIFT | Remove all Status Effects from self. skills Spoiler mod count: 5/7 STRAIGHT SWORD | RANK 3 focus, stamina, precision shift: aoe CLOTH ARMOR | RANK 3 athletics, nimble COMBAT MASTERY: DMG | RANK 3/3 SEARCHING | RANK 3 BATTLE HEALING | RANK 3 emergency recovery ENERGIST QUICK CHANGE CHARGE FIGHTING SPIRIT HOWL focused howl SCOUTING FAMILIAR EXTENDED MOD LIMIT extra SURVIVAL CONCENTRATION HIDING untraceable, vanish, surprise attack-t buffs Spoiler Spaghetti & Meatballs | +1 DMG, +10 MIT Ice Cream Milkshake | +15 Max EN sword arts Spoiler en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined. ST | x8 -> x11 AOE | x7 TECH-A | x8 | STUN | 9EN TECH-D | x8 | SHATTER TECH-F | x8 | AOE STUN TECH-G | x8 | BURN misc. Spoiler housing Dimensional Backpack, Item Stash | +2 Battle-Ready Inventory Slots. Well Rested | -1 EN for the first three expenditures of each combat. Relaxed | +(5 * Tier) HP per out-of-combat post. Full energy restoration occurs after two turns out of combat. Squeaky Clean | -25% DoT damage taken from the first DoT applied to this player in a thread. Skylight: Searching | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cooldown of 30 days to reassign. Multipurpose | +1 LD/Prosperity/Stealth/Detection to one post per thread. Can be applied after a roll. Filling | +1 T1 slot to a food consumed by this player in a thread. Can exceed Cook enhancement caps. Col Deposit | +5% col from loot-minimum mobs, +10% col from treasure chests. foraging | r2 | xp: 69/150 Greenhouse | +2 G.EXP, +1 CD&LD to gathering attempts. Familiar: Profession | +2 G.EXP Demeter's Cornucopia | +1 CD to gathering attempts. they were going to have dinner in a church. that was already, in equal measures, extravagant and confusing enough. but what caught night off-guard was in needing to wine and dine her combatant ally. what? valentine's day had completely slipped her mind. the last time night entertained that idea for a date, it didn't go well. and still, she urged herself to look past these feelings, bubbling murky, suspicious and warning of dread. she'd expected to attend and have to set up the table herself, but was relieved to find that preparations had already been made. all she had to do was order. so night did so, and waited standing by her seat, both for the mystery fighter and for information about her mystery date from her proxies. the latter never arrived. night found herself clueless about what to expect from the spectre that she was about to hand her back in defence to. and in a track suit, no less. (it was better to pretend this was any normal day with an acquaintance than to imagine otherwise.) when kiru showed, her date but stiffened, eyes trained on her cautious -- night extended a hand for a shake and a curt introduction once kiru got close. there was a gesture to the table, food warm and served at their matching attendance. but atmosphere be damned. night wanted to focus on strategy more than be immersed in delicacies and delights. "we're going up against supports," she started. "a pair of them's danger. if this was one-on-one, maybe it'd be a little easier to consider." her gaze shifted from her date to the meal. night had barely touched her food. "likewise, i'm way more suited for an individual job. 'stereotypes of a stealth player', or what not." night flapped her hand as though waving off a stigma. sharp eyes fell on kiru, half-expectant, as night began to eat proper. "what about you?" ID241179 | ld12 Link to post Share on other sites
Lessa 1 Posted February 19 #4 Share Posted February 19 ꧁༺Lessa༻꧂ Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate Lessa, Guardian of Aincrad True Tier: 10 Level: 10 Paragon Level: 0 HP: 200/200 EN: 43/43 Stats: Damage: 10 Mitigation: 42 Accuracy: 2 Battle Healing: 6 Stealth Rating: -3 HB: 8 REC: 2 HLY: 2 Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY) Armor/Trinket: - Vega's Panoply (T4 HA - THNS THNS HB HB) Shield/Armor/Trinket: - Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC) Combat Mastery: - Combat Mastery: Mitigation R3 Combat Shift: - ST Shift Familiar Skill: - Rending Familiar Skills: - Battle Healing R3 - Energist - Extended Weight Limit - Heavy Armor R3 - Straight Sword R3 Extra Skills: - First Aid R3 - Leadership R3 Addons: - Hyperactive - Iron Skin Mods: - Energize - Impetus - Inspiring Speech - Large Pockets - Purify Inactive Mods: - Press the Attack Battle Ready Inventory: - Blessing of the Wood x4 - Chocolate Truffles (T4 Vitality II Desserts) x13 - Congealing Ale (Tierless Antidote Salves) x4 - March to the Dawn (Instant HP Recovery 3) x14 - Rumbling Rum Party Favor (Tierless Mass HP Recovery Crystals) x13 - Teleportation Crystal x14 - Tiger's Balm (Tierless Antidote Salves) x1 Housing Buffs: - Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat - Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down) - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts. - Attic (Storage): +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests - Slime Farm: +5% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post. - Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll CoB Spreadsheet A church? Just when she thought the duels couldn't get any stranger. Lessa peaked inside the Grand Cathedral, eager to catch a glimpse of of her friend and guildmate (oh, and also opponent), NIGHT. Seeing her name on the couples roster had sent a thrill through Lessa, and the disappointment that they weren't allies was... strangely complex. But she hadn't seen the dark-haired woman in quite some time, and it would be nice to catch up again if they could steal a few moments before the fight began. As she slipped through the massive double doors, she was struck, as always, by the building's beauty. Sunlight poured through the enormous stained-glass windows, sending color splashing across the stone floor. Flames jumped and swayed cheerfully atop candles in polished holders, and artwork clung to walls and occupied corners to further breathe life into the marvel of gothic architecture. Lessa loved it here. It reminded her of the hundreds of churches across Europe she swore she'd visit one day. Long strides carried the woman away from the front entrance, and in typical Lessa fashion, she was too entranced by the history to notice the more immediate... threat? Plot twist? Uh, dinner date? Surprise flashed across her features, but she schooled her expression into one of easy acceptance before approaching the other blonde. With a warm smile, Lessa slowed to a halt in front of Telrenya, then extended her hand for a shake. She hadn't equipped her gear yet, wearing only the comfortable shirt and pants that went beneath her heavy plate armor, so at least there were no bulky gauntlets to get in her way. "You must be Telrenya." As the woman stood at the same height, it was easy to catch and hold the other Player's gaze before continuing. "Jomei's told me so much about you. It's really great to finally put a face to the name." Her smile widened as her gaze dipped to the spread laid out for them. "Spaghetti and sushi!" she declared, hands clapping together in obvious delight. "I absolutely love that. You know, the best date I ever went on served peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and mac and cheese." Throwing her head back to laugh at the memory, Lessa dropped into the seat opposite Telrenya. "Clearly, I am neither a foodie, nor an expensive date." ID: 241332 | LD: 6 Link to post Share on other sites
Kiru 0 Posted February 20 #5 Share Posted February 20 Spoiler Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 38/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 True Tier: 2 Level: 20 Paragon Level: 0 HP: 200/200 EN: 132/132 Stats: Damage: 10 Mitigation: 36 Accuracy: 2 Evasion: 3 Battle Healing: 0 Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - Cupid's Wings +3MIT Armor/Trinket: - Banshee Shiv +3DMG Shield/Armor/Trinket: - Cold Reflection +2ACC, +1EVA Combat Mastery: - Combat Shift: - Familiar Skill: - Custom Skill: - Skills: Extra Skills: Inactive Extra Skills: Addons: Mods: Inactive Mods: Battle Ready Inventory: - 2x Healing Potion: Heals 15% of Maximum HP on Use. - Vampire Knife: A small, red and black dagger about 1ft or 30cm in length, the blade zigzags smoothly along it, with its cross shaped into black bat wings. Make an LD roll. On a 10+ you deal 20 unmitigatable damage, and heal 20. - Recovery Crystal II Effect: HP Recovery Crystal, RARE HP Recovery 2 Description: This Crystal glows a soft blue and feels cool to the touch, when you use it you feel as though you just stepped out of a shower, aahhh refreshing! -Antidote Potion, Salve, Tierless/Uncommon, Antidote 1 - Sand Armor Potion, T1, Uncommon, Functions like a Parry for the first attack the user sustains after consumption. Can stack with Parry to reduce incoming damage up to 75% Housing Buffs: Guild Hall Buffs: Scents of the Wild Totem: Wedding Ring: Crafting Profession: Gathering Profession: “Huh? Why are we in a church?” I opened my invitation to double-check the address- and it was correct. The Grand Cathedral in Taft was where I was supposed to be. “Taft, huh…” The Eleventh floor held some weird memories for me, but I pushed them aside and walked in with confidence. Though I lost week one against Katoka, I wasn’t nervous for this one. It was a doubles fight, and now I got a feel for combat. Still, I had not met with my partner yet. I looked down at my dress. I chose to wear the St. Valentine’s dress that Ariel had made me some time ago because I felt it matched the occasion. Plus, this was technically a date. Upon entering I noticed Night was near our round table with an outstretched hand. I held her hand delicately and met her gaze with a soft smile. Night seemed focused- and I was too, however I might as well enjoy my time here. I did not take a seat and instead grabbed a piece of sushi off the table. “I’ve been solo for quite awhile, and honestly all I care about is damage. I’m good with up close combat, too” I considered whether or not Night knew of me, but I doubted it. It was hard to judge someone’s combat skills based on how they acted, but I could tell Night was not here to mess around. “Let’s separate them” I picked up another piece of sushi, this time with chopsticks and held it out towards Night playfully, “you want a bite?” + Sushi: Each member of your team ignores the first negative status ailment that afflicts them. 241402; LD 10 Link to post Share on other sites
Telrenya 0 Posted February 20 #6 Share Posted February 20 (edited) Telrenya accepted her partner's handshake eagerly--maybe a little too eagerly--and nodded to confirm her identity. But the next words out of Lessa's mouth caused her stomach to twist into a sudden, tight knot. "O-oh! Has he?" Of course he would have! They'd been friends for a long time, right? Dumb question. She opened her mouth to speak again, but couldn't pick the right words. 'Nothing bad, I hope'? 'How's he been lately?' She practically knocked the wind out of herself as that last one crossed her mind. And so her jaw closed again, settling into a weak, nerve-wracked smile. She should message him. Why hadn't she messaged him by now? Her head was practically spinning until a small 'clap' from Lessa's hands drew her back into the present. Telrenya's eyes landed on her smile, honest and easy-going. Her laugh washed over those tense shoulders and seemed to brush those thoughts aside. She cracked a small smile. Then the words really sank in, and she leaned into the edge of the table and let out a single breathy chuckle. "Wait, really?" What an absurd food pairing, much like what sat in front of them. She brought up a hand to stifle a laugh, then went ahead and reached for a roll of sushi. ~~~ "I've actually never ridden a horse before!" Telreyna's eyes softly sparkled in awe. She held a fork in one hand that was half-finished twirling a bite of spaghetti onto it. Several minutes had passed and she was engrossed in their dinner date while their opponents, well out of ear-shot on the other side of the cathedral, talked strategy. "I feel like I'd be so nervous...! Like... Like what if they don't like you and just tossed you right off?" Was that a reasonable thing to be worried about? She didn't know the first thing about a horse's temperament. Or pets in general, really. She was so distracted over dinner conversation that she'd nearly forgotten the reason they were here in the first place. When Minako's voice had echoed off of the tall walls to address the crowd, she was reminded of the competition and she hurriedly stood up and adjusted her clothes. She flashed Lessa a smile, the nerves that were creeping back in a mere fraction of her earlier anxiety. "Well, I'm excited to fight with you." Her own words surprised her. She wasn't usually 'excited' to fight anything. Telrenya would step up into the arena once her partner was ready. Her hand reached across her body and she drew her rapier. NIGHT and Kiru stood across from them and her eyes danced between the two targets. She had only gleaned a bare minimum understanding of what kind of builds they were using during the last week's fights, and even now she wasn't sure who was the bigger threat or who she should focus on first. She never was a great strategist. She stole a sidelong glance towards Lessa, and a thought resurfaced in her mind. 'I hope I make a good impression.' She bounced gingerly on the balls of her feet, waiting for Minako to retreat. Waiting for the signal. Clash! Like an impatient ball of lightning, Telrenya shot forward. The thin metal of her sword glowed with the energy of an art and she let it fly in a series of stabs aimed at the shorter of the two: NIGHT. Yet, for all her gusto at making an explosive first move, her opponent's agility was just as impressive. Each lunge, every thrust, none met their mark. Telrenya's blade shot past NIGHT's cheek, insultingly close, and she could feel her jaw clench as she was immediately outmatched. Main Action - Attack... ST-I vs NIGHT ID#: 241405 | BD: 5+2-3=4 [Miss] | -2EN Swift Action - Take it Slow... Quote Telrenya | HP: 200/200 | EN: 41/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Sushi Plate Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate VS NIGHT | HP: 200/200 | EN: 58/58 | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 38/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 Edited February 20 by Telrenya Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted February 20 #7 Share Posted February 20 femme? no. night was reading too much into it. she might've studied the dress a little harder if she hadn't been strategizing too hard. something about kiru's demure appearance comforted her -- night chalked it up to her hair. this fight might feel like tag-teaming with her shadow. “Let’s separate them.” it was a good idea, but night considered the players on the alternate team. supports didn't play selfish; they needed a good distraction to ensure their focus stayed on their weaknesses, or force themselves to take advantage of their reliance on one another. she hummed, nodding, trying to formulate a better answer. the sushi held out to her but stole her attention. “You want a bite?” had this not been an obligation, she might've jettisoned herself out of there sooner than she'd stayed. but night shoved down her grumbling, and ate off kiru's chopsticks. focusing on the fight meant leaving the cracks in her heart at home. ... their date had managed to end a little before their opponents', in time to present themselves proper for minako's announcement. maybe it was easier for both of them to be operating alone, she had figured, given their inclinations to be doing so on the regular. but night divulged her train of thought, a straight forward strategy if she couldn't afford any otherwise: go for lessa. even if it pained night to have to spotlight her guildmate as a target, the woman was often seen wearing heavy armor, and without evasion, the damage dealt, despite the mitigation soak, might be worth the cost. her tactics changed once they stepped into the ring, and at the sound of the bell night found herself being targeted. this wouldn't do. hey, why her? the other player that wasn't lessa must've been telrenya, night realized, only after they had clashed blades, because on instinct she found herself on the defensive, dodging and parrying blow after blow. hadn't even the time to think. it was past edging out of an uppercut swing and ducking below a jab from telrenya's rapier that night shifted to the side, taking a stride longer than she was used to. she pulled her arm inwards, slamming the back of her blade into her opponent's wrist while the woman had overextended herself. anticipating a retaliation, night rolled away to create distance between them. what she had expected was to disarm her opponent, not damage her completely, but night decided she would simply surrender herself to what little advantage they could obtain. she was on the defense again fast after rising, if only concealed by her blade swung to her side. anticipated a follow-up from telrenya, sure -- but while the woman tried to close the gap, night's eyes were settled on lessa, and subsequently, kiru. night considered whether she herself would need saving, or be the saviour today. Spoiler > MAIN ACTION: TECH-A > SWIFT ACTION: CONCENTRATION - 9 EN. ID241406 | bd4 + 4 + 1 - 3 = 6 | -> Telrenya | Stun nullified by Sushi. 11 * 8 = 88 DMG 88 - 28 = 60 DMG HATE: 1 + 1 (fs) [2] Telrenya | HP: 140/200 (200-60) | EN: 41/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Sushi Plate [0] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate VS [0] NIGHT | HP: 200/200 | EN: 49/58 (58 - 9) | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | SUSHI | [CONCENTRATION: 1/5] [0] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 53/53 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 40 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | SUSHI Link to post Share on other sites
Lessa 1 Posted February 21 #8 Share Posted February 21 A kaleidoscope of emotions swirled across the other player's expression. Lessa thought she caught surprise, then pleasure, and maybe a bit of embarrassment? It was evident what Jomei saw in her. Softening further, Lessa offered Telrenya a nod. "He has! All good things, I promise." Though it wasn't as if the man made a habit out of badmouthing people, especially someone like Tel. Shifting her attention to the food, Lessa brought her plate alongside the bowl of spaghetti, careful not to splash sauce on the pristine tablecloth as she scooped. "Really really. Definitely comfort foods for me. Even after all this time, I'm a big fan of things that taste like home." --- "Oh, they can and will throw you off if they don't like you," Lessa informed Tel matter-of-factly, then popped another sushi roll into her mouth. She chewed, swallowed, then added, "But you've got to be a real asshole for that to happen, from my experience. Like digging into them with spurs, yanking too hard on their mouths, that sort of thing. I really think if you respect them, they'll respect you. There's a balance, like with everything. If you ever want to give riding a try, just let me know. I'd be more than happy to show you the ropes." She balanced her chopsticks alongside her fork on her empty plate, then leaned back, draping one arm over the back of her chair. Lessa had taken time to change into her combat gear, but even in her heavy armor, the position felt strangely natural. I guess that's what ten years of Aincrad gets you. "This was really nice," she told Tel, and meant it. "I know we didn't get much strategy talk in, but even if we lose this fight, I'll consider it time well spent. It was great getting to know you better." Then she winked. "Not that we're going to lose, of course. I won't be breaking my winning streak today." The pair finally stood from the table, then walked side-by-side to the dueling ground. They painted an impressive picture, two striking blondes with long swords and an evenly matched gate, their cloaks billowing behind them with each step. Surprisingly, in that moment, Lessa felt good. Once again, the Clash of Blades tournament was surprising her. What didn't surprise her was NIGHT's swift, deadly response to Tel's missed attack. Still, Lessa struggled to hide her sharp gasp as her guildmate expertly carved away over a quarter of her teammate's health. The woman was a force. She'd have to play the long game if she hoped to have a shot at taking out this power-couple. Power, and the faintest blue color, pulsed through her sword as Lessa activated Hyperactive. "It's alright," Lessa softly reassured Telrenya, moving alongside her visibly frustrated partner. "NIGHT's good, but you'll get her next time." Then she glanced toward Kiru, the single unknown in the equation. Lessa knew the woman from reputation, and recognized her face from a couple of events, but that was all. "Nice to finally meet you!" she called out. Spoiler Lessa uses Hyperactive. [2] Telrenya | HP: 140/200 | EN: 41/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Sushi Plate [0] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 38/43 [-5] | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate VS [0] NIGHT | HP: 200/200 | EN: 49/58 | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | SUSHI | [CONCENTRATION: 1/5] [0] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 53/53 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 40 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | SUSHI Link to post Share on other sites
Kiru 0 Posted February 22 #9 Share Posted February 22 (edited) Almost suddenly, the match begun. Whatever interactions I was having with Night were halted- interrupted, by our green-haired opponent as she took the first strike against my partner. The tactic seemed rushed, but I was glad it was not directed towards me. I was quick, but not that quick. I shifted my gaze to my other opponent, Lessa. I smirked, recalling that I knew of Lessa but never truly interacted with her. Much like me, she had been around for awhile, "nice to finally meet your acquaintance" I shot forward towards Lessa. The dagger felt like a different weight in my hand, and unlike my previous battle, it was not a comfortable grab for me. Something was off, yet I pushed forward. I tried to hit Lessa in the arm to start, but missed completely. I hopped back a little ways away from Lessa and prepared for the defense. ID: 241542, BD 2 [Miss] Spoiler Telrenya | HP: 200/200 | EN: 41/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Sushi Plate Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate VS NIGHT | HP: 200/200 | EN: 58/58 | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 38/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 Edited Monday at 05:25 PM by Kiru Link to post Share on other sites
Telrenya 0 Posted February 22 #10 Share Posted February 22 (edited) Electricity shot through the joint of her wrist. Her rapier clattered to the ground, but thanks to their earlier dinner, Telrenya was spared a completely stunning blow. Her jaw could only clench at the thought. 'Used up already...!' Her inner monologue rang with disappointment and she hurried to retrieve her weapon without leaving herself wide open for another attack. Lessa moved closer and offered some kind words which did well to pull herself out of that knee-jerk reaction to self-criticize. She turned her wrist and her rapier arced wide beside her. She drew in a breath, taking a moment to collect herself. "Right!" She replied, her voice resolute. She looked back to NIGHT, locking eyes as if confirming to her opponent that she was still her target. She'd gotten a taste of NIGHT's defenses. Now she just had to break past them. If she could do that--if she could just weaken NIGHT, or even just keep her attention--she trusted in Lessa to handle the rest. That was a bit mean, wasn't it? She would have to apologize to her partner for being reckless after the match. Or during that horse riding lesson. Probably both. So, she would try again. NIGHT was as dodgy as they came, and what she lacked in mitigation she made up for in self-healing. The only thing she knew about the woman, aside from her name, was that the only way to take her out would be to land hit after hit. Outpace her regeneration, somehow, before her own health was depleted. Several seconds ticked by filled with parries, dodges, close calls, and near-misses. Then, Telrenya spotted it. A so-called crack in the armor. NIGHT recovered from parry, but the rapier moved just fast enough. The thin metal of Telrenya's blade scraped against the length of NIGHT's sword and a forward lunge brought the tip straight through her chest with a solid 'STAB'. Main Action - Attack... ST-I vs NIGHT ID#: 241558 | BD: 9 [Critical Hit] | -8EN Deals (11+1)*8-22 = 74 DMG | Paralyze negated by Sushi Plate | Inflicts Bleed for 2 Turns Swift Action - Take it Slow... Quote [2N | 0K] Telrenya | HP: 140/200 | EN: 34/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Stun Immunity (1/3) [0N | 0K] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 38/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate | Hyperactive (0/3) VS [1T | 0L] NIGHT | HP: 126/200 | EN: 49/58 | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | Sushi Plate | Concentration (1/5) | Bleed 12 (0/2) [0T | 0L] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 36/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | Sushi Plate I had used the R5 sword art instead of R3, whoops. My bad Edited Wednesday at 07:59 PM by Telrenya sorry this is me editing math calc :( st-i is x8 not x12 and st-ii is locked because st-i didn't land last turn. | changes: (11+) * 8-22 = 74, Teion EN: 34/43, NIGHT hp 200 - 74 = 126. Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted February 23 #11 Share Posted February 23 they were trading niceties. and for a moment, night felt lost. she'd definitely heard her name, she thought, when lessa dove towards telrenya to give her back-up. "what was that about me?" no answer. no problem. for some reason, everybody who was anybody knew each other -- and despite having played the broker game (or, at least, trying to help someone else to do so), she hadn't the slightest notion who any of these other figures were. night thought herself outdated, and was about to speak up and ask, but telrenya's sudden and relentless assault meant she had to focus. back to the game they went. -- except night thought herself catch a glimpse of a sharp edge, and -- (in aincrad, wounds don't last. they don't hurt. the body never realizes pain on a virtual puppet unless one chooses for it to do so. night chose long ago, and choked on her hubris from the puncture.) -- the needle dug in deep through the gap between where her ribs had meant to be. through an impact like this, cardinal chooses not to draw red lines upon their form, for there is little to realize in this description. still, night felt the tug of her hand, instincts that wanted her to drop her blade and to grasp at the hole in her heart. her fingers twitched. it was round two, and night still imagined herself a week -- no, years behind. for a moment her body remembered. allowed itself to cast reality into an illusion. the greatsword that had missed its mark but laid under telrenya's rapier, paused in that slip where their blades had scraped each other. it was pulled upwards, receding, a withdrawal that sent the piercing weapon upwards, further through her form yet by the back of her sword. night blinked the red haze in her vision away and swung at telrenya in a wide berth. this close, her opponent wouldn't be able to escape. her body remembered the distance. it was as koga said. but her mind remembered so much more, and everything was starting to blend together. when cardinal tugged her back, disavowing a follow-up attack while her opponent seemed off-guard, night clawed at her sanity, demanding it back. back from the haze, back from the mire. lessa was right there, and she wasn't going to fall apart again. Spoiler > MAIN ACTION: TECH-G > SWIFT ACTION: FOCUS +16 HP / +1 EN / BLEED: -12 HP ID241566 | cd10 | -> +22 HP. ID241567 | bd4 + 4 + 1 - 3 = 6 | -> Telrenya | [BURN: 14 DMG (0/2)] applied. | -12 -2 EN 11 * 8 = 88 DMG 88 - 28 = 60 DMG HATE: 1 + 1 (fs) [4N | 0K] Telrenya | HP: 80/200 (140 - 60) | EN: 34/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | [STUN IMMUNITY: 2/3] | [BURN: 14 DMG (0/2)] [0N | 0K] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 38/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate | Hyperactive (0/3) VS [1T | 0L] NIGHT | HP: 152/200 (126+16+22-12) | EN: 36/58 (49+1 -14) | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | Concentration (2/5) | Bleed 12 (1/2) [0T | 0L] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 36/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | Sushi Plate Link to post Share on other sites
Lessa 1 Posted Sunday at 10:47 PM #12 Share Posted Sunday at 10:47 PM Lessa uses the Teddy Bear on Tel. Spoiler [4N | 0K] Telrenya | HP: 130/200 (+50)| EN: 34/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | [STUN IMMUNITY: 2/3] | [BURN: 14 DMG (0/2)] [0N | 0K] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 42/43 (+1 +3) | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate | Hyperactive (1/3) VS [1T | 0L] NIGHT | HP: 152/200 | EN: 36/58 | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | Concentration (2/5) | Bleed 12 (1/2) [0T | 0L] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 36/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | Sushi Plate Link to post Share on other sites
Kiru 0 Posted Monday at 12:54 AM #13 Share Posted Monday at 12:54 AM (edited) In this moment I realized I had not truly fought someone who was labelled as a support. The concept went over my head oftentimes due to the amount in which they left themselves vulnerable. I understood that on certain teams it was standard for the support players to be protected at all times, however it is never guaranteed they are safe. I wondered how someone could put that much trust in their teammates. Could I trust someone like that? Hmmm I turned the blade over in my hand again. I let out a frustrated sigh and began another attack against Lessa. I truly was not trying to bully her, but our strategy thus far has been to separate the two. I glanced at Night. She seemed to be holding her own. The two of us might hold similar beliefs, but I felt a little bit bad I had not purchased any support items. I shook my head and once again pressed forward towards Lessa. She was out in the open, and using a support method for her teammate. Perfect! I swung... and missed, again! This was going to be a long battle. 241634 BD: 2 [Miss] Spoiler [4N | 0K] Telrenya | HP: 130/200 (+50)| EN: 34/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | [STUN IMMUNITY: 2/3] | [BURN: 14 DMG (0/2)] [0N | 0K] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 42/43 (+1 +3) | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate | Hyperactive (1/3) VS [1T | 0L] NIGHT | HP: 152/200 | EN: 36/58 | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | Concentration (2/5) | Bleed 12 (1/2) [0T | 0L] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 36/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | Sushi Plate Edited Monday at 05:33 PM by Kiru Link to post Share on other sites
Telrenya 0 Posted Monday at 03:17 AM #14 Share Posted Monday at 03:17 AM (edited) i miss :( Main Action - Attack... ST-II vs NIGHT ID#: 241635 | BD: 5+2-3=4 [Miss] | -2EN Swift Action - Take it Slow... Spoiler [2N | 0K] Telrenya | HP: 80/200 (+36 Safeguard) | EN: 33/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Stun Immunity (2/3) | Burn 14 (1/2) [0N | 0K] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 40/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate | Hyperactive (1/3) VS [4T | 0L] NIGHT | HP: 152/200 | EN: 36/58 | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | Sushi Plate | Concentration (2/5) | Bleed 12 (1/2) [0T | 0L] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 35/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | Sushi Plate Adjusted Lessa's EN to 40 to account for 2EN to use Teddy Bear. Corrected NIGHT's hate against Telrenya due to Fighting Spirit. Edited Monday at 03:19 AM by Telrenya Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted Monday at 05:37 AM #15 Share Posted Monday at 05:37 AM #ph Spoiler > MAIN ACTION: ST-I > SWIFT ACTION: ITEM | Energizing Tea + 16 HP / + 1 EN / -2 EN / BLEED: -12HP ID241636 | cd6 | n/a. ID241637 | bd6 + 4 - 3 = 7 | -> Telrenya -8 EN. 11 * 8 = 88 DMG 88 - 28 = 60 DMG 60 - 36 = 24 DMG HATE: 1 + 1 (fs) [2N | 0K] Telrenya | HP: 56/200 (60 - 36 = 24 | 80 - 24 = 56) | EN: 33/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Stun Immunity (2/3) | Burn 14 (1/2) [0N | 0K] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 40/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate | Hyperactive (1/3) VS [6T | 0L] NIGHT | HP: 156/200 (152 + 16 - 12) | EN: 27/58 (36+1-2-8) | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | Concentration (3/5) | Bleed 12 (2/2) | TEA (+10 EN on crit) [0T | 0L] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 35/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | Sushi Plate Link to post Share on other sites
Lessa 1 Posted Monday at 05:08 PM #16 Share Posted Monday at 05:08 PM Tech-A vs NIGHT 241642 | BD: 1 - Miss [2N | 0K] Telrenya | HP: 56/200 | EN: 33/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Stun Immunity (2/3) | Burn 14 (1/2) [0N | 0K] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 41/43 (+1 +3 -2)| DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate | Hyperactive (2/3) VS [6T | 0L] NIGHT | HP: 156/200 (152 + 16 - 12) | EN: 27/58 (36+1-2-8) | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | Concentration (3/5) | Bleed 12 (2/2) | TEA (+10 EN on crit) [0T | 0L] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 35/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | Sushi Plate Link to post Share on other sites
Kiru 0 Posted Monday at 05:17 PM #17 Share Posted Monday at 05:17 PM Okay if I miss one more time. Aimed at Lessa. ID: 241643 BD 2 Spoiler [2N | 0K] Telrenya | HP: 56/200 | EN: 33/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Stun Immunity (2/3) | Burn 14 (1/2) [0N | 0K] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 41/43 (+1 +3 -2)| DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate | Hyperactive (2/3) VS [6T | 0L] NIGHT | HP: 156/200 (152 + 16 - 12) | EN: 27/58 (36+1-2-8) | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | Concentration (3/5) | Bleed 12 (2/2) | TEA (+10 EN on crit) [0T | 0L] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 35/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | Sushi Plate Link to post Share on other sites
Telrenya 0 Posted Monday at 05:25 PM #18 Share Posted Monday at 05:25 PM (edited) we are going to be stubborn until it kills me Main Action - Attack... ST-II vs NIGHT ID#: 241644 | BD: 5+2-3=4 [Miss] | -2EN Swift Action - Take it Slow... Quote [2N | 0K] Telrenya | HP: 42/200 | EN: 32/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Stun Immunity (3/3) | Burn 14 (2/2) [0N | 0K] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 41/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate | Hyperactive (2/3) VS [6T | 0L] NIGHT | HP: 156/200 | EN: 27/58 | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | Concentration (3/5) | Bleed 12 (2/2) | TEA (+10 EN on crit) [0T | 0L] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 34/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | Sushi Plate Edited Monday at 05:27 PM by Telrenya Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted Monday at 05:46 PM #19 Share Posted Monday at 05:46 PM # it kills you but you revive next round anyway so er nothing happened here i guess??? Spoiler > MAIN ACTION: ST-I > SWIFT ACTION: FOCUS +16 HP / +1 EN ID241647 | cd9 | +22 HP ID241646 | bd4+4+1-3 = 6 | -> Telrenya -8 -2 EN 11 * 8 = 88 DMG 88 - 28 = 60 DMG | -> Telrenya knocked unconscious. [2N | 0K] Telrenya | HP: 42/200 | EN: 32/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT:28 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Stun Immunity (3/3) | Burn 14 (2/2) [0N | 0K] Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 41/43 | DMG: 11 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Sushi Plate | Hyperactive (2/3) VS [8T | 0L] NIGHT | HP: 194/200 (156+16+22) | EN: 18/58 (27+1-8-2) | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | MIT: 22 | EVA: 3 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 22 | LD: 3 | AA | FS | STEALTH: 4 | Concentration (4/5) | TEA (+10 EN on crit) [0T | 0L] Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 34/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:36 | ACC:2 | EVA:3 | Sushi Plate Link to post Share on other sites
Minako 0 Posted Thursday at 02:11 AM Author #20 Share Posted Thursday at 02:11 AM ph Removing NIGHT from the battle, and removing Telrenya from the battle. Contest to be decided by Lessa and Kiru, highest LD wins! Link to post Share on other sites
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