Kindling 0 Posted February 19 #1 Share Posted February 19 A splash of cold water was always a nice way to wake up to reality. There was nothing more refreshing than having those crystal clear, ice cold droplets hit your face, granting reprieve from the collected sand, and the merciless beating of the Sun's heat against one's skin. Kindling thought so, anyway. To him, at this moment, this was life's greatest pleasure. That feeling of ridding himself of each minute particle of silica and dirt, dispelling the irritation that came with having such embed within his pores was exactly the relief he needed. His expression relaxed, jaw slack to simply experience that wave of relief that came as a result of having splashed his own face several times with the water that now dripped back down into the pool. No sooner had that moment passed, than he had leaned down to cup another handful with just one palm, and bring it to his lips. Enjoying a refreshing drink from that same vibrant oasis while his other hand stretched out and helped maintain balance by finding purchase on a nearby stone. Only when the feeling of a parched throat had been sated, was he able to forgive the indignity of his current posture and stand up again. Wiping a hand over his face and halting the trickle of any stray droplets from his wash, considering that enough of a break from the determined goal. Now, blue eyes scanned over the length of the sand, attempting to peer through the smooth, delicate peaks of hills made by accumulated sand, as well as the clouds of dust made on this particularly windy day. Lip pursed into a half-lipped grimace, his brows furrowed, thinking about how unfortunate he was to have a day here where there was no breeze. No, instead, he was stuck with gusts of air that only took the warmth out of the sky and pushed it against anything that stood vertically. A minor annoyance that wouldn't put the brakes on his determined result. Even if he was currently stuck in a loop. Those blue eyes now drifted up to the top right of his vision, his head remaining still. The Minimap was there, as well as the shared map information purchased from a Broker back at the city of <<Fortaleza>>. Nothing of note there; seeing only the blue outlines of the pools of water he was standing by, as well as the grey lines of boulders and errant shrubbery placed throughout the endless desert. Which left this wanderer with the option of recalling the directions given to him. "West to the Firefly Oasis, a nice little spot of wildlife - at night." A sight Kindling would miss on this particular visit. He didn't have a particular interest in waiting out the entire morning and afternoon until evening, simply to see bugs that light up. Even despite the sudden thought that he had never actually seen Fireflies in real life. His home back outside, supposedly, used to be their natural habitat. Yet, they were all gone. 'Maybe another time.' <<Sando Satsu>> was waiting on the other side of this desert. Glory was waiting, more like. Casting his own shadow instead of watch the show put on by others. "Northwest from there, who knows how many miles." He finished reciting the instructions given, looking that way. Giving one last glance to the pool and thinking to materialize a waterskin-cannister from within his inventory. Bending down on one knee to scoop it through pristine water, filling it entirely, and wiping the excess across his forehead. He'd certainly need the extra help on keeping the temperature down in these conditions. A quick drink from that waterskin, before the cap was twisted back on, and it disappeared back into his inventory with a simple hand motion. That was it, it was time to carry on. Spoiler Kindling's Stats, and Skills Kindling | HP: 660/660 | EN: 82/82 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 | (Unhindered applied since it is not in sheet, giving +1 ACC, +1 EVA, +20 HP). Equipment and Consumables All enhancements reflected in the stat block unless otherwise specified. I stoled this format from Acanthus. Spoiler Equipment Weapon | Hand Of The Mountain | +2 DMG, +1 BLD Trinket | Sahelanthropus | +3 Evasion Trinket | Koga's Wallet | Holy Blessing 2 | Fireproof | Para-IM Consumables Water Cannister (x1) +20 HP (5*Tier) Out of Combat Healing. Unused Inventory Tier 4 Blank Dungeon Map Spyglass (x3) Water Cannister(x2) Teleport Crystal (x1) Abilities (Skills, Shifts, Masteries, Add-ons, and Mods) Spoiler Combat Mastery and Shift Combat Mastery: Accuracy R3 ST Shift Skills Battle Healing R5 Unhindered Addon: Precision Mod: Detect (1/5) Searching R4 Polearm R5 Addon: Ferocity Extra Skills First Aid R5 Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted February 20 Author #2 Share Posted February 20 The sand made no sound at all beneath his feet. It wasn't needed to see that he was making painfully slow progress with each movement. No, instead of sound, the man's eyes could see it. A jacketed arm was folded as a visor in front of his face, rapped around such that most of his sightline directly ahead would simply be his elbow, and the cloth of his grey clothing. Using those two facts to shield himself from the gusts of wind that sent sand in a chaotic flurry, and filling the air with the sizzling of the particles hitting each other, and being picked up in large blankets. The time he had taken to wash his face off back at the Oasis was a pointless endeavor - the fruits of which having already been undone by the weather. Nature could be cruel like that. Every so often, Kindling would tilt his chin back up, to attempt to see through the veil of dust, to get a glimpse of his target. Or anything at all that stuck above the sand and could temporarily act as shelter, really. No such luck, his only option now was to press on, deeper into the desert and away from civilization. With his only company being the skeletal remains of other creatures who braved the sands, and had lost their fight. It was one such sight that caused the man to stop. The sound of a dry branch breaking underneath his foot brought with it some amount of curiosity. There, something resembling a large femur-like bone was there, still wet with blood on one end. Urgency crept through his veins, immediately recognizing that something wasn't quite right. His arm moved away from his head, trying to get a better view of his immediate surroundings, and earning him the sting of sand going right into his eyes. Though he was fast to bring his thumbs up, wiping away what he could by rubbing them, and getting a glimpse of exactly what he had hoped he wouldn't see. Something of a massive bison-like camel. Was the best way he knew how to describe it. It's skin tight from dehydration, the set of six humps on its back all having burst and leaked their contained fluid. Limbs still twitching from it's fresh trip to the void, brought on by whatever had taken a massive bite from it's stomach. A bite that had cleaned this monster out of it's vital organs entirely. The gruesome scene itself wasn't what caused the man to flick his hand, and materialize his long black spear, <<Hand Of The Mountain>>, but rather, the implication of whatever had caused that damage. In that moment of caution, Kindling caught the sound of shifting sand. It was subtle, quiet. Like the sand itself was a shifting feline, about to pounce on it's prey. He could feel the strange 'pulling' sensation one gets in their ears when something distant behind them makes a sound. The moment of stillness only made his thoughts louder. 'Move.' He obeyed that inner voice in that exact moment, throwing himself in a semi-flip around so that he landed away from where he was just standing. At just the right moment too, having narrowly avoided the open jaws containing four sets of circularly aligned teeth of a large, aquatic looking monster. In the flash of it's lunge for his previous position, and then sinking back into the sand below, it's form could hardly be made out. The edges of its body blurred by it's color matching the thick cloud of dust in the air, and the speed by which it moved. He had reacted at just the right moment - having listened to that instinctual order to move at the exact same moment the predator had chosen to attack. But now, it was important to keep moving, and try to track the large fin in the sand. Intent on not becoming it's next meal. Kindling | HP: 660/660 | EN: 82/82 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 <<Sand Shark>> | HP: 555/555 | MIT: 35 | DMG: 50 | BLEED: 1 slot of T1 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2 | FIELD BOSS Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted February 20 Author #3 Share Posted February 20 (edited) A Sand Shark, not the first time he had seen one. This one was the largest of them, though. A grin spread across his face, just as he moved again to dodge another dolphin-like leap from the surface of the sand into the air. "Come and get it, buddy." He taunted, just as he quickly planted his feet down, and threw himself back in a dramatic backstep. Clasping the length of black handle on his spear. It was the perfect movement in that moment. No sooner had he made the maneuver than he had predicted what the monster would do in response. Rising straight up from the loose ground like a shark-shaped rocket. It's body vertical, teeth gnashing as it wished that it had gotten a mouthful of human bone and skin. Instead, it got a slash of <<Hand Of The Mountain>>'s three star points for spear heads across it's exposed belly. Leaving behind not a bloody gash, but a pixelated streak that looked more like a thin red line. Kindling paused his momentum, swinging his left foot around and close to the ground in order to pivot. Ready for it's descent back to the sand. Just before allowing it make contact, the man met the trajectory of the shark with that of his spear. Making sure to maximize the time he had to deliver a series of fast, consecutive stabs into it. Just before the monster sank back into the ground. Proving to himself that he was faster than it. To solidify that fact, once more Kindling was relatively still. Spear again in both hands. Blue eyes sweeping, and head tilted to keep the increasingly thick dust cloud out from blasting his retinas. Counting to himself, 'One... Two...' and not allowing it to get to three. This time sliding low to the side with a motion of his spear just to add extra force. Which only let the monster arch over where his head just was. The countdown was perfectly in tuned. Though his window to retaliate was extremely small. Instead taking the moment for his right hand to go down to his waist, double checking that the enchanted wallet of Koga was still attached to the silvery chain. Verified to be, that left the primary priority to be to simply get the sand armor potion from this pitiful animal. Only, to also be careful in not getting too carried away with his movements. The last thing he needed was to be steps off, or to get turned around. Keeping in mind to constantly scan over his entire UI. Watching the map, to be sure that he wasn't moving too far from the original point he had started this dance, just as well keeping track of his stats and HP. For now, he had been spared the buffering damage of the sandstorm thanks to the water of the Oasis. 'Move.' The instinct in his mind spoke up again to interrupt the status report. Once more stepping forward to dodge the flailing, stiff body of the Shark. Then it was back to double checking for debuffs. With no change there. That left just the HP bar of his current enemy. Already depleted from his first attack, though by an amount Kindling would consider insignificant. He could simply do better, and fully intended to on the monster's next opening. To which he was confident there would be plenty, this beast was nothing compared to him. Barely more than a scary story for children. Soon, not much more than an old tale for those who follow in the footsteps Kindling intended to create. Roll: 241408 BD5 CD5 LD2 MD2 Rank 4, ST-I. -12 Energy. BD 5. +5 Acc -2 Eva = 8. Hit. ST Specialist. 18*13 = 234 - 35 MIT = 199 Damage MD 2. +1 ACC - 4 EVA = -1, Miss. Kindling | HP: 660/660 | EN: 69/82 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 <<Sand Shark>> | HP: 356/555 | MIT: 35 | DMG: 50 | BLEED: 1 slot of T1 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2 | FIELD BOSS Edited February 20 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted February 20 Author #4 Share Posted February 20 (edited) If there was a way to record or stream gameplay like this, this situation would have made one hell of a short or story in some quick-video format app. Expertly waiting, reading, and dodging every lunge, bite, self-propelled shot, and swing by the <<Sand Shark>>. Slap on some shitty bass boosted music, mess with the filter, and everyone could lose their minds in the comment section about just how fucking good he was at this. Swinging his body around with admittedly strenuous use of his core and legs, while watching and maintaining perfect distance with the enemy question. Only to catch another opening as it thrashed it's way to the surface of the sand. This time, the monster opted more for the strategy that a rabid, diseased dog would choose. It's body zig-zagging itself along the spine wildly, while sticking close to the ground. Kicking the sand built up off it's body into the dust cloud, but instead of momentum, trying to go for more pointed snaps of its jaw left and right. Turning when he moved to get around it, or forcing itself forward with the power of it's mouth when he simply stepped back out of it. Kindling reached forward with his weapon, using the handle to tap the nose of sand shark while it chomped at nothing but dust and oxygen. "Now, now. You gotta use that nose of your's to get me. You're not giving it your all." Chastising the bundle of pixels and frankly, stupid code that made up this thing. As though it had any ability or need to comprehend what it was he was saying. The wisdom he was trying to impart fell on mostly deaf ears. Only being responded to with more wild snapping before it tried to move forward again and get him within those rows of teeth. An offer that Kindling simply declined, moving faster than it, his tri-tip spear jabbing down below, just past the bottom lip, before his hand retracted. Just in time to catch it's mouth closing, to cut away at the skin that tried to fold over his weapon. The steel getting caught in it's teeth, earning it the privilege of losing a few to the pixelated damage caused by the man simply yanking it back out before it used the hold to jerk his weapon out of it's grasp. That was enough to send it back under the sand. Back to this game, it seemed. Making it all the easier to just wait his two second count down again, and then another movement. A simply jump up with it, then to use its eruption out of the ground as more upward momentum. Which only lead to a reversal, allowing him to fly back down with the spear as his focal point. Slamming into the monster, and then flourishing it back over head for the two-birds effect of getting another strike in, and getting off it's back. Not really all that interested in being dragged underneath the surface to witness what it's like to swim through sand. That hit was a lot better. One that could help Kindling maintain his self-confidence. Though it was through the annoyance of having his ability to hit more reduced. Only able to get off smaller combos than what he had unlocked. Flicking away that irritation with the thought that it only meant he'd get to save some of his energy for his intended target. This would do well as a warm up for the day. A warm up that was hopefully over soon enough, so that he could spend more time to use water and get all of this sand out of his eyes. Roll: 241409 BD7 CD5 LD19 MD6 Rank 4, ST-II. -15 Energy. BD 7. +5 Acc -2 Eva = 10. Hit. 18*16 = 288 - 35 MIT = 253 Damage MD 6. +1 ACC - 4 EVA = 3, Miss. (Just realized only Rank 4 Sword Arts can be used against this monster. Will Change math in a bit.) Kindling | HP: 660/660 | EN: 55/82 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 <<Sand Shark>> | HP: 103/555 | MIT: 35 | DMG: 50 | BLEED: 1 slot of T1 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2 | FIELD BOSS Edited February 20 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted February 20 Author #5 Share Posted February 20 (edited) It was more of the same. Lunging, dodging, thrashing, slashing. Repeat. The timing was entirely readable, one moment into the next, followed by that process with limited variation. It was fun for Kindling just to move around like he was, twisting his entire body around in order to skip the attacks of the creature. Absolutely flexing on it not just with his statline, but with his skill. A level of it that felt just so innate. Like destiny chose him specifically to end the short, undynamic life of this obstacle. If one could even call it a life. Nothing more than a set of instructions that commanded it to fling it's body at anything it could feel through the tremors in the sand, or smell within it's home. Why had he ever been worried about something just so simple? There was nothing to fear here. Three of these together would struggle to lay a scratch on him, let alone a singular one. The bite it had left into the other animal that Kindling now danced and moved over without so much as a second thought, had left a much more intimidating impression. The thought of it now only left him smiling. Of course this was no challenge. Play time was over, though. There was no point in just having fun dodging around other than to frustrate the monster. Something it didn't need much help with - that dial was turned up to one hundred the moment Kindling was within it's aggro range. He breathed in with this realization, letting out slowly to stifle a sigh that he felt in his chest. Another count to two, and then a dodge. This appearance only earning it a long drag of his weapon across it's body, and then a stab into it's tail just before it could submerge back into the sand. That final poke from <<Hand Of The Mountain>> caused it to stop in place, it's outer layer beginning to glow a white-hot color, and flake away. Before it burst into millions of pieces that faded as quickly as they spread. Blue eyes moved to the corner of their sockets. Finding that nothing at all had changed. The corners of his mouth lowered from their grin to a sour curl, mimicking the look he had given to the map back at the oasis. It wasn't worth anything. His numbers and gear were simply too much, and overpowered any challenge this floor could pose. A complete waste of his time. Go figure. His fingers went up to pinch the bridge of his nose, sliding down on each side to rub his closed eyes. Feeling the flakes of sand bundle up at the corners just above his tear ducts, and begin push out and away what had built up from the loose particles in the air. When that wasn't enough, he took his waterskin and dumped some into his eyes. A move that caused them to sting more, but only briefly. Wet sand was much easier to remove than dry sand was. Soon enough, his eyes were given as much relief as he could manage in this situation. Before twisting the cap back onto the canister, he took a drink himself, warding off some of the heat that the sand and sun were working together to accumulate onto his body. There was no loot to be gotten either, given his difference in stats from this floor. Another thing to encourage players to go play in their level, and push the boundary ever forward. Now it was just time to catch his breath, and continue on. Elbow just under his brows, head tilted down. It was time to continue Northwest, ever onward. Watching only as his feet appeared and disappeared in the dust and wind. His pants and clothes becoming increasingly caked in it. Roll: 241410 BD7 CD12 LD11 MD5 Rank 4, ST-I. -12 Energy. BD 5. +5 Acc -2 Eva = 8. Hit. ST Specialist. 18*13 = 234 - 35 MIT = 199 Damage MD 5. +1 ACC - 4 EVA = 2, Miss. Kindling | HP: 660/660 | EN: 44/82 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 <<Sand Shark>> | HP: -96/555 | MIT: 35 | DMG: 50 | BLEED: 1 slot of T1 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2 | FIELD BOSS No Rewards. This enemy isn't within my Loot Minimum, even if I scale down to T1. Did it for the Glory. This whole whole fight is illegal, I didn't read the rules, no rewards. Edited March 3 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted February 21 Author #6 Share Posted February 21 That would be it for hours. Slow steps trudging along, leaving craters in the sand where his feet made contact, and then lift again to kick some of it up and forward. Most of the time, his prints were erased. Lost to time by the storm not moments after he had left them, leaving no mark or legacy on this path. Just as there were no footprints in front of him, despite the fact that he knew hundreds of players likely made this same trek. No, that was more reserved for some of the dungeons of the world, the labyrinths. That, and the Monument of Life. Those were the ways players left their stain on history here. Either through the prompts that told who got the final hit on a boss in the tower that led on to the new floor, the emptiness of the dungeon leading up to each prompt, and then their name etched into the stone by an unseen force. There was a moment where he looked back to where he had come. Unable to see behind him through the whirling wind and dirt. All three of those required eyes to see it. It wasn't enough that the world had changed. Or that someone died fighting. Someone had to care. The prompts and the stone were just there for others to see. To remember their story. History is a story told through the generations. Events that mattered so much people remembered, and talked about it. Passing it down to their friends, their descendants. Carved into their minds, their way of life. That fact also made it susceptible to exaggeration, and twisting of details. Because, ultimately, it didn't matter what actually happened. People would only tell about what they saw, or heard. He could lie about these footsteps in the sand. Tell a tale about how he fought four, or five, or a dozen of those sharks at once. How he bounded across the dunes at lightning speed and back, had gotten home before anyone was even serving dinner back at the city. 'But no one would care.' It simply wasn't a feat, or a story that History cared to write down into the minds and hearts of others. There was no lesson to learn, no idol to look up to - no villain to hate and be wary of. That story would simply be about one guy, walking across the desert. Who would ever read anything about that? Just a lone man, and the endless sand. That curl of his lip creeped back into his expression. This was just a first step. No one talked about what tutor Caesar had, or Napoleon's favorite place to eat lunch when he was a teenager. Those were just parts of their lives that led them to the greatness they became. His head turned back in front of him. The windstorm had been braved. It wasn't long after the sun had set, the ivory moon rising in it's place to shower the desert in ivory light, that the wind had gone with the former. Slowing to a small breeze, and then eventually calming entirely. It had taken nearly the entire daylight, and his eyes went to the map in his field of vision. Still no red dot, still no circle of banners and awnings anywhere on this floor. Perhaps an hour into the evening, Kindling would stop briefly. Grabbing his clothing by the handfuls, and moving each article around in order to fan off, or shake away all the Desert that had accumulated on him. When that stopped working, he used his hands to wipe away what he could. When that stopped working, he gave up on it. Figuring this was a good enough result for now. Relieved to be able to take a more straightened posture. More dignified, less hard on his back and calves than having to lean forward against the turbulence. Free to listen to the yelling of frilled lizards, and whatever monsters in the night, as life continued now with the blazing sun gone. Having only left a vacuum of increasingly chilly air to seep down on the open land. He was much suited to those conditions, and happy not to have his crimson head of hair be completely covered in the beige and brown colors of this god-forsaken floor. Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted February 21 Author #7 Share Posted February 21 (edited) With some wild luck, or perhaps pre-determined destiny, there was something else walking in the night. Kindling saw first only the moving of shapes, registering mostly the change in lighting to catch his attention, however small it was. It caught his attention, causing the man to look, and examine it from his great distance. Some sort of massive rock formation, the moon lighting it up in long streaks as its craggy surface, painting every single elevation and depression granted by the winds and rains of time. Well, more like scratched on there by some underpaid visual artist, more likely. Or generated by preset of rules and guidelines by an algorithm for the purposes of the game. Though cracks, pours, and piles of sand weren't the only things riddled on the rock surface. He'd see it again, the shapes moving around it. More clearly able to make out bipedal silhouettes, wrapped in light cloth that fluttered behind the figures, plural now. Of the two, now three, he saw, there was some kind of scarf or hat on their heads, allowing a long piece to hang down that floated behind them as they meandered through the night. He was much too distant to hear the echo or fleeting words of any chatter, or even of any sound at all. Another one emerged from the side of the rock formation that Kindling could see, the corner of wooden doors catching the moonlight, before disappearing into it's shadow again. Meaning now four. This recent arrival having something else that was noticeable, brought to Kindling's attention by the particular angle of his body. A long, curved blade attached to his hip. And now, the more he looked, the more it seemed another of the other two had similar weaponry. 'Desert Bandits. Marauders?' He smiled to himself at the deduction, realizing that this was some kind of base for them. There must be a mine, or a cave hidden in that rock, where they are given the ability rest and store any of their loot. At least, if they were more authentic. Rather, by the rules of the game, it meant that they had pre-stored loot in there. A treasure chest as a reward for clearing out the inhabitants of the system. There was a moment where he wondered if there was a village or something nearby, and if the existence of this operational headquarters had any bearing on the people there. Would theoretical villagers be glad to be rid of these profligates? Would they learn his name, and praise him? It was at least worth the opportunity to get some experience, col, and an item or two. If they had it. A wave of his hand brought the UI up, quick to rifle through the menus and buttons until he found the label for consumables. From it, producing one of the supplies he made sure to get from a merchant back at town. A Blank Dungeon map. Which, at this moment, was nothing more than a rolled up piece of rough, dry parchment with the edges flaking and breaking. He sprawled it out, unrolling each side like a set of towels, and then held it parallel to the floor. Stretching his arms out and giving it a small movement up and down. Just like that, lines began to draw themselves onto the parchment. Creeping in, the tendrils of ink twisted and turn to make use of every minute detail. All until it centered on the rock formation, the home of the bandits. Where it drew it out in vivid detail, and then marked the door with a large, bleeding-red dot. 'Beautiful.' He was entirely right, that was the only confirmation he needed. This would be worth coming back to, perhaps on his way back from this current goal. It was time to pivot back to his left, and continue Northwest. He'd be asserting himself over those weak men another time. For now, an arena called his name. Dungeon Found! Tier 4 Dungeon Map used to save it for later use. Roll ID:241440 BD10 CD7 LD17 MD8 Edited February 21 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted February 21 Author #8 Share Posted February 21 (edited) An arena that would have to wait until tomorrow, it seemed to Kindling. For, as the night dragged on, so did the cold with it. Getting to a point low enough that if Kindling scoffed out a particularly warm breath directly at the oversized celestial body lighting up the sky at this moment, he'd be able to see the air in a light grey mist. That, coupled with the growing soreness in his abdomen, and feet meant that it was getting too late to continue on for now. He had to criticize himself; having gone too far when it came to the fight with the <<Sand Shark>>. Something that was hardly even an inconvenience, and he spent most of his time jumping around, throwing his legs to carry him through flips and leaps, all to kill it in a few smooth hits, and not get a single scratch on him. Scratches that he would have otherwise healed by now anyway. The fact that it wasn't worth anything made it all the more egregious. After walking all day, and battling the wind, his own boredom, and lack of shelter from the hot sun, the man was ready to settle down for the night. He scanned the area both on his map, and the actual terrain for somewhere to call home. It wasn't terribly hard to find one, given his low standards at the moment. A collection of rock formations that made a nice cove. It didn't work super good for shelter, but the burning in his legs stopped him from being too picky. Inside the collection of red and orange rocks was a singular cactus, growing alone, likely due to the fact that it was hidden in the valley between two large dunes of sand. Getting ample sunlight while the Sun traversed the sky from east to west, while having protection to it's north and south. Kindling approached the home of the Cactus, using his hand to wipe away now chilled sweat from his forehead, then lazily stretching it out to shoo away the straggling lizards and ants that had the same plan he did for shelter. Watching them hiss, and scurry away to another crevice or corner within this small area. "You can have it back in the morning." Kindling spoke half way through a yawn. He didn't intend to stay long, and then those small lizards could go back to this side of the rocks, and call it home. Finding a suitable place to set up and sleep for the night. An acceptably flat ledge of rock, that only had a smooth 'bubble' in the middle of it's surface, and slightly to one side. 'Good enough.' Came his mind in response, simply wanting to lay down and find some relief from the day of exertion. With a swipe of his hand, Kindling began to go through the bright UI of his inventory, coming eventually upon all he had for camping supplies. Which was mostly just a bedroll, and some water. The former materialized into a bundle for him. Making it easy to kick and splay out with his hands, and lay on the rock. There was a brief moment where he thought to start a fire. Only to remember that he had nothing to ignite it with. Let alone the lack of small stones for a pit, or tinder to actually getting it going. Devoid of all the things necessary for a fire, he'd simply have to curl up in his bedroll to stay warm. He reached and unzipped the side. Stopping before crawling into it, Kindling went back through his inventory and retrieved his water skin. Tilting his head back to take a large drink of it, as well as dump some on his face. Sighing out as he felt the cold sand wash from his face for the second time, and using that opportunity to wipe what he could away with his sleeve. Then, going through to remove his articles of clothing one by one. Down to nothing but his white and black underwear, the rest of his body exposed. All to avoid his bedroll from becoming a sandbag, or one of those boxes scattered across every playground in America. It was much more comfortable to just hug himself than to fight sand for the rest of his life in his bedroll. Knowing he could never get rid of it. With all that done, Kindling slid into the opened side, pulling the zip back up and shot. Shivering for a brief moment before the warmth of his mostly naked body filled the space of the bedroll, making it much more comfortable. Left staring at the midnight-blue sky, painted with thousands of twinkling stars, and still celestial bodies. Not much time would need to pass before the exhausted man would find his eyes lulling shut, and the embrace of sleep finding him. The night just sort of slipping by. ----- That wasn't entirely the truth. It was a bothersome night, where he woke up to the feeling of various animals moving over him, or curiously inspect. As well as to roll over back onto his back, or the other side once the feeling of soreness settled in from the uneven bubble in the surface. Still, each of those disturbances were light, barely even a register in the man's memory as he simply went back to sleep within seconds of each. It would prove to be something much more irritating that would fully wake him up. The Sun wasn't even above the horizon yet, it's profile nothing more than golden rays in the far east, and a dim, light blue sky overhead. Kindling felt a sort of repeated patting upand down his form, from above the bedroll. then came the undeniable sound if a ziiiip as his bedroll was being undone. Eyes shot open, immediately getting a glimpse of a man standing there. "Ahh, so sorry." Came the voice of the stranger, as he leaned back up, and straightened his spine. Kindling got a much better look at him there. Covered in cloth that was thickly rolled in some places, and thinly spread in others. Wearing a sort of Middle-Eastern style armor, where he had chainmail over his arms and feet, poking out just above his knee-high leather boots. The white cloth forming a sort of hooded hat, and framing just his face. A face that was best described as a mess of lines, and a dark beard, connected to a thick mustache. His complexion tanned and dark from, likely from years of limited time in the shaded shelter in the Desert. He stuck a palm out, flat and upward, then gestured with his fingers all at once. "Come on, get up. Money, Food or Water. Whatever you have." His accent was thick, though strangely clear. Then reaching that hand to his back to draw the weapon he was carrying. A shorter blade, one that was straight from the pommel, to about half way up the steel. From there, it curved into a dramatic crescent, making an almost perfect half-circle hook, more of a sickle than a sword. Despite the fact that he was robbing Kindling, the stranger shrugged, stretching his jaw down with his lips closed. Almost apologetic, though only very mildly so with the grin on his face. "You understand." He gave as an appeal to his action. To which Kindling briefly closed his eyes, and rubbed them. Before slowly working himself out of the sleeping bag, and standing up to stretch. Knowing that with the Bandit not able to see anything but his underwear, he'd simply wait for his 'payment'. Getting to his actual equipment would be easy. That's what a Battle-Ready inventory was for in a situation like this. But his actual clothes, given their lack of effects, he hadn't thought to place on there. Never really expecting a situation where he'd be fighting moments after waking up. At the same time, it didn't really matter. He made a fast motion with his hand to his side, summoning his appropriate gear to him. He could see now, there were four men in total. A worthy enough challenge. Hopefully stronger than a pathetic Sand Shark. Materializing <<Hand Of The Mountain>> straight to his hand, as well as the chain of <<Koga's Wallet>> to attach to the band of his underwear. Leaving him to be prepared to fight in nothing but that set of underwear, and the utilitarian boots <<Sahelanthropus>>. The swift motion immediately making the guarded, cautious Bandit change his stance. Expression hardening. Kindling found some amusement in that. A slight cock of his head to the side, eyes meeting his opponent. "Give it your all." He spoke without the slightest hint of irony. Unaware of the humor in being robbed, asked to 'give' something, and then telling his robber to 'give' him something. Much more interested to see if this would be a waste of his time or not. So last fight was technically at Level 33, and not 34 because I was missing 400 EXP from staff, at the time of starting it. Kindling should have had +20 HP, and +2 EN, which will start this fight. Don't be too mad! please and thank you. Post #3 out of Combat, Kindling restores all Energy. Kindling | HP: 680/680 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Desert Bandit | HP: 410/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT Desert Bandit | HP: 410/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT Desert Bandit | HP: 410/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT Desert Bandit | HP: 410/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT Edited March 3 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 3 Author #9 Share Posted March 3 (edited) No sooner had the spear come in a long line of burning pixels into his hand then the man who spoke simply smirked, and lunged forward. It was something that the red haired man had prepared for, but more mentally than physically. He was too slow, getting a nice red slash just underneath his lapel, that burned and hurt like hell. His teeth gritted as he tried to go up onto the rocks nearby, and use them for leverage and momentum. It was good that the game assisted him with acrobatics like this; it wasn't really something he had worked on in his actual life. But here, he was a fantasy character, and could live to his full potential. Being airborne was the goal, and he had achieved it, using his core and legs to flip himself around through the air. It would be a perfect shot from here, looking at all four men below him while his body twisted to reangle. Now, <<Hand Of the Mountain>> steadied against his side, Kindling put both hands on it, looking to move its point swiftly forward and then back. Becoming a hundred blurred strikes with the assistance of the game to make such a sword art. Carrying him through the motions of making his weapon seem like a thousand needles at once, and crashing into the enemies like meteor as he went. Each got their deserved damage, health bars just in front of them, and curving around their bodies depleting. Though all but one remained still green. A fact that, had not been for the fact that he was in the middle of combat, would have made Kindling scoff. Something he'd have to kick himself later, if he even remembered. Immediately met with their curved weaponry and shouting of coordination between each other. Their strikes each matched the first. Nicks and cuts that hurt like hell, and took a decent chunk off of the player's own HP pool. He needed a moment just take a breath in, having quickly taken a jump back away from them. Unfortunately, there was no one to switch to behind him. He had undertaken this alone, and intended to finish it alone. No matter what it took. 'Or die trying.' He steeled his expression. That was the truth of it; legends didn't fail. At this moment, having been out of the spotlight - off of center stage - his moment was fading. Life would progress without him. That was an unacceptable fate. He would not become unknown to anyone else's book. There was no greater insult. No lack of healing potions, or attacks from swords could stop that. These men were nothing. Points of data that acted in a scripted way. Mindless machines doing the bidding of some computer nerd for the sake of a game. He once again took a more confident stand. Stepping in a circular anchor point around the four men. Both sides sizing each other up. Here he was, in nothing but his underwear, and a pair of disgustingly plain boots. That, and the wallet that hung from the band of his pair of under clothes, jingling around as he jumped and bounced all over the place. At least he could be content that he looked good naked, even in spite of the rapidly closing 'wounds' the game created on players in the wake of attacks on them. There was no smirk on his face anymore, his mouth curved in concentration, and contempt that these meaningless lines of code ever thought they had the right to act on him. One made a call, lunging forward, and now, it was time for the dance to start all over again. Kindling performs an AoE-1! Attacking all four Desert Bandits AOE 1: ID 242565 | BD 2+5 ACC = 7, Hit! 18*11 = 198 Damage | MD 10, Critical autohit; Bandit hits for 142 Damage. AOE 2: ID 242566 | BD 4+5 ACC = 9, Hit! 18*11 = 198 Damage | MD 10, Critical autohit; Bandit hits for 142 Damage. AOE 3: ID 242567 | BD 9+5 ACC = 14, Hit, Minor Crit! 19*11 = 209 Damage, Bleed Applied | MD 3+1 ACC-4 EVA = 0, Miss. AOE 4: ID 242568 | BD 4+5 ACC = 9, Hit! 18*11 = 198 Damage | MD 10, Critical autohit; Bandit hits for 142 Damage. Kindling takes a total of 426 damage. Kindling Spent 11 + (2*4 Target = 8) = 19 EN Kindling | HP: 254/680 | EN: 65/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Desert Bandit | HP: 212/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT Desert Bandit | HP: 212/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT Desert Bandit | HP: 153/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT | BLEEDING 1/2 Desert Bandit | HP: 212/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT Edited March 3 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 3 Author #10 Share Posted March 3 (edited) That was not the fate in store for him today; Kindling would ensure as such. He remained standing tall, even if he was outnumbered, and his health bar was close to red. He'd simply need to move faster. And move faster he would. This time a lot more prepared, both mentally and physically, for the lunging and charging slashes of his four opponent. Quick to duck higher slices, or turn his body against their cuts down. They continued to shout at each other, making sure that they attacked at the same time, to overwhelm and confuse him with the strikes. Now the enclosed area worked against the Brigands, allowing their would-be prey in the player to move up the rock formations, around the lone cactus, and off the enclosed walls of it. Each time they swung, catching nothing but air, or dinging off the rocks. This was a lot more of his element, always finding that he worked best under pressure. There was nothing more motivating than a deadline, or the prospect of failure. The adrenaline was wholly addictive, feeling it's buzz course through his veins. A much different feeling than his dance with the Sand Shark in the desert storm, Kindling breathed in sharply with each of his movements out of the way of his assailants. Tasting the crisp, warming air of the desert, of life as he now found the rhythm to their attacks, and where his moments were. They taunted, though the man didn't listen to their words. Instead, taunting back with his lower body pressed forward. "I distinctly asked for all you've got. This isn't it, is it?" To which one of the men gritted their teeth, predictably falling for the bait and raising his weapon above his head. A loud exhale of a shout as he charged forward. Only, by the time he brought his weapon down, the unhindered man was already gone from there. Spear held defensively tilted in front of him with both hands. Then came another from behind. Also according to plan; their strategy had been to hack away at him wildly, and win with just sheer numbers. A perfect parry as that curved, moon-crescent shaped blade tried to find his abdomen, placing the handle of his spear right in the hook. Just in time for another to make an attack. His arms moved, ripping the hooked blade from the hands of the one whom he had caught, and flipping his spear upward from its downward tilt into a flourish up, and then back down the next attacker. Something that earned that particular desert bandit nothing but red slashes, and an empty health bar. Falling to the ground lifeless. Leaving only three alive, another of which made their move to his position, followed by the first in this exchange. Left hand left his spear, right hand holding it straight up. His fingers curled, while he slid down and hit with the bottom of his palm. A lack of the Martial Arts skill made it do negligible damage, but that wasn't the point. It was the motion, while his boots slid him across the ground, and just underneath the arm of one, and placing all three to one side of him. Following that with lowering his spear to shoulder level, and pivoting on his heel. Spinning around dramatically to hit the two who were in motion. Just like that, two more were dead from the series of slashes that followed. Joining their friend in the afterlife. Leaving it as a very unfair one versus one. Unfortunately for the Bandit in question, this was nothing like Clash of Blades. He wasn't a thinking, breathing person, with real abilities, or even talent. This was barely more than a programmed ant, responding to stimuli. Proved by the way he now swung with the full force of his body at Kindling. Earning him one jab after the next, until they began to chain together, trailing in a line of dots from his foot, up to his neck. The final being a full force strike just below his chin. Just like that, the last one dropped as well. Giving him the slightest moment to breathe in, and straighten his posture. Before giving a performance ending bow, one hand folding with his body at his center, with no audience to see. Kindling performs an AoE-2! Attacking all four Desert Bandits AOE 1: ID 242569 | BD 5+5 ACC = 10, Hit! 18*14 = 252 Damage | Mob dies before retaliation. AOE 2: ID 242570 | BD 4+5 ACC = 9, Hit! 18*14 = 252 Damage | Mob dies before retaliation. AOE 3: ID 242571 | BD 4+5 ACC = 9, Hit! 19*14 = 252 Damage | Mob dies before retaliation. AOE 4: ID 242572 | BD 7+5 ACC = 12, Hit! 18*14 = 252 Damage | Mob dies before retaliation. Kindling takes a total of 426 damage. Kindling Spent 14 + (2*4 Target = 8) = 22 EN Kindling restored 1 EN at the start of his turn. Kindling heals 32 Battle Healing + 26 Holy Blessing HP = 58 HP. Kindling | HP: 312/680 | EN: 44/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Desert Bandit | HP: 0/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT Desert Bandit | HP: 0/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT Desert Bandit | HP: 0/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT | BLEEDING 2/2 Desert Bandit | HP: 0/410 | DMG: 140 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0 | 0 MIT Spoiler LOOT Looting Desert Bandit 1 ID 242573 LD 8 + 4 = 12, CD7 (410 * 3 = 1,230) + (410 * 2 = 820) = 2,050 Col 2 Bonus Materials Rare Weapon (1) Uncommon Consumable (1) Looting Desert Bandit 2 ID 242574 LD 10 + 4 = 14, CD12 (410 * 3 = 1,230) + (410 * 4 = 1,640) = 2,870 Col Rare Armor/Shield (1) Additional Col (410 * 2 = 810 Col) 3,680 Col Total. Looting Desert Bandit 3 ID 242575 LD 5 + 4 = 9, CD12 (410 * 3 = 1,230) + (410 * 2 = 820) = 2,050 Col 2 Bonus Materials Rare Trinket (1) Additional Col (410) 2,460 Col Total. Looting Desert Bandit 4 ID 242576 LD 12 + 4 = 16, CD6 (410 * 3 = 1,230) + (410 * 4 = 1,640) = 2,870 Col Rare Consumable (1) Rare Armor/Shield (1) 11,060 Col 4 Total Materials Rare Armor/Shield (2) Uncommon Consumable (1) Uncommon Weapon (1) Rare Trinket (1) Rare Consumable (1) Edited March 3 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 5 Author #11 Share Posted March 5 (edited) Then he stood back up. They were pleased, the invisible spectators of Kindling's mind. The figments of the fame and love he'd received from that encounter. Left only with a small panel congratulating him on the win against those creatures, and rewarding him with the money they drop for being defeated. Their bodies slowly dissipating, fading away pixel by pixel , eating away at their forms. Leaving behind only the glowing white wisps of flame in their wake reminiscent of souls. Their lootable corpses, all that was left of them now. One by one, Kindling would bring up his UI, tapping at the buttons to take in what each had to offer him. Thanking himself silently that these ones actually had something to offer to someone of his caliber, as opposed to the earlier shark. Though, their tribute was piddling at best. Odd trinkets, a shield, a piece of armor, and a weapon. All of which completely sucked ass. His lip curled again, hardly any of this was befitting loot for him. Maybe it would all sell for a decent amount of col. There's a thought. Other than those items, that is pretty much all they had. Money, likely robbed - or not, given the fact that they weren't real. Spawned in just to harass players in the area, and creating the money on their death. However little it was their miniscule existence mattered. At least, they served as a decent challenge, and had actually managed to get him to sweat in the rising heat of the early morning. That, and the amount they offered was better than nothing; only by the term of technicality. Their meagre drops and rewards would just be more effort when he got home to an inn, ad had to sort through the junk, and then find a merchant to take it off his hands for an even lower amount of col. Now, truly nothing remained of these generated characters. Having completely disappeared, faded into the endless stream of time and points of data that made up the Cardinal system. How neatly that was - a more realistic game might have, at the very least, made him more notorious against their ilk. No such luck, with the lack of any sort of faction system or notoriety. He would simply need to build up that on his own, with the word of mouth of real witnesses. His walk would continue, once he had a moment to roll up his bedroll, and then use his inventory to put back on his clothing. Not really intent on allowing the sand to find it's way into the gaps of his underwear, or up his legs. A displeasure Kindling could do completely without. His mind wandered back, as he continued his way northwest through the endless sands and the lines of peaks that made up each rolling dune on this notably less windy day. Witnesses was very important, but who was actually worth partying with? He had a veritable repository of information on at least Sixteen players - Seventeen, if you included Minako. A woman he had spied on much like the others, having learned what there was to know about her before agreeing to Co-Host the tournament with the woman. She was nice enough, energetic. Fun to be around, but... 'How good was she in a fight?' The last thing he'd need is to babysit someone. Though that brought it's own prestige, that was hardly worth gambling his life on some of the more important tasks that the game presented. The one's that really were a challenge, even for the highest tiered players. That was a benchmark he needed to reach. To be counted among those. His feet lifted and imprinted on the sand, his head tilted slightly down toward the ground by habit now, and intent to keep his movements focused on where he was going. More names would continue to float into his head... +60 HP Out of Combat HP a turn. (+40 Base, +20 from Water Cannister) 1/3 Turns Out Of Combat for EN. Kindling | HP: 372/680 | EN: 45/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Edited March 5 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 5 Author #12 Share Posted March 5 (edited) Going down the list of those who stuck out to him during the tournament he was hosting. Just thinking about the façade made Kindling feel somewhat tired. He was able to be more of himself, though it was a part that was slowly growing to be despised. Dancing around, moving his arms out, making dramatic gestures. All his days in the drama department, on the stage playing side roles. Those days had drilled in him a flair for the spotlight, for the theatrics. But that was not how a man acted. That was how a child acted. His fist balled at the thought, mentally cursing himself for being unable to let go of those habits, those interests. The excitement he felt for the moment to portray something, and play out a story. It was a weakness, the sort of thing people who spend all their time doom scrolling social media forums and arguing about politics on twitter do, owning every console that has ever been made, with their scratchy beards, and their wide rimmed glasses. If it wasn't for the moment that Kindling took to catch some breath, he'd have used that balled up fist to hit himself in the head. He'd find the time to punish that out of his mind. To rid himself of that emotional maturity, one swipe at a time. There was a moment where his eyes closed, centering himself once more. There was the people of Clash of Blades, those combatants. Of whom, who could he think would be a worthy companion...? 'Acanthus.' His mind started with that woman. Her shining armor made her look like something of a Knight. She showed an absolutely impressive amount of bravery. No matter her match up, that woman had played it all the same, every single time. She was unpredictable, often unrecognizable. Just from what words she said, the way she moved in combat, how she prepared for those combats. A loose cannon, and a strong one at that. She was one of the stronger ones, almost absurdly so. Which actually would move the Knightess out of the running in Kindling's mind. She was someone to be bested, not to put in a situation where she could steal his moment of thunder and glory. He'd need to beat her stats before making her into a tale-teller. That went for a great many of his combatants, to be honest. 'Koga.' Another one of those frontliners, with a much more damage focused build, and light armor. He fought with a katana, the fucking weeb. But his star was still burning brightly, so to speak. Was he that much stronger than Kindling was now? The moment of doubt was subdued by pride; simply, he was not. He was consistent, reliable. The complete opposite to the previously given-thought Knightess. Fighting with a mix of martial arts that he had almost certainly learned without the assistance of the game. A friend to many, in some respects, a peer to Kindling. Perhaps they'd have something in common. Though just as likely the only thing they might find recognizable between the two was the fact the red-haired man was now carrying around his wallet on a chain, as part of his build. 'Pollux.' She was cute, there was no denying that. Her mess of vanity items to give her a more elven appearance. Though admittedly, hard to read. That woman didn't show much in terms of emotion, but she did treat most of her combatants with respect. More often, she'd banter back at her introductions given by Kindling. In truth, he'd simply need to know more about her, to judge whether she was at all worth his time. Perhaps the easiest way to do that was to simply take a quest, and see if she'd join him. Then again, perhaps he could save himself quite a bit of awkwardness simply paying a broker to follow her, and take notes. If nothing else, she could perhaps turn into a valuable asset one day. And if not, it's only a bit of col, and a memory he could forget. 'Yue Hua.' Came the correction from his inner mind. Pollux was not technically correct, as he had previously discovered. 'Jomei.' His lips tightened and thinned at the thought. A rush of emotions - He didn't even know this man, but just the thought of his smiling face, his calmer demeanor, brought a pit to Kindling's stomach. Having no want, or way to process the disgusting soup of thoughts and feelings regarding that man. He was flawless in the tournament, and talented, no doubt. The way others talked to him, and talked about him. He had everything. Just that thought alone was enough for the man to banish him from his mind. He wouldn't dare become part of the whole that spent their time thinking of him. 'Telrenya' The thought of one, led to the thought of the other. She, by comparison, appeared to not have a whole lot. Having spent her time elsewhere, mostly. Taking some kind of mental break, and making her return debut on the stage that Kindling and Minako had set up. All in all, she seemed like a sweet girl, one who wroked to try her best, and help others. Like Kindling, she supported some amount of <<First Aid>> in her build. Useful, if one ever goes on any dangerous escapade. She could use some accolades the same way Kindling could, as well. Some way to show the world a face that each of them mattered. Perhaps if she was asked nicely enough, she'd be willing to tag along for something. They had plenty in common, maybe they could even be friends. +60 HP Out of Combat HP a turn. (+40 Base, +20 from Water Cannister) 2/3 Turns Out Of Combat for EN. Kindling | HP: 432/680 | EN: 46/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Edited March 5 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 5 Author #13 Share Posted March 5 (edited) Those were the names that stuck out in his mind for one reason or another. At least, from the competition. Sure, he could name the others, and give them thought, but why? Wulfrin, Lessa, Kiru, Mina, Katoka, Vigilon, Hirru, Oscar, Morningstar, Kiyabu... There was maybe some talent among those. Kiyabu was working to have his own star rise, though the others either shared the same issue with Acanthus, or weren't worth giving much thought to. His head raised up sharply, the last name coming to him. 'NIGHT.' Another woman that shared one of Yue Hua's trait of being impossible to read. She was the most difficult to get information on, constant sneaking around, difficult to follow. Even more difficult to really understand. Most people didn't have much to say about what she has been up, or how it was her health bar and the rest of her stats were so impossibly high. She was the one wearing the crown, for now. Even in the tournament too, taking a significant lead over the others in her record. She wasn't a wanted friend. She was the last obstacle. The one to be bested. Who Kindling needed the most to see his own potential, and admit his gifts to the world. 'One day.' He told himself in a final thought of that. He would build his Rome one stone at a time, paving the marble path to his way to the top. Even that woman couldn't stand in his way, and wouldn't for long. There was simply a gulf between them now, and Kindling considered himself an excellent sailor. He would not stand for it for too long. This was all simply a first step. A temporary humiliation for someone of his caliber. An embarrassment that was soon to pass. None would remember these moments by the time he was done. Just as the sands would forget that he had walked this path. Just like they had all those who came before him. The endless grains that stretched on for who knows how long in every single direction. Whatever quests had been done, whatever monsters were killed. Just like those bandits, evaporated and gone. If he wanted, he could simply drag his feet along through the desert. Create more of long tranks, than individual footprints. Let others see this road he had walked. That's perhaps the plan, when he inevitably came back here to look for a real Sand Shark, and not that weakling he had run into in the midst of yesterday's storm. Taking a moment to stop from his string of thoughts. Reach up, and drink some more water from the dwindling water cannister. The waterskin, and his inventory, did a fairly good job of keeping the liquid inside cold, and refreshing. A nice reprieve as it went down his throat, and spread it's cooling sensation throughout his chest. A fleeting feeling, that was gone just as quickly as it had arrived, drowned out by the rays of the sun, and their relentless assault on Kindling. +60 HP Out of Combat HP a turn. (+40 Base, +20 from Water Cannister) 3/3 Turns Out Of Combat for EN. Energy restored. Kindling | HP: 492/680 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Edited March 5 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 5 Author #14 Share Posted March 5 This was beyond just that of curious travelers, as the rumors and quest prompts had said. For someone to have gone out this far couldn't have been purely by accident. Then again, that undermines the diligence of the ten thousand some odd players that were still alive. Or at least, maybe closer to that number when they had unlocked this floor, likely it was far less by now. Those who didn't make it. Who didn't have the luck, or the smarts, or the sheer skill to be able to defeat boars, or skeletons, or floor bosses. Their names and stories were little more than a UI element carved into a piece of digital stone. Completely lost and forgotten. Not living on in the hearts or minds of anyone else. Kindling could imagine no worse fate for a person. Even worse, were the ones who declared themselves simple, or easy to please, using that as an excuse why they hadn't left a stain on history. Simply accepting the fact that they wouldn't ever make the charts, that men and women wouldn't dream about them, think about them while they're under the covers at night. It brought up an interesting point, a mostly unanswerable question. Did those who make history always knew they were going to? Were they aware of when specific actions were so significant, that what they were doing that day would become a factoid to read about in books, the internet, and in boring classes of charts and lists of endless charts and family trees? Some had to have, at least, the closer they got to the modern era. Though maybe it depended on their literacy, for some it was certainly never their main goal. Pirates; Did Anne Bonny know? William Kidd? Zheng Yi Sao? Every ship they attacked, all the goods they robbed, the people who suffered the physical and personal punishments of their crews - did any of them ever think to themselves 'This one is being being sung, or written down.'? Certainly some of the ancients were aware, having been so close to their own mythos, and on average having a more story-engrossed populace. Alexander the Great almost certainly knew, having gone to great lengths to curate and weave his own legend. Greatly achieving that fact. But, then there's the other side of the coin. Not so much a question of literacy, but a question of intent. To Kindling's mind, it was unlikely Salvador Dali painted with the motivation to be the best. He was simply born with extraordinary talent, and was able to find and follow that. Honing it and crafting it over years, and developing his love not for the end result of people clapping and cheering. But to simply make what he wanted to make, and find pleasure in the process. What process had Kindling been left with? To walk through the desert, the snow, climb the mountains, watch points of data deplete until they become zero? Almost exactly that. He had no brushes, no paint. None of the comfortable solitude of writers and poets. No, instead, he was left with frontiers. They weren't the unexplored rings of Mauritania, or the barbaric forests and fields of Gaul, but they weren't that dissimilar from those places in nature either. This game had been carefully crafted by a masterfully developed AI system, all of its environments and mechanics built piece by piece, to give as close to a realistic experience as possible, which then had a game laid over the top of it. How many in the decades before dreamed and imagined the full scope of adventures that could be had, inspired by their sixteen bit hand-held screens, and dying batteries? And now, he was living it. This was the fortune of being one of here. This was the first instance of it's kind. To what end the developer had, Kindling had no idea. This would be written down somewhere, what happened in the game, who the names were; they would all matter. Kindling was always right about himself. He was blessed. Blessed with this opportunity, and blessed with the singular mind to take advantage of it. Blessed to be the only one aware of that fact, it seemed. And fully ready to take advantage of that fact. Each step here in the sand carried him ever forward, toward that goal. +60 HP Out of Combat HP a turn. (+40 Base, +20 from Water Cannister) 3/3 Turns Out Of Combat for EN. Energy restored. Kindling | HP: 552/680 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 10 Author #15 Share Posted March 10 There was a movement of something in the corner of the man's vision. His eyes clicked immediately to catch it, finding the swift motion of a marked red dot descending from the top left corner, down the side of the minimap, an indication that only meant one thing. His head now turned to his left, being met once more with sand to the horizon. Though there was something else, sticking out sorely from the backdrop of beige and yellow grains. A dark circle, from this distance that looked like a monster at first glance. Covered in spines and errant pieces, with something on top catching the soft wind. That object was in tatters, though remained a deep crimson even through it's age of standing alone. It wasn't a monster, upon closer inspection. Though Kindling knew that through the context clues, it was important to drink in every detail. Those spine and spike lookalike objects were broken spears and splintered wood that made up the battlements and barricades, as well as the roughly built and awfully maintained arena. This was finally it. Kindling felt relief wash up mainly from his legs. Not needing to check his minimap to confirm that the red dot would lead to here, he pushed forward toward it, closing in on it with thoughtful, somber steps. He remained silent, as the man came upon the structure. Towering here alone in the desert, and creating some nice shade on the side hidden from the sun, Kindling circled it until he found something of an entrance. A break in the barricades and palisades stuck into the ground, where perhaps there was once a door in a large archway. No more was that true, the top and sides of that entrance looked as though someone had taken a saw to it. Though more likely, this structure was built this way to give the impression of age by the game-makers. Make it seem more ruined. He stepped in, given a moment of respite from the heat when met by the small lobby of sorts. A circular room with broken down vendor stands, and piles of wood. To each side, open door ways lead to staircases that spiraled away, following the structure of the pit as a whole. Each one was collapsed in, the sandstone having not stood the test of time, and blocking the ability for players to make their ways to the stand. Which left only one other exit from this room, the massive port that led out into the opening itself. Kind motioned his left hand out, drawing <<Hand of The Mountain>> into a mass of kaleidoscopic pixels that gathered into it's form. Stepping out with only the company of the clicking of his boots against the rotting and broken boards of the ground, until he was outside once again. Met with more hardened sand, packed down and cracked from lack of hydration. Forming a perfectly circular area, closed in by high wooden walls. Directly opposite of that entrance, something of a podium, it's awning cover torn away such that it now hung loosely over that stand high above the arena. The red banners that accentuated the run down audience area all tirelessly flapped or whipped around depending on the strength of the winds, for now, simply swaying weakly with no master to represent. There wouldn't be many places to leverage his acrobatics. The arena was mostly barren of interferences, other than the flat walls, and whatever footholds or rogue planks stuck out as a natural result of the abandonment of this place. He would need to rely on a more persistent agility, watching specifically how this enemy would move. Kindling pressed forward, to the center, met with his first guest in a long while. A small grey rectangle. There wasn't even a moment of thought. This was his arena. Sandu Satsu was simply an intruder. An obstacle on his path to greatness. Without hesitation, his right index finger hit the blue circle. +60 HP Out of Combat HP a turn. (+40 Base, +20 from Water Cannister) 3/3 Turns Out Of Combat for EN. Energy restored. Kindling | HP: 612/680 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 10 Author #16 Share Posted March 10 (edited) A brief moment of silence, his blue eyes picked up. As though descending from the sky, a very loud, booming thump sounded throughout the enclosure. A perfect landing for his enemy, that barely even caused him to brace his knees. The newcomer stood up straight slowly. Revealing it crocodilian form. A massive body, around nine foot tall when standing bipedal as it was now. It's green scales were washed out with the color of sand, body riddled with cracks and dry skin from lack of hydration. It's yellow eyes had no whites in it, simply desert colored glows that peered at the red haired man. Taking a single instant to size up it's opponent just like Kindling was doing. Kindling made no reaction his expression. His brow simply furrowed, lifting his chin up to tilt at the monster. Standing there covered in its pieces of iron armor wrapped along each joint, and holding a tunic to it's chest by chains. Meaning he wouldn't find traditional weak points there, unless he could somehow get under the slabs of metal and find soft spots in the scalework of it's skin. It's only weapon, a massive crescent hand-axe, that was mostly just a blade, and a small handle. Meaning that it had no ability to stab, really. Only to slash side to side. 'That makes this significantly easier.' Came the thought from Kindling. Before he could open his mouth to speak and taunt the creature as he had the monster and Bandits before, it leaned forward, mouthing opening to let loose a war cry, a deep roar to exemplify it's bloodlust. Brandishing it's rows and rows of teeth that made a mess between it's jaws. Each individual fang sticking out wildly and almost randomly. It immediately lunged forward, as Kindling thought it would after it's display. Showing a lack of patience that could be predictable given it's form. This wasn't a being of higher thinking, or of strategy. There wasn't a thought behind those eyes. Kindling slid down and ducked to go under it, narrowly escaping it's first attack, and then using his foot to launch off to the right. Re-creating distance between them. "You lack grace, Lizard." He finally got a chance to get his lick in. However unlikely it was that this thing understood his language at all, and the fact that Kindling intended for it to not live long enough to even remember and enter that taunt into it's code. Then it just as quickly spun around with another shrill noise resonating from its raspy throat up through it's mouth. Slamming the pointed edge of it's blade into the sand where Kindling once stood. He watched it for another moment, his head cocked to the side slightly, eyebrows raised. Followed by another swing that mimicked more of the first one. An attempt to drive it's full weight behind the crescent and simply slam the edge of the blade toward him and into him. This was the attack he had been waiting for. It was slow, easy to read. Easy to get under and between the monster's arms. A position that made it simple for the spear wielding player to jab up in a blur of lines and wind into it's stomach, fifteen quick strikes one after the other against it's abdomen where the armor was missing. Then once again using a sharply planted foot to jump further between it's legs, and out the other side. All before the monster could react. Speed was the name of the game here, and it was definitely a lot easier without the weight of armor or a shield weighing him down. ID: 242987 | BD 10 +5 ACC = 15, Critical Hit. +2 Damage | ST-I + ST Specialist = 20*15 = 300-75MIT = 225 Damage. (14EN) ID: 242987 | MD 5, Ignores Evasion = 5, Miss. | 0 Damage Kindling | HP: 612/680 | EN: 70/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Sando Satsu | HP: 775/1000 | DMG: 100 | MIT: 75 Edited March 10 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 10 Author #17 Share Posted March 10 (edited) It was Kindling's turn to take the initiative. Now from behind him. Kindling moved forward, stabbing first into it's leg, then dashing, getting it's other knee. Then going for the hook of it's arm holding it's weapon. Then for it's unarmed side. Then trying to get underneath the plating in it's shoulder, just to test if there was a critical spot there, or a weak point. Which he didn't find, the damage of each strike was expected. A proportional amount of it's health. And less of that per a strike than that of his first set of hits. He had technically taken out more health than before, but it took eighteen hits this time, as opposed to fifteen the last time. There was a slight pull of his lips in light of that fact, meaning that the abdomen was probably his best bet going forward. There was that moment of distraction, where he wasn't focusing on the movement, his own or his enemies. It seemed, he stood too close, the monster torpedoed itself forward, spinning its own body through the air like a bullet straight through Kindling. Now switching the place with him, and behind. Fast as lightning, before the man could even react. It brought the weapon it had into both hands, and twirled it around it's body in a spiral, until it was above it's head. The first movement of which caused it to slice up the player's back, leaving the red streak that hurt like hell up it. A sharp breath escaped Kindling, and still before he could move, that blade came back down and crossed its first strike. Just like that, it had showed it's grace. That set of movements was equal amounts fluid, and brutal. Earning it's name of butcher, where one's cut must be precise, swift, and heavy handed. Likely a result of it's form, and the muscle-mass hidden underneath those scales. The man moved, dancing along the packed in dirt, and cursing himself for taking those two strikes. Had he had the time to comment, he would have given this lizard it's due credit. That was definitely a different showing than the first strike. This boss was, at the least, posing a greater challenge than the juvenile Sand Shark had. Which made it all the better. There was no glory to be had in defeating weaklings and pathetic wastes of space. Challenge was what it was all about. It was why he had come all the way out here. There was hope that the long walk through the desert hadn't been a complete waste of his time and energy. This time, he was more prepared. Once more the monster lunged at him, always taking every opportunity to throw it's weight forward, to swing that indelicate weapon around. The weapon was massive, it made it difficult to take full advantage of the speed given to Kindling by his natural skill, and the items he had equipped. With no where to jump off of such as a ledge, or even just a pedestal, he'd have trouble reaching the monster's head as well. All he could do for now was move around, and stop from being minced by its wild, irregular swings around it's body. Clicking into the thought that such a blade was the perfect weapon for this arena. Following it's circular formation, and finding enemies no matter how much they moved. A trick, by the developers, or whoever designed this place, perhaps. Not a very funny one, at that, but clever. Dodging it in this environment would be difficult, but not impossible. No challenge would ever be too much for him. Kindling would just need to be faster than it. Kindling regenerates 32 Health. Kindling recovers 1 Energy. ID: 242989 | BD 8+5 ACC = 13, Hit. | ST-II 18*18 = 324-75MIT = 249 Damage (17 EN) ID: 242989 | MD 10 = 10, Critical, Sando Satsu Cull Of the Meek | 102 Damage, Heals 75. Kindling | HP: 542/680 | EN: 54/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Sando Satsu | HP: 601/1000 | DMG: 100 | MIT: 75 Edited March 10 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 10 Author #18 Share Posted March 10 (edited) He was starting to get the hang of it. Mostly it meant closing the gap between them, and ducking or moving below the blade for it's point of contact. Though the monster wasn't a completely mindless machine. It seemed to learn that alongside him, beginning to pull back on it's blade as he tried to one again find that spot to it's exposed abdomen. The first two attempts of that meant that he had to just move back through the opening beneath it's open arm, and out of the way. That was no good, however impressive it was that the enemies here adapted, and seemed to be given some level of intelligence. One of the many things that separated this death-game from the others he had played, and worked to master. Enemies that learned, given their own synapses to adjust. No doubt, using some form of a genetic-algorithm to store the moves and patterns of every player whom had fought it before. There was a thought forming there, wondering if the Nerve part of 'Nervegear' meant more than it originally let on. Able to read deeper into that; 'Could it-' The thought was immediately cut short by the snapping movement of the monster back toward him. Seemingly able to bend it's body and bones in unnatural ways, just to make it incredibly fast. This was no time for philosophy, or wondering about the inner workings of the console he was stuck logged into for years. There was time enough for that later. There was an overgrown alligator to best, and exceed. Another spin of it's body to match the motion Kindling had just worked through in order to get past one more of it's attacks. This one, he was prepared for, this time, jumping up by throwing himself behind his spear, and then landing on the moving blade. Differentiating this move from his usual dashing, sliding, or trying to duck under it's attacks. As expected, the monster wasn't prepared for that sudden new movement. Giving Kindling a wide opening to begin striking down at it. Though it seemed the retaliation was able to be guessed, having moved its scaled arm in the way in order to brace for more attacks. Defending it's exposed center with a limb that wasn't as vital, or even necessary for most of it's attacks. At least, from here, the player was safe from any return attack. Or, so he thought for a moment. Instead of being met with the blade, the Lizard roared again, pulling the arm it had used as a brace back and slamming it's closed fist into his right shoulder. With a hand as large as the man's torso, it wasn't hard for the force of it to knock Kindling away. Sending him off the blade, and through the air with it lifting the blade up. He felt the wind leave his lungs from the strike, and already the soreness from the attack form from collarbone to elbow. Finding just enough purchase to soften his airborne fall with a landing to his feet, only to have them immediately give way to the force and push out from underneath him. There was no time to sit there and process the hit or the surprise, his palms quickly found the dirt, his knees went together and curled back, before forward to fling him back to his feet. Disoriented, and taken off-guard by the hit. That would not happen again. He would keep his head in this fight, going forward from now on. No more mistakes, no more daydreaming. Kindling regenerates 32 Battle Healing, and 26 Holy blessing. Healing 58 HP total. Kindling recovers 1 Energy. ID: 242990 | BD 3+5 ACC = 8, Hit. | ST-I 18*15 = 270-75MIT = 195 Damage (14 EN) ID: 242990 | MD 7 = 7, Ignores Evasion | 100 Damage Kindling | HP: 500/680 | EN: 41/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Sando Satsu | HP: 406/1000 | DMG: 100 | MIT: 75 Edited March 10 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 10 Author #19 Share Posted March 10 (edited) Back on his feet, Kindling repoised his spear, thankful that he hadn't let it go in the midst of all of that and been disarmed. He could feel the aching surge with each heartbeat from that point of contact. Was just trying to et the field from moving around wildly within his vision, and his lungs to take in air again. Given none of the time to do any of those things except for suck in a sharp breath past his squeezed throat. Able to more like jog away from the new point of contact the monster was after. Kindling's HP was fine. He wasn't in danger there. Soon, the aching pain would subside, with the assistance of the Holy Blessing enhancement on his trinket. Neither of those were things he was unused to it, but the shock of it's movement, and use of it's right hand had been what caused the sudden reeling. He ducked again as another strike went over his head. Stabbing Hand Of The Mountain into it's foot in order to pin it down, not wanting it to retaliate with a swift kick to his jaw. Whether it was because of his quick reaction to that, or because Sando Satsu hadn't thought to do that was irrelevant, what mattered as that it worked, and he wouldn't be catching a crocodile's foot to his face. There was no more time left to even think about the punch that had sent him down. There was only time to pull his spear out, and duck again, this time ready for the beast to turn around. Adjusting how it was he was playing this in an effort to confuse and take advantage of the dumb mind of the monster. It had spun around, looking to swing at where Kindling would ordinarily have moved to with it's thick tail. Only to find him not there, still present in that lowered position, and now just beside the base of his long tail. That was his moment. Kindking struck at the base, creating a series of red pin holes around it, and along the white skin of it's critical points. It wasn't hard enough hits, or deft enough to do any extra serious damage, but it was enough to get a reaction. A call out of pain, where the monster once again swept it's tail around. Kindling placed his palm on the top of it just before it moved, and leveraged himself over the top. Avoiding that from hitting. Only to be met with that same twirling motion from earlier. Immediately the point of the blade slashed across his face, and then back down to create an X. Making it impossible to describe just how much that fucking hurt, and filling what he could see through his eyes with a pixelated, red slash up the right side. With instinctual reaction, his right hand went up, covering his eye. Trying to numb the learned response of having one's eye cut out. And luckily, spared any of the usual resulting gore, or eye-loss that would normally come from this. He'd only need to wait for the wound to heal to see past the red 'cut' animation. He was regaining control of the situation. Able to at least retaliate with another jab and slash up it's body. Before moving back in a quick leap. Most of his face still hurt, his right arm still felt like it was going to fall off. But both of these issues were slowly going away, little by little. The man getting used to the pain, and that same pain dialing down as time went on. He had the forethought to invest in training some of his battle healing up. There was now a moment - a heart beat - within the fight. Where everything seemed to slow, both simply looking at each other. Kindling kept his distance, beginning to take measured steps to his right, circling the position of the large lizard in the middle. his mind wasn't racing. He knew what the monster would try next. He simply needed to wait for it to take the next step. Kindling regenerates 32 Battle Healing, and 26 Holy blessing. Healing 58 HP total. Kindling recovers 1 Energy. ID: 242994 | BD 3+5 ACC = 8, Hit. | CD9: ST-B Available. | ST-II 18*18 = 324 - 75 = 249 Damage (17 EN) ID: 242994 | MD 10 = 10, Critical, Sando Satsu Cull Of the Meek | 102 Damage, Heals 75. Kindling | HP: 456/680 | EN: 25/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Sando Satsu | HP: 232/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 100 Sando Satsu enters Dominus | +50 Damage, +25 MIT. Edited March 10 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
Kindling 0 Posted March 10 Author #20 Share Posted March 10 (edited) It came at the exact moment Kindling knew it would. Subconsciously counting the tempo beat by beat, and no sooner had his inner voice said 'now.' Than the Lizard flexed itself, and began once more to torpedo it's body straight at Kindling. Generating itself an immense amount of force to almost literally fly across the arena, and become a buzzsaw. Moving forward wasn't an option, lest one get hit by the veritable fan-blade that the crescent axe in the monster's hand had become. It didn't matter, that wasn't what he had in mind. Instead, he had disappeared from that spot as quickly as he could, dashing in one swift motion just out of reach of the blade. His legs outstretched and apart, leaned forward to stabilize himself with his right hand. Just as the red cut had began to shrink, and spearate into segments. Healing up nicely. Both blue eyes focused on the monster as it immediately did the same mothion back at him again. Kindling was ready, snapping around and using his momentum to literally run up the side of the wodden wall. Able to take two large strides up it, then his free hand stretched out. Able to grab hold of a plank that had fallen between the others, now sticking out perpendicular to the rest, and into the arena. That was enough, holding himself up by the one arm, and flattening his feet on either side of the plank. Kindling burst off of the wall , and up again. No sooner than had his opponent crashed into the wood, breaking it further than it had already been. But, not finding the man there. He grit his teeth, having just reached the apex of that movement, and beginning his descent back down. He brought his spear up over his should, lips parting with his face contorting from exertion. Letting out a long shout of his own just to get it out of his chest. Descending down on the monster, and bringing the end of his spear down like a lumberjack cutting wood across it's face. Just as quickly snapping it back before he fell out of range of it. Causing the second strike to drag down it's neck and to it's chest, Metal hitting metal, causing a screech to ring out throughout the arena, and echo over the darkening skies. Kindling landed, immediately bringing his spear in a slash across it's feet and knees. Before standing and delivering one last blow to it's abdomen. All of that happening in a spark of electricity. Giving the lizard no time to react, and the player no room for error or to guess incorrectly. He had read the movement, and planned it out in those moments. A rush of words that actualized the actions. That last stab was it. The lizard maintained a corporeal form just long enough for it's health bar to drain, and the chromatic mess of colored pixels to begin to overwrite the data of his form. Before he shattered into thousands of little pieces that glittered and rained down the arena. Kindling withdrew his spear from the stabbed position. Taking a moment to lean forward and cough his lungs up. That shout, the punch, and the godlike movement had taken it's toll, and even if none of those would have lasting effects, thanks to the game, his body still reacted to it's learned physiology. That was it, that was what he had come all this way for. Taking in deep gulps of air as he stood up, and was met with nothing but the dusk sky, and the tattered cloth clinging to their broken wooden posts, moving in the wind. This wasn't like Clash; there would be no grand applause, no one to announce his victory. No cheers of the crowd, no admiration from anyone, or longing stares of those developing a crush on the victor. This place was still barren, devoid of any of that. The only one here to bear witness to it was Kindling. Met only with the prompt for company. And he played it like shit. It was sloppy, getting hit with the same attack twice, not able to dodge the lumbering reptile. It hardly had any health or real defenses, no sophisticated planning. It was a disgrace, having been surprised by it like that. Taking the injuries that he did. It was beneath him, not fit for his status. A disgrace that couldn't be allowed to stand. He thought of self-punishment again, his hand balled up. Criticizing how he could have messed it up like that, and how he could be so stupid. It took everything in him not to hit something nearby. Himself, one of the posts, the wall. This embarrassment would need corrected. So, Kindling walked out. Back into the circular room of the lobby. Where visitors and prisoners were held when this was once used as waiting area for this pit. Though he had no intention of leaving. No, he simply turned back around, manipulating the system into treating him once more like a new comer. A successful operation. Stepping back into the center of the arena. The same prompt came back up. He tapped the blue circle, letting the prompt close in on itself again. That moment of silence, where he tightened his grip on Hand of the Mountain, and poised it to point away from him, the long post under his arm and behind his back. Giving both himself, and this world a command to obey. Failure was not an option. He would do it over, and over. Until it was perfect. Until he was perfect. "Again." Spoiler Kindling regenerates 32 Battle Healing, and 26 Holy blessing. Healing 58 HP total. Kindling recovers 1 Energy. ID: 242996 | BD 4+5 ACC = 9, Hit. | ST-B 18*23 = 414 - 100 = 314 Damage (22 EN) ID: 242996 | MD 7 = 7, Ignores Evasion | Dead before it hits. Kindling | HP: 604/680 | EN: 3/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48 | LD:4 Sando Satsu | HP: 0/1000 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 100 | DOMINUS Sando Satsu Defeated! Thread Summary Kindling | [Word Count: 14377/10 = 1437.7] * [True Tier: 4] * [Group Factor: 1] = 5751 EXP Important Note: The Sand Shark fight doesn't count at all. I failed to tierlock correctly at the start of it, misread some mechanics, and overall fumbled it. Ignore it both for the purposes of looting, and for any tier locking. Quest Complete: <<Butcher Of The Sands>> +1,000 EXP Armor of the Sands T2 Perfect Light Armor | MIT II | Light Momentum I 4 Loot Minimum Enemies Defeated & Looted 11,060 Col 4 Total Materials Rare Armor/Shield (2) Uncommon Consumable (1) Uncommon Weapon (1) Rare Trinket (1) Rare Consumable (1) [Tier 4] Dungeon Map Edited March 11 by Kindling Link to post Share on other sites
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