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TankNSpank (Ren)'s Journal [WIP]

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Face claim:
Hwajin Na,

Get Schooled

Maybe this time...
I can be the good guy instead of the bad guy...
Then again in a world like this...
I think the bar for what 'bad guys' were has changed...



 CONNECTION   IPV4 (          )
AGE         21
HEIGHT      183cm

♪ - Rider's High. Kick Back


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Remaining immobile for extended periods of time was something   NIGHT  wasn't unfamiliar with.

It's just... this time felt different. A span of years as opposed to the occasional weekend. No resistance from her body to still. No will from her mind to move.

Her earliest memory in the real world was living with her mother. Estranged father, that sent gifts and money to the family as they needed it. And hiding away from the world, living through it via brightly-lit screens from the comforts of her own bed.

Now there was just a lit window, and the most interesting thing that passed it was a bird or two through the Town of Beginnings.


School was out. If she were to have gained repute there over the early obtainment of the NerveGear amongst her peers, it would now be looked upon with pity, she bet. 

Being alone since Day One wasn't fun.




In spite of it all, NIGHT spurned the inn room she locked herself within one day.


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+ level-headed

Rarely do her emotions sway her from one action or another — or it seems that way to others on the surface. She's quiet in battle, focus honed in on the party's objective, void of distractions and conversation to ensure a maximized chance of success. And that calm and cool facade appears maintained in her daily strides, pacing through the streets of Aincrad.

+ prepared

If it's hard to catch the woman unaware, that caution is not without great effort on part of the player. From the variety of consumables to the literal armory in lieu of her storage space, she ensures a variety of situational components are ready at her disposal. And practice makes perfect; it's just that NIGHT never shows the stitchings behind her frame intentionally.

+ open-minded

Progressive views? Maybe so. NIGHT stemmed from a traditional background, and may struggle to find her placement on controversial issues, but she's no stranger to giving other parties the benefit of the doubt.

+ deliberate

Methodical inner workings. Speech with no extra fluff. What you see from NIGHT is what often what you'd get, like an open book, like she reads like an open book. It's all within her field of rationale, chaotic or otherwise.

– private

The only way to keep a secret is not to tell someone about it, for everybody talks. She's liken to keep everything awful that's happened to her locked away within herself. That, and setting boundaries is a healthy thing. Reader discretion is advised.

– squeamish

Look at a picture of a forest. Barring any cute and cuddly creatures, NIGHT has a distaste for every aspect within that image. No bugs, liquids, gore, horror; not even plants or trees without, at least, some gloves.

– melancholic

Between the near constant scowl on NIGHT's image and the loner reputation the woman puts up, it's no surprise if other players find themselves uncomfortable around her. That is to say, she feels just as uneasy with her own self, pooled in a state of unrest even in the safety of her home. The woman is her own worst critic, which leads to periods of inaction, quick tempers, and silence, especially with people she finds herself closest with.

– reckless

Appearing careful is part of her image. Embodying the trait itself is not. NIGHT is only human, prone to error, but what emphasizes these is the agenda to do things right and to do them fast — emphasis on speed rather than on quality to get the task over and done with as soon as possible.



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  • Ren wasn't given an English name at birth.
    • This practice is practiced by most modern Singaporeans, however some Chinese families avoid doing it for tradition's sake.
  • In Ren Jun Hui (任俊慧), Ren (任) is her surname, while Jun Hui (俊慧) is her given name.
    • Ren (任) --- Responsibility
    • Jun (俊) --- Capable, Handsome
    • Hui (慧) --- Beautiful, Intelligent
    • Ren goes by her family name as she imagines her real name to be embarrassing/vain.
  • Ren can draw. // its (mikazuki yozora's voice actor) marina inoue's drawing please no bully
  • Ren desperately loves cats.


  • Ren used to play netball as an after-school activity in primary school. She dropped out after two years of practice due to losing interest.
  • Ren's after-school activity in secondary school was a Literature club. This helped boost her language comprehension.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Ren's grades average at B's.
  • Ren speaks only a tinge of Mandarin. In secondary school, she opted to receive basic Mandarin lessons as opposed to the mainstream due to the extent of struggle she had with the curriculum.
  • Ren had a channel on the internet in her teens, where she uploaded her own dance videos. Various school recordings of student performances on stage can also be found.
  • Ren claims to study in General IT, which lends credit to her high tech literacy.


Edited by SpankNTank
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