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[F24-PP] The Same Side <<All For One: In Too Deep>>

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The Colosseum of <<Scalabis>>, in its grandeur of arches, massive walls, and ring of banners creating intervals around the top of it. For Kindling, it was impossible to not stare at it, in all it's marble and limestone glory, dwarfing the rest of the City beneath it. The tallest towers alone, illustrious forums, and laurel-spiraled pillars that belonged to temples didn't even come close to inspiring the awe that the Amphitheatre did. He could practically hear the cheers of a crowd inside, see the way in which they leaned forward in anticipation, shouted for their favorite combatant, call out for their least favorite to die. The waving of flags, the sale of food items to keep the audience happy, the whole arena reeking of excitement and lust of all kinds. Of course, all of that was a daydream. What a place it would be to tell a story. To hear that roaring crowd, the chanting of one's name. The upheaval in an upset victory-

Rather than a sunny, hot day, all the marble, granite, and red shingles of the town were painted grey by a thick overcast sky. Dark, brumous clouds hanging heavily overhead, and peppering the paved streets and wooden docks with sprinklings of rain every few minutes or so. The fantasy was gone now, having fluttered it's image just beneath the surface of his vision. Leaving only the ghosts of his imagination to try and paint over the drab scene, to take him away to that legend. A legend that would need to wait for another day. He'd save this spot in his memory, and that vision with it, before turning away to look back across the sea. Met with it's open, turbulent waters, and the cascade of small ripples disturbing the surface where boats and wind had not. That, and the host of people that were always present on these piers. Loading and unloading their boats, whether from themselves or relieving those hulls of their cargo. Somewhere across those waters was today's legend. He only need to reach out and take hold of it, in order for that story to be his. About him. Blue eyes scanned the soaked stone and wooden outcroppings of the dock, eventually landing on that of an old man. He was standing in his boat, a thick grey shoal around his shoulders with a matching hat that was more cotton than his head was bone. His face a mess of darkened freckles, stringy, white facial hair, and the scars of time that left his face wrinkled and sagging. 

'Act one.'
Strutting forward slowly, Kindling raised a hand to get the attention of the old man just stepping out of his canoe-like boat. When that hadn't worked, he simply stood close to the old fisherman, looking down past his nose at him, until the stranger noticed the shift in lighting, and bumped against Kindling.

"Do you... need something?"
More of a huff of annoyance than a string of words, the Old man's voice. Kindling obliged to answer, swiping his hand slowly in front of his face, and pressing buttons unseen to the Cardinal-made NPC. Eventually materializing a portion of the col stored in his inventory into a small bag that suspended itself in the air just long enough for the man to place a hand under it. Pushing it out an inch or so to the old man, expecting and getting the instinctual response of the old man to be to present his opened palm for it. The Player stopped just short of finalizing that, intent to make it known this wasn't random charity.

"Your boat, I will need it for the night. It will be back here in the morning. It's for something very important."
There was a moment where the old man blinked and raised a crooked, thick eyebrow in response. Then the two stared at each other in a moment of silence. Kindling shook the small bag to bring his attention back down to it, wondering now if this random fisherman could resist an easy few extra hundred col. His hand raised, placing it on top of the bag, only for Kindling's grip to tighten on it, still claiming possession over the coin. Another moment, before the old fisherman was the one to speak next.

"Just leave it here when you're done, please."
An acceptable enough answer. His hold let go, freeing the coin and finalizing the transaction. The paddle boat inside was his to do with what he pleased, for the day. Giving the fisherman a moment to reach in, and retrieve his belongings from inside it. Picking it clean of his bucket of bait, water skin, fishing pole, line of rope, and a net full of fish of varying sizes. As long as he left the paddle in there, that was all the Player cared for. The two exchanged one last look before the fisherman meandered off slowly, giving a nod to Kindling who returned the gesture out of good will. The man stepped forward, holding the side of the boat to steady it, before reaching a leg over it in order to enter. But there, he stopped himself, staring at the rocking width of it. Details of the rumor he was chasing coming back to him. A very strong enemy. His the muscles around his nose scrunched inward the slightest bit. It wasn't fear of the enemy, so much as the brand new concern that he might not complete it that stopped him from simply loading onto the boat, and paddling toward the paradise isles. 

'A feat is better with witnesses, anyway.'
He reasoned to himself, swinging his foot back around and taking a step away. His blue pupils going to the left corner of his eyes, head cocking slightly. Frozen, for a moment, in time, wondering who it was he could possibly bring along for something like this. The realization that Kindling made was that he didn't actually know many people. There were a few names on his friendslist from his time in the fields, and wandering dungeons. But most of them were lesser. Significantly so, and certainly not fighters of any kind. 

As if divinely answered, a lightning flash of a though made it's way through his words of consciousness. He did know two fighters. More, but it was two in specific he was thinking about. Back on the first floor in the dirty and randown stage for his little tournament with Minako. Two women whom he had seen battle it out ferociously, fighting until the very last moment, and needing to be stopped. Now, he started to smile slightly, opening his UI to see if he could get a message to either - or preferably, both - and see what their interest was in some quality time with the other, again. Though this time, as allies. One, he certainly could get ahold of, being the creator of the boots he was wearing. The other much more tentative. 



To: @Telrenya, @Pollux
From: @Kindling

A Non-clash related message. I will keep this relatively quick. I have heard from a little birdy that there is something of a monster of a field boss out near the Paradise Isles here on the 24th floor. You two came to my mind after you showing that first week, and I'd like to have you each come join for this adventure. I've got transportation, and some map data. Just need to bring yourself, and whatever else you'd like. I am by the dock at <<Scalabis>>, ready to depart in a few minutes. I hope to see the two of you.

There is some loot in it for you when we defeat it.



There was a long paused between the majority of that message, and the last part. Hoping that would make the offer tantalizing enough for either or both. Now all that was to do was wait for a bit. With any luck, he'd at least get a reply message of declination. Now what was left, was to wait. Allowed by the world to look up at the might structures around him, and fantasize more. 


Kindling's Stats, and Skills

Kindling | HP: 680/680 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM  | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48  | LD:4 | (Unhindered applied since it is not in sheet, giving +1 ACC, +1 EVA, +20 HP).                                                                                                                        
Equipment and Consumables
All enhancements reflected in the stat block unless otherwise specified. I stoled this format from Acanthus. if anything seems wrong, lmk, because it very easily could be.



Weapon | Hand Of The Mountain | +2 DMG, +1 BLD
Trinket | Sahelanthropus | +3 Evasion
Trinket | Koga's Wallet | Holy Blessing 2 | Fireproof | Para-IM 

3x skewer rolls | PROTEIN II
3x liquor of light | DAMAGE III
3x smores | EVASION II
6x cookies - | VITALITY II

Unused Inventory
Tier 4 Dungeon Map (Detailed)
Spyglass (x3)
Water Cannister(x2)
Teleport Crystal (x1)




Abilities (Skills, Shifts, Masteries, Add-ons, and Mods)



Combat Mastery and Shift
Combat Mastery: Accuracy R3
ST Shift

Battle Healing R5
Addon: Precision
Mod: Detect (1/5)
Searching R4
Polearm R5
Addon: Ferocity

Extra Skills

First Aid R5            





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A new arrangement of flowers sat atop an artisan's front counter in a simple vase of baby blue. They shifted slightly as Telrenya's fingers gently prodded and pinched at a stem here and there. Having given in to a bit of fidgeting, the shop's owner fussed over the immortal blooms for a few more seconds before tearing herself away from the meaningless task. "I suppose I ought to get breakfast soon." The acceptable window of time for 'breakfast' was rapidly closing, after all. And while she wasn't yet feeling that dull, nagging buzz in the pit of her stomach when Cardinal was reminding her to eat something, it was only a matter of time. So, reaching up for a quick stretch, she decided she was better off closing up for now and finding something more fulfilling to do with her day.

She had just locked the door and set the 'away' message for her shop when the familiar chime of message tickled her ears. Instantly filled with curiosity, she stopped to read. The author surprised her, but only a little. Then the body of the message surprised her. A field boss? She wasn't sure if she'd taken on one of those before. But wait. She scrolled back up to the message's recipients and was surprised for a third time. Yue Hua's username was also listed. Recent memories filled her mind, replaying the last words they had spoken to each other after their duel had been called to end. A smile played on her lips.

A quick, simple reply would confirm her attendance. Or, at least as quick and simple as Telrenya could get. An acceptance of the invitation, of course. And she had to thank Kindling for asking her in the first place. Oh, and it would be rude not to address Yue Hua, since she was replying to both recipients, right? She re-read the instructions in his message and re-registered his intent to take off in just a few minutes. With a sudden sense of urgency, she tapped the 'Send' button on her reply and set off for the teleport gate. "Scalabis, Scalabis..." She repeated the settlement name under her breath a couple of times, only to realize she wasn't sure which floor it was on. A cold sweat beaded on her brow, but she would persevere.

Several minutes later, Telrenya appeared on the 24th floor, stepping down from the teleport gate and letting out a heavy sigh of relief. She'd made it as quickly as she could, choosing to rely on asking a handful of strangers for directions rather than send an embarrassing follow-up message to her soon-to-be party members. Another quick stop to ask for the way to the docks, and she'd be jogging over to find the familiar red hair of the spear user. She slowed her pace to a brisk stride as she drew closer and brought her hand up in a wave. "Hello! Good to see you in between all of the...fanfare." She hadn't prepared the right word, and so a pause found its way into her thoughts.


[quest info]

Telrenya | HP: 700/700 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 21 | MIT:44 | ACC:3 | EVA:4 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:1


  Hide contents



  Hide contents


»Twilight Turmoil (Paralyze II / Bleed II)
Knight's Vow (MIT I / EVA II)
»Erin's Favor (ACC II / EVA I)


battle-ready inventory

»Celestial Blessing (EVA II / ACC I)
»[Consumable] T1 Health Potion (3) +40 HP

»[Consumable] Cerberus Soul +2 Burn DMG
»[Consumable] Snowfrost 1/2 Burn DMG for 1 battle
»[Consumable] Bandit's Guile +1 EVA for 1 battle


»Rapier R5 (+7 DMG)
»Cloth Armor R5 (+20 MIT)
»Energist (+20EN)

»Combat Mastery: Damage R3 (+3 DMG)

»Protector Familiar

extra skills (4/5)

»First Aid R5
»Survival (10% increased healing from all sources, immune to damaging environmental effects)
»Meditation (+16EN | 3 post CD)


»[Rapier] Precision (+1 ACC)
»[Rapier] Stamina (-2EN)
»[First Aid] Hyperactive (+3EN for 3 turns on party member or self | Unique | 3 post CD | 5EN)
»[First Aid] Field Medic (Heal self and all party members 25% max HP | 3 post CD | 15EN)
»[Cloth Armor] Nimble (+1 EVA, +1 LD)


»Athletics (+1 DMG)
»Purify (Remove all status conditions on self or party member | 1 post CD | 3EN)
»Energize (Restore 8EN to party member | 10EN)
»Barrier (Reduce final dmg from all sources by 15% on all party members for one turn | 2 post CD | 15EN)



Edited by Telrenya
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Yue Hua was sprawled out on her lounge, her feet hanging off the seat's arm and the full length of her feathered tail draped over the backrest. Gentle sunlight shone through the glass front of her brewery. This late into the morning hours, the sun had grown just warm enough to chase away her drowsiness, to turn idling into a near uncomfortable pursuit, but Yue Hua was more determined to not move at all than to search for a cooler spot to lay in. She distracted herself with the comforting rhythmic motions of endlessly running a brush through her hair, her eyes half-shut. On the coffee table beside her were eight recording crystals, one for each fight including hers, and a spiral bound notebook flipped open to her messy commentary and notes. Dueling was a business she was serious about.

And lazy mornings were her favorite way to unwind.

A 'ping' alerted her to an incoming notification. Morningstar knew at this point not to call on her if she hadn't shown up to the main hall by this hour, but the rest of the trackers weren't similarly conditioned. Blearily, Yue Hua peeked over the lounge and confirmed that it wasn't any of them waiting to be admitted at her door. Then she sank back into the cushions and flicked open her inbox.

CoB's organizers sending her a message wasn't unexpected, until she drifted over the contents and had to re-categorize Kindling's invitation as separate from tournament matters. Of course mingling wasn't limited only to the duelists. She was only all too pleased that her abilities were being acknowledged so openly outside of the ring and she liked helping wherever she could. Yue Hua reached forward to confirm her attendance but the second recipient responded faster.


Her tail thumped once against the back of her seat. A bad habit.

And she said yes...?

Emotions tended to run high in the wake of these bouts. It was not uncommon to be mesmerized by an opponent's performance and to say in the closing act things that were true in one moment and false the next. Yue Hua was well-acquainted with both ends of it but she was far from turning avoidant. She considered it natural. She swung herself upright and her fingers raced over her keyboard, a small, eager smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

HUA: Thank you for inviting me! I shall be there in 10.

Yue Hua had long since consolidated the hour she used to spend applying makeup into imbibing a vanity potion each for all her desired effects. She grabbed a random pouch of mass heal crystals and was out the door in a minute. She made it to the docks in a total of eight. The two weren't difficult to find; Kindling was idling next to a small boat and Telrenya herself had just arrived. She caught the end of the latter's greeting as she wandered within earshot.

"Kindling. Miss Telrenya. Hello." Yue Hua raised her hand in a wave. Behind her, the end of her tail had formed a tight loop, securely carrying her crystals. She gestured to it with a tilt of her head. "I wouldn't be an alchemist if I didn't tote around a few heals. There are ten mass crystals in total -- we could split them amongst ourselves for better coverage. What are we hunting down today?"

-> GATHERING: 242884: LD 4; Fail.


HP: 560/560 | EN: 74/74 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 54 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3



 | skills

mod count: 3/5

    • [BASE: Proficiency] +7 DMG
    • [ADDON: Ferocity] +2 DMG
    • [ADDON: Precision] +1 ACC
    • [ADDON: Stamina] Reduce EN of all attacks by 2.
    • [SHIFT: TECH Specialist] For TECH Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers, +3 to EN cost.
    • [BASE: Proficiency] +9 DMG
    • [BASE: Proficiency] [PA, 2*Tier EN, 3 CD]
      For 1 Turn: +3 DMG, -1 ACC, remove autohit.
    • [BASE: Proficiency] [SKL FA, 3 CD]
      Instantly swap equipment from battle-ready.

| extra skills

  1. [2] FIRST AID | RANK 5/5
    • [BASE: Proficiency] [PA, 15 EN]
      Single target heal: 20% of target max HP.
    • [MOD: Purify] [PA, 3 EN, 1 CD]
      Single target cleanse: Can target the user.
    • [MOD: Energize] [PA, 10 EN]
      Single target restoration: +8 EN.
    • [MOD: Barrier] [PA, 15 EN, 2 CD]
      AoE buff: Reduce final damage from all sources by 15% for one turn.
    • [ADDON: Field Medic] [PA, 15 EN, 3 CD]
      AoE heal: 25% of target(s) max HP.
    • [BASE: Proficiency] [SKL FA, 5 EN, 4 CD]
      Switch ACC and EVA until the start of the user's next turn.

| expenditure


Total SP: 135 | Spent: 132 | Unspent: 8

  1. SKILL: Straight Sword (30)
    1. ADDON: Stamina (4)
    2. ADDON: Precision (2)
    3. ADDON: Ferocity (4)
    4. SHIFT: TECH Specialist (10)
  2. SKILL: Combat Mastery: Damage (13)
  3. EXTRA SKILL: First Aid (30)
    1. MOD: Purify (4)
    2. MOD: Energize (5)
    3. MOD: Barrier (6)
    4. ADDON: Field Medic (6)
  4. SKILL: Quick Change (8)
  5. SKILL: Charge (10)




Silver Sword

Exorcist's silver for the vanquishment of monsters. The sword is one-handed, deep blue in color with white edges and triangular gold detailing beneath the crossguard. It strikes true and pure regardless of the troubles of the souls that may come to wield it.

Mountains and Rivers

A bell-shaped spread of yellow-green and dark-blue mithril plates.


A small glass bottle filled with sea water, miniature sea shells, and prop organisms.



| ...

  1. (1) Teleport Crystal
    Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports the player to the town or designated teleportation area they specify.
  2. The Second Star | TRINKET T1E2, KEEN II
    A minimalistic set of pearl-colored hairpins; four-pointed star tassels optional.
  3. (5) Rumbling Rum Party Favor | 10% INSTANT MASS HEAL | [>>]
    • 234141, 234142, 234143, 234144, 234145
  4. (5) Rumbling Rum Party Favor | 10% INSTANT MASS HEAL | [>>]
    • 234105-2, 234105-3, 234108, 234112-1, 234112-2



| ST

  • [x12] ST-I (10 EN) | A single-target sword art.
  • [x15] ST-II (13 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
  • [x20] ST-B (18 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.


  • [x11] AOE-I (9 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
  • [x14] AOE-II (12 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed all intended targets the previous turn.


  • [x16] TECH-A (14 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
  • [x16] TECH-B (13 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a debuff that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.



Edited by Pollux
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  • 2 weeks later...

The thoughts of grandeur were once more interrupted, their cacophony of calling voices, imagined chanting of his name, and echoes off of stone walls that were distant in time all coming to a halt when he heard a voice reach out to him. It's best description was that of eager awkwardness. He raised an eyebrow somewhat at the way the woman said her greetings. Letting that moment sit for a second, unsure of exactly what it was she meant, only to come to the conclusion that she was probably just being polite. It was true; they hadn't interacted outside of Kindling's showings as her host for a combat support. Introducing her with long winded descriptions, and then calling her name at the start of the fights. He reached a gloved hand forward, offering it to her with a subtle tilt of it away from her, fingers open.

"With any luck, there will be more fanfare for me in the future."
Though, luck would have nothing to do with it. It would be entirely of his own doing, and it would be certain. There will be those who knows his name, and idolize him, even on the streets of Scalabis. But, Rome was not built in one day. He needed to lay the groundwork, the foundation of those days. All of which was far too much to get into with this woman who was essentially a stranger. Still, she had answered the message, and hurried here. That was more than a lot of players would do, Kindling figured. There was some respect to be found there, at least in the sense that she seemed courteous of his time. A correct decision, that the red-haired man silently took credit for - mentally ignoring the fact that all of that was her own choice. 

"If you saw, the other said she'd be here soon, as well. We'll wait on her."
That was enough of an explanation, certain that Telrenya had been included in the response message, and wondering if it had been said ten minutes yet, even knowing that it was more of an expression than an exact measurement of her arrival. Whatever the case, soon was correct, not long after the arrival of Telrenya, came the other woman. Her tail and pointed ears still attached. They were details hard to miss, though he had never really gotten a moment to look them over. Causing curiosity in how exactly a player would look like that. It wasn't like she was an elf back in the 'real' world, and the admin had clearly revealed everyone's 'true face'. It was an interesting assortment of cosmetics, likely a potion, or vanity prosthetics. 

It didn't escape him, a perceived small slight. He was Kindling, and his company was Miss Telrenya. One seemed notably more regarded with respect than the other. His expression remained flat, but his eyes looked down over both of the women as Yue Hua spoke of her crystals, and asked the relevant question. It wasn't an issue he'd press right now, but rather mentally note. This one was unaware of just who he was - and she'd need to be made aware. He'd make certain both were.

"A crab. Supposedly. It's on a distant isle among the Paradise Islands, protecting a place known for the Sand Dollar creature. Supposedly, they're easy to kill, and rich in loot."
 To answer her question of what we are hunting. And completely devoid in glory. All they were worth was the Col or the special drops they could give. Neither of which were particularly interesting to the man present. They weren't his primary goal, but rather a consequence, a reward to be gained. It reminded him, now motioning toward the borrowed long-canoe style boat her had procured. Turning to it, and grabbing the side, and then planting his foot over the side of it, and into the bottom to steady it.

"Ladies first. I also brought along lunch, no army fights on an empty stomach. We need to get a move on."
Allowing them to decide who would get in where, and where they would sit.

"I hope you two are up for some challenge today. - You won't miss as many attacks on a giant boss as you did against each other, I hope. There won't be a timer to save us this time."
The corners of his lips pulled into an amused half smile, teasing both about the results of their duel in that first week. Kindling himself had already reserved the far back of it, necessary to control the navigation of it's rudder, and paddle along the small ship. Taking the time while everyone was loading on to get to know who his two companions were better than he had already. Something that may prove fruitless, given his previous efforts to have all his Clash Combatants followed and studied. Still, you might not know what someone is hiding. NIGHT had proved that much time, and time again.

"Tell me a bit about yourselves, girls. What can you do, where do you go usually? Do you have any usual companions for quests and rumors?"
Ready to begin setting off on the long journey toward those isles, one motion through the water at a time, and potentially get to know more about other players, even if these two weren't exactly legends in the making. Perhaps they'd make half way decent acquaintances at a minimum. And if not, he could always just lose their contact information.  

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They were hardly left waiting, with Telrenya turning to see Yue Hua’s approach moments after she felt that she’d settled into her arrival. A smile tugged at her lips, one that was less awkward than it had been a second ago. ”Pollux!” She called to the woman brightly. Then her brows turned up slightly with hesitation. ”Or–sorry, do you go by another name?” She swore she heard something to that effect during the introductions of their fight. But since then, having only seen her username, she was regret to realize she hadn’t the faintest idea what that other name was.

Pleasantries aside, Telrenya eagerly eyed the bag of crystals as they gently shifted against each other. She couldn’t say she knew any alchemists personally. She must ask if she had a shop she could visit. Later. Something inside of her nagged that it wasn’t the right time for that question, so she’d hold on to it for now.

Her attention quickly turned back to Kindling, the three of them assembled and ready to set out for whatever adventure he’d had planned for them. The tried to take in his brief explanation carefully. It sounded similar to a field boss, or maybe a rare spawn monster. Although it sounded more like these ‘Sand Dollars’ were the rarity. She gave a nod at his answer, and then brought herself closer to the dock’s edge where’d he’d invited them aboard with the further temptation of a meal. ”Oh, thank you!” The simple words rang with genuine surprise and appreciation. Now that she thought about it, his extensive preparation made sense considering he’d organized a whole tournament. She’d remember that about him.

Telrenya carefully clambered into the boat and settled into the far-end seat at the head, leaving the middle open for Yue Hua. Her cheeks burned with a hint of embarrassment at his teasing, but she made no comment in reply, instead focusing on keeping herself steady as they all three settled into the arguably dubious longboat Kindling had procured for them.

They shoved off, drifting into the glistening sea before their navigator acquainted himself with the vessel and got them started on track. He posed a question or two, casting a wide net to learn who they were, what they did in their free time, and the like. Telrenya gave pause at first, hesitating over such a standard question. She’d yield the floor for Yue Hua to engage first, if she wished. Should a silence fall over the boat or their expectant eyes linger on her, she would largely avoid their gazes and instead looked to their surroundings as she spoke. ”Well… I have an artisan’s shop in Taft. You know that already, of course,” She did briefly flash a slight smile towards Kindling, recalling their very first meeting. ”but I try not to stay holed up there for too long at a time. Um, let’s see… I recently changed my build.” She found a topic to jump to, ”Well, I changed it soon before signing up for the tournament. I used to put all of my points into damage skills, but I’ve split between healing and damage. I plan on going back to the frontlines as a support player, mostly.” Telrenya laced her fingers together in her lap and her thumbs nervously pressed into each other. ”Um, I think I’d like to leave it at that, for now.” She said.

It was a strange, unfamiliar thing. A simple boundary, but declining to speak more about herself made her feel like she was being secretive, and that wasn’t quite right. She simply hoped her lack of openness was not perceived as rudeness.

Once the two of them had said their piece–or at least began to engage his bid for conversation–she offered a question back to their host. ”What about you? Your tournament–have you ever done anything like that before?”

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