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[Rebirth] Boreas, the Whirlwind - Journal

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Face Claim: Aventurine [Honkai Star Rail]
Real Name: Thane Montgomery
User Name: Boreas
Age: 25 - Gender: Male - Height: 175cm (5'9") - Country of Origin: United Kingdom


Rebirth of Ruby: Verification of Ruby's Converted EXP
Ruby's EXP: 175,000 - Boreas' Rebirth EXP: 87,500
Rebirth Package Selection: Set D | Support


Level: 34 - Paragon Levels: 10
HP: 740 - EN: 90 - DMG: 22 - ACC: 5 - EVA: 4 - LD: 1 - Bleed: 48 - Para: 9+
SP: 180 - Used SP: 168 - Unused SP: 12
[Rank 5 - 30 SP] Rapier (+7 to base damage.)

  • [Rank 5 Addon - 4 SP] Stamina (Reduce EN of all attacks by 2.)
  • [Rank 5 Addon - 2 SP] Precision (+1 to accuracy.)
  • [Rank 5 Addon - 4 SP] Rapier Ferocity (+2 to base damage when using a rapier.)
  • [Rank 5 Shift - 10 SP] ST Specialist (+3 to multipliers, +2 to EN costs, access to ST-1, ST-II, and ST-B)

[Rank 3 - 13 SP] Combat Mastery: Damage (Gain +1*tier*rank base damage.)
[Rank 5 - 30 SP] Battle Healing (While in combat, recover 5% of maximum HP at the beginning of my turns.)
[No Rank - 10 SP] Charge (Perform a single attack/Sword Art with +3 base damage. Charge attacks have a -1 Accuracy debuff and cannot be affected by any auto-hit effects.)
[No Rank - 15 SP] Unhindered (+1 to accuracy, +1 to evasion, +1 to loot die, +5*tier HP, mitigation is capped at 0 slots.)

Extra Skills:
[Rank 5 - 50 SP] Leadership (Able to use all Leadership Arts, however must expend a mod slot for each.)

Other Buffs:
[Paragon Level 10] +1 base loot die for looting, searching for, and opening chests.
+40 HP, +4 EN, +10 SP for 10 Paragon Levels


[Tier 4 - Perfect Rapier] Internum Sanguin (Enhancements: Bleed/Bleed/Paralyze)
[Tier 1 - Perfect Jewelry] Insignia Bangle (Enhancements: Accuracy/Accuracy/Accuracy)
[Tier 1 - Perfect Trinket] Eternal Reminder (Enhancements: Evasion/Evasion/Evasion)

In Player Inventory:
[Tier 1 - Rare Light Armor] Standard Issue Light Armor (Enhancements: Evasion/Evasion)
[Tier 1 - Rare Rapier] Standard Issue Rapier (Enhancements: Accuracy/Accuracy)
[Tier 1 - Perfect Rapier] Andrius' Fang (Enhancements: Accuracy/Accuracy/Accuracy)
Laurel Wreath (Earn Col equivalent to 15% of player’s EXP earned in thread.)
20 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50*tier HP)
12 Standard Healing Crystals (Heals 50*tier HP)

10,000 Col
10 Materials
1 Gleaming Scale
1 Demonic Shard




Growing up was not necessarily hard for Thane Montgomery, he grew up with a wealthy family who were bigger names in the political scene in their country of the United Kingdom, he didn’t really know the struggles that people around him suffered nor had a worry about his education. Thane was taught with the best their money could buy and was further taught more in etiquette and bigger topics than what the normal kid around his age would be introduced to. However, he didn’t necessarily mind or care, he essentially found that to be normal for people. Things ultimately changed however when his parents thought it would’ve been a good idea for him to learn more about the world and other people and cultures if he were to become a foreign exchange student starting in High School. However, he didn’t really have a say in the matter as he spent his High School years as a foreign exchange student in Japan.

Initially, he had a rough time getting used to the new environment and learning a whole new language, however after a handful of months he grasped the basics of the language and was able to communicate with other people. While he had his fair share of people who didn’t like how different he was, he did manage to make friends with people in his High School and liked how oddly different he was compared to the other people in his school. It was through them where he was introduced to video games, specifically MMORPG’s, and once again he had a rough time grasping them at first, however over time he grew to really enjoy them, even running his own guild with his friends through the MMO. Towards the end of his High School days being in Japan he and his friends and guild learned about advanced technology and a new MMO upcoming to be released in the following years: Sword Art Online. To his surprise, this game would be released more locally rather than worldwide, this leads to his further decision to continue to study abroad in Japan and pursue a college education in Japan as well. 

His time in college was pretty uneventful, years felt the same, playing the same MMORPG he and his friends enjoyed, and pursued more into his preferred college subject. However, this would all change when Sword Art Online and the NerveGear was finally being shown to the world where he started to feel more excited about the future, little did he know the horror that would soon come. Eventually the game's release was shown, a year became months, then weeks, then days. Eventually the day had come, he looked upon the Nerve Gear and the new MMO that had been released and for the first time in a long time he felt excited to be able to play and be a part of something more real. However, day one he quickly learned of the removal of the logout button, at first he assumed like anyone else would and assumed this was a bug countlessly reported, until the dreadful announcement… it wasn’t a bug, the removal of the logout button was not a mistake nor a bug, it was an intended feature of the game, additionally, if a player is to die in the game they would die in real life. It took a lot for him not to panic, however he managed to keep his composure throughout the news and quickly looked and gathered his friends to assess the situation and plot out their next courses of actions. They all assumed that it wouldn’t take too long of a time to quickly progress through the game and that things would go like any other MMO would be, until months and a year passed and players were still making slow progress clawing through the game. In between this time, Thane and his friends had created a guild where they worked together to clear the games content and be able to join the frontlines. Unfortunately, they were unable to reach the Frontlines.

In attempts to gain more levels and strength, Thane and his friends entered a dungeon that was a touch beyond their strength… and only Thane was able to leave that dungeon alive. For a while, he was horrified and severely depressed that all of his friends were gone, and for a long time he spent grieving for all the friends and memories snatched away from him. During one night, he thought that he too would fall just like them, but… he was too scared to take his own life. Instead of accepting defeat, he swore that he would become stronger and lead everyone else out of this game, for he does not want anyone else to feel the same way that he did, and that everyone deserves to leave this game alive. With his new found conviction, he picked himself up and moved forward to gain more strength and allies… 



Polite - Due to Thane's family, Thane was taught more manners and etiquette through his schooling. Thane will always makes sure he introduces himself in a positive manner, show everyone with the same respect as he would like to be treated, and in general show his interest towards another person no matter how uninterested he is in a certain topic. While this could be a bad thing in this game where you must question whether or not people are trustworthy, he would rather treat everyone with the same respect until he is given a reason otherwise.

Determined - Simply put, Thane doesn't know when to quit. After the loss of his friends, he simply put doesn't know when to back down and accept defeat, he would much rather continuing to stand no matter how hard the enemy may be, or how harsh the environment could be. No matter how grim or bad situations may be, he will always keep a calm mind and think things through and know how to command not only his allies, but himself.

Calm Minded - During the heat of battle and certain situations, Thane can usually always keep a cool head and keep his head in the game. Until other people are threatened on the border of life and death Thane will usually always keep a cool mind and find strategies and means to secure him and his party victory. Even in social situations due to his inability to relate to people's problems or whether or not he is interested in their issues, he usually can keep his mind clear and help the situation or them to the best of his ability.



Struggles to Relate - Due to his family and how he grew up, he doesn't quite know the struggles of other people and its hard for others to understand why things bother Thane as they do. Thanes troubles seems more trivial to others while he simply can't understand why certain things bother them as they do. He does want to improve on this obvious flaw, however he isn't as attuned to understand people's problems like others can.

Expects Too Much From Himself - Due to the loss of his friends, Thane promised to himself if he had anything to say about it he would make sure that every player currently alive would make it out. However, in this pursuit he expects too much from himself and believes that he alone could manage to fix any grim situation. This can lead to Thane making rather reckless decisions that could've only just put his life more in risk than others.

Lonely - Thane will never want to admit it, however he is truly someone who feels like he can't fully connect with people. Especially after the loss of his friends, he has tended to get stronger on his lonesome for the longest time worried about losing more people. Despite how alone he may feel internally, he does his best not to let this be known and concern other people that he may be travelling with.


Roleplay Log:
Nothing yet :)

No one yet :)


Edited by Boreas
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