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[PP-F24] Grind, Bind, Never Behind.

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A golden potato chip, glittering and reflecting in the sunlight. Turned back and forth between pinched fingers, both of it's flat surfaces along its thin structure examined one way, and then the other in repeat. Kindling tilted his head slightly, holding it up a bit higher to get a long, good look at it. This was certainly strange to get from the restaurant. A far cry from wagyu beef, or the ramen you see in anime with the slices of pork and a sunny side-up egg always mystically appearing on top from a package. Then another thought crossed his mind, brows wrinkling above his set of blue eyes.

'Did Ryo... make these himself?'
In real life, there was a production line to it, a way to hydrate and perfectly cook each individual piece, and then heat treating the package at the ends to seal it together. But, there was no industrial equipment here in SAO, and certainly none that the purple-haired man would have access to. Let alone those golden leaves Kindling would see in various videos online growing up. Often, they were used as a way to cheat the value of a dish. Taking a normal chicken nuggets meal and comparing a cheap one dollar option versus a one hundred dollar option by just adding caviar, or those ridiculous sheets. The color on these seem integrated into the chip itself. Tentatively bringing it closer to him. Deciding if he was really going to eat these. They seemed not great for the nutrition of someone adventuring around, paddling a small sail boat borrowed from someone who didn't need it as much him, and certainly not something Kindling would think was within his strata to eat. No, he deserved a more complete lunch. But, unless that strange boy Demian popped out from behind the trees, wheeling his cart of bento boxes and desserts, this was what he was stuck with.

Crunching ensued, chewing away on the flaky chips, and surprisingly enjoying it, against all his will. They had a fantastic texture, were perfectly airy. A neat way of packing some flavor into not a whole lot of food. By habit, Kindling crunched up the bag in one hand, and stored it in his inventory, and dusted off his hands that were covered in no dust. Two completely unnecessary actions that were ingrained into him from years of schooling and experience in the real world, where he was made to believe that it was below him to litter, or to try to go about your day without washing your hands. But the game left no such traces of trash or bits of food. When the item was depleted, everything simply vanished in a glimmer of pixels. Poof, gone. It was time to get a move on. To utilize the real purpose behind those decadent pieces of indulgent junk food. 

He turned to face the mass of palm trees, and twisted trunks behind that first line, making up the lush island. The landmass was a large oval shape, part of a smaller archipelago chain of other islands; a perfect spot for finding enemies and farming some of their experience and drops. At least, to the mind of the man who was here. Now, all that was left was to find some of the non-fish monsters of the floor, and begin working on that. It was into the woods of this vast isle that he trudged, pulling vines off from branches in his way, and wiping collected humidity and sweat from his forehead, given only mild relief by the light, clear breeze that rolled off the waves of the close by shoreline. It was not long into stepping over puddles of soaked, soft mud, and snapping branches of the untamed land that a screech would sound from above. One that was familiar to him, having not been the first time he had set foot onto this floor with the intent of gaining levels.

Immediately, his left hand stuck out with a wave, calling forward the black, three-pointed spear <<Hand Of The Mountain>>, and preparing for combat. These ones outnumbered heavily. He would need to be swift, and deadly. Particularly so, while using the AOE Sword arts, with which his experience was extremely limited. 


Kindling ate Gold StyleTM Weeb Potato Chips = +3 PROSPERITY
Kindling | HP: 680/680 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM  | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48  | LD:4 | PROS: 3
Harpy | 485/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA
Harpy | 485/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 
Harpy | 485/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 
Harpy | 485/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 


Kindling's Stats, and Skills

Kindling | HP: 680/680 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM  | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48  | LD:4 | (Unhindered applied since it is not in sheet, giving +1 ACC, +1 EVA, +20 HP).                                                                                                                    
Equipment and Consumables
All enhancements reflected in the stat block unless otherwise specified. I stoled this format from Acanthus. if anything seems wrong, lmk, because it very easily could be.



Weapon | Hand Of The Mountain | +2 DMG, +1 BLD
Trinket | Sahelanthropus | +3 Evasion
Trinket | Koga's Wallet | Holy Blessing 2 | Fireproof | Para-IM 

Gold StyleTM Weeb Potato Chips | PROSPERITY III

Unused Inventory
Tier 4 Dungeon Map (Detailed)
Spyglass (x3)
Water Cannister(x2)
Teleport Crystal (x1)




Abilities (Skills, Shifts, Masteries, Add-ons, and Mods)



Combat Mastery and Shift
Combat Mastery: Accuracy R3
ST Shift

Battle Healing R5
Addon: Precision
Mod: Detect (1/5)
Searching R4
Polearm R5
Addon: Ferocity

Extra Skills

First Aid R5            





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Morningstar | Lv. 76 | P. 42 | True Tier: 8

HP: 860/860 | EN: 122/122 | DMG: 27 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | LD: 12 | PROS: 3 | HLY: 16 | AA | FRZ | HELLSTORM: 80


  • //


  • Yellow Dragon, Red Tiger
    HLY 2, AA, FRZ
  • laurel earcuff
    LD 3
  • Sapphire
    ACC 3, EVA

battle-ready inventory

  • Magdalyn's Cuckoo
  • Teleport Crystal
  • Dying Sun
    FLN 2, AA, PARA-V
  • Inner Focus
    EVA 2, REC 2
  • Troll's Blood
  • Dear My Friend (Instant)
    HP III


  Hide contents
    • precision, stamina, ferocity
    • shift: tech
    • precision, stamina, ferocity
    • shift: aoe
  • SEARCHING | RANK 4/5 (5)
    • night vision, detect, tracking, reveal

extra (active)



  Hide contents


  1. Imperial Quarter Blend | DMG 3
  2. Breakfast Fry | PROTEIN 2
  3. Mousse | PROSPERITY 3
  4. Gelato | LD 3
  5. Hellstorm | +80 DMG to attacks


  • Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 15% of EXP earned in that thread.
  • Lv. 10 | +1 LD to looting.


sLUPJ83.jpeg   ms.

Proposing to a cook was both one of the best decisions and worst mistakes Morningstar had ever made. Once a week, Willow experimented with new recipes. They were entirely original, often incorporating ingredients that no sane individual would ever consider. Still recovering from the previous week’s Prowler Stew, Morningstar was not amused with his fiancee’s announcement of Harpy Roast—slow roasted harpy legs, seasoned with herbs and spices and paired with mixed vegetables. Supposedly, and with no primary or secondary evidence to back up the claim, it tasted just like roast turkey.

Of course, marriage was a compromise. She put up with him and in return, he ate weird food. Also, he did her hunting.

Ages of living on the twenty-fourth meant that Star knew the whereabouts of all the floor’s most common mobs (not that it was difficult to remember; they lived on practically every island). Wielding nothing but a basket of assorted vegetables, he trekked over lush hills and around scattered palm trees, clearing the way of rogue mobs as he came upon them. When he finally arrived at the harpy spawn area, he frowned. Another player had already laid claim to it.

He had two options: find a new place to farm (this did not excite him, as the next closest zone was at least twenty minutes away), or set up a farming arrangement with the red-haired fellow.

Before the player could even engage with the group of harpies, Morningstar stole all of the aggro. He acknowledged Kindling with a nod before unleashing a series of lethal punches and kicks on the mobs.

When he was done, he took a closer look at the stranger. “Hey, you’re the tournament guy! Sorry for the steals. I figured I’d kill them first and we’d talk after.”

242023 | BD2 | 27*15+80 = 485 DMG -> Harpy 1
242024 | BD9 | 27*15+80 = 485 DMG -> Harpy 2
242025 | BD10 | 27*15+80 = 485 DMG -> Harpy 3
242026 | BD6 | 27*15+80 = 485 DMG -> Harpy 4
EN: -16
MorningstarHP: 860/860 | EN: 106/122 | DMG: 27 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | LD: 12 | PROS: 3 | HLY: 16 | AA | FRZ
Kindling | HP: 680/680 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM  | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48  | LD:4 | PROS: 3
Harpy 1 | 0/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA
Harpy 2 | 0/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 
Harpy 3 | 0/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 
Harpy 4 | 0/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 
Looting Harpy 1
242027 LD1+13=14 CD7
2910 col | (485*6)
4 materials
T4 Rare Weapon 242027a
T4 Uncommon Consumable 242027b
Looting Harpy 2
242028 LD10+13=23 CD3
3880 col | (485*6)+(485*2)
2 materials
T4 Perfect Trinket 242028a
T4 Perfect Weapon 242028b
Looting Harpy 3
242029 LD14+13=27 CD7
7275 col | (485*6)+(485*2)+(485*7)
2 materials
T4 Perfect Weapon 242029a
T4 Perfect Weapon 242029b
T4 Perfect Weapon 242029c
Looting Harpy 4
242030 LD10+13=23 CD12
7760 col | (485*6)+(485*2)+(485*2)+(485*6)
T4 Perfect Consumable 242030
Loot Total
21825 col
8 materials
T4 Rare Weapon 242027a
T4 Perfect Weapon 242028b
T4 Perfect Weapon 242029a
T4 Perfect Weapon 242029b
T4 Perfect Weapon 242029c
T4 Uncommon Consumable 242027b
T4 Perfect Consumable 242030
T4 Perfect Trinket 242028a


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He was ready to jump, knees bent and to take flight, before came the flash of a shadow followed by the flurry of blows. Sweeping kicks, uppercuts, combo'd jabs, and some effect that spread that damage around to all the surrounding harpies. Kindling's brow furrowed, the corner of his mouth ever so slightly pulling back his top lip. Before he could even swing, all four were dead. He wouldn't be getting any portion of that loot. That was the least of it. There was a much worse emotion hiding with in. Gaze shifting onto the energetic, blonde haired man. This was one of the combatants from the competition. His record wasn't so good, but based on the information from the army of brokers Minako and himself had hired, this was one of the stronger players running around. For him to come here and lay down this fucking insult at his feet, to steal the thunder and spotlight---

Came the correction from 'the tournament guy' as calmly as he could have managed, doing his best to hide the grinding of his jaw behind his closed lips. That was the name he had chosen for this world, that was the name that they would all know. Eyes taking a small moment to flick to his stats, completely untouched, but suddenly seeming far less impressive than they had minutes ago. There were a hundred words to say, but more important than his rollercoaster of emotions, and look of envy, was that of an impression. No one liked a sour-puss, especially one they just met. His chin tilted, eyes closing for a moment to center himself, get his feelings under control.

"You'd be right, it is easier to hear each other without the screeching of those lady-birds."
The redhaired man pulled his spear such that it was pointing toward the ground, around behind his back. Extending his right hand out for a more formal greeting. "Morningstar, good to finally meet you one to one." Already knowing and remembering the name of this one through his time hosting. Now coming to mind that he had given a more entertaining, theatrical impression to all these competitors before. Was there any way to keep up that face? To become that person?

Maybe this was a good opportunity. A chance to make a good acquaintance, to network something. "You pack quite a punch - I am out here getting EXP, and some materials. We should hang out, since we're both here. Find some more monsters. I'd like to talk to you more." And see that whole attack sequence more, though that was more of the quiet part. Even Kindling couldn't hold back that it was kind of cool, and perhaps there was something to learn from it all.

No sooner had the offer been made, then the red haired man caught the movement of something else out of the corner of his eye. More of them, no doubt hearing the shrills of those who had just been defeated, and beginning to make their way through the greenery at the pair. Kindling took another combative stance, letting them get closer before he jumped to make any move himself. This lack of consumables was hellish, for certain. He'd need to find Bistro and Demian once more after he was done here.

"Monsters found us, in this case."
The half joke came, notifying the other man of their presence. Would he leave them to the Clash of Blades host, or take more kills for himself?



Morningstar HP: 860/860 | EN: 106/122 | DMG: 27 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | LD: 12 | PROS: 3 | HLY: 16 | AA | FRZ
Kindling | HP: 680/680 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM  | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48  | LD:4 | PROS: 3
Harpy 1 | 485/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA
Harpy 2 | 485/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 
Harpy 3 | 485/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 
Harpy 4 | 0/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 



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Kindling. That was his name. After so many weeks of the tournament, you'd think Morningstar would remember by now. He lacked the skill of memorizing names, though. Now, faces, on the other hand...

"Happy to."

Their attention was pulled by the song of the second wave of harpies. Their respawn timers were even quicker than anticipated. It appeared he chose the right place to farm. Morningstar took initiative, as he so often did during party-based combat. With a quick start, he charged the flock. His fist drove into the stomach of one harpy, forcing a choked gasp from its throat. With a sharp jab, he silenced it, immediately pulling hate from the rest of the surrounding mobs. They ended their singing with abrupt, harsh screeches.

They collapsed on him all at once, claws extended and fangs bared. Morningstar, bouncing between feet, reacted with a triple kick. He swept through each creature, alternating legs with each kick. 

He wiped his forehead. It was warm on the islands, as always. Tropical weather was something he never came prepared for, which was odd, considering he lived there.

"So, Kindling," he said, turning back, "what brings you to the twenty-fourth?"

+4 EN
242540 | BD5 | 27*15+80 = 485 DMG -> Harpy 5
242541 | BD5 | 27*15+80 = 485 DMG -> Harpy 6
242542 | BD6 | 27*15+80 = 485 DMG -> Harpy 7
242543 | BD2 | 27*15+80 = 485 DMG -> Harpy 8
EN: -16
Morningstar HP: 860/860 | EN: 94/122 | DMG: 27 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 5 | LD: 12 | PROS: 3 | HLY: 16 | AA | FRZ
Kindling | HP: 680/680 | EN: 84/84 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM  | PARA-IM | BH:32 | HB: 26 | BLD: 48  | LD:4 | PROS: 3
Harpy 5 | 0/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA
Harpy 6 | 0/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 
Harpy 7 | 0/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 
Harpy 8 | 0/485 HP | 136 DMG | 0 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA 
Looting Harpy 1
242544 LD17+13=30 CD7
6305 col | (485*6)+(485*7)
4 materials
T4 Perfect Weapon 242544a
T4 Perfect Weapon 242544b
T4 Perfect Weapon 242544c
Looting Harpy 2
242545 LD7+13=20 CD5
2910 col | (485*6)
4 materials
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield 242545a
T4 Perfect Trinket 242545b
Looting Harpy 3
242546 LD16+13=29 CD2
4850 col | (485*6)+(485*2)+(485*2)
T4 Perfect Consumable 242546a
T4 Perfect Consumable 242546b
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield 242546c
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield 242546d
Looting Harpy 4
242547 LD5+18=23 CD12
6790 col | (485*6)+(485*2)+(485*6)
2 materials
T4 Perfect Consumable 242547
Loot Total
42680 col
18 materials
T4 Rare Weapon 242027a
T4 Perfect Weapon 242028b
T4 Perfect Weapon 242029a
T4 Perfect Weapon 242029b
T4 Perfect Weapon 242029c
T4 Perfect Weapon 242544a
T4 Perfect Weapon 242544b
T4 Perfect Weapon 242544c
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield 242545a
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield 242546c
T4 Perfect Armor/Shield 242546d
T4 Uncommon Consumable 242027b
T4 Perfect Consumable 242030
T4 Perfect Consumable 242546a
T4 Perfect Consumable 242546b
T4 Perfect Consumable 242547
T4 Perfect Trinket 242028a
T4 Perfect Trinket 242545b


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