Boreas 0 Posted March 4 #1 Share Posted March 4 (edited) Rumors and local legend's had spread very far on the Eighth floor about a creature that terrified its NPC resident's, the Monkey King. Boreas found himself strolling through the lush, vibrantly green forests into Florenthia Village where the tale had begun looking around for any lead or primary NPC to speak to in regards to said Monkey King. While he was here, he took a moment to appreciate the village the NPC's had created for themselves, it looked peaceful for the most part and while they had very limited resources to work with, they managed to craft the best of what they could use. However eventually as Boreas walked through the Village he was stopped by another white haired person smoking what looked to be a rolled cigar of some kind "Ey there, the names Remington, what brings you to our small village?" they said not hesitating towards the complete stranger. Boreas placed his hand on his chest and bowed slightly "I apologize, my name is Boreas sir, and I came here because I had heard about a strong monster that roamed these wood that was a Monkey King of some kind. Might you have any information on said beast?" The NPC's eyebrow raised a bit with a slight laugh "What's with the overly polite manner? Yer in a forest village not a masquerade ball my friend. But either way, you came to the right location nonetheless." he puffed his cigar and shifted his body leaning against one of the village homes "Me and the local guard here fought against it, once, but once was enough to get a perfect understandin' of how he operates. It's a massively oversized gorilla of some kind, acts very sporadically and without a shadow of a down is incredibly aggressive and persistent, once it layed its eyes upon me and my friend it did not want to let us go until we managed to fully hide and get away." Boreas' gaze looked placed a finger on his chin and thought about it for a moment, before too long he looked the NPC back in the eyes and asked "You mentioned it didn't let you go until you managed to fully hide, how fast is this beast would you say?" In response he took the cigar out of his mouth and let out a laugh, before long placing it back with a puff of smoke "Kid, I'd say we were lucky we managed to hide, no matter how much distance we thought we had on the thing we'd look back and there it would be again. If ye look around in the forest you may find where we ran even, that thing can just ram right through those trees like they're nothin'. The fact you managed to come here is a miracle I'd say, majority of us residents here in this small village is too scared to even leave this area in fear of the cursed beast. The boss needs to go, soon. Otherwise we may not be able to survive for much longer, with it in the picture I don't think this village can prosper like we all wish it could." after his speech he inhaled his smoke looking up and down Boreas, and then removing the cigar from his mouth and puffing out one last breathe of smoke "I don't mean this negatively, while I'd love for you to help us. I don't think its a good idea for you to be on your own, heck I don't think you and Sewallus would be enough. You might wanna find just a little bit more fire power before I letcha know where Sewallus is." Boreas afterward frowned a bit as he looked back down onto the ground where the NPC stood "I... don't know too many people at the moment though, Morningstar might be able to assist me but I wouldn't want to pester him again over another boss. I might have to look around and find someone or a small group to tackle this boss." he thought to himself, looking back up with a slight smile "Alright, I'll look for a party and I will take care of this Monkey King. It hopefully shouldn't take me too long." he offered the NPC another bow then turned around to begin his search for players that could assist him that might be in the area or trail onward to this village wanting to help them. Word Count: 740 Boreas' Stats and Equipment for Thread: Spoiler Level: 34 - Paragon Levels: 10 HP: 740 - EN: 90 - DMG: 22 - ACC: 7 - EVA: 6 - LD: 1 - Bleed: 48 (8-10) - Para: 9+ SP: 180 - Used SP: 168 - Unused SP: 12 Skills: [Rank 5 - 30 SP] Rapier (+7 to base damage.) [Rank 5 Addon - 4 SP] Stamina (Reduce EN of all attacks by 2.) [Rank 5 Addon - 2 SP] Precision (+1 to accuracy.) [Rank 5 Addon - 4 SP] Rapier Ferocity (+2 to base damage when using a rapier.) [Rank 5 Shift - 10 SP] ST Specialist (+3 to multipliers, +2 to EN costs, access to ST-1, ST-II, and ST-B) [Rank 3 - 13 SP] Combat Mastery: Damage (Gain +1*tier*rank base damage.) [Rank 5 - 30 SP] Battle Healing (While in combat, recover 5% of maximum HP at the beginning of my turns.) [No Rank - 10 SP] Charge (Perform a single attack/Sword Art with +3 base damage. Charge attacks have a -1 Accuracy debuff and cannot be affected by any auto-hit effects.) [No Rank - 15 SP] Unhindered (+1 to accuracy, +1 to evasion, +1 to loot die, +5*tier HP, mitigation is capped at 0 slots.) Extra Skills: [Rank 5 - 50 SP] Leadership (Able to use all Leadership Arts, however must expend a mod slot for each.) Other Buffs: [Paragon Level 10] +1 base loot die for looting, searching for, and opening chests. +40 HP, +4 EN, +10 SP for 10 Paragon Levels Gungir Shard 239050 | Sharkcuterie Board | T1 Demonic Feast (6/6) | ACC II | EVA II | ID: 239171 Inventory: Equipped: [Tier 4 - Perfect Rapier] Internum Sanguin (Enhancements: Bleed/Bleed/Paralyze) [Tier 1 - Perfect Jewelry] Insignia Bangle (Enhancements: Accuracy/Accuracy/Accuracy) [Tier 1 - Perfect Trinket] Eternal Reminder (Enhancements: Evasion/Evasion/Evasion) Battle Ready: 12 Standard Healing Crystals (Heals 50*tier HP) Edited March 8 by Boreas Link to post Share on other sites
Wulfrin 0 Posted March 4 #2 Share Posted March 4 (edited) To: Astra From: Wulfrin Subj: New Sword Art Hey yo bud. I got another pretty easy carry for you now that the situation on 29 has died down. If you wanna tag along meet me on floor 8. Today we fight the SAO equivalent of Donkey Kong. Wulfrin followed through with his promise and waited near the teleport gate of floor 8. Given the abilities that his custom skill granted him, Wulfrin couldn't help but overhear the conversation between another player and the guards. To his surprise this other player seemed to be prepping to take on the Monkey King as well, but were being denied talking to the required NPC due to lacking a party. Wulfrin made his way over seeing the opportunity to help out another fellow player on a quest he knew full well was going to be a quick end. "I think I can help with that problem," Wulfrin interjected as the player said they were looking for party members. "I was already planning on escorting a player on a trip to kill the Monkey King. If you're looking to go on the quest you're welcome to join up with us." Wulfrin extended a hand before continuing. "Name's Wulfrin. Frontline DPS and Tech specialist. How about yourself?" * * * Note: CS Shades of the Gemini is active. if any player objects, they should note such in their first post and it will be considered inactive. Wulfrin consumes Gungir Shard 239050 | Sharkcuterie Board | T1 Demonic Feast (6/6) | ACC II | EVA II | ID: 239171 - takes one portion shares the rest with party (5/6 remain) [desc.] A daring spread featuring a variety of cured and smoked shark meats, paired with exotic cheeses, crackers, and a hint of seaweed garnish. This adventurous platter offers a bold flavor journey, perfect for those with a taste for the wild and mysterious depths. Accuracy 2 Consumed Evasion 2 Consumed [Filled] Mitigation 3 Consumed Protein 2 Consumed Damage 3 Consumed Toxic Venom 3 Consumed Field Rations 1 Consumed Wulfrin | HP: 918/918 | EN: 114/114 | DMG: 26 | MIT:123 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH:30 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD:5 Spoiler "Name: Wulfrin True Tier: 6 Level: 34 Paragon Level: 24 HP: 918/918 EN: 114/114 Stats: Damage: 26 Mitigation: 123 Accuracy: 6 Evasion: 3 Battle Healing: 30 Loot Die: 5 Stealth Rating: -5 AA PHASEREC: 8 HLY: 16 TXC-V: 32 Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - Platinum Longsword | T3 S.Sword | AA | ACC 3 Armor/Trinket: - Dragon's Hoard | Prosp 3 | LD 1 Shield/Armor/Trinket: - Devil's Due | Quality 2 | LD 2 Combat Mastery: - Combat Mastery: Damage R3 Combat Shift: - TECH Shift Familiar Skill: - Rending Familiar Custom Skill: - Shades of the Gemini Skills: - Battle Healing R3 - Charge - Energist - Heavy Armor R5 - Searching R5 - Straight Sword R5 Extra Skills: - Disguise - Forgotten King's Authority - Survival - Meditation Inactive Extra Skills: - Frozen Hide - Brawler - Assault Mode Addons: - Focus - Iron Skin - Precision - Stamina Mods: - Impetus - Night Vision Inactive Mods: Battle Ready Inventory: - Bear Trap x5 - Crystal of Divine Light x5 - Imugi's Inspiration | Mass Healing x2 - Nepent Ovule x1 - Popcorn | T4 Vitality 2 x1 - Rhino's Horn x2 - TP Crystals x1 Housing Buffs: - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30. - Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts. - Attic (Storage): +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests - Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll - Master Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat - Master Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down) - Extended Workshop: +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day - Ornate Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts. - Dining Hall: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread. - Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post. Guild Hall Buffs: - Trading Hall: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters and Rank 4 merchants/performers receive +1 crafting/identification attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters and Rank 5 merchants/performers receive +2 crafting/identification attempts per day. - Treasury: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests. Scents of the Wild Totem: Wedding Ring: Crafting Profession: - Blacksmith[2250exp] R8 Gathering Profession: - Fishing[509exp] R5" Edited March 4 by Wulfrin Link to post Share on other sites
Astra 0 Posted March 7 #3 Share Posted March 7 (edited) Astra sat relaxed and immersed in his book, sitting in the reading nook within Ciela's house on Floor 22, in which he resided. He found himself caught up reading the novel "Utopia" by Thomas More, an older read, but one that captivated him. Hm, the idea of a real utopia. An ideal world for everyone...If only we could make Aincrad something like that. He pondered on what it would take to make such a dangerous and cutthroat virtual world one that was accepting for all, that is until a new message notification caught his eye. Astra brought up his menu and opened up the message he received from Wulfrin. "Heh, Donkey Kong? Doesn't take much more for me to say I'm in." Astra changed out of his casual relaxing attire and put on his adventuring gear; A lightly armored, white double breasted coat with a checkered pattern. Underneath was a white turtleneck. He wore slim black pants that went into his boots, and black gloves on his hands. To top it all off, he equipped his metal headband onto his head. He double checked his equipment, put his sword in its scabbard at his side, and made his way to the teleporter on Floor 22. Lately as he'd been carried through quests by other higher level players, he'd been to a number of different floors. This would be his first time on Floor 8, and he was pleasantly taken aback by its lush and verdant nature. It was a nice change of scenery from the brimstone and magma from his last adventure. Thankfully this floor was more temperate. It didn't take long for him to scan the crowd of players near the teleport gate before he noticed Wulfrin. Wulfrin appeared to be speaking with someone up ahead, who also appeared to have white hair like Astra. The budding seeker made his way over to the two of them, and laid a hand on Wulfrin's upper arm as he got closer. "Wulf, hey! I got your message. I'm ready for some monkey business," he said with a kind smile. He turned his attention to the player that Wulfrin was speaking with prior, and extended a hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Astra," he said with his soft smile still on his face. It wouldn't be hard to assume that maybe the three of them would be forming a party, as that seemed to be how these scenarios seemed to go. *** Astra consumes 1x portion of Sharkcuterie Board | T1 Demonic Feast (6/6) | ACC II | EVA II | ID: 239171 Astra | HP: 60/60 | EN: 24/24 | DMG: 7 | MIT:2 | ACC: 4 | REC: 1 | EVA: 2 Spoiler Name: Astra True Tier: N/A Level: 3 Paragon Level: 1 HP: 60/60 EN: 24/24 Stats: Damage: 7 Mitigation: 2 Accuracy: 2 (+2 from Sharkcuterie Board) Evasion: 2 (from Sharkcuterie Board) Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - Honed Longsword | T1 Perfect Straight Sword | ACC 2 | DMG 1 Armor/Trinket: - Swordsman’s Splendor | T1 Perfect Light Armor | MIT 2 | REC 1 Shield/Armor/Trinket: - Combat Mastery: - N/A Combat Shift: - N/A Familiar Skill: - N/A Custom Skill: - N/A Skills: - Straight Sword R3 Extra Skills: Inactive Extra Skills: Sword Arts: - ST-I (4 EN) | A single-target sword art. - AOE-I (1 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. - TECH-A (5 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy. Addons: Mods: Inactive Mods: Battle Ready Inventory: - Starter Healing Potions (Restores 50HP) x2 Housing Buffs: -Bedroom | "Rested" | -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat -Dining Hall | "Delicious" | Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread. -Living Room | "Relaxed" | Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts. Crafting Profession: - Gathering Profession: - Edited March 7 by Astra Link to post Share on other sites
Boreas 0 Posted March 8 Author #4 Share Posted March 8 Boreas looked over as a voice reached out to him, Boreas slightly smiled at the players offer to join him on his quest. Boreas placed his hand on his chest and slightly bowed before the player "That would be most appreciated sir, I would accept both your and this players assistance fighting against the Monkey King." Eventually he straightened himself still with his hand on his chest "Boreas, at your service. Ex-Guild Leader now just a mere DPS duelist. It is a pleasure to meet you Wulfrin." The two waited for a moment as they kept with their introductions waiting for the other player, eventually Boreas had looked over to another white haired player had approached the two. Boreas slightly smiled back and shook the players hand with a firm handshake "Boreas, at your service sir Astra. Hopefully with a party like ours we can easily take down this beast terrifying this land." then after opening his menu's to invite the two players before him into a party. After a small moment, another NPC had approached the players and exclaimed out to them "What's this about fighting the Monkey King?" Boreas looked over to the armored NPC with what looked like druidic-like armor, shifting his body towards them Boreas said out to them "Greetings sir, we are simply wanting to help the village by taking care of this "Monkey King" that seems to be causing terror in this wood." the NPC had looked up and down the three players saying out "I see..." eventually he looked back to Boreas in the eyes and said out to him "The names Sewallus, and I can't stand our people being too scare to leave our village. Let me come with you, together surely we will be able to slay this Monkey." Boreas simply looked back to the other two players looking for an opinion or two. Word Count: 313 Link to post Share on other sites
Wulfrin 0 Posted March 8 #5 Share Posted March 8 "Alright requirements met," Wulfrin chuckled as Sewallus's name populated under their small party. "I've got a gameplan already in mind. I'll go over it on the way." Wulfrin would make good on his word and start guiding the group towards The Monkey King's lair. It was deep in the forest so there was plenty of time to run down the plan, especially since Wulfrin wasn't one hundred percent positive where it was. He'd only done this quest one other time after all. "So," Wulfrin said as he pushed through the tangled brush of the forest floor. "Boreas, I'm not sure what exactly your kit is, but you'll be opening our little onslaught against his royal highness Donkey Kong. Astra will be right behind you. Astra will be going for a stun on the boss in hopes of stopping its initial attack. I'll follow up either weakening its armor or putting up the stun myself if Astra misses. Sewallus is going to end up doing his own thing in the fight, and is going to do a way better job at pulling agro than I can so... Don't let him die if we want the art. Too be fair, I don't see the Monkey King getting the chance to attack, but in the statistically unlikely case he does, watch out for his AoE." Link to post Share on other sites
Astra 0 Posted March 10 #6 Share Posted March 10 With the party invite sent by Boreas, Astra promptly accepted the request. "Hopefully I can contribute to the fight, I'll do my best at least," he said with a prompt nod towards his companions. Not long after an NPC who introduced himself as Sewallus approached the group, and offered to lend his hand in the battle. Astra was certainly open for more help, but was certainly worried about the risk of the NPC getting deleted. As Wulfrin led the way through the lush forests of Floor 8, Astra listened to his gameplan. It was a solid plan, and hopefully they'd be able to get the necessary stuns off to keep the Monkey King from attacking. The threat of an AOE was concerning, especially for Astra, as he was still a lower level and a hit like that may take a good chunk of his health, if not all. Though, so far he's been able to manage, so as long as they're able to get their hits off and do damage, all should be well. "I'll try to make sure I don't miss the stun! Should we be concerned for Sewallus' safety if he's going to be pulling so much aggro?" Astra motioned to their armored companion as he asked his question to Boreas and Wulfrin. Sewallus looked like he could take a few hits, especially in his druidic looking plate, but there was still some concern for the NPC. Even if Sewallus wasn't another player, Astra wouldn't want to see him meet a gruesome fate. Link to post Share on other sites
Boreas 0 Posted March 15 Author #7 Share Posted March 15 (edited) Boreas looked back at Sewallus and with a shrug said to the NPC "I... suppose you are coming with, please do be careful, I don't think any of us have any sort of support skills to keep you alive." Sewallus nodded their head and replied to him "No need. I can handle myself on my own. I shall lead you to battle." After the four had set off to tackle the Monkey King, Wulfrin had spoken to the two of them in terms of strategy. Listening intently, he replied shortly after he replied "I am mostly entirely single target DPS to handle bosses and other single targets on my loansome in a duel, however I do possess Leadership to give out buffs. I think with the combination of all the stats we have and the buff I can give we can easily take down the boss." then looking over to Astra he slightly smiled and said to them "Do not fret my friend, you will do just fine. We believe you can hit the stun." However, it didn't take too much walking into the forest for a loud roar to be heard out in the distance and a slight rumble to be felt in the ground. Pulling out his rapier and Sewallus preparing his spear, they looked around looking for the boss to arrive. Only after a few seconds, the boss quickly ran towards the party and let out a mighty roar in their faces then pounded its chest to show that it means business. Sewallus simply roared back using his skill to gain its aggro, while Boreas with his Rapier pointed it at the boss "My friends, let the battlefield be our art form. Show them no mercy!" he said to trigger his leadership skill buffing both Wulfrin and Astra. Combat Stats: Action: Using Leadership "Press the Attack" (Increase the Damage of all other party members by +(Target's Tier) base damage for a single turn.) Sewallus Action: Florenthian Howl [0] Boreas | HP: 740/740 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 22 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 6 | BH:36 | BLD: 48 | PARA [0] Wulfrin | HP: 918/918 | EN: 114/114 | DMG: 3026 | MIT: 123 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH: 30 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD: 5 [0] Astra | HP: 60/60 | EN: 24/24 | DMG: 87 | MIT:2 | ACC: 4 | REC: 1 | EVA: 2 [5] Sewallus | HP: 400/400 | DMG: 75 (100 on crit) | MIT: 50 | EVA: -1 Florenthian Howl | Grants Sewallus +5 Hate against the Monkey King. Requires a Post Action. Sewallus will use this ability on his first turn, and every second post thereafter. Shatter | Upon a successful attack, reduce target's Mitigation by 15 before damage is calculated. This effect can stack up to three times. Shatter from outside sources will not increase the stack count, but will refresh the duration. Effect lasts three turns. Monkey King | HP: 650/650 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 2 If a Tree Falls | On MD rolls of 9 or 10, the Monkey King will pick up a large tree and throw it at the party. This replaces the Monkey King's normal attack, automatically dealing 120 unmitigatable damage and inflicting stun to each target. Edited March 15 by Boreas Link to post Share on other sites
Astra 0 Posted March 15 #8 Share Posted March 15 (edited) The journey towards the aforementioned Monkey King ended abruptly, when a roar shook through the trees and caught the attention of the adventures. In a short amount of time they found themselves on the Monkey King's turf, with the giant demonic looking ape-creature huffing and looking down upon them. It started to drag its massive clawed hands through the ground below, clearly focused on the pray in front of it. Astra found himself a bit surprised at the size of the beast, but not entirely rattled. He couldn't shake Wulfrin referring to the monster as "Donkey Kong", and that calmed Astra's nerves a bit, and caused him to let out a nervous chuckle. There wasn't much time to stand around before the battle started. Sewallus let out a howl that rivaled the Monkey King's, clearly drawing the attention of the beast. Boreas followed in suit, with his words inspiring all of the combatants who were face to face with the monster. Astra wasn't going to let the encouragement and buff go to waste, taking his battle stance and solidifying his resolve. He was face to face with danger once more, but there was a plan to stick to, and he was determined to go with it. As Sewallus kept the attention of the large beast, Astra began his movement. He rushed in towards the Monkey King, with the blade of his sword instantly glowing a radiant blue color, trails of light seemingly coming off of it. In a quick moment, Astra jumped up at the Monkey King, swinging his sword in an upward motion, slashing against its fur and muscle. The monster was struck by the blade, roaring and stepping back ever so slightly. His attack didn't appear to do much damage, but Astra successfully got the stun off with his sword art, and Monkey King was now frozen in place, stunned from the attack. "Alright everyone, now's our chance!" He called to his companions, waiting for their strikes to hopefully take down the monster and ease the village's troubles. *** Spoiler Post Action: Tech-A vs. Monkey King (-5 EN) ID: 243320 | BD: 7 + 4 = 11 | Hit! +36 - 60 MIT = 1 dmg to Monkey King [0] Boreas | HP: 740/740 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 22 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 6 | BH:36 | BLD: 48 | PARA [0] Wulfrin | HP: 918/918 | EN: 114/114 | DMG: 3026 | MIT: 123 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH: 30 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD: 5 [1] Astra | HP: 60/60 | EN: 19/24 | DMG: 8 | MIT:2 | ACC: 4 | REC: 1 | EVA: 2 [5] Sewallus | HP: 400/400 | DMG: 75 (100 on crit) | MIT: 50 | EVA: -1 Monkey King | HP: 649/650 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 2 | Stunned Edited March 15 by Astra Link to post Share on other sites
Wulfrin 0 Posted Saturday at 04:46 PM #9 Share Posted Saturday at 04:46 PM (edited) "Fantastic!" Wulfrin shouted over the roar of combat. "All according to plan! Now it's my turn." The celestial steel of his blade hummed as it emerged from its scabbard. In the blink of an eye Wulfrin was right below the Monkey King's center of mass, making use of the opening created by Astra's successful stun attempt. Wulfrin's blade began to shine with a vibrant emerald hue, a sword art gifted to him for completing this quest before, as he unleashed a series of strikes directly into the overgrown ape's core. Small fractal of red scattered around the beast as Wulfrin's barrage continued. When the onslaught ended, the Monkey King's health bars were basically gone and a web of sickly veins taking the form of shattered glass spread across its form. "Astra you're up!" Wulfrin ordered as the Monkey King broke from its stupor with a roar. "We'll maximize the boost from Boreas! This thing is good as dead!" * * * Recovery?: None Wulfrin is at full EN and HP Cooldowns: Charge (1/3) Post Action: Charge: [x16] Tech-D (16+8=24 EN) - 2 Stamina -1 Well Rested (3/3) Free Action: ID 243521 | BD 3+6+1-1=9 Hit | CD 11 | 33 * 16 = 528 - 40 = 488 DMG to Monkey King. Shatter Applied. Monkey King is stunned takes no action [0] Boreas | HP: 740/740 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 22 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 6 | BH:36 | BLD: 48 | PARA [1] Wulfrin | HP: 918/918 | EN: 93/114 | DMG: 3026 | MIT: 123 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH: 30 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD: 5 [1] Astra | HP: 60/60 | EN: 19/24 | DMG: 8 | MIT:2 | ACC: 4 | REC: 1 | EVA: 2 [5] Sewallus | HP: 400/400 | DMG: 75 (100 on crit) | MIT: 50 | EVA: -1 Florenthian Howl | Grants Sewallus +5 Hate against the Monkey King. Requires a Post Action. Sewallus will use this ability on his first turn, and every second post thereafter. Shatter | Upon a successful attack, reduce target's Mitigation by 15 before damage is calculated. This effect can stack up to three times. Shatter from outside sources will not increase the stack count, but will refresh the duration. Effect lasts three turns. Monkey King | HP: 161/650 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 40 60 | ACC: 2 | P. Stun Immunity | Shatter I [-20 MIT] (1/3) If a Tree Falls | On MD rolls of 9 or 10, the Monkey King will pick up a large tree and throw it at the party. This replaces the Monkey King's normal attack, automatically dealing 120 unmitigatable damage and inflicting stun to each target. Edited Saturday at 09:34 PM by Wulfrin Link to post Share on other sites
Astra 0 Posted Monday at 12:52 AM #10 Share Posted Monday at 12:52 AM (edited) Astra watched as Wulfrin released a barrage of attacks into the Monkey King. The beast looked injured at this point, and it probably wouldn't take long before it capitulated and died. Wulfrin had let Astra know that it was his turn next, a chance to strike the beast while still reaping the benefits from Boreas' buff. The novice nodded at the shoutout, and prepared himself to attack once again. Making his way back to the Monkey King, Astra readied his sword, which had begun to radiate with light once more. He dashed in towards the legs of his enemy and tried to let off a few slashes, hoping to bring it somewhat closer to death. However, as he swung his blade, Astra had noticed that it seemed as if the towering foe in front of him was taking no damage. Resigned to the fact that he probably wouldn't be able to contribute at this point, he backed up from the beast, preparing himself for whatever came next. "Alright Boreas, can you finish it?" ** Spoiler Post Action: ST-I vs Monkey King (-4EN) ID: 243539 | BD: 1 + 4 = 5 | Miss! [0] Boreas | HP: 740/740 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 22 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 6 | BH:36 | BLD: 48 | PARA [1] Wulfrin | HP: 918/918 | EN: 93/114 | DMG: 3026 | MIT: 123 | ACC:6 | AA | PHASE | EVA:3 | BH: 30 | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | TXC-V: 32 | LD: 5 [1] Astra | HP: 60/60 | EN: 15/24 | DMG: 8 | MIT:2 | ACC: 4 | REC: 1 | EVA: 2 [5] Sewallus | HP: 400/400 | DMG: 75 (100 on crit) | MIT: 50 | EVA: -1 Florenthian Howl | Grants Sewallus +5 Hate against the Monkey King. Requires a Post Action. Sewallus will use this ability on his first turn, and every second post thereafter. Shatter | Upon a successful attack, reduce target's Mitigation by 15 before damage is calculated. This effect can stack up to three times. Shatter from outside sources will not increase the stack count, but will refresh the duration. Effect lasts three turns. Monkey King | HP: 161/650 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 40 60 | ACC: 2 | P. Stun Immunity | Shatter I [-20 MIT] (1/3) If a Tree Falls | On MD rolls of 9 or 10, the Monkey King will pick up a large tree and throw it at the party. This replaces the Monkey King's normal attack, automatically dealing 120 unmitigatable damage and inflicting stun to each target. Edited Monday at 01:03 AM by Astra Link to post Share on other sites
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