Boreas 0 Posted March 8 #1 Share Posted March 8 (edited) Boreas was never really a big fan of this floor, he hated that it was a Mire as far as the eye could see and it'd be humid mostly all day, however today he simply was just going to deal with it as he needed some business and quests to keep himself busy and stronger. Today, he was in the main settlement of Eriwald scoping out a tavern he had heard one of the quests had begun at, eventually he walked into one that wasn't entirely bustling with NPC's however still reeked of booze. Boreas wincing at the smell, however quickly regaining his composure. Eventually he walked up to the bartender currently serving the taverns costumers and placed a hand on his chest and slightly bowed to them. "Ah. Quit your politeness city boy, what can I serve ya?" the man replied to Boreas' bow to him. Straightening himself he looked towards the man and said "Not looking to drink today sir, looking for some business." "Business you say? Seems like its my lucky day, as you can see business has not been... too good as of late and I wanted to move out toward Serpent's Pitch with my caravan. I had tried originally to venture out myself, however I unfortunately got attacked by a vicious group of wolves and I had to retreat back home. I wanted to attempt it again with the city guards, but unfortunately they said it was "too far" for them to walk to. Pah, these guards just as lazy as majority of kids these days. I don't dare try it again by myself unfortunately, I am not too much of a fighter to take care of those beasts." he exposéd. "I see, what do you say that I take you and your caravan the whole way?" Boreas had offered. "I'd be much appreciated, but y'might want to get another person to come along. Just in case. It will be a bit of a travel time, might get bored and need the extra hand." the man had returned to Boreas. Boreas in response took a breathe in and out "Why is it always this excuse..." he thought to himself, but he straightened his composure and said "Alright sir, I shall return. Boreas, at your service." "Aye, Gyrard gratefully at yours. Do be quick, id really like to move as soon as possible." Boreas nodded after Gyrard replied, then Boreas turned around looking around the bar then outside when he needed an extra hand to come along with them. Word Count: 423 Boreas Player Stats for the Thread: Spoiler Boreas | HP: 740/740 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 22 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BH:36 | BLD: 48 | PARA Skills: [Rank 5 - 30 SP] Rapier (+7 to base damage.) [Rank 5 Addon - 4 SP] Stamina (Reduce EN of all attacks by 2.) [Rank 5 Addon - 2 SP] Precision (+1 to accuracy.) [Rank 5 Addon - 4 SP] Rapier Ferocity (+2 to base damage when using a rapier.) [Rank 5 Shift - 10 SP] ST Specialist (+3 to multipliers, +2 to EN costs, access to ST-1, ST-II, and ST-B) [Rank 3 - 13 SP] Combat Mastery: Damage (Gain +1*tier*rank base damage.) [Rank 5 - 30 SP] Battle Healing (While in combat, recover 5% of maximum HP at the beginning of my turns.) [No Rank - 10 SP] Charge (Perform a single attack/Sword Art with +3 base damage. Charge attacks have a -1 Accuracy debuff and cannot be affected by any auto-hit effects.) [No Rank - 15 SP] Unhindered (+1 to accuracy, +1 to evasion, +1 to loot die, +5*tier HP, mitigation is capped at 0 slots.) Extra Skills: [Rank 5 - 50 SP] Leadership (Able to use all Leadership Arts, however must expend a mod slot for each.) Other Buffs: [Paragon Level 10] +1 base loot die for looting, searching for, and opening chests. +40 HP, +4 EN, +10 SP for 10 Paragon Levels Inventory: Equipped: [Tier 4 - Perfect Rapier] Internum Sanguin (Enhancements: Bleed/Bleed/Paralyze) [Tier 1 - Perfect Jewelry] Insignia Bangle (Enhancements: Accuracy/Accuracy/Accuracy) [Tier 1 - Perfect Trinket] Eternal Reminder (Enhancements: Evasion/Evasion/Evasion) Edited March 8 by Boreas Link to post Share on other sites
Scarlet Firefly 0 Posted March 9 #2 Share Posted March 9 (edited) Depression and disgust. That was the note left Sam's notebook as she jotted down her thoughts about floor 18. Every floor so far had it's unique beauty linked to stories that she read growing up but the only beauty she could find amongst the murky, muddied mire was the clearly out-of-place teleportation plaza. The smell was upsetting her stomach to the point that she might just lose her lunch... Still! The woman was content on documenting her experience in SAO-RPG for the future. The landscape was so varied that emotion could be found through words in some fashion. There had to be some noteworthy locations for her to write about in her journal. First, though, she needed to find some food. Finding a player shop on this floor would be nigh impossible most She didn't imagine that many people would choose to live in a swamp... but if they did they would have it almost nearly to themselves! It would be their swamp and there's alone! Though lost in thought, she nearly walked into a taller man with golden hair and a fancy hat as she stepped quietly into the bar. He looked like how she would imagine rich businessmen would in stories she read. Typically she would write those characters off as terrible people who only cared about personal gain but this was real life and she couldn't just make assumptions about strangers. "O-Oh, excuse me sir. I was just looking for something to eat." Her somewhat frail voice would betray the absolute monster of a sword that seemed she wouldn't even be able to wield correctly. Her notebook would dissipate back into her inventory as she looked around. "Are you the owner of the establishment? You certainly have the air about you with that fancy clothing." Scarlet Firefly | HP: 60/60 | EN: 24/24 | DMG: 9 | MIT:6 | ACC:3 | EVA:2 Spoiler Name: Scarlet Firefly, The Blinded Light True Tier: 1 Level: 3 Paragon Level: 0 HP: 60/60 EN: 24/24 Stats: Damage: 9 Mitigation: 6 Accuracy: 3 Evasion: 2 Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - Butterfly Cross-Blade - T1 Str. Sword | DMG III Armor/Trinket: - Emerald Cape - Tier 1 Light Armor Perfect | EVA II; MIT Shield/Armor/Trinket: - basalt - T1 Trinket Perfect | ACC III Combat Mastery: - Combat Shift: - Familiar Skill: - Custom Skill: - Skills: - Straight Sword R3 Extra Skills: Inactive Extra Skills: Addons: Mods: Inactive Mods: Battle Ready Inventory: - Starter Healing Potion x3 Housing Buffs: Guild Hall Buffs: Scents of the Wild Totem: Wedding Ring: Crafting Profession: Gathering Profession: Edited March 9 by Scarlet Firefly Link to post Share on other sites
Boreas 0 Posted March 9 Author #3 Share Posted March 9 "Hm?" Boreas had hummed as a player had asked out for his attention, Boreas turned his body to face them as they continued to speak to them by asking a question. He was a bit surprised at the player that stood before him, she was admitably cute in his opinion and a bit shorter than him which only added to that, but she didn't look like she was all too experienced in terms of level. However, Boreas with a slight smile put a hand on his chest and slightly bowed before the woman "No ma'am, just your average player who is attached to the pleasantries they had in the real world before Aincrad. Boreas, at your service." he eventually straightened himself and continued to ask her "Might I ask why are you on a floor such as this? You don't seem too experienced to brave the strength this floor has to throw at you, at least I'd hate for any player to be hurt or worse here." in a concerned tone. However eventually with a shake of his head, he asked them "However, if you are looking for somewhere to eat, I do know a good place considering the environment's place to eat. I don't frequent this floor too often, but I do quite enjoy this restaurant every now and then." Word Count: 221 (sorry ;w; had a bit of a rough time) Link to post Share on other sites
Scarlet Firefly 0 Posted March 11 #4 Share Posted March 11 Firefly offered a smile to the man as he spoke pleasantly with her. He would immediately recognize her inexperience. She was really starting to notice that players with higher experience than her could spot out the newbies with ease. “You may call me Scarlet or Firefly, Boreas. Pleasure to meet you.” The girl would awkwardly bow back, not sure how to physically respond but trying not to be disrespectful. ”Oh, yes. I’m not the strongest member of the community here in Aincrad, however, I understand that many here respect the people that collect information. My guild is just that: Information Collectors and Distributers. We are called The Trackers Alliance. My personal goal is to fully map out every inch of Aincrad. My presence on the floor is just curiosity, I had no plans of leaving the safe zone! One day when I’m a bit stronger I’ll ensure that every location of this floor is explored for everyone to see!” The girl was animated, clearly excited for her future plans. His comments on the establishment were noted, literally. The notebook she was writing in came back out nigh instantly. She began giving the place it’s own section on a blank page. “I see… I’ll note it in my study on the floor’s NPC behavior and travel experience for Player Characters.” If Boreas was curious, he could read the title on the front of her bound book, ‘Aincrad’s Locale Compendium - Floor Eighteen: Murk, Mire and Mud.’ “Tell me about the food then please? What should those looking to explore this floor expect from the cuisine?” She looked around to see what sort of food was being served, and considering talking to others about it to make a nice section on the food. She had no idea there was local food worth exploring. Link to post Share on other sites
Boreas 0 Posted March 15 Author #5 Share Posted March 15 Boreas let out a small laugh to her awkward bow "The pleasure is all mine Miss Firefly. I appreciate your attempt but it is not necessary next time." he waved his hand toward her but kept a friendly smile toward them. Placing a finger on his chin, he was interested in her goals and her self given purpose "Ahh I see, that is quite the noble and inspirational goal Miss Firefly, I quite like that. For me, I am merely just your average player trying to reach the frontlines. I used to be a leader for a guild previously, but uh..." Boreas' gaze had trailed off elsewhere as his smile weakened, before shaking his head looking back at her with a slight smile "...until we disbanded. But, I am still working on making myself useful in terms of numbers. I'm sure I will get there, given enough time and effort I think anyone can risk their necks fighting the floor bosses." Boreas watched as she pulled out a notebook and began to write within the contents of its pages, Boreas unfortunately was a bit too curious and read the title of the book. "Aincrad's Locale Compendium - Floor Eighteen: Murk, Mire, and Mud" Boreas let out a breathe of air that resembled a small chuckle as he replied to her "Quite the apt name miss, though I'd probably title it reasons why you shouldn't come here. There isn't really much to see or do here outside of a few quests." he laughed a bit. "Oh, uh, it tends to be a bit fancier as it used to be food I used to eat back in the real world. I'm not too sure whether or not it mirrors the genuine cuisine of the floor. I just tend to go there a lot because it reminds me a lot about home and I just get nostalgic about it. I am more than willing to serve for you for free if you would like Miss Firefly." he placed bowed before her again kindly offering to purchase them food. Link to post Share on other sites
Scarlet Firefly 0 Posted March 15 #6 Share Posted March 15 As Boreas discussed his displeasure of the floor, Firefly furiously scribbled away in her book. It was clear that the book was just a ring bound notebook was just her rough draft. Her handwriting was notably horrid. It looked as though she'd never written in her life. "Oh, I see." The girl took a moment to think about how she would respond to that, but eventually she would speak up. "Life is rough for everyone. People come and go, relationships burn and fizzle between friends. But as we continue with life, we meet more and more great people who continue to leave great impressions on us. It changes who we are and how we grow. That is to say, we grow more as we continue to live thanks to the impressions others leave on us and vice versa." After that long rambling, she would put her book to her side and give him her full attention. "Whether or not the food here is reflective of the typical doesn't matter. If the establishment is on the floor and different, that could be a way to boost tourism to the floor." On his offer to get her some food, Firefly would ponder. "Hmm, I'm not particularly hungry right now but you're also probably trying to get to some quests if you're looking to level up. Please don't let me stop you!" Link to post Share on other sites
Boreas 0 Posted March 15 Author #7 Share Posted March 15 Boreas nodded his head with his slight smile pretending that things were still okay given what had happened "I agree Miss Firefly, though while very bad mistakes can absolutely never be reversed its what I do from here that defines the person that I am in this game. At least, everyone has the ability to change, even despite mistakes they may of done." his gaze trailed off away from Firefly again with a bit of a frown "At least... I hope it doesn't mean history is doomed to repeat itself." After her reply, Boreas was admitably a little shocked and blinked a few times and replied "Wait- but I thought you were looking for somewhere to eat-" then for a moment thought of the book she was writing in, then with a smile returning to his face "Ooh right, not literally, you wanted to genuinely know what was around here." he shook his head with a slight laugh then replied once more to her resting his hand on top of his gold and silver rapier "If you would like Miss Firefly, we could party up as I did this quest. It would allow you to see and explore the floor in more detail as I deliver this caravan to its destination. Additionally, I am front line strength, I can keep you safe for whatever encounter that we may face. I promise you your safety." Link to post Share on other sites
Scarlet Firefly 0 Posted March 17 #8 Share Posted March 17 Her words were being led to a bit of confusion to which Boreas quickly realize and corrected the misunderstanding. "Oh yes, right. I simply want to indulge in everything that the floor has to off. The food will always be here but there are areas waiting for discovery. Even the discoveries of others are mysteries to me." Firefly would explain, trying to get the point across that her own tourism was the main objective. On the offer to join Boreas on his quest, Firefly perked up. "You don't say? I would absolutely love the chance to see more of the floor if you would mind. I'm not the most helpful in a fight but I'm also not really a pushover when it comes to damage. As long I don't draw their attention I should be fine. What does the quest entail? I'm sure that I could be useful as an extra pair of hands at the very least as long as you give me some time to write down my notes in my journal." She would start to get her gear in order and awaiting a friend request. Link to post Share on other sites
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