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[Clash Of Blades Season 1] Week 5: Pollux vs Kiru

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A Mountaintop so far in the sky, that it's upper reaches and summit are permanently shrouded in thick, white clouds, obscuring the home of the gods from view. Olympia. Reminiscent of it's real life counterpart, Olympus, the grey rocks of granite, marble, and unquarried stone stand all as a stark reminder of the divinity of it's inhabitants. It was difficult to describe, something about the face of that natural structure screamed perfection. As though Cardinal itself injected the word into the mind of any who gazed upon it. Though, in effect, it was much like a museum artifact; you could look, but not touch. Guardians, in their shining bronze and brass armor stood vigilant, their long spears pointed up, their round shields held to cover most of their torso and neck. Impeccably on guard, and with godlike discipline, each of those sentinels stood perfectly still in their perimeter around the base of this most sacred mount. Any who stepped too close, would be met with their spears being lifted and slamming the ground all in unison, creating a thunder that cracked off the rocks and throughout the dusty highlands surrounding it's starting point. Just out of their range, there was a large, oblong rectangle of sorts. More of a stretched out oval, really. There, the various independent city-states of the floor would gather, once every four years and hold their games. Where they would bring their most talented athletes, those blessed by their very own gods to have the physicality, and the intellect to match strategy and dedication to their constant, relentless diligence and practice. 

It was there that the elder statesmen and the kings of the surrounding area had agreed to allow Kindling and Minako to host their own version of the games. With the sales pitch that, much like the denizens of Floor 17, there were talented individuals among the players. That they deserved a chance to shine, that they also craved the entertainment, and the adoration that came through victory and participation in a competition. That players needed a sport to be at least somewhat deadly to truly express their gifts, and find their thrill. Something to which those rulers and representatives were sympathetic to, understanding that players often charged head first into danger, constantly risking their lives. It made sense that their "fun" would need to match the stakes.

Though, there was no real chance of death. Kindling stood up from his lounging chair, bringing his hands together as he looked over to the collection men and women from Athenaia who had been hired to play their instruments of Lyres, Kithara, Aulos, Pan pipes and flutes, Tambourines, and Sistrums. With that call, they began warming up, and then one by one, playing. Filling the air first with the horn to heed the attention of all those in attendance. Ths week boasted a decent turn out, at least of NPCs. Those who could afford the time to travel from their far reaching cities throughout the floor, and make the journey to watch a day full of fights among those who their tales spoke of players. Many believing that some were akin to the heroes and tragic figures in their tales and epics. Kindling was dressed for the occasion, in his mix of robes and toga, accented with dark red silk, paired with those shin-sandals often depicted for people of this time period.

The host stepped out, bringing his voice over the rows separated by lists and columns for the crowd. His arms raised high above his head, and slowly lowering flatly in front of him. 

"Spectators and Combatants! Countrymen and Comrades!"

He began simply with that boom of introduction throughout the clearing.

"Today, we gather here to begin another week of our glorious competition! Today, we welcome the admiration, and the focus of the very Gods in Olympia themselves. Tired are the stories of old, they say. Exhausted of hearing of Kings on boats, or the forgotten bastards of heroes who rise. Of Labyrinths and Minotaur, of a ship that none can identify the origin. No - Today we shall give both the Gods, and Prometheus's humble creation of wisdom - all of those in attendance - new stories to tell. New legends to breathe life and light into their existence!"

He put his hands out to the side, a signal for the first two combatants to step into their respective sides of the long line of the clearing. "To my left, the first of those would-be Heroes, A woman with one name she rejects, having lost her mind last week in the eldritch depths of Floor 29, She bought a Finale last week, and didn't get the chance to use it and being another one of those Trackers - ITS YUE HUA!" Letting the homemade confetti of some of the spectators fly out and land in the opening of the arena, as well as any of the cheering and clapping that accompanied it. 

"To my right, the second of potential myths, A woman with lots of stories to tell, an ex-member of the past stories regarding Azure Brigade, one who takes her time and thinks about her next move, this one is trying to clean up their record, and get another win under their belt to perhaps beat the odds of having a dead-even winrate - ITS KIRU!" Another similar moment to allow the appropriate fanfare, as well as any taunting that the fans of each side gave toward the other. After all, it wouldn't be a sport if those spectating didn't act rowdy, loud, and got in each other's face. 

Then, Kindling raised a flat palm directly in front of him. "The Gods seek their own entertainment. They wish to see those who fight here today to ascend, to break the mold of mundanity. They bestow their divine boon upon those in contest!" No sooner had Kindling gotten the sentence out, then there was a stir in the clouds above. A yellow lightning bolt flashed down in an instant, striking the empty brazier of bronze that stood in the direct center of the two combatants. In the UI of both those fighting, they'd find a second health bar appear and fill up directly underneath their first. Doubling their HP maximum. 

"It is best to not keep them waiting. Speak to your fellow legend now, and prepare your blades. On my mark..." Giving the crowd a moment of bated breath before the host would lower his hand, and the horn would sound to begin their fight.


Welcome to the Fifth week of Clash of Blades - Heroes of Olympia! This week's thematic is fairly simple; The Event Shop has some Greek-Myth inspired armaments and items, and whatever your HP is after calculations - Double it.
 There has been several changes from last week, so please be sure to have the Informational at the ready!
Another soft reminder to NOT use outside items. Please use only the items purchased in the Event Shop.


  • Please remember to LINK your Spreadsheet, and triple check that all your stats are correct. Failure to do so before the actual combat begins will result in a loss by default. Going forward, we will be taking a much more hardline stance on this rule. The reason for that is out of respect for the time and energy of the hosts, and your fellow participants. 
  • TECH-A is disabled this week, and cannot be used. Get your stuns and CC somewhere else!
  • @Pollux @Kiru




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[What was she looking at?]

[Horror was a human body.]

Not even a week of sulking in a rented room far from the Trackers Alliance's headquarters had dug her out of the mire of her thoughts. It was Sunday before she knew it and she was laying in bed, staring blankly up at the ceiling, counting down the minutes to her match. Forfeit. Forfeit. Just one duel. You're tired; you're sick all over again; you tried to vomit it out of your system and all it did was knock that old habit back into your head; don't we feel less when we're asleep?

She had the message pre-written and ready to send to Kindling with a swipe of her hand. She had a "personal emergency." Her deepest apologies. She was not willing to share any details because it was none of his business. She imagined the seconds trickling away for every moment she lay in paralysis, forever lost to the unforgiving march of time.

Soon there would be nothing left.

Slowly, agonizingly, she sat up. Her eyes fell on the sword on the bedside table. She was so tired.

We'll sleep when we're dead.



Yue Hua couldn't keep most of the potions down. She rushed into the tournament grounds at the last minute and the staffers sent her surprised looks -- short hair? no horns and tail? She ignored them and grabbed her knives, visibly cringed at the feast she had bought before she forcefully scarfed it down, and swept past the curtains, stepping into the clearing as Kindling called her name. Kindling's playful jabs were usually fun. She'd liked correcting him back just as playfully. Today they just stung. So I am insane and incapable while Kiru is 'interesting'? Yue Hua clamped her teeth on her bottom lip, trying to suppress her annoyance. She knew it wasn't that deep. She was being an idiot.

In a fairer mood, she might have admired Kiru's two-toned hair.

"Speak to your fellow legend now, and prepare your blades."

The most Yue Hua could do was politely bow her head. She drew her sword. Her expression lacked its usual warmth.



HP: 540/540 | EN: 72/72 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 54 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3
TIER LOCKED: [CoB sheet]:
HP: 200/200 | EN: 38/38 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | KEEN: 2
*I don't want to edit the sheet anymore. I just took off the 18 MIT and added the 2 Keen.
HP: 400/400 | EN: 38/38 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | KEEN: 2 | THORNS: 4



 | skills

mod count: 3/5

    • [BASE: Proficiency] +5 DMG
    • [ADDON: Ferocity] +2 DMG
    • [ADDON: Precision] +1 ACC
    • [ADDON: Stamina] Reduce EN of all attacks by 2.
    • [SHIFT: TECH Specialist] For TECH Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers, +3 to EN cost.
    • [BASE: Proficiency] +3 DMG
    • [BASE: Proficiency] [PA, 2*Tier EN, 3 CD]
      For 1 Turn: +3 DMG, -1 ACC, remove autohit.
    • [BASE: Proficiency] [SKL FA, 3 CD]
      Instantly swap equipment from battle-ready.

| extra skills

  1. [2] FIRST AID | RANK 5/5 -> RANK 3/5
    • [BASE: Proficiency] [PA, 9 EN]
      Single target heal: 12% of target max HP.
    • [MOD: Purify] [PA, 3 EN, 1 CD]
      Single target cleanse: Can target the user.
    • [MOD: Energize] [PA, 10 EN]
      Single target restoration: +8 EN.
    • [MOD: Barrier] [PA, 15 EN, 2 CD]
      AoE buff: Reduce final damage from all sources by 15% for one turn.
    • [ADDON: Field Medic] [PA, 15 EN, 3 CD]
      AoE heal: 25% of target(s) max HP.
    • [BASE: Proficiency] [SKL FA, 5 EN, 4 CD]
      Switch ACC and EVA until the start of the user's next turn.

| expenditure


Total SP: 135 | Spent: 132 | Unspent: 3

  1. SKILL: Axe (30)
    1. ADDON: Stamina (4)
    2. ADDON: Precision (2)
    3. ADDON: Ferocity (4)
    4. SHIFT: TECH Specialist (10)
  2. SKILL: Combat Mastery: Damage (13)
  3. EXTRA SKILL: First Aid (30)
    1. MOD: Purify (4)
    2. MOD: Energize (5)
    3. MOD: Barrier (6)
    4. ADDON: Field Medic (6)
  4. SKILL: Quick Change (8)
  5. SKILL: Charge (10)




Silver Sword

Exorcist's silver for the vanquishment of monsters. The sword is one-handed, deep blue in color with white edges and triangular gold detailing beneath the crossguard. It strikes true and pure regardless of the troubles of the souls that may come to wield it.

The Second Star

A minimalistic set of pearl-colored hairpins; four-pointed star tassels optional.


A small glass bottle filled with sea water, miniature sea shells, and prop organisms.



| ...

  1. (1) Teleport Crystal
    Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports the player to the town or designated teleportation area they specify.
  2. Mountains and Rivers | HEAVY ARMOR T3E3, MITIGATION III
    A bell-shaped spread of yellow-green and dark-blue mithril plates.
  3. (3) Noble Vampire's Knife
    Can only be used on a successful attack. Deal an additional 20 Unmitigatable damage, and heal yourself for 20.



| ST

  • [x8] ST-I (8 EN) | A single-target sword art.
  • [x11] ST-II (11 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.


  • [x7] AOE-I (7 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.


  • [x8] TECH-A (9 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.



Trial By Fire
You will get 2 Slots of Tier2 Flame Aura for the duration of the fight. Preventing 8 damage from successful attacks, and Non-critical attacks against you inflict 4 unmitigatable burn damage.



Edited by Pollux
Brackets for the stuff I will add links to... when Lessa v. Hua is over.
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The architecture was magnificently breathtaking. I did not find myself in awe of much, especially recently but this? I was filled with a child-like sense of wonder upon arriving to the arena. This tournament had begun to feel more like a task rather than an opportunity recently, but the view up here almost made me forget about it. There were guardians around the entire place- which made a lot of sense. Although it no one built this, it was a video game, it seemed like no matter what it was at risk to be ruined by humans. Thus, the guards were to protect the carefully artificially curated structures that scream perfection. With this perfection came a chorus of instruments. I felt myself shiver with excitement at the prospect being in such a place. If this were the real world it might have been enough to make me smile or take a picture. Then, Kindling began their announcement. They introduced my opponent first, whose name was Yue-Hua. My gaze shifted from the beauty of the arena over to her. I had not heard her name or seen her before in my life within this game. HmmmmI softly smiled at her across the arena, remembering to be polite. Last week's battle was... interesting. Nonetheless, Kindling spoke as if they knew me. It still was strange to think about other people being able to recall who I was, as evidenced by the cheering and booing after my introduction. 

ID:243016, LD 6 

I equipped my dagger and turned it over in my fingers with a small smirk. There was no stupid ass creature trying to mess with me this week- I had to take this chance while I had it. The other woman bowed her head, and I took that as my mark to make my move. I shot forward and dug my small blade into her rib before pulling it out. 

ID: 243017, BD 7+2ACC -3EVA = 6*8=48-18 = 30DMG

Main Action -> STI -8 EN

Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 30/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:1

Yue-Hua | 170/200 | EN: 38/38 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | KEEN: 2


Kiru | HP: 200/200 | EN: 38/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:1

+Vamp knife, Healing Crystal
True Tier: 2
Level: 20
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 200/200
EN: 132/132

Damage: 10
Mitigation: 30
Accuracy: 2
Evasion: 1
Battle Healing: 0

Equipped Gear:
- Cupid's Wings +3MIT
- Banshee Shiv +3DMG 
- Cold Reflection +2ACC, +1EVA

Combat Mastery: 
- DMG Rank 3: Effect: Gain +1 * Tier additional Base Damage per rank. Ranks of this Skill obey Damage enhancement caps

Armor: [Rank 3 Cloth Armor Mod] Athletics +18 MIT 

Combat Shift:

Familiar Skill:

Custom Skill:


Extra Skills:

Inactive Extra Skills:


Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:

- Recovery Crystal II
Effect: HP Recovery Crystal, RARE  HP Recovery 2
Description: This Crystal glows a soft blue and feels cool to the touch, when you use it you feel as though you just stepped out of a shower, aahhh refreshing!


Edited by Kiru
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Kiru moved so fast that she felt vaguely lightheaded trying to trace her. One moment, she was smiling softly from a meters-long distance. The next, she was right in front of her, smirking, her dagger flashing a bright, intense color. Yue Hua's sword arced upwards, attempting to parry the woman's strike, but she moved a second too late. The short blade sank into her ribs, and though Yue Hua felt no pain, the part of her head that had gone twisted from the last fight fired panic and flight instincts through her veins.

She wasn't succumbing to it. She just forgot there was a small window of opportunity to counterattack. Go away...! She thrust her elbow in her opponent's chest, shoving Kiru backwards, who gracefully took the opportunity to place herself out of Yue Hua's immediate range. When she lit her sword and rushed at her, Kiru had more than enough space to evade her strike.

-> MAIN ACTION: ST-I vs Kiru.


HP is doubled; 10*8=80-8=72DMG; 4 FL. AURA.
MAIN ACTION: ST-I vs Kiru [-2 EN]
243019: BD 2 + 3 = 5 - 1 = 4: Miss.

Kiru | HP: 396/400 | EN: 30/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:1

Pollux | 328/400 | EN: 36/38 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | KEEN: 2 | FL. AURA: 4


Edited by Pollux
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After I pulled the dagger from Yue Hua's ribs, she seemed stunned for a moment- possibly shocked? I was shocked by my own ability to land a hit on the first go. The past couple of duels had not gone exactly in my favor due to one thing or another- mostly a mental blockage I put upon myself. Perhaps what was helping me this time was the scenery. She went to shove me back, and I accepted it in order to create distance between the two of us. I was fully comfortable being on the defensive end as long as it was face-to-face. My opponent then rushed at me, which I stepped back from. As she swung past me, I cut a long line into her back with my dagger. 

Come on...I thought to myself, and smirked slightly. This felt good. 



Main Action: ST-II -> -8EN 

ID: 243114: BD7+2ACC -3EVA = 6*11=66-18 = 48DMG

Kiru | HP: 396/400 | EN: 22/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:1

Pollux | 280/400 (-48)| EN: 36/38 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | KEEN: 2 | FL. AURA: 4



Edited by Kiru
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-> MAIN ACTION: ST-I vs Kiru.


10*11=110-8=102DMG; 4 FL. AURA.

MAIN ACTION: ST-I vs Kiru [-2 EN]
243120: BD 3 + 3 = 6 - 1 = 5: Miss.

Kiru | HP: 392/400 | EN: 22/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:1

Pollux | 226/400 | EN: 35/38 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | KEEN: 2 | FL. AURA: 4


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Main Action: ST-I -> -2EN 

ID: 243429: BD2 [miss]

Kiru | HP: 392/400 | EN: 20/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:1

Pollux | 226/400 (-48)| EN: 35/38 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | KEEN: 2 | FL. AURA: 4



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-> MAIN ACTION: ST-I vs Kiru.



MAIN ACTION: ST-I vs Kiru [-2 EN]
243558: BD 3 + 3 = 6 - 1 = 5: Miss.

Kiru | HP: 392/400 | EN: 20/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:2 | EVA:1

Pollux | 226/400 | EN: 34/38 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | KEEN: 2 | FL. AURA: 4


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