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[Clash Of Blades Season 1] Week 5: Morningstar v Acanthus

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 Minako rubbed her head, still feeling the awful aftereffects of floor 29. Last weeks games were a messy blur, and she couldn't remember much other than who won which bout. Regardless, she had her partner to thank for keeping her in check, and to help with the strange after-effects. Kindling was growing to be more and more of a prominent part of her life, and one she was thankful to have. She couldn't have asked for a better showmen, nor partner. She smiled as she tried on her simple gown. It was cinched at the waist by a beautiful bet of gold. Decorated with golden finery, it stood brightly out against the gold and red sash she worse draped over her shoulders. The entire ensemble commanded strength, resolve, and respect. Truly, a noble among the NPC rabble that dashed along to make sure that the 'games' were running smoothly.

The arena itself was simple, very much like the first week. A small clearing, free of grass, stone, and roots. It's long oblong shape gave people plenty of room to move around. Stands surrounded the arena, letting NPC's and PC's find decent seating to get a decent angle on the coming fights. At the far end, was a pedestal where Minako and Kindling were to be. Flanked by guards, and decorated by columns the pair stood almost as tall as royalty. "Ladies, and gentlemen of the land! We gather here today for a monumentous occasion. The Clash of Blades has grown to quite the showing, and stretching from the humble Town of Beginnings to now at the base of Olympia. When Kindling and I started this event, we had no idea it would evolve into something of this grand, and for that we thank you, the participants, and the gods themselves!" As she spoke, lightning rang from the heavens striking a nearby brazier. It alit in a sea of dancing flame that tossed and turned in the slight breeze. "And it would seem that indeed we do have the blessing  of the gods! Who knows what this may bring?" She shouted, meeting the cheers with a large smile.

"Up next is, the man. The myth. The legend! IT's, Morningstar!" The crowd cheered, yelling through cones to amplify their voice. "And over here we have the woman who stood strong her first week, and has been strong as any frontliner! Make noise for Acanthus!" Minako shouted, fans of Acanthus worse shirts with her on them striking a dashing pose.

As the fighters entered the arena, they would notice that they're HP totals would double, the green bar extending slightly and filling up. "Now then fighters-" Minako said, raising a hand. The crowd began to go wild, with cheering, stomping, clapping, hollering, and making noise. Minako dropped her hand, signaling the start of the match.


Welcome to the Fifth week of Clash of Blades - Heroes of Olympia! This week's thematic is fairly simple; The Event Shop has some Greek-Myth inspired armaments and items, and whatever your HP is after calculations - Double it.
 There has been several changes from last week, so please be sure to have the Informational at the ready!
Another soft reminder to NOT use outside items. Please use only the items purchased in the Event Shop.

  • Please remember to LINK your Spreadsheet, and triple check that your stats are correct. Failure to do so before the actual combat begins will result in a loss by default. Going forward, we will be taking a much more hardline stance on this rule. The reason for that is out of respect for the time and energy of the hosts, and your fellow participants.
  • TECH-A is disbaled this week, and cannot be used. Get your stuns and CC somewhere else!
  • @Morningstar @Acanthus


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emotional damage

ID242984 LD10

Morningstar HP: 450/450 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | FLN: 4 | PARA-V | SUSHI



  • Dying Sun
    FLN 2, AA, PARA-V
  • Inner Focus
    EVA 2, REC 2
  • Sapphire
    ACC 3, EVA

battle-ready inventory

  • Yellow Dragon, Red Tiger
    HLY 2, AA, FRZ
  • 1x Antidote Crystal
  • 1x Healing Crystal


  • Dragon Heart
  • Assorted Sushi Plate


    • night vision, detect

extra (active)


spreadsheet link (unhindered isn't actually in here + it doesn't work well with 2 weapon skills)


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Initiative: 242993 | LD 20

Acanthus had dreaded this moment since her brief lapse of judgment on floor nine. Hadn’t she earned a little more time before dealing with Morningstar? When she had seen the scheduled fight, her heart dropped. Three draft messages lay abandoned in her messages folder, begging Minako to reconsider the match, or even just threatening to forfeit before the fight started. But those drafts remained unsent, and now she was here.

Acanthus’s mind clouded over, desperate to stay away from the feelings that had overtaken her in the midst of battle. Memories grew black and hazy. The flash of purple that had brought her back turned a subtle grey. The bright red streak she had nearly sliced in half was nothing more than a dull white tone, whistling through her skull. The Stranger extended a hand. <<I will solve this for you,>> she commanded. <<Let me in, and let me work.>> The thoughts of her last Gemini bubbled up in blood. “This is you. Every cutting stroke and comment is you.”

The Stranger’s words disappeared quietly in light of the Gemini’s memory, but she would be back. The Stranger was as patient as she was vicious. If her counterpart, Hatred, was watching as well, it watched in silent study of her frayed, yet resolute nerves. Restraint would guide Acanthus’s fight with the red swordsman. It didn’t matter that the duel parameters kept him safe. It was important to show him that her behavior had been a fluke. Losing control of herself—again—would not be tolerated. She would gladly relinquish the match before she relinquished control.

“One moment. Before we start.”

Silently, she walked to the center of the arena, rummaging through her inventory. A few buttons later, a shining golden sword materialized in her off-hand. Meteor.

Acanthus tested its weight with the sad familiarity of a friend’s final goodbye. Then, she flipped the sword backwards, and for a moment, it appeared as if she would throw it back to him. Settling into a more casual pose, she offered the sword hilt-first, blade resting gently along her forearm. She hoped the gesture would say the dozens of things struggling to escape her stoic features. I can make my own way. I want to. Give this to someone else, someone more promising. I don’t need charity. It’s insulting. …Or maybe I don’t deserve charity. But don’t let this blade languish in my possession. It deserves better.

Acanthus tightened her grip around the blade, letting her pain indicators dampen her anxieties. If Morningstar refused to take the blade, she would set it gently at his feet before returning to her end of the arena. In a fluid motion, she drew botan from her side, allowing the rose petals to rise and drift around her before batting them away with a few test strokes.

“I don’t want to talk. Let’s begin.”

[some sweet narrative filler where she does a cool flip and then stabs Morningstar (I'll fill it in tomorrow I swear)]


Offering Item. Meteor | T3 Straight Sword | Para I BLD II


Combat Begins!


Swift Action. None

Main Action: ST-1 -> Morningstar (-8 EN)
242995 | BD 10 | Major Critical! 12 * 8 = 96 damage.

Acanthus | HP: 440/440 | EN: 35/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:7 | HB: 9 | LD:3
Morningstar | HP: 354/450 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | FLN: 4 | PARA-V | SUSHI


Acanthus | HP: 440/440 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3
Link to Clash Spreadsheet (I am so sorry I haven't been doing this q.q)


Equipment and Consumables


All enhancements reflected in the stat block unless otherwise specified.

Weapon. botan. AA | ACC 3
Armor. Corpse Flower's Kiss | MIT II | Thorns II
Shield. Fractured Heart | Holy Blessing II | Flame Aura II

Dragon Heart. Over-health II

Combat Masteries, Abilities, and Addons


Combat Mastery and Shift
Combat Mastery: Damage R3


  • Battle Healing R3
  • Heavy Armor R3
    • Mod: Impetus (1/5)
  • Searching R3
    • Mod: Night Vision (2/5)
    • Mod: Tracking (3/5)
    • Straight Sword R3
  • Energist

Extra Skills

  • Forgotten King's Authority
  • Survival
  • Block R3
    • Mod: Shield Bash (4/5)


  • None.


  • Shield Bash
  • Meticulous
  • Night Vision
  • Tracking

Battle Inventory


1. (2) Noble Vampire's Knife | Consumable | Swift Action | Can only be used on a successful attack. Deal an additional 20 Unmitigatable damage, and heal yourself for 20.

2. Antidote Crystal | Consumable | Swift Action | Remove ALL negative status effects on your person.



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Swift Action. None

Main Action: [C] TECH-G -> Acanthus (-10 EN)
242997 | BD 3-1+5=7 | 12 * 8 - 56 = 40 damage. Burn applied.

-22 hp from thorns + fl.aura

Acanthus | HP: 400/440 | EN: 35/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:7 | HB: 9 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (0/2)
Morningstar | HP: 332/450 | EN: 33/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | FLN: 4 | PARA-V | SUSHI


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Recovery. +1 EN. +18 HP (32 HB+BH - 14 burn)

Swift Action. None

Main Action: ST-II -> Morningstar (-2 EN)
243003 | BD 2 + 4 - 4 | Miss.

Acanthus | HP: 418/440 | EN: 34/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 Burn 1/2
Morningstar | HP: 332/450 | EN: 33/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | FLN: 4 | PARA-V | SUSHI

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+1 EN
Recovery | 243004 CD3 | Failed

Swift Action. Healing Crystal (+67 HP)

Main Action: TECH-D -> Acanthus (-10 EN)
243003 | BD 1 + 5 = 6 | 9*8-51 = 21

-22 hp from thorns + fl.aura

Acanthus | HP: 397/440 | EN: 34/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 51 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:7 | HB: 9 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (1/2) | Shatter: -5 (1/3)
Morningstar | HP: 379/450 | EN: 24/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | FLN: 4 | PARA-V | SUSHI

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Recovery. +1 EN. +18 HP (32 HB+BH - 14 burn)

Swift Action. None

Main Action: ST-1 -> Morningstar (-2EN)
243006 | BD 1  + 4 - 4 | Miss.

Acanthus | HP: 415/440 | EN: 33/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:5651 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (2/2) | Shatter: -5 (1/3)
Morningstar | HP: 379/450 | EN: 24/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | FLN: 4 | PARA-V | SUSHI

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Recovery. 243007 CD1 (failed) +1 EN.

Swift Action. Quick Change | Dying Sun -> Yellow Dragon, Red Tiger

Main Action: TECH-G -> Acanthus (-8EN)
243008 | BD 9 + 5 | (9+1+4)*8-51 = 61. Burn + Freeze applied

Acanthus | HP: 354/440 | EN: 33/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 51 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (0/2) | Shatter: -5 (2/3) | Frozen
Morningstar | HP: 379/450 | EN: 17/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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oof ouch owie my bones

Recovery. +1 EN. +18 HP

Swift Action. Forgotten King's Authority (-5 EN) Frozen removed.

Main Action: ST-I  -> Morningstar (-2 EN)
243009 | BD 4 + 4 - 4 | Miss.

Acanthus | HP: 372/440 | EN: 27/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 51 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (0/2) | Shatter: -5 (2/3) | FTK (0/7)
Morningstar | HP: 379/450 | EN: 17/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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Recovery. 243010 CD8 +3 EN

Swift Action. -

Main Action: TECH-D -> Acanthus (-8 EN)
243011 | BD 9 + 5 | (9+1+4)*8-46 = 66 DMG. Freeze applied.

Acanthus | HP: 306/440 | EN: 27/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 46 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (1/2) | Shatter: -10 (1/3) | FTK (0/7) | Frozen
Morningstar | HP: 379/450 | EN: 12/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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stop that!!!

Recovery. +1 EN. +18 HP.

Swift Action. Antidote Crystal (-2 EN) | All negative status effects cleared (Freeze, Burn, Shatter)

Main Action: ST-I -> Morningstar (-2 EN)
243022 | BD 4 + 4 - 4 | Miss.

Acanthus | HP: 324/440 | EN: 24/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | FTK (1/7)
Morningstar | HP: 379/450 | EN: 12/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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Recovery. ID243023 CD5 (failed) +1 EN

Swift Action. -

Main Action: TECH-G -> Acanthus (-8 EN)
243024 | BD 10 + 5 | (9+2+4)*8-56 = 64 dmg. freeze applied. burn applied.

Acanthus | HP: 260/440 | EN: 24/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (0/2) | FROZEN | FTK (1/7)
Morningstar | HP: 379/450 | EN: 5/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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Recovery. +1 EN. +18 EN

Swift Action. None

Main Action: None (Frozen)
You best hope your luck keeps up

Acanthus | HP: 278/440 | EN: 25/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (1/2) | FROZEN | FTK (2/7)
Morningstar | HP: 379/450 | EN: 5/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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Recovery. ID243067 CD9 +3 EN

Swift Action. None

Main Action: Rest (+10 EN)

Acanthus | HP: 278/440 | EN: 25/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (1/2) | FTK (2/7)
Morningstar | HP: 379/450 | EN: 18/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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Recovery. +1 EN. +0 HP.

Swift Action. None

Main Action: ST-I (-8 EN)
243094 | BD 8 + 4 - 4 | Hit! 10 * 8 = 80 damage.

Acanthus | HP: 278/440 | EN: 18/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (2/2) | FTK (3/7)
Morningstar | HP: 299/450 | EN: 18/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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Recovery. ID243096 CD6 (Fail) +1 EN

Swift Action

Main Action: [C] TECH-G (-10 EN)
243095 | BD 2+5-1=6 | Hit! (9+3) * 8 = 96-56=40 damage.

Acanthus | HP: 238/440 | EN: 18/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (0/2) | FTK (3/7) |
Morningstar | HP: 277/450 | EN: 9/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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Recovery. +1 EN. +18 HP (32 - 14).

Swift Action. None.

Main Action: ST-II -> Morningstar (-11 EN)
243098 | BD 6 + 4 - 4 | Hit! 10 * 11 = 110 damage.

Acanthus | HP: 256/440 | EN: 8/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (0/2) | FTK (4/7)
Morningstar | HP: 189/450 | EN: 9/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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Recovery. ID243102 CD10 +3 EN.

Swift Action. None.

Main Action: TECH-D -> Morningstar (-8 EN)
243098 | BD 2 + 5 | Hit! 9 * 8 = 21 damage.

Acanthus | HP: 231/440 | EN: 8/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 51 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (1/2) | SHATTER: -5 (1/3) | FTK (4/7)
Morningstar | HP: 189/450 | EN: 4/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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No smack

Recovery. +1 EN. +18 HP (32 - 14).

Swift Action. None.

Main Action: Rest (+10 EN)

Acanthus | HP: 249/440 | EN: 19/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 51 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (1/2) | SHATTER: -5 (1/3) | FTK (4/7)
Morningstar | HP: 189/450 | EN: 4/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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No smack

Recovery. ID243108 CD1 (Failed) +1EN

Swift Action. None.

Main Action: Rest (+10 EN)

Acanthus | HP: 249/440 | EN: 19/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 51 | ACC:3 | AA | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:14 | HB: 18 | LD:3 | BURN: 14 (1/2) | SHATTER: -5 (1/3) | FTK (4/7)
Morningstar | HP: 189/450 | EN: 15/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | AA | EVA: 4 | REC: 2 | LD: 4 | HLY: 4 | FRZ | SUSHI

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