Kindling 0 Posted Sunday at 09:19 PM #1 Share Posted Sunday at 09:19 PM A Mountaintop so far in the sky, that it's upper reaches and summit are permanently shrouded in thick, white clouds, obscuring the home of the gods from view. Olympia. Reminiscent of it's real life counterpart, Olympus, the grey rocks of granite, marble, and unquarried stone stand all as a stark reminder of the divinity of it's inhabitants. It was difficult to describe, something about the face of that natural structure screamed perfection. As though Cardinal itself injected the word into the mind of any who gazed upon it. Though, in effect, it was much like a museum artifact; you could look, but not touch. Guardians, in their shining bronze and brass armor stood vigilant, their long spears pointed up, their round shields held to cover most of their torso and neck. Impeccably on guard, and with godlike discipline, each of those sentinels stood perfectly still in their perimeter around the base of this most sacred mount. Any who stepped too close, would be met with their spears being lifted and slamming the ground all in unison, creating a thunder that cracked off the rocks and throughout the dusty highlands surrounding it's starting point. Just out of their range, there was a large, oblong rectangle of sorts. More of a stretched out oval, really. There, the various independent city-states of the floor would gather, once every four years and hold their games. Where they would bring their most talented athletes, those blessed by their very own gods to have the physicality, and the intellect to match strategy and dedication to their constant, relentless diligence and practice. It was there that the elder statesmen and the kings of the surrounding area had agreed to allow Kindling and Minako to host their own version of the games. With the sales pitch that, much like the denizens of Floor 17, there were talented individuals among the players. That they deserved a chance to shine, that they also craved the entertainment, and the adoration that came through victory and participation in a competition. That players needed a sport to be at least somewhat deadly to truly express their gifts, and find their thrill. Something to which those rulers and representatives were sympathetic to, understanding that players often charged head first into danger, constantly risking their lives. It made sense that their "fun" would need to match the stakes. Though, there was no real chance of death. Kindling stood up from his lounging chair, bringing his hands together as he looked over to the collection men and women from Athenaia who had been hired to play their instruments of Lyres, Kithara, Aulos, Pan pipes and flutes, Tambourines, and Sistrums. With that call, they began warming up, and then one by one, playing. Filling the air first with the horn to heed the attention of all those in attendance. Ths week boasted a decent turn out, at least of NPCs. Those who could afford the time to travel from their far reaching cities throughout the floor, and make the journey to watch a day full of fights among those who their tales spoke of players. Many believing that some were akin to the heroes and tragic figures in their tales and epics. Kindling was dressed for the occasion, in his mix of robes and toga, accented with dark red silk, paired with those shin-sandals often depicted for people of this time period. The host stepped out, bringing his voice over the rows separated by lists and columns for the crowd. His arms raised high above his head, and slowly lowering flatly in front of him. "Spectators and Combatants! Countrymen and Comrades!" He began simply with that boom of introduction throughout the clearing. "Today, we gather here to begin another week of our glorious competition! Today, we welcome the admiration, and the focus of the very Gods in Olympia themselves. Tired are the stories of old, they say. Exhausted of hearing of Kings on boats, or the forgotten bastards of heroes who rise. Of Labyrinths and Minotaur, of a ship that none can identify the origin. No - Today we shall give both the Gods, and Prometheus's humble creation of wisdom - all of those in attendance - new stories to tell. New legends to breathe life and light into their existence!" He put his hands out to the side, a signal for the first two combatants to step into their respective sides of the long line of the clearing. "To my left, the first of those would-be Heroes, A man who was flawless up to last week, who looks like something out of an old Nottingham story, dressed in his green, and already with the eyes of others on him, yet manages to still address his opponents respectfully, - ITS JOMEI!" Letting the homemade confetti of some of the spectators fly out and land in the opening of the arena, as well as any of the cheering and clapping that accompanied it. "To my right, the second of potential myths, A woman on a winstreak, she remains undefeated in one versus one combat throughout the weeks, she hits hard, and then moves fast, a true challenge to any who get matched with her - ITS KATOKA!" Another similar moment to allow the appropriate fanfare, as well as any taunting that the fans of each side gave toward the other. After all, it wouldn't be a sport if those spectating didn't act rowdy, loud, and got in each other's face. Then, Kindling raised a flat palm directly in front of him. "The Gods seek their own entertainment. They wish to see those who fight here today to ascend, to break the mold of mundanity. They bestow their divine boon upon those in contest!" No sooner had Kindling gotten the sentence out, then there was a stir in the clouds above. A yellow lightning bolt flashed down in an instant, striking the empty brazier of bronze that stood in the direct center of the two combatants. In the UI of both those fighting, they'd find a second health bar appear and fill up directly underneath their first. Doubling their HP maximum. "It is best to not keep them waiting. Speak to your fellow legend now, and prepare your blades. On my mark..." Giving the crowd a moment of bated breath before the host would lower his hand, and the horn would sound to begin their fight. ~~~Σ~~~Ω~~~θ~~~ Welcome to the Fifth week of Clash of Blades - Heroes of Olympia! This week's thematic is fairly simple; The Event Shop has some Greek-Myth inspired armaments and items, and whatever your HP is after calculations - Double it. There has been several changes from last week, so please be sure to have the Informational at the ready! Another soft reminder to NOT use outside items. Please use only the items purchased in the Event Shop. Spoiler Please remember to LINK your Spreadsheet, and triple check that all your stats are correct. Failure to do so before the actual combat begins will result in a loss by default. Going forward, we will be taking a much more hardline stance on this rule. The reason for that is out of respect for the time and energy of the hosts, and your fellow participants. TECH-A is disabled this week, and cannot be used. Get your stuns and CC somewhere else! @Jomei @Katoka Link to post Share on other sites
Jomei 0 Posted Tuesday at 01:42 PM #2 Share Posted Tuesday at 01:42 PM Jomei the emerald duelist //spreadsheet Spoiler notes Level: 34 | Paragon: 77 | Tier: 4(12) Jomei | HP: 980/980 | EN: 136/136 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 44| ACC:3 | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | BH:54 | HB: 43 | VAMP-D: 108 | BLI: 32/-20 | LD:1 Equipment: Fragarach : AA | HLY | FLN | FLN Vestige of St. Patrick: HB | MIT | EVA | EVA Alateron's Will: ACC | ACC | ACC equipped Fragarach Vestige of St. Patrick Alateron's Will battle-ready inventory Shell Crystal Noble Vampire's Knife Basilisk Fang Scintillating Blade (HLY 2 | BLT | PHS) skills Spoiler Skills Rapier R5 | TECH Spec. Combat Mastery DMG R3 Cloth Armor R5 Charge B Healing R5 Energist MA R2 Howl Fighting Spirit Quick Change Extra: Survival Parry Forgotten King's Authority Assault Mode Lady Luck Meditation Concentration Mods Athletics Emergency Recovery Vengeful Riposte Justified Riposte Addons Stamina Focus Precision Nimble Focused Howl    buffs Spoiler Housing Buffs Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down) Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts. Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll Item Stash: +1 BRI slot Advanced Training: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.    Deep breaths.. Back pressed against the stone of the dimly lit tunnel, absentmindedly staring at sconce bolted to the wall across from him. The flame shook and flickered as the corridor shook, the cheering and stomping of today's spectators causing the entire arena to tremble under their feet. Slowly pulling a hand from his pocket, Jomei would raise the small stone he clasped within his palm. Smooth and rounded on one end, jagged on the other. With a thumb and forefinger, he held the seemingly mundane rock over the fire he had been staring at. Almost a perfect match. Silence finally fell, the rumbling of the arena stopped as the applause fell to a whisper. Once Kindling's booming voice filled the arena, Jomei knew it was time to step out into the light once more. One last, elongated exhale through barely parted lips. The muffled roar of the crowd suddenly became a cacophony of voices - some cheering his name, some cursing it, others just calling for blood. The great mountain of Olympia stood tall as the backdrop for today's battles, the eyes of the gods upon them. They expected entertainment. They would receive it. Olive gaze focused on what was before him, the ginger would toss the small stone into the air. Pulling it from the air as it fell in front of him, the stone came to life as his fingers clenched its surface once more. A ring of flame traveled up Jomei's one sleeved arm before engulfing the cloak that fell down his back. Instead of scorching the fabric, it was left with a red and orange coloring - rather than the usual green that he always wore. Embers still burned at the tail of the cape, and tiny trails of smoke rose from his tall collar as if it were a smokestack. "Suppose there's no need for introductions." he would say through a chuckle, gesturing his head towards Kindling. Jomei didn't know much about his opponent, other than that she was a fellow frontliner. "Hits hard, moves fast, huh?" Jomei would refer to her with a smirk. "No wonder you're undefeated." Reaching a hand across his body, he would slowly retrieve his rapier from its scabbard. The metal blade scraping along its housing until it was free and at his opposite side, ready to be used. "Lets change that, shell we?" // Trial By Fire buff applied Initiative | ID 243063 | LD 6 Jomei | HP: 400/400 | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Katoka 0 Posted Tuesday at 02:44 PM #3 Share Posted Tuesday at 02:44 PM (edited) The fact that she had made it as far as she had in the singles battles was surprising to Katoka. She was certain that the others she had been put up against would have put in down long ago. However it had seemed that she somehow managed to slip through each time. Her previous match with Night had been close enough that she was certain that would have been it, the only thing saving her being her contingency plans of items. Reflecting on her past matches in the hallway leading to the arena, the samurai quickly shoveled food into her mouth. The extra health and other buffs would once again be a little boon in her pocket. The roar of the crowd followed by Kindling's introduction arrived just as she managed to finish her meal. With a final gulp Kat pounded her chest, attempting to work the food down faster as she wiped her mouth. With a hurried pace she emerged from the hallway, grimacing as the sudden change in light levels but quickly turning it into a wave to the crowd. Turning her attention to her opponent she did her best to assess Jomei with a glance. She of course knew that she couldn't really form a strategy this way, but she wanted to at least see if she could get a glance at his weapon. She smirked at his remark on her win streak, "I didn't think I would make it this far, so it would make sense for someone to eventually knock me off my pedestal." She stole a quick glace at his sword, a rapier and arched a brow. "You sure you want to use that little guy? I would hate to break it." She didn't give him much time to respond before she vanished with a whoosh, kicking up loose sand and leaving behind a vaguely human shape of black electricity. She reappeared in front of him mid swing, her sword art whining and giving off a blue night as it struck the man in green in a downward slash. The clouds grumbled overhead, the samurai was unsure of whether it was her sword or the gods this time. ---- Initiative: ID#: 243065 | LD: 19 Katoka Consumes: Dragon Heart - 10% Bonus maximum Health Assorted Sushi Plate - Ignore the first negative status ailment that afflicts you Main Action: [x8] ST-I : -8 EN Swift Action: ID#: 243107 | BD: 6+3-2=7 HIT! | [Fallen Proc] 14*8=112-26 MIT = 86 DMG vs Jomei! Katoka | HP: 440/440 | EN: 35/43 (43-8) | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 Jomei | HP: 314/400 (400-86) | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:12 | HB: 8 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 Spoiler Character Sheet Name: Katoka, The Cerulean Storm True Tier: 7 Level: 10 Paragon Level: 0 HP: 200/200 EN: 43/43 Stats: Damage: 10 Mitigation: 30 Accuracy: 3 Evasion: 1 Battle Healing: 6 Stealth Rating: -1 REC: 2 FLN: 4 HLY: 4 Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - Muramasa's Legacy | T4/Demonic/Katana | Holy II, Fallen II Armor/Trinket: - Oni Haori | T4/Demonic/Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 2 Shield/Armor/Trinket: - Aquamarine | T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I Combat Mastery: - Combat Mastery: Damage R3 Combat Shift: - ST Shift Familiar Skill: - Rending Familiar Custom Skill: - Skills: - Battle Healing R3 - Energist - Extended Weight Limit - Katana R3 - Light Armor R3 Extra Skills: - Concentration - Forgotten King's Authority - Frozen Hide Inactive Extra Skills: - Survival - Parry - Photosynthesize Addons: - Ferocity - Precision - Resolve - Stamina Mods: - Meticulous - Vengeful Riposte Inactive Mods: Battle Ready Inventory: Housing Buffs: - Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat - Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down) - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30. - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts. - Attic (Storage): +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests - Slime Farm: +5% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post. Guild Hall Buffs: - Trading Hall: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters and Rank 4 merchants/performers receive +1 crafting/identification attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters and Rank 5 merchants/performers receive +2 crafting/identification attempts per day. - Treasury: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests. Scents of the Wild Totem: Wedding Ring: Crafting Profession: Gathering Profession: Edited Wednesday at 01:35 PM by Katoka Link to post Share on other sites
Jomei 0 Posted yesterday at 02:11 AM #4 Share Posted yesterday at 02:11 AM Static clung to the air as the samurai before him vanished in a literal flash. Eyes widened as he sharply inhaled, shocked at the sheer speed his opponent was exhibiting. Shit, she's fast. The message carried from his brain to his limbs, screaming at him to move. But by then, it was too late. A literal flash. Cold steel cut deep into his torso, but colder was that dark energy from Katoka's blade that seeped into the wound. Raising both of his arms to his front, he would shove the ashen haired warrior away and kick up into a backflip to create some additional distance. The moment his boots would hit the earth, he would rush Katoka, hoping to catch them on their back foot. A quick flourish, twirling the weapon with a flick of the wrist, and he was on the attack. A powerful jab towards Katoka, his rapier would shimmer with golden light as his sword art activated. Her defense was just as quick as her offense, and the tip of Jomei's rapier cut through nothing but the air beside his target's shoulder. A miss like that, and he was easily in range for a counter attack from Katoka. His battle healing had hardly recovered a fraction of his health, and another hit from that katana could put him at a major disadvantage. So with a swift swipe of his free hand, the ginger summoned a small crystal, reminiscent of a swirling shell. Shattering the item withing a clenched fist, he would boost his defense. Better to be safe than sorry. "You've got jokes" his words spoken through a light laugh "and a cannon to back it up. I can respect that." A quick point with his blade, to the empty space where Katoka had once stood, "And the lightning, that's a neat trick." He pondered on his words for a moment before shrugging his shoulders, "I'll be deadly honest, don't know whether to be terrified or attracted right now." //Main Action -> Recovery | +13 BH, +9 HB -> Tech-C | ID 243119 | BD 1(+4)(-1) | Miss (-2 EN) //Swift Action Shell Crystal | +15 MIT (-2) EN (//Note: Subtracted -4 HP due to Flame Aura) Katoka | HP: 436/440 | EN: 35/43| DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 Jomei | HP: 336/400 | EN: 39/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 41 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | SHELL (1/3) Link to post Share on other sites
Katoka 0 Posted yesterday at 02:34 PM #5 Share Posted yesterday at 02:34 PM (edited) PH ---- Katoka regains +1 EN Katoka regains +13 HP via BH Main Action: [x11] ST-II : -11 EN Swift Action: None ID#: 243175 | BD: 6+3-2=7 HIT! | [Fallen Proc] 14*11=154-41 MIT = 113 DMG vs. Jomei Katoka takes 4 DMG via Flame Aura! Katoka | HP: 436/440 (436+13-4) | EN: 25/43 (35+1-11) | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 Jomei | HP: 221/400 (334-113) | EN: 39/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 41 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:12 | HB: 8 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | SHELL (1/3) Edited yesterday at 03:01 PM by Katoka Link to post Share on other sites
Jomei 0 Posted yesterday at 04:41 PM #6 Share Posted yesterday at 04:41 PM ::PH:: //Main Action -> Recovery | +13 BH, +9 HB, +1 EN -> Tech-C + Charge | ID 243176 | BD 4(+4)(-2) 6 HIT (-14 EN) 10+3 x 8 = 104(-30) = 74 DMG //Swift Action Noble Vampire's Knife | 20 Dmg, +20 HP (-2 EN) Katoka | HP: 342/440 | EN: 25/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 Jomei | HP: 265/400 | EN: 23/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 41 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | SHELL (2/3) | CHG (1/3) Link to post Share on other sites
Katoka 0 Posted 3 hours ago #7 Share Posted 3 hours ago (edited) PH ---- Katoka regains +1 EN Katoka regains +13 HP via BH Main Action: [x8] ST-I : -8 EN Swift Action: None ID#: 243230 | BD: 9 CRIT! | [Holy Proc] 15*8= 120-41 MIT = 79-19 via Counter = 60 DMG vs Jomei! Katoka | HP: 351/440 (342+13-4) | EN: 18/43 (25+1-8) | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 Jomei | HP: 201/400 (261-60) | EN: 23/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 41 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:12 | HB: 8 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | SHELL (2/3) | CHG (1/3) Edited 3 hours ago by Katoka Link to post Share on other sites
Jomei 0 Posted 2 hours ago #8 Share Posted 2 hours ago ::PH:: //Main Action -> Recovery | +13 BH, +9 HB, +1 EN ST-1 | ID 241231 | BD 6(+4)(-1) Hit | Fallen Procs.(-8 EN) 8x10(+4)=112(-30) = 82 DMG //Swift Action --- (//Note: Fixing a discrepancy in Jomei's EN. Should be +1) Katoka | HP: 269/400 | EN: 18/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 Jomei | HP: 227/400 | EN: 17/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 41 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | SHELL (3/3) | CHG (2/3) Link to post Share on other sites
Katoka 0 Posted 2 hours ago #9 Share Posted 2 hours ago (edited) PH ---- Katoka regains +1 EN CD 8 (Rec Proc ID#: 243232) +2 EN Katoka regains +13 HP via BH Main Action: [x11] ST-II : -11 EN Swift Action: None ID#: 243233 | BD: 9 CRIT! | [Holy Proc] 15*11=165-41 MIT = 124 DMG vs Jomei! Katoka | HP: 278/400 (269+13-4) | EN: 10/43 (18+3-11) | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 Jomei | HP: 97/400 | EN: 17/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 41 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:12 | HB: 8 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | SHELL (3/3) | CHG (2/3) Edited 2 hours ago by Katoka Link to post Share on other sites
Jomei 0 Posted 1 hour ago #10 Share Posted 1 hour ago ::PH:: //Main Action -> Recovery | +13 BH, +9 HB, +1 EN ST-II | ID 243435 | BD8(+4)(-1) Hit | Fallen Procs. (-11 EN) 11x14= 154(-30) = 124 DMG //Swift Action Basilisk Fang | T2.ENV(O)// 16dmg/4turns (-2 EN) Katoka | HP: 154/400 | EN: 10/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 | ENV-O 16 (0/4) Jomei | HP: 125/400 | EN: 4/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | CHG (3/3) Link to post Share on other sites
Katoka 0 Posted 1 hour ago #11 Share Posted 1 hour ago (edited) PH ---- Katoka regains +1 EN CD 4 (NO Rec Proc ID#: 243236) Katoka regains +13 HP via BH Main Action: [x8] ST-I : -8 EN Swift Action: None ID#: 243237 | BD: 9 CRIT! | [Holy Proc] 15*8= 120-26 MIT = 94 DMG vs Jomei! Katoka | HP: 147/400 (154+13-16-4) | EN: 3/43 (10+1-8) | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 | ENV-O 16 (0/4) Jomei | HP: 31/400 (125-94) | EN: 4/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | CHG (3/3) Edited 1 hour ago by Katoka Link to post Share on other sites
Jomei 0 Posted 1 hour ago #12 Share Posted 1 hour ago ::PH:: //Main Action -> Recovery | +13 BH, +9 HB, +1 EN Rest (+10 EN) //Swift Action ->Evade +1 EVA (-2 EN) Katoka | HP: 147/400 | EN: 3/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 | ENV-O 16 (1/4) Jomei | HP: 53/400 | EN: 13/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:3 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | Link to post Share on other sites
Katoka 0 Posted 59 minutes ago #13 Share Posted 59 minutes ago (edited) PH ---- Katoka regains +1 EN CD 9 (Rec Proc (ID#: 243239) +2 EN Katoka regains +13 HP via BH Main Action: Rest +10 EN Swift Action: None eepy Katoka | HP: 144/400 (147+13-16) | EN: 16/43 (3+3+10) | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 | ENV-O 16 (2/4) Jomei | HP: 53/400 | EN: 13/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:3 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | Edited 57 minutes ago by Katoka Link to post Share on other sites
Jomei 0 Posted 42 minutes ago #14 Share Posted 42 minutes ago ::PH:: //Main Action -> Recovery | +13 BH, +9 HB, +1 EN Rest (+10 EN) //Swift Action ->Evade +1 EVA (-2 EN) Katoka | HP: 144/400 | EN: 16/43 (3+3+10) | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 | ENV-O 16 (2/4) Jomei | HP: 75/400 | EN: 22/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:3 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | Link to post Share on other sites
Katoka 0 Posted 38 minutes ago #15 Share Posted 38 minutes ago (edited) PH ---- Katoka regains +1 EN CD 7 (Rec Proc ID#: 243242) +2 EN Katoka regains +13 HP via BH Main Action: [x8] ST-I : -8 EN Swift Action: None ID#: 243243 | BD: 6+3-3 HIT! | [Fallen Proc] 14*8=112-26 MIT = 86 DMG vs Jomei! Katoka | HP: 141/400 (114+13-16) | EN: 11/43 (16+3-8) | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 | ENV-O 16 (2/4) Jomei | HP: 0/400 | EN: 22/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:3 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | Edited 32 minutes ago by Katoka Link to post Share on other sites
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