Hakai 0 Posted Thursday at 06:53 PM #1 Share Posted Thursday at 06:53 PM (edited) Treasure. It came in many forms, gold, jewels, famous artwork and intricately crafted weapons. It came in many forms, but all of those forms had one thing in common. Hakai wanted them. She smirked, briefly imagining herself sleeping on a giant mound of money like some kind of mythical dragon. Hakai was a snake and she knew it, and what snake didnt dream of ascending to become a dragon? She would have the rest of the people playing this game eating out of her hand in no time. She unsheathed her sword, eyes glancing over the shimmering metal as she inspected it. It was nothing compared to her former weapon, but on it's own it was a work of art. Everything seemed to be in order for the start of her treasure hunt. The ginger woman meandered further into the autumn woods, dry brown, red, and yellow leaves crunching under foot. There was an adventure to be had, and treasure to be claimed. All she had to do was find it. Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 88/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Equipment: Spoiler Limbo's Claw Item Tier: 4 Item Type: Katana Item Enhancements: 2 Bleed, 1 Paralyze Description: A black katana with a scarlet edge Item Name: Fur Lined Jacket Item Tier: 4 Item Type: Cloth Armor Item Rarity: Perfect Item Enhancements: 3 Evasion Name: Finder's Lens +2 Item Type: Trinket Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +3 LD Consumables: Spoiler x1 Teleport Crystal x1 Golden Keys x1 T4 Blank Dungeon Map Edited 19 hours ago by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Thursday at 09:28 PM Author #2 Share Posted Thursday at 09:28 PM (edited) She walked quickly through the forest, following a small animal path she had stumbled across. She was looking for something to fight. She weaved through the trees, now following some specific tracks she had noticed. Coyotes, one of the most common enemies on the floor, and the best to farm for loot due to their tendency to hunt in packs. Hakai managed to sneak through the trees, coming across the stragglers of the pack unawares. Her blade glimmered as her sword art activated and she lunged forward, making a wide slash. Only one of the coyotes managed to notice in time, leaping back and landing lightly on all fours. Spit flew from it's bared jaws as it growled and gnashed it's teeth at her. Hakai adjusted her footing, standing lightly on the balls of her feet, waiting for the enemies to make their moves. She would be ready with a devastating counter attack as soon as she saw an opening. Rolls and Math: Spoiler -19 EN, <<AOE-I>>, <<Concentration>> ID: 243210 | BD: 1 Miss!| CD: 10 | MD: 8-4 = 4 Miss! | ID: 243211 | BD: 5 (+2)= 7 Hit! | MD: 7-4 = 3 Miss! | 21 * (11+4) = 315 DMG ID: 243212 | BD: 10 Big Crit! BLD! | MD: 9 Crit Hit! Paralyzed| 23 + (11+4) = 345 DMG ID: 243213 | BD: 5(+2) = 7 Hit!| MD: 1 Miss | 315 DMG Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 69/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies: Spoiler Coyote 1 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 2 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 3 | HP: 15/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Coyote 4 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited yesterday at 12:31 AM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted yesterday at 12:31 AM Author #3 Share Posted yesterday at 12:31 AM (edited) Hakai could see the muscles of the coyote's hind legs tensing, just before it dove at her, teeth bared and jaw gnashing. She side stepped, her hood flaring out from the rushed movement. The coyote narrow missed her, teeth snapping on empty air. Using the momentum of her dodge Hakai spun, her sword slashing out at the remaining two enemy, cleaving straight through them. She slashed her weapon through the empty air, silently challenging the remaining coyote. He seemed special, smarter than the other three. Not smart enough though, because it he was, he would be running, not fighting her head on. She lowered her stance, preparing another counter attack. She had a specific sword art in mind, and she was ready to unleash it. The wind blew through as the tension reached it's peak. Only one of them would walk away from this fight and she was damn sure it was going to be her. Rolls and Math: Spoiler +4 EN, -19 EN ID: 243214 | BD: 4 (+1) = 5 Miss) | CD: 10 | MD: 5 Miss! | ID: 243215 | BD: 6 (+1) = 7 Hit! | 315 DMG! ID: 243216 | BD: 6(+1) = 7 Hit! | 315 DMG! Loot Rolls: ID: 243217 | CD: 5 | LD: 17 + 9 = 26 | 3 Perfect Weapons, 2856 col | 1224 col, 2 mats ID: 243218 | CD: 12 | LD: 8 + 9 = 17 | 1 Rare Trinket, 1224 col | 1224 col, 816 col ID: 243219 | CD: 10 | LD: 12 + 9 = 21 | 1 Perfect Trinket, 2040 col | 1224 col, 816 col Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 54/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies: Spoiler Coyote 1 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 2 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 3 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 0/2 BLD Coyote 4 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited yesterday at 08:18 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted yesterday at 02:16 AM Author #4 Share Posted yesterday at 02:16 AM (edited) The coyote circled around her, pacing slowly. She turned, always keeping it in her sight. She was getting tired of this fight. The coyotes weren't much of a threat and this waiting game they were playing was becoming boring. She raised her katana, preparing to end this fight once and for all. Her boots pressed deep into the mud beneath her, leaving behind deep footprints. She dashed forwards towards the coyote, keeping low to the ground, her katana held out to the side. In one swift motion she thrust forward, the tip of the blade piercing through her target cleanly. She stepped back, withdrawing her sword and sheathing it. Behind her the remains of the coyote burst into colorful blue shards. That had been easy enough. Hakai scrolled through the loot rewards, glad to see an abundance of unidentified items. It was time for the next series of monsters to hunt. Rolls and Math: Spoiler +4 EN, -18 EN <<ST-B>> ID: 243220 | BD: 8 Hit! BLD! | MD: 9 | 21*20 = 420 DMG! Loot Rolls: ID: 243221 | CD: 12 | LD: 13 + 9 = 22 | 1 Perfect Trinket, 2040 col | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 41/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies: Spoiler Coyote 1 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited yesterday at 05:02 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted yesterday at 05:13 PM Author #5 Share Posted yesterday at 05:13 PM (edited) Hakai crouched, squatting down low to the ground to get a better look at the animal traces left on the ground. The coyote pack shouldn't be too far away now. The prints seemed relatively fresh, imprinted in the mud throughout the trail. She had taken out the stragglers with relative ease, sustaining no damage at all. It had taken the breath out of her though. She wasn't prepared at all for a battle of stamina, which this could easily turn into if she wasn't careful with her pacing. Slow and steady was the way to go, managing risk and reward and choosing only the fights that were advantageous to her. The woman stood up, letting out a long breath before cautiously making her way further into the forest. She moved slowly and methodically, following the tracks and signs left by the pack. Broken twigs, scraps of fur, the occasional paw print in the soft early morning dirt. "I'll need to draw a small group away and ambush them, a few at a time..." She muttered to herself, strategizing under her breath. Edited yesterday at 05:20 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted yesterday at 05:28 PM Author #6 Share Posted yesterday at 05:28 PM The autumnal forest was eerily quiet. Hakai had noticed it from the start of her hunt, but she hadn't thought much of it until now. No chirping of birds, no sounds of movement in the brush, just the rustling of leaves in the trees from the breeze. This whole situation was a little odd too. Coyotes normally formed packs and went around, but in this game it was generally a smaller pack. The one she was hunting was obviously abnormally large. Even a player unskilled in tracking could probably follow the trail left behind by this natural disaster of a pack. And she wasn't just seeing coyote tracks, there were all sorts of animal tracks next to them now that she was really looking. Hoof prints from moose, a few much larger paw prints likely from some sort of bear. She could make out prey animal prints as well, although they seemed fainter, all going in the same direction. It was a fairly common trope in movies and shows now, that the animals would all run from something big before it happened. This was weird, but if they all wanted to gather together it just meant more loot for her. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted yesterday at 05:39 PM Author #7 Share Posted yesterday at 05:39 PM Her weapon cleaved through branches and cleaves as she cautiously moved forward. She was following a specific pair of tracks that seemed to lead off in a slightly different direction. One of the paw prints was noticeably deeper inset into the mud than the other. The coyote was putting much more weight on one paw than the other. It was likely wounded, straggling behind the pack like the ones she had found earlier. It would be an easy target to loot. Perhaps she could continue on like this, picking off stragglers until she could confront the leaders of the pack. She frowned, a strand of hair getting caught on a branch. She extricated herself, pulling a hair band out of her inventory and tying her hair back. Maybe she should have braided it in a way where it wouldn't get in the way as much. She had known she would be involved directly in combat. She sighed, lips pursing in annoyance. She wasn't the best at thinking ahead, despite her attempts to be better about living cautiously. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted yesterday at 05:40 PM Author #8 Share Posted yesterday at 05:40 PM (edited) Hakai stopped in place. The tracks halted right here, but she couldn't see any coyotes around. There were trees and bushes everywhere around her, it was likely whatever she was tracking had sought refuge in the surrounding foliage. She stood up slowly, having inspected the tracks more carefully. A twig snapped, and she snapped to face it, her weapon drawn and raised. She realized she was holding her breath and let it out quickly. From the bushes emerged a wounded coyote. It appeared as though it had decided to go out with a bang instead of a whimper. She cautiously approached, ready to finish it off when she heard the bush behind her rustle. She jerked around in time to see a giant greyish brown coyote latch onto her shoulder with its fangs. She twisted violently in place, knocking the animal off, bits of her flesh still caught in its teeth. She moved her sword to her uninjured hand, holding it in a reverse grip. She had been in worse situations. As she prepared her attack two more coyotes crept out of her bushes. It had been an ambush. She spun, blade flashing out at them. Rolls and Math: Spoiler -19 EN, <<AOE-I>>, <<Concentration>> ID: 243251 | BD: 6 + 2 = 8 Hit! | MD: 9 Crit Hit! | 21 * (11+4) = 315 DMG | 137 - 20 = 117 DMG to Hakai ID: 243252 | BD: 8 Crit Hit! BLD! | MD: 5 Miss! | 22 * (11+4) = 330 DMG BLD! ID: 243253 | BD: 5 + 2 = 7 Hit! | MD: 8 - 4 = 4 Miss! | 21 * (11+4) = 315 DMG ID: 243254 | BD: 4 + 2 = 6 Hit! | MD: 1 Miss!| 21 * (11+4) = 315 DMG Hakai | HP: 583/700 | EN: 69/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies: Spoiler Coyote 1 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 2 | HP: 30/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Coyote 3 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 4 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited yesterday at 08:00 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted yesterday at 08:04 PM Author #9 Share Posted yesterday at 08:04 PM (edited) Her blade flickered through the air, having slashed through three of the four coyotes. She panted, resisting the urge to grasp her wounded shoulder. She would staunch the bleeding as soon as she was out of danger. She whirled around, trying to keep her eyes on all of the coyotes, a task that was made much harder due to the fact that they were pacing around her at a uniform distance from one another. Her hand trembled a little, unused to the one handed grip. This was not a situation where caution would pay off. She was bleeding, and surrounded. She let out a long breath the sigh fading into the air as she mentally readied herself for the rest of the fight. Another wide slide would do a lot if she could land it. The coyotes obviously underestimated her range of attack, but she couldn't do a swing large enough to hit all four of them with only one hand. Three of them would have to do. She whirled around, her feet moving nimbly beneath her as her blade sliced true, viciously tearing through her targets and leaving her face to face with the only remaining enemy. Rolls and Math: Spoiler -19 EN, <<aoe-I>> ID: 243255 | BD: 4+1 = 5 Miss | MD: 3 Miss | ID: 243256 | BD: 7 Hit! BLD! | MD: Dead | 21 * 15 = 315 DMG ID: 243257 | BD: 5+1 = 6 Hit! | MD: Dead | 21 * 15 = 315 DMG Loot Rolls: ID: 243258 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 +9 = 12 | Rare Armor, 816 col | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats ID: 243259 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 +9 = 12 | Rare Armor, 816 col | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats ID: 243260 | CD: 7 | LD: 1 +9 = 10 | Rare Trinket, 408 col | 1224 col, 2 mats Hakai | HP: 604(+21)/700 | EN: 54(+4)/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies: Spoiler Coyote 1 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 2 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 0/2 BLD Coyote 3 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 4 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited yesterday at 08:28 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted yesterday at 08:29 PM Author #10 Share Posted yesterday at 08:29 PM (edited) The tip of Hakai's sword dropped as she faced the final beast. One more kill and she could could continue the hunt. Her eyes glimmered with life as she felt the adrenaline rushing through her. Her fingers gripped the hilt of the katana tightly, feeling the friction of the snakeskin underneath her fingers. Her thumb rubbed the bottom of the hilt absently before she rushed forward. She slashed, the edge of her weapon finding purchase against the main of the remaining coyote. It wasn't a deep cut, but it was enough. The coyote carcass tumbled to the ground before bursting into blue crystals. Hakai let out another breath. It wasn't really one of relief, but more just a release of tension. The wound on her shoulder had already nearly healed. She frowned, resuming her search for more tracks to follow, swiping the loot screen away as it popped up. She would check through what she had earned later when she had gotten something worth earning. Rolls and Math: Spoiler <<ST-1>> ID: 243262 | BD: 6 Hit! | MD: Dead 21* 12 = 252 DMG Loot roll: ID: 243263 | CD: 3 | LD: 8 + 9 = 17 | Rare Consumable, Rare Weapon | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats Hakai | HP: 625(+21)/700 | EN: 58(+4)/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies: Spoiler Coyote 1 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited 20 hours ago by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted 23 hours ago Author #11 Share Posted 23 hours ago (edited) ID: 243265 | LD: 20 + 11 = 31 (I think i found it) Dungeon Found! <<[T4] Dungeon Map #243265>> acquired She navigated the forest carefully, still spooked a little by the quietness of the surrounding nature. She sheathed her blade slowly as she made her way through the roots and bushes, searching for any kind of trace of the prey she was tracking. Instead, she stumbled, quite literally on the entrance to a dungeon. Her foot caught on a root, and she found herself tumbling head first down a flight of stairs, coming to a halt against a pair of large wooden double doors. She recovered to her feet slowly, pulling a blank dungeon map out of her inventory. She was starting to amass a collection, a fact that she was very pleased with. She would be back soon to acquire the treasure inside, preferably with a friend or two to help her clear it. She placed the newly acquired map into her inventory and ascended the stairs, preparing to continue her hunt for more loot. Edited 22 hours ago by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted 21 hours ago Author #12 Share Posted 21 hours ago Hakai considered how much loot she wanted to get before she headed back to her shop. She hadn't gotten nearly enough yet, but she had already worked her way through a fair amount of enemies, and things were looking a little weird lately. She didnt want to run into some field boss out here by herself. She had looked into that before, and those enemies were nothing to be trifled with, especially not with her level of equipment. She was geared out to be a scout, not a bruiser who could take those things on by herself. She frowned, her hand falling to rest on the pommel of her katana out of habit. She wiggled the sword around a little, absentmindedly. She could get seven appraisals done in a day, and she didnt want to bother with anything less than a perfect weapon. That meant, this time round, she was hoping for somewhere in the ballpark of fourteen or so perfects to identify. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted 20 hours ago Author #13 Share Posted 20 hours ago That was a lot. Hakai wasn't sure if she would manage to get that done in one day of hunting. Her luck had been pretty terrible, especially for having invested a third of her skill points in getting better loot. She figured she had two, maybe three rounds of enemies left in her before she needed to take a long rest. If she was lucky that would be enough. And if she was lucky she would find a chest as well. That would certainly help meet her imaginary quota. It just wasnt very efficient to have to do one of these runs for every single day she wanted to appraise things. She had to find a better way to get funding for this business venture. She couldn't keep doing absolutely everything and get very little in return. She pulled her fleece jacket around her a little tighter, a chill coming over her. It was getting a little later in the day, but it shouldnt be this cold... Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted 20 hours ago Author #14 Share Posted 20 hours ago (edited) Hakai turned her head slowly, the fleece of her jacket brushing her face as she did. There were four moose behind her, large and imposing, and strangely quiet. There was something very strange about them, some kind of black threading visible through their horns and their eyes. She faced them, having recovered her strength from the last fight. Strange enemies just meant more loot. She raised her blade in the air, the metal shining in the afternoon sunlight. She moved forwards, her blade flashing in a controlled slash towards the first of the behemoths. The blow landed cleanly, the moose freezing in place briefly as her weapons paralyze activated, preventing the animal from making a move. The same couldnt be said about the other moose who charged her, strangely in tandem, swinging their heads around wildly. Hakai managed to navigate the sudden bullet hell, ducking the first pair of antlers, and even the next one, but the third on caught her with the tip, knocking her back easily. She managed to keep her footing, but wheezed momentarily, trying to get her breath back. Rolls and Stuff: Spoiler -19 EN, <<AOE-I>>, <<Concentration>> ID: 243266 | BD: 9 Crit Hit! BLD! PARA! | CD: 9 | MD: 4 Miss! | 22 * 15 = 330 DMG BLD! ID: 243267 | BD: 1 Miss! | MD: 5 - 4 = 1 Miss! | ID: 243268 | BD: 2 | MD: 9 Crit! | 137 - 20 = 117 DMG to Hakai! ID: 243269 | BD: 2 | MD: 7 -4 = 3 Miss! | Hakai | HP: 583/700 | EN: 69/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies: Spoiler Corrupted Moose 1 | HP: 30/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Corrupted Moose 2 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Corrupted Moose 3 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Corrupted Moose 4 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited 20 hours ago by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted 20 hours ago Author #15 Share Posted 20 hours ago (edited) Hakai managed to get her breathing under control rather quickly. She tried to stay light on her feet, waiting for the next attack. The moose pack turned around and charged at her again, using the same moves. She was ready this time, jumping to the side as though it was a bull and dragging her sword through the side of the moose. She could feel the blade bouncing off the bones of the animals rib cage, the moose's momentum working against it. She twisted, pulling the same move on the next one, muscles tensed as she pushed the blade into the charging creature as hard as she could. By the time she finished, the third moose had complete run past her. The moose behind her burst into crystal shards, the bleeding from her blade finishing one of them off by itself. "Come at me you little freak!" She shouted at the last behemoth, not caring how that didnt make any sense. It wasnt as though the creature could understand her anyway, a provocation was a provocation. Rolls and Stuff: Spoiler -22 EN, <<AOE-II>>, ID: 243270 | BD: 8 Focus Crit! BLD! | MD: Dead | 22 * 18 = 396 DMG BLD! ID: 243271 | BD: 4 Miss! | MD: 2 Miss! | ID: 243272 | BD: 10 Crit Hit! BLD! | MD: Dead | 23 * 18 = 414 DMG BLD! Loot Rolls: ID: 243273 | CD: 10 | LD: 13 + 9 = 22 | 1 Perfect Trinket, 2040 col | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats ID: 243274 | CD: 9 | LD: 4 + 9 = 13 | 1 Rare Armor, 816 col | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats ID: 243275 | CD: 2 | LD: 1 + 9 = 10 | Uncommon consumable | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats Hakai | HP: 583/700 | EN: 51/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies: Spoiler Corrupted Moose 1 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 0/2 BLD Corrupted Moose 2 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Corrupted Moose 3 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Corrupted Moose 4 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Edited 20 hours ago by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted 19 hours ago Author #16 Share Posted 19 hours ago (edited) She shifted uncomfortably, watching the remaining moose cautiously. It wasn't wounded, but now that it's friends were dead, surely it felt some kind of anger. It still didn't make a sound, just staring at her with dead eyes. It's head shook back and forth, antlers moving in a way that should seem menacing but just seemed kind of fake. There was something very wrong with these moose, the sooner she cut them down the better. Still, when facing a larger enemy she wanted to be cautious. She wanted to get behind the antlers where they couldnt hit her, but she didnt see a way for her to get in without getting hit. She needed the moose to make a move. At that moment the animal finally decided to charge once more, hooves pounding into the dirt as the behemoth charged through the forest at her, moving at a speed that seemed completely unnatural for such a large animal. She dove to the side, not having any time to counter attack, her priority being just to not get hit. She rolled, coming up on one knee and staring down her enemy. Next time she would counter attack like she had with the other moose. Rolls and Stuff: Spoiler ID: 243277 | BD: 3 Miss! | CD: 12 | MD: 1 Miss! -2 EN Hakai | HP: 604 (+21)/700 | EN: 53/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies: Spoiler Corrupted Moose 3 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited 19 hours ago by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted 19 hours ago Author #17 Share Posted 19 hours ago (edited) Hakai steadied her grip on her weapon, taking on a wide stance so that she could move in either direction at short notice. The moose lumbered around, finally turning to face her again after what felt like an eternity. She stared it down, it's dead eyes didnt even seem to be functioning, but it somehow knew where she was. It charged, the ground shaking as the beast thundered towards her. She took an extremely wide step to the side, giving the antlers a very wide berth, her blade flashing as she stabbed it deep into the creatures side. The moose's momentum kept taking it forward, the katana being ripping from her hands as it caught on one of the moose's bones.She gasped, the bones in her wrist jarred from her weapon being wrenched out of her grip. A few moments later the moose burst into blue crystals to follow its friends, her katana falling to the floor with a clank. If that hadn't killed the moose, she would've been in a bad spot without her weapon. She made a mental note to start bringing a second weapon with her just in case. Rolls and Stuff: Spoiler ID: 243278 | BD: 6 | MD: Dead | 21 * 20 = 420 DMG -18 EN Loot die: ID: 243279 | CD: 12 | LD: 15 + 9 = 24 | Perfect Consumable, 2448 col | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats Hakai | HP: 625(+21)/700 | EN: 31/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies: Spoiler Corrupted Moose 3 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited 18 hours ago by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted 18 hours ago Author #18 Share Posted 18 hours ago She glanced around at her surroundings. The fight had caused a lot of devastation, the moose were large creatures and had been stampeding back and forth quite a bit. Small trees and bushes were torn up all over and the ground had been ripped up in more than just a few places from the power hooves. She was just glad she had only been hit the once, and by such a minor blow as well. It could've easily been much worse. She didnt have much in the way of protection, her only was out of a bad situation being the single teleport crystal that she carried with her, although she knew in some rare situations even those didnt work. She kind of wished she had invested more in her combat skills, but then again she wouldnt be able to make the money she did without her current build. It was just a little annoying constantly risking life and limb for a few col here and there. She had heard you could get amazing rewards, but she hadnt seen any yet. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted 18 hours ago Author #19 Share Posted 18 hours ago She had heard of items that allowed you to create special weapons, and even choose enhancements. She had figured that by now she would be rolling in dough, sleeping on mounds of col like she had dreamed about. But nothing yet. It seemed like her luck just wasnt very good even with enhancements so good that it seemed like cheating. She frowned, taking a moment to pull herself together. She just needed to keep at it, keep doing this trips and keep farming monsters in a smart and safe way. Statistically she had a jackpot coming. She didnt know the exact numbers but she could feel it in her very being. Maybe it was even due for the end of this hunting trip. The frown faded away replaced by a smirk. Thinking about future treasure always put the woman in a very good mood. She hoped she would get a weapon of some sort that would make farming easier for her. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted 18 hours ago Author #20 Share Posted 18 hours ago Still, even though there was plenty of time left in the day to do stuff, she was starting to get a little freaked out by the state of her surroundings. The quiet had returned and she had a feeling that the source still had yet to be found. The moose were just a symptom. That had been hard enough, she didnt want to get caught up solo against some kind of special event boss. She rubbed her neck, letting out a groan. This was only enough stuff for a single day. And maybe not even enough col for the next day either. Being an active appraiser was a major pain. She massaged her neck for a few moments longer, collecting her thoughts and trying to figure out a plan. It came to her after a minute or two. She would head back towards the safe zone, and look for treasure along the way. There were always hidden things up for grabs in this forest, for those with eyes keen enough. Link to post Share on other sites
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