Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 03:07 AM Author #21 Share Posted Saturday at 03:07 AM A twig snapped loudly as she stepped on it, causing her to tense up for a moment. She was still a little on edge, despite heading in the opposite direction of whatever weird thing was happening in the forest. At least, she hoped it was the opposite direction. She had chosen this way for that exact reason. She ran her fingers through her hair, exasperated. This wouldnt be so bad if she could just get one piece of loot that she cared about, but it seemed like the game knew exactly what she wanted and was on a mission to prevent her from achieving her goals. She opened her inventory, finally looking over the loot that had been dropped. She hadnt looked in detail before, but she had glanced over it enough to know that it was nothing all that great. Some weapons, some armor, a trinket or two. A lot of col, but not really in the grand scheme of things. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 03:09 AM Author #22 Share Posted Saturday at 03:09 AM (edited) ID: 243280 | LD: 11 + 9 = 20 Treasure Found! She stumbled through the woods, a strange feeling nagging at her. Her instincts were trying to tell her something, and it wasnt about an enemy, or weird creature. She could sense that something was odd. She leaned into the feeling, slowing down to a leisurely stroll, taking in all of her surroundings. Something was odd. That was when she realized. That area off to the side was weirdly perfect. It was so symmetrical, with everything growing in such a way that it seemed almost intentional. As though someone had planted them there instead of them growing naturally. She made her way over to the square of bushes, getting down on her knees and sifting through the dirt underneath. It wasnt visible from far away, but now that she was right next to it she could see the wooden planks underneath a thin fil of dirt, hidden by the shadow of the bush. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she had found a treasure chest, the very thing she had invested in being able to open, but somehow had never managed to find until now. Edited Saturday at 03:15 AM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 03:15 AM Author #23 Share Posted Saturday at 03:15 AM (edited) ID: 243281 | LD: 18 + 5 (Lock Picking, Dismantling) = 23! 8400 col, 15 materials, Gleaming Scale Hakai brushed the dirt away, glancing over the chest now that the obstructions had been cleared away. It was a simple wooden box with a large, sturdy iron lock inset into the lid. She pulled out her tools, carefully inserting them into the lock and expertly manipulating the pins inside. With a click the treasure chest was open. Finally she had had a chance to use the skills that she had invested so much in. She inspected the loot. A decent amount of col, a ton of materials, and most importantly... the legendary drops she had been chasing this entire time. A gleaming shard peeked back at her from the bottom of the chest. She gathered up her well deserved loot and started making her way back home. Finally a treasure hunt that ended with actual treasure. It wasnt enough that she would be able to sleep on a mound of col, but it was a very good start. Edited Saturday at 04:07 AM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 03:48 AM Author #24 Share Posted Saturday at 03:48 AM (edited) Thread Rewards so far: Reveal hidden contents 4012(words) / 10 = 401.2 * 3 * 1 = 1203 EXP 46,752 +400 (Page reward) = 47,152 col 1 Gleaming Scale 35 Materials 3 Perfect Weapons 3 Perfect Trinket 1 Perfect Consumable 2 Rare Trinket 1 Rare Armor 1 Rare Weapon 1 Rare Consumable 1 Uncommon Consumable Rolls and stuff: Reveal hidden contents -19 EN ID: 243291 | BD: 7 Hit! BLD!| CD: 9 | MD: 9 Crit Hit! 137 DMG to Hakai | 21 * 15 = 315 DMG! BLD! ID: 243292 | BD: 8 Focus Crit! BLD! | MD: 7-4 = 3 Miss! | 22 * 15 = 330 DMG! BLD! ID: 243293 | BD: 2 Miss! | MD: 7-4 = 3 Miss! | ID: 243294 | BD: 10 Big Crit! | MD: PARA! | 23 * 15 = 345 DMG! BLD! The next day Hakai exited the inn where she had been staying and made her way up to the twenty eighth floor once more. For once she had had good luck in her treasure hunt, and she figured that it wouldn't hurt to try again on the same floor. The strange events of the other day were still on her mind, she could only hope that she wouldn't come across anything weird like the day before. She headed on into the autumnal forest, ready to continue on from where she had left off. It didn't take her long to find another group of coyotes. The forest wasn't silent like the day before, and everything seemed to have gone back to normal. She faced down the pack, her blade steady. She could hear the blood rushing in her ears. A coyote leaped at her and she swatted it away with her sword, taking the opportunity to advance forward, her blade slashing back and forth, slashing deep into two other coyotes. Hakai | HP: 583/700 | EN: 69/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 | Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 1 | HP: 45/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Coyote 2 | HP: 30/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Coyote 3 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 4 | HP: 15/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Edited Saturday at 06:55 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 06:57 PM Author #25 Share Posted Saturday at 06:57 PM (edited) Hakai took a step back, careful to keep her footing on the uneven ground of the forest. Her heel pressed against a tree root as she stared down the last enemy. The other three coyotes all burst into crystals, her bleed effect coming into play and dropping them all. Now it was just her and the last coyote. She frowned, holding the handle of her katana close to her body, blade steadily pointed in the direction of her enemy. Her muscles tensed as the coyote let out a howl and dove at her legs, looking to take a chunk out of her thighs. She moved her leg quickly, her blade flashing and decapitating the monster. The loot screen flashed up in front of her and she swiped through it, glancing over the rewards. Not bad, not great. It was enough for now. She was happy to take the unidentified items, although she was really hoping for a little more. Rolls and Math: Reveal hidden contents -18 EN ID: 243296 | BD: 6 Hit! | MD: Dead | 21 * 20 = 420 DMG Loot Rolls: ID: 243298 | CD: 6 | LD: 13 + 9 = 22 | Perfect Armor, 2 Perfect Consumables | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats ID: 243299 | CD: 2 | LD: 11 + 9 = 20 | Perfect Consumable, Perfect Trinket | 1224 co, 816 col, 2 mats ID: 243300 | CD: 5 | LD: 3 + 9 = 12 | Rare Weapon, Uncommon Consumable | 1224 col, 2 mats ID: 243301 | CD: 6 | LD: 5 + 9 = 14 | Rare Weapon, Uncommon Consumable | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats Hakai | HP: 625/700 | EN: 55/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 | Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 1 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Coyote 2 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Coyote 3 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 4 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Edited Saturday at 08:15 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 08:53 PM Author #26 Share Posted Saturday at 08:53 PM Hakai swiped the screen away, making a mental note of all the items and money she had collected so far. She sheathed her katana carefully, brushing a lock of ginger hair behind her ear. All work and no play made Hakai a dull gal. She frowned, collecting herself before continuing into the forest, weaving her way in and out of trees and bushes. Her shop had been doing pretty well lately, she had found plenty of time to appraise items. Despite having appraised very little worth anything, she had managed to appraise the jacket she was currently wearing, and even a replacement katana for emergencies. Sooner or later she would unveil one of those special enhancements, which would maker her hunting easier, or bring in a ton of money when she sold it. She just needed more supplies, a lot more. Hopefully by the end of this trip she would have more than enough, or the money to get what she needed. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 09:28 PM Author #27 Share Posted Saturday at 09:28 PM She knelt down, thought of her shop still on her mind. She examined the dirt below, gently sifting her fingers through it. Another group of coyotes, heading to the east. The tracks were relatively fresh, the damp ground from the morning dew holding the prints very well. She stood up with a sigh, brushing her hand against her jeans to knock the dirt off. She adjusted her jacket around her, starting to feel the chilly morning air again now that her heartbeat had slowed from the fight. She sighed, feeling the soft fleece of the garment rubbing up against her neck. She pulled her hood up, moving her hair over her shoulder. She gripped her katana, still sheathed, and continued the trek, further and further into the autumn woods. The loot she was looking for was just waiting for her to find it. She cautiously glanced around as she walked, keeping an eye out for any movement. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 09:55 PM Author #28 Share Posted Saturday at 09:55 PM She wandered through the woods, taking it slowly and cautiously. She had plenty of time to find her prey. Of course, she would prefer it if they would all just come to her one at a time, but that just wasn't realistic. She frowned, examining the tracks once more. They couldn't be too far now. She hadn't been very good at this whole scouting thing at first, but after attempting it time and time again she was starting to get a real feel for it. She considered putting more points into the related skills, but skill points weren't so easy to come by these days, and even if she could afford it she didn't really want to become any squishier than she was currently. She already felt like she was playing with fire every time she went up against a boss or the enemies she was fighting got a few hits in. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 10:42 PM Author #29 Share Posted Saturday at 10:42 PM (edited) The tracks trailed off to the side into the woods, the coyotes deciding to take a different path for some reason. Hakai followed the tracks, veering off into a small clearing to the side, where she came upon four coyotes. Three of them were laying down, the fourth one walking around with what appeared to be a freshly caught rabbit held in it's jaws. Hakai slowly unsheathed her blade, having been unnoticed so far. That was as far as she got though, the shimmer of the blade catching the eye of the coyote who was standing up. He lunged at her and she blocked with her blade, the fangs of the animal colliding against her blade with a very loud clang. She kicked the animal back, twirling her blade in the air to slash into it's side as it was flying back. She adjusted her stance, blade flickering as she slashed wildly around her to keep the remaining enemies at bay. The tip of her blade carved into the side of one enemy, and quickly made its way to the next, dealing a deadly blow to it. It wasn't finishes yet, but she could tell it would be without any intervention from her. Rolls and Stuff: Reveal hidden contents -19 EN ID: 243316 | BD: 8 Focus Crit! BLD! | MD: 4 Miss! | 22 * 15 = 330 DMG BLD! ID: 243317 | BD: 6 Hit! | MD: 5 Miss! | 21 * 15 = 315 DMG ID: 243318 | BD: 9 Crit! BLD! PARA! | MD: PARA | 22 * 15 = 330 DMG, BLD! ID: 243319 | BD: 3 Miss | MD: 7 -4 = 3 Miss | Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 69/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 |Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 1 | HP: 30/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Coyote 2 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 3 | HP: 30/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Coyote 4 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited Saturday at 10:55 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 10:56 PM Author #30 Share Posted Saturday at 10:56 PM (edited) Hakai's hood fluttered off as she dove forward, narrowly missing one of the remaining coyotes by a hairs breadth. She regained her balance, her katana jittering a little in her hands as the adrenaline started to hit. Despite the fact that she had faced these mobs over and over she still really didnt like fighting enemies who were half as tall as her. It made landing decisive blows difficult, especially while keeping her own guard up and maintaining her balance. She frowned, tightening her grip on her weapon. Maybe she would find a different floor next time she did this and fight some enemies who were a little easier to handle. She took up a bladed stance, feet closer together, keeping a lower profile towards the remaining coyotes. It was a little weaker to attacks from the side, but didn't leave much opening right in front of her. She waited for a few moments, focusing all of her senses on the enemies in front of her. Finally spotting an opening, she thrust forward, her blade piercing the uninjured coyote. She could tell immediately that it was over for that one, and focused the rest of her attention on the last remaining enemy. Rolls and Stuff: Reveal hidden contents -19 EN ID: 243321 | BD: 3 Miss| MD: 6 -4 = 2 Miss!| ID: 243322 | BD: 9 Crit! BLD! PARA! | MD: PARA | 22*15 = 330 DMG, BLD! Loot Rolls: ID: 243323 | CD: 3 | LD: 10 +9 = 19 | Perfect Consumable, Rare Trinket | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats ID: 243325 | CD: 12 | LD: 6 + 9 = 15 | Rare Armor, 816 col | 1224 col, 816 col Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 54/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 | Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 1 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 0/2 BLD Coyote 2 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 3 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 0/2 BLD Coyote 4 | HP: 30/408 | DMG: 136 | 1/2 BLD Edited Saturday at 11:32 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 11:22 PM Author #31 Share Posted Saturday at 11:22 PM (edited) Hakai took up the same stance as earlier, facing the last, wounded coyote. It seemed smarter than the others, pacing carefully in front of her. She thrust forward, at the same time as the injured coyote leaped at her. They went right past each other, both missing the other. She whirled around, her jacket flaring out as she did so, to face her enemy. With a grimace she raised her weapon once more. She was uninjured, but a little annoyed at this dance they were doing with each other, both missing the other over and over. She adjusted her grip, her fingers digging into the snakeskin of her katana's handle. She would land the next blow and finish this, before things got hairy. She had been in this same situation before, and a cornered animal was always at its most dangerous. She locked eyes with the beast, trying to sus out its next move, turning when it tried to leave her blind spot. Rolls and Stuff: Reveal hidden contents -2 EN ID: 243327 | BD: 4+1 = 5 Miss | MD: 6-4 = 2 Miss | Loot Rolls: ID: 243328 | CD: 2 |LD: 19 + 9 = 28 | 2 Perfect Consumables, 2 Perfect Armor | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 52/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 | Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 2 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 4 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | 0/2 BLD Edited Saturday at 11:33 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 11:34 PM Author #32 Share Posted Saturday at 11:34 PM (edited) She took a half hearted swing at her enemy, testing the waters. The coyote didn't fall for the bait, staying at a distance and prowling around her. Hakai wanted to end this before anything unfortunate happened. She was doing fine on energy, but she still didn't like being so low. She had yet to take any damage, but it was still a little bit of a concern to her. The longer this dragged on the more likely other enemies would show up. She didn't want to end up surrounded and low on stamina. Area if effect attacks were her specialty for sure, but they took a lot out of her. She could only do a few in a row before she hit empty. The coyote snapped at her, mirroring her feint from earlier. She worked against her instincts, not recoiling back like her entire being was telling her to. The coyote snapped at the air, not even close to her. It looked like they were both just trying to bait the other into overcommitting. Rolls and Stuff: Reveal hidden contents -2 EN ID: 243330 | BD: 2 Miss | MD: 5 Miss! | Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 54/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 | Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 2 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited Saturday at 11:40 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 11:41 PM Author #33 Share Posted Saturday at 11:41 PM (edited) She could feel the strength coming back into her limbs the longer this went on. It reminded her of one of the fights she had gotten in as a kid. She had punched and swung until she had nothing left, her stomach queasy, and her legs feeling like the ground beneath her feet had gone soft and pliable. Her vision had seemed to sink into her head, leaving only pinpricks of vision, the most tunnel vision she had had before in her life. Her and her opponent had danced a little longer, neither committing to anything, and as her breath came back the black edges of the tunnels she was staring through started to recede, the world coming back into full picture. She had won that fight, because she had been allowed to recover the sliver of stamina required for the finishing blow. As the uninjured party here, as time went on, she got stronger, and her opponent got weaker. She paced around the coyote, reversing their roles. She was the serpent, and she had her prey wrapped up in her coils already. Rolls and Stuff: Reveal hidden contents ID: 243331 | BD: 3 Miss | MD: 2 Miss| -2 EN Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 56/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 | Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 2 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited Saturday at 11:50 PM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Saturday at 11:51 PM Author #34 Share Posted Saturday at 11:51 PM (edited) She could sense the coyote faltering. It couldn't keep up with this dance any longer, stumbling as they paced around each other. Still, Hakai took her time, not letting her guard down. Her opponent had shown themselves to be wily, and she wasnt about to fall into a trap and have this fight flipped around on her. She tensed, a frown making its way across her features. Now! She thrust forward as quickly as she could, her blade flashing as it embedded itself deep into the coyotes skull. The carcass fell to the ground with a loud thud, bursting into crystals and fading away into the air. She swung her blade through the air, metal whistling as it sliced through nothingness. She was feeling herself a little after that fight. She sheathed her blade, glancing over the loot, an act which had quickly become a habit. Nothing but the usual, but she was very quickly growing used to that as well. Rolls and Stuff: Reveal hidden contents ID: 243332 | BD: 7 Hit! Bleed! | MD: Dead | -12 EN Loot roll: ID: 243333 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 + 9 = 12 | Rare Armor, 816 col | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 48/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 | Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 2 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited Sunday at 12:00 AM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Sunday at 12:07 AM Author #35 Share Posted Sunday at 12:07 AM She leaned against a tree, feeling the bark dig into her skin through her jacket. She took some deep breaths, collecting herself and trying to catch a bit of a break before her next fight. She was starting to wonder if things would be a little easier with a group. This had to be one of the only games she had played where a solo player got more than a group. It was also much risker for the solo player though. If she came out hunting with other people it would mean they would have to split the profits, and the experience also received a fairly large penalty. She frowned. She had yet to be in a situation where her life was in much danger on these solo hunting trips. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if maybe it would be a little more fun to be out here with someone else. Preferably someone who didnt talk a lot and was fairly serious about what was going on. Also reliable and trustworthy too. She frowned, the edges of her lips drawn downwards. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Sunday at 12:10 AM Author #36 Share Posted Sunday at 12:10 AM That person definitely didn't exist. Someone as stoic, trustworthy, and responsible as her? She would need to clone herself, no one else matched up. Hakai was just as likely to rip someone off as help them, but she saw herself as very predictable and trustworthy in that regard. She wanted the most she could get, so she honored the deals she made to the letter, so that people would continue to make them with her, and she treated other people the way she expected to be treated. And if she was weak and easily manipulated and someone got one over on her she saw that as deserved. If she had a clone of herself to hunt with she was confident that they would both come out of it significantly richer, and happy with how things had gone down. She couldnt imagine what it would be like to go hunting with someone who never stopped chattering. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Sunday at 12:13 AM Author #37 Share Posted Sunday at 12:13 AM She couldn't imagine it, but she could already imagine the feeling of intense frustration it would bring her to. She made a vow to herself not to hunt with anyone like that. Hakai let out a long sigh, her thoughts drifting back to her little shop. She had been putting a lot of effort in, making the place look nice, getting wares to adorn the shelves. And she actually had nothing so far. This appraising stuff was tough work, and extremely expensive. If only there was an easier way to make money without having to spend every day running around sourcing items for herself. If only she had little minions she could send out to do the work for her. Of course, she would reward them with little scraps to keep them happy. It was actually a fantastic idea. They would have no idea that she was using them for her own gain, happy with the little tidbits that she fed them. Of course, that was a thought for another time. She wasnt even close to being in a position to pull that off yet. Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Sunday at 12:15 AM Author #38 Share Posted Sunday at 12:15 AM (edited) Her thoughts drew to a close as she heard movement from outside of the clearing. The bushes rustled as another pack meandered into the clearing, clearly not very happy with her. She frowned, raising her blade one more time. This was probably the last group of the day for her. It was still morning, but she figured she would have enough loot after this to go do some appraising in her shop. Enough loot for a few days at least. She sighed at the thought. Appraising was an endless money pit and she was in charge of feeding it. She took on a bit of a wider stance, her guard up and doing her best to keep each enemy within sight. It was a little difficult with there being four of them, so she felt a little pressed to make the first move. She moved forward cautiously, taking a swipe at one coyote. To her surprise, it ate the strike and used the opportunity to claw at her arm. It landed, and she twisted, fending off an attack from a second coyote and lashing out with a quick counter attack. Rolls and Stuff: Reveal hidden contents AOE-I, <<concentration>> ID: 243336 | BD: 6 Hit! | MD: 8-4=4 Miss!| 21*15 = 315 DMG ID: 243337 | BD: 3 Miss| MD: 9 Hit! | 137 -20 = 117 DMG to Hakai ID: 243338 | BD: 3 Miss | MD: 8-4=5 Miss | ID: 243339 | BD: 6 Hit! | MD: 3 Miss | 21*15 = 315 DMG -19 EN Hakai | HP: 583/700 | EN: 69/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 |Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 1 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 2 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 3 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 4 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited Sunday at 01:17 AM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Sunday at 01:16 AM Author #39 Share Posted Sunday at 01:16 AM (edited) Hakai used the momentum from her second counterattack to twist around, violently swinging her blade in a vicious arc, The sword edge blasted through the first coyote, finishing them off, and came to a jarring halt in the second ones neck. She yanked her blade out, retreating quickly a few steps back. That coyote was still in the fight, and it was still three on one. She had been in this situation many times and come out just fine, but she still didnt like the game of trying to keep multiple enemies all in her eyesight, especially when it was so easy for them to just move different directions and surround her. Her eyes flickered back and forth, trying to keep track of the three targets but failing. At most she could keep two in her eyeline. She heard a scratching of claws in the pebbles and dirt behind her, ducking on instinct and catching a pawful of claws to her cheek. That could've been much worse if it had landed on her neck or even directly on her back. Rolls and Stuff: Reveal hidden contents ID: 243340 | BD: 10 Crit! | CD: 12 | MD: Dead| ID: 243341 | BD: 6 Hit! | MD: 2 Miss | 21 * 18 = 378 DMG ID: 243342 | BD: 4 Miss | MD: 7-4 = 3 Miss| ID: 243343 | BD: 3 | MD: 9 Crit Hit! | 137 - 20 = 117 DMG to Hakai -22 EN Loot Roll: ID: 243344 | CD: 9 | LD: 3 + 9 = 12 | Rare Armor, 816 col | 1224 col, 2 mats Hakai | HP: 487/700 | EN: 51/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 |Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 1 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 2 | HP: 30/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 3 | HP: 408/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 4 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited Sunday at 01:29 AM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
Hakai 0 Posted Sunday at 01:30 AM Author #40 Share Posted Sunday at 01:30 AM (edited) Hakai could already feel the claw marks on her back starting to close up. That was her investment in battle healing starting to pay off. It was keeping her in a health range that she felt a little more comfortable in. She grunted as she raised her weapon again, the wounds on her back paining her as she tensed her muscles. She just needed one or two more area of effect attacks to end this and be done with this whole situation. Maye she would go find a boss or dungeon to challenge after this to take a break from the stressful tedium of these hunts. She swing her blade, her most basic area of effect sword art activating and cleaving into two of the three remaining coyotes. That was one down, and two injured left to deal with. She grunted, her wound stiffening up as it stitched itself closed. Still quite a while before that was fully healed, but at least it was getting there. Rolls and Stuff: Reveal hidden contents -19 EN, AOE-I ID: 243345 | BD: 9 Crit Hit! | MD: Dead 22*15 = 330 DMG ID: 243346 | BD: 5 +1 = 6 Hit! | MD: 5 Miss! | 21 * 15 = 315 DMG ID: 243347 | BD: 4 Miss | MD: 6-4 = 2 Miss! | Loot Roll: ID: 243348 | CD: 4 | LD: 3 + 9 = 12 | Rare trinket | 1224 col, 816 col, 2 mats Hakai | HP: 508/700 | EN: 36/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 |Enemies: Reveal hidden contents Coyote 2 | HP: 0/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 3 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Coyote 4 | HP: 93/408 | DMG: 136 | Edited Sunday at 01:49 AM by Hakai Link to post Share on other sites
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