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[PP-F5] A Parable, and Concordat

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A splash of cold water was always a nice way to wake up to reality. Now for the second time here, though with much more poise. Kindling was knelt down, one knee just above the hardened sand and red rocks, cupping his hands together to bring the clear, unimpeached water of this oasis to his face once more. A brief respite from the warmth of the sun on his skin. Wiping any of the stray sand that danced in the wind from his eyes and face, as well as disspelling any of the adventurous water droplets that trailed down his face now as a result of that splash. When his eyes opened again, hands parted from his face, Kindling was met with his own image, staring back at him. Distorted, shimmering in the disturbed surface of the liquid. Was this a memorable face? One that would look good chiseled into marble? That others would look upon, and be inspired to be the same as him - to mimic his greatness, and to strive for more. 

"They don't have a choice." 
He spoke out loud to himself, with furrowed brows. Burying the tendency to look at his reflection and pick apart every minute flaw. Telling not just himself, but the world, that it didn't matter what it was he looked like, in the end. He would reach that destiny, and the others of the world wouldn't be able to deny their idol. The hero who saved them all, and was everything they wanted to be. His hand plunged forward again, this time with the water cannister in hand, to fill it up. Erasing his face in the ripples, hiding the want to do so under the guise of needing more water for the trip ahead. It was a fine enough excuse for his ego to ignore his thoughts.

He moved to his upright position once more, blue eyes scanning the area just as he had last time. Still, the fireflies of this secluded paradise eluded him. Just as they had gone in his real home, they seemed to be gone here too. The depictions of those mesmerizing lights dancing in a warm summer's night in media seemed like nothing more than pure fantasy now. A dead dream that Kindling had missed out on. What did bugs matter anyway? They were insignificant to his life. It was better to get moving.

From the top of a nearby set of flat rocks, Kindling looked out, his gaze facing Northwest. Having recently made this trek before, it seemed all too familiar now. The endless expanse of the sand, the rotating dust devils that generated and then lost steam within a few feet. Yet, his footprints were no where to be seen on the path. Nor any other mark made by the doubtless thousands who had walked this desert before. All of it had been washed away, forgotten by Floor Five, and it's expansive wastes. Another thing that didn't matter. He didn't need the sand to remember him. Only those who inhabit it. Even the denizens of this barren bed of nothing needed stories to tell each other.

A few swipes of his inventory produced a large, rectangular piece of parchment, rolled up on either side. He unfurled it, looking toward the Northwest, then held it up in front of his face. Lines and dots began to write themselves onto the paper, as though an invisible hand was charting the map in real time, ending in a highlighted red dot on his minimap. It was time to go find that rock again, to pay a visit to people who don't even know they're his acquaintances.  


Good time was made, compared to the previous whole day venture that it took him to get here before. The lack of sand sharks, inhibiting dust storms, and lack of awareness speeding things along. Kindling watched as that red dot waypoint no longer clung to the top left corner of his UI map, and began to move inward relative the arrow that represented him. This time, sunset as opposed to closing in on midnight. Predictably, there was a lot more activity as night approached, and the day began to cool down. The large rock had a flurry of activity. Distant figures gathered around small pits around the carved stone that stuck out like a thumb against the otherwise flat landscape. Dozens moved in and out of the pair of wooden doors, inlaid on the face that Kindling could see. For now, he kept his distance, assessing the situation. Far too many for him to take on alone, all at once. It was hard to know their exact numbers. If only he had thought to bring someone with some scouting ability along, or stealth. Get a way to get an exact count on the situation, or lure them out in groups. 

For now, he'd play it safe from this hill, safe in the knowledge that they likely wouldn't spot him from here. Watching, and waiting for a moment to strike at this group. Though how long that would take, was anyone's guess.

"Patience is a virtue."
He reminded himself quietly, crouched down, and settling in for a long watch of these ants masquerading as people. 




Kindling  | HP: 700/700 | EN: 86/86 | DMG: 18 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BRN-IM  | PARA-IM | BH:34 | HB: 27 | BLD: 48  | BRN: 28 | LD:4 | (Unhindered applied since it is not in sheet, giving +1 ACC, +1 EVA, +20 HP)                                           
Level 34 | Paragon 2 | Tier 4            

Equipment and Consumables                                                                     



All enhancements reflected in the stat block unless otherwise specified. I stoled this format from Acanthus.
Weapon | Hand Of The Mountain | +2 DMG, +1 BLD
Trinket | Sahelanthropus | +3 Evasion
Trinket | Koga's Wallet | Holy Blessing 2 | Fireproof | Para-IM 
Water Cannister (x1)
+20 HP (5*Tier) Out of Combat Healing.

Unused Inventory
Tier 4 Marked Dungeon Map (Said used in post, but that's just narrative, I will use it to enter the dungeon)
Spyglass (x3)
Water Cannister(x1)
Teleport Crystal (x1)


Abilities (Skills, Shifts, Masteries, Add-ons, and Mods)



Combat Mastery and Shift
Combat Mastery: Accuracy R3
ST Shift
Battle Healing R5
Addon: Precision
Mod: Detect (1/5)
Searching R4
Polearm R5
Addon: Ferocity

Extra Skills

First Aid R5         





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It was treasure time. Again. The ginger woman's hair fluttered behind her as she braved the sand and wind of the fifth floor. Usually she would pick a nicer floor for a treasure hunt, but she had gotten a tip about a dungeon with enough treasure to make the suffering worth it. Her black jacket with white fleece flapped around her waist where she had tied it, the article of clothing being a horrible choice for trekking through the sun scorched wilderness that made up the fifth floor. Her black crop top and blue jeans were only slightly better. Her fingers grazed the light brown cloth covering her mouth and nose, wrapped securely around her neck and shoulders. It would have been hard to breath without it, with all the sand particles flying around. 

From underneath the impromptu face covering, a diamond shaped, white and scaly head would occasionally emerge, forked tongue flickering out to taste the sandy air before retreating for cover behind the cloth. Hakai's deep amber eyes flickered over the shifting sand dunes, only stopping to alight on something very strange. Footprints in the sand. In this weather?

Her knee hit the ground with a thud, making a deep impression in the sand as she knelt in the searing hot sand next to the prints. They were rough and eroded, wearing away by the second in the wind. With the way they were disappearing, they had to be relatively fresh, and were heading in the same direction she was. Her fingers gently tugged the thin brown scarf down a little to take a closer look. She shook her head after a moment of staring. She couldn't get any information from these. With a grunt she stood up, the tracks fading before her eyes. Her treasure hunt was contested? She couldn't give this up, not after the sunburn she had already earned coming out this far.


She would kill for a cigarette. That was an expression, but Hakai would probably actually do it. She had quickly made her way out of the small sandstorm she had been in, following the tracks much more easily now that they weren't being covered up in front of her eyes. She was confident that she was approaching her final destination. All that was left to do was figure out how to approach the stranger she had been stalking. That was something she somehow hadn't considered up to this point. She yanked the cloth down from her face, taking in a breath of the much cooler evening air.

There was a similarly red-haired man up ahead, facing the other way. He was peeking over the top of a sand dune, seeming to be hiding from something, so she hesitated to call out to him. Hakai slowly approached, keeping her weapon sheathed and her hands visible, trying to show that she wasn't looking to start anything. "Hey." She called out softly, having gotten close enough to whisper shout. "What are you out here looking for?" 

She pulled a blank dungeon map out of her inventory, making sure to keep behind the sand dune. "I heard from a friend that there might be something special out here..."

Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 88/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9


Skills and stuff:


Searching (5)

- Reveal (Add on)

Lock Picking (3)

- Dismantling (Add on)

Battle Healing (3)

Katana (5)

- Stamina (Add on)
- <<Katana>> Focus (Add on)
- Precision (Add on)

Combat Mastery (3) - Damage

Cloth Armor (5)

- Athletics (Mod)
- Nimble  (Add on)

Extra Skills:





Limbo's Claw

Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Katana
Item Enhancements: 2 Bleed, 1 Paralyze
Description: A black katana with a scarlet edge

Item Name: Fur Lined Jacket
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: 3 Evasion

Name: Finder's Lens +2
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD



x1 Teleport Crystal

x4 Golden Keys


Edited by Hakai
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”Left!” The single word was all she needed. The ground was trembling, the sands shifting under Teion’s feet, and matching her call just a moment later, a geyser of desert erupted to the left of a purple-haired man in the distance. Teion stood in a battle-ready stance, her hands tight around the handle of her ivory-white axe. She waited for the right moment to move, the correct time to lead her partner’s strike. Emerging from the ground in an explosion of force was the rounded head of a massive, segmented creature–a sand wurm. The center of it seemed to splay open in a ring of thousands of tiny, jagged, malformed teeth like a gnarled garbage disposal. One might expect a roar or a screech to pierce the air as the giant monster breached and thrashed about in the open air, but the wurm was quiet, unable to emit such a battle cry.

It wriggled as its head swiveled through the air and its mouth heaved with a gasping-like motion. It was hunting. Teion’s eyes were sharp, and she snapped into action to make her move. She pulled her axe close and broke out into a run. She darted across the uneven sand with practiced steps that had walked these dunes hundreds of times before. She made to circle the beast rather than approach it head-on.

The monster took the bait. Its eyeless body seemed to track her movements in a slow, careful swivel before it deigned to strike. The sands shifted again as it made its move. Propelling itself up and breaking free from the ground with the rest of its length, the wurm launched through the air in a steady arc. Cardinal had calculated her speed, predicted her path, and the wurm’s huge maw was aimed directly for her as it dove down. Its form cast a dooming shadow over her, but she didn’t stop to gaze up at her would-be killer. ”Now!” She shouted.


Teion stood with the weight of her axe resting across the back of her shoulders and she brought a free hand up to wipe the sweat from her brow of a job well done. She held out a hand to invite Ryo for a high five while she caught her breath. ”That one-hit wonder build is really something.” She complimented. ”You’re taking that in to the front lines?” She only hoped those boss fights were so generous to allow Ryo that precious time he needed to build up to those devastating attacks.

A cool breeze graced them as the light of the sun began to wane and the sky was taking on a noticeable orange hue. She paused before she would dismiss the loot window still hovering in front of her, mulling over their next course of action. The pair had really only come out this way as a means of killing time. Wurm guts and sand-filled boots hardly made for a romantic evening. ”Should we head back now?” She was at a loss for any better suggestions.

Then something caught her eye. ”Wait,” She squinted at the bits of motion in the distance that she swore she was seeing. Something like a camp, or tents, or maybe just propped up tarps were real in her vision, and she pointed it out. ”That can’t be Saharda. And any players camping out here overnight would have to be out of their minds.” She remarked. She cast a glance to Ryo, trying to gauge whether his curiosity matched hers.


[no active quest]

Teion | HP: 760/760 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 23 | MIT:78 | ACC:5 | BH:42 | REC: 4 | LD:4 | QTY: 2


  Hide contents


  Hide contents


»Eclipse Edge (+3 ACC)
»Amethyst Set (+48 MIT, +4EN Recovery)
»Sun Spot (+2 Quality, +1 LD)


battle-ready inventory

»Sand Armor Potion (Parry next attack)
»Bottled Banshee Scream (Stun all enemies for one turn)
Potion of Fallen Strength (+3 DMG, -9 MIT)
»Banner of Command [3 Charges] (+1 ACC to your party until start of your next turn)
»Teleport Crystal (1)


»Axe R5 (+7 DMG)
»Light Armor R5 (+30 MIT, -2 Stealth)
»Battle Healing R5 (38 healing per turn)
»Searching R3 (+3 LD, +3 Stealth Detection)
»Charge (+3 DMG -1 ACC attack | 3 post CD | 8EN)


»[Axe] Precision (+1 ACC)
»[Axe] Ferocity (+2 DMG)
»[Axe] Stamina (-2 EN)
»[Light Armor] Resolve (+1 ACC, +40 HP)


»Meticulous (+1 DMG)
»Emergency Recovery (Heal 76 when brought below 190 | Once per thread | 10EN)
»Night Vision (No penalties from low light/darkness)
»Detect (+2 Stealth Detection, +1 LD to dungeons/labyrinths)
»Bull Rush (Charge may stun instead)






Edited by Teion
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Another hot day on floor five. The sand was particularly irritating today, the high gusts of wind carrying loose particles into his mouth and eyes. Today was a farming day, Teion and himself set aside some time to wander the wonderful desert to kill every sand worm, bandit, and scorpion within a twelve mile radius. And this deep into the desert, they sometimes posed to be a challenge. Were it not for Teion's remarkable knowledge of this floor, he'd be lost for sure. And the denizens of this floor proving to be a hassle at times, it would've been awful. Thankfully, he had decent company.

He lay in wait perched upon a small rock. The worms in the area couldn't track him from this point, and that was the plan. Teion called out left, and Ryo adjusted himself dropping into a squat. Just like fishing, he told himself preparing for the signal. They had a few hiccups earlier that day, but with enough repetition and practice this was as easy as counting. The sand worm bore after her, it's body twisting and thrashing as it spat up dirt and sand. "Ittōryū-" Ryo started, signaling the start of his sword art. He blade, still in it's sheath, began to glow as it activated. And on his beloved signal, he leapt into the air. "Flying Tiger Strike!" He shouted, completing the sword art. His blade flashed and hummed through the air as it cut into the worm cleanly, severing nearly into two piece. Were it not for it size, he would have.

He landed in the sand, stumbling a bit as he sheathed his blade again. "I think that's the last of them in this area." He said, making a mental note of how many they had slain in the last few hours. "Wanna move back to the scorpions or go get a shower?" He asked, thumbing in the general direction of civilization. Ryo nodded. 'Yeah, this build is pretty good. But it could be better." He said, patting the katana on his hip. "I have a few things I need to get first, but it's the general idea of what I'm taking yeah." He said, answering.

Ryo squinted into the distance, trying to make out whatever city they were closest too, only to see what it was that Teion had mentioned. If only he had the tracking mod for his eyes, then he could at least go through his friends list and see if it was anyone he knew. Not that anyone he knew would be camping this deep into the desert. He looked over his lover and saw the look in her eyes. He let out a small sigh. "Let's go check it out, could be that someone needs help with something." He said, shrugging and shaking his head. He knew that look, and when it happened it was almost impossible to get her to not want to go poking around.


Approaching was a simple task, there was even a rocky outcropping to use as a scouting bluff. As the pair approached Ryo began to sniff the air, catching the faint scent of a campfire or two. And sure enough, looking out he could see a few plumes of smoke trailing into the orange and blue sunsetting sky. Squinting into the distance, and lit by the fire he recognized the outfits of the men. Bandits. He had run into a group of them a few days ago. He, a women named Nymoria, and his sister like cousin Acanthus had dealt with a bugged quest that decided to toss bandit after bandit at them. Ryo shrunk down low, attempting to hide his profile and motioned for Teion to do the same. "Bandits. Didn't think I'd see them this far out though. Thought they'd be closer to town." He said, trailing alongside the backside of a dune.

A few feet more he would notice two figures doing the same. He didn't recognize them, and they didn't have an orange crystal, both good things. Hopefully this wasn't more lost relatives. Ryo raised a hand, his palm outward in greeting. "Oi." He whispered. "We interrupting?" He asked, motioning over to the small crowd down below. "Because we can dip if we need to. We were just curious is all." He said, letting them know that he was with someone. Looking at the pair of people, recognition appeared across his face. "Oh hey, it's you!" He said in a loud whisper. "How did you like the chips?" He asked, genuinely curious.



<Quest Info>

Ryo | HP: 700/700 | EN: 102/102 | DMG: 21 | MIT:103 | BH:31 | REC: 8 | HM: 8 | BLD: 48  | PARA | LD:3 



Ryo | HP: 700/700 | EN: 102/102 | DMG: 21 | MIT:103 | BH:31 | REC: 8 | HM: 8 | LD:3
Teion HP: 760/760 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 23 | MIT:78 | ACC:4 | BH:42 | REC: 8 | LD:3




»Gin Kin (Damage | Damage | Damage)
»Fierce Deities Coat (Mitgation | Mitigation | Recovery)

»Accuracy Charm (Accuracy | Accuracy | Accuracy)

battle-ready inventory


»Katana R5
»Heavy Armor R5
»Battle Healing R4
»Searching R3


extra skills

»Survival (Healing effects 10% more, immune to environmental effects)
»Leadership R1 (Grants access to Leadership Arts, takes 2 Extra Slots)
»Leadership R1


»[Katana] Focus (Minor Crit on BD 8, reduce DoT threshold by 1)
»[Katana] Stamina (-2 EN)
»[Heavy Armor] Iron Skin (+15 MIT, +45 HP)


»Impetus (+1 DMG)
»Emergency Recovery (Heal 10% when brought below 25% | Once per thread | 10EN)
»Night Vision (No penalties from low light/darkness)

» ST-Shift


» Dining Room: "Tasty" - Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
» Basic Kitchen: "Filling" - Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps.(Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.)
» Living Room: "Relaxed" - Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.

Edited by Ryo
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"Why exactly am I here again?" a thought commonly in Boreas' mind today as he walked across the deserts of the fifth floor. 

A groan escaped his body as he wiped the sweat off his forehead as he looked up into the sky then outward to the boundless sands as far as the eye could see, things looking so close, yet somehow incredibly far away. Eventually he found a rock in which he could sit down up on a hill where he could sit instead of sitting in the sand and pondered things outside of why he was aimlessly walking in a desert of all places to find a mission to accomplish. A lot has happened to Boreas within the past week or so, he had met a collection of players all of which had hit different emotions in each of their meetings. Sadness, determination, fear, and even a lack there of all within that span, and Boreas wanted simply a change in pace.

As if on cue for Aincrad, in the distance Boreas had heard a few sounds that were unnatural considering how empty a desert usually is. Curious, Boreas stood up from the rock he found and started walking towards where he had heard this sound. Still on top of a hill he looked outward trying to focus on what he had found, it had appeared to be two players both with purple hair fighting at least from what he could tell from this distance a sand wurm. Still equally curious, he continued to walk towards them as anyone to talk to would certainly beat the endless sands on his lonesome. As he walked forward towards them, he noticed that they had started to move out towards a direction, still curious to the identity of the two players Boreas had followed the footprints that had been indented into the sand. 

Eventually following the footprints had lead to a hill, Boreas had kept his distance at first trying to identify the two players before approaching them. One of the players he had absolutely no idea who they could be, and it would be too rude to make any assumptions based off attire, however the other player he could identify. With a slight smile, Boreas had walked up to the duo and exclaimed to one of them "Miss Teion! What a surprise to see you out in the endless sands. What brings you here?" however after he looked over to the other player who had tried to exclaim out to someone prior and placing a hand on his chest and slightly bowing towards him "Ah, were are my manners. Boreas, at your service. I purchased from your party members Smithy about a week ago."

Boreas | HP: 740/740 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 22 | ACC:5 | EVA:4 | BH:36 | BLD: 48 | PARA



Level: 34 - Paragon Levels: 10
HP: 740 - EN: 90 - DMG: 22 - ACC: 5 - EVA: 4 - LD: 1 - Bleed: 48 - Para: 9+
SP: 180 - Used SP: 168 - Unused SP: 12
[Rank 5 - 30 SP] Rapier (+7 to base damage.)

  • [Rank 5 Addon - 4 SP] Stamina (Reduce EN of all attacks by 2.)
  • [Rank 5 Addon - 2 SP] Precision (+1 to accuracy.)
  • [Rank 5 Addon - 4 SP] Rapier Ferocity (+2 to base damage when using a rapier.)
  • [Rank 5 Shift - 10 SP] ST Specialist (+3 to multipliers, +2 to EN costs, access to ST-1, ST-II, and ST-B)

[Rank 3 - 13 SP] Combat Mastery: Damage (Gain +1*tier*rank base damage.)
[Rank 5 - 30 SP] Battle Healing (While in combat, recover 5% of maximum HP at the beginning of my turns.)
[No Rank - 10 SP] Charge (Perform a single attack/Sword Art with +3 base damage. Charge attacks have a -1 Accuracy debuff and cannot be affected by any auto-hit effects.)
[No Rank - 15 SP] Unhindered (+1 to accuracy, +1 to evasion, +1 to loot die, +5*tier HP, mitigation is capped at 0 slots.)

Extra Skills:
[Rank 5 - 50 SP] Leadership (Able to use all Leadership Arts, however must expend a mod slot for each.)

Other Buffs:
[Paragon Level 10] +1 base loot die for looting, searching for, and opening chests.
+40 HP, +4 EN, +10 SP for 10 Paragon Levels
Laurel Wreath - Earn Col equivalent to 15% of player’s EXP earned in thread.
"Rested": -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.
"Relaxed": Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
"Clean": The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down).
"Col Stash": +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests.


[Tier 4 - Perfect Rapier] Internum Sanguin (Enhancements: Bleed/Bleed/Paralyze)
[Tier 1 - Perfect Jewelry] Insignia Bangle (Enhancements: Accuracy/Accuracy/Accuracy)
[Tier 1 - Perfect Trinket] Eternal Reminder (Enhancements: Evasion/Evasion/Evasion)

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Violet felt... stuck. She had been kicked out of her house for the day by Akane, who had all but dragged her towards the teleport plaza on floor 9, telling her that she needed to actually keep moving instead of lurking inside of her room. "It isn't healthy to lock yourself inside, and you know it. Go do something, literally anything other than mope about in here!" It wasn't doing her any favors by acting this way, and he had gotten tired of watching her mope. Thus, she'd decided to go to one of her comfort floors, good old floor 5. The ever-shifting sands that comprised the entirety of the desert floor provided A much needed change of pace when she was feeling particularly untethered. The gentle roar of the sandy sea was like a lullaby to her.

She was wearing her more casual gear, the deep dusty pink color of her kimono contrasting nicely with her hair and turtleneck - both of which were a deep bluish-black color. Akame had draped herself around her neck, the fluffy feathered dragon having fallen asleep in the slowly receding warmth of the virtual sun. Violet silently equipped her favorite cloak, the dark red fabric draping over both herself and her familiar.

She eventually came across what seemed to be some sort of a bandit camp, a few players. She didn't really recognize any of them, all of them completely foreign to her. two people with dark purple - a man and a woman, a man with dark red hair, a woman with a slightly lighter shade of red hair, and man with blonde hair. Each of them were slowly converging on each other, some of them even talking amongst themselves. One by one, violet scanned them with the tracking skill, her dark red eyes shimmering a vibrant green for a moment each time she activated the skill. Then, once she was satisfied, she drew closer, the cloak hiding most of her figure. With a flick of a menu, her mask appeared, half-hanging off of her face - the dark metal of the sugar-skull visage helping her focus.

After she had drawn close enough for them to see and hear her, she opened her menu, summoning a basket of Liquor of Light that made an audible clinking noise. She lifted a bottle out, popping the cork as she drank down the damage potion. After she'd finished, she offered the basket to the group. "Anyone thirsty?"

Mina drinks 1 Liquor of light, and offers the other 5x Liquor of Light to the party (DMG III). All items Purchased from HERE

Tricolor Mina | HP: 820/820 | EN: 116/116 | DMG: 24 | MIT:78 | ACC:5 | AA | PHASE | REC: 8 | HLY: 16 | LD:4


Name: Tricolor Mina, The Guiding Light True Tier: 7
Level: 34
Paragon Level: 27
HP: 820/820
EN: 116/116

Damage: 24
Mitigation: 78
Accuracy: 5
Loot Die: 4
Stealth Rating: -2
HLY: 16
Equipped Gear:
- Everlasting Ember (T4 Demonic War Fan: Phase/Holy II/A.A.
- Archduke Battle Guard (T4 Demonic: REC II, MIT II)
- Mask of Rose (T1 Perfect Trinket: ACC III)

Combat Mastery:
- Combat Mastery: Damage R3

Combat Shift:
- ST Shift

Familiar Skill:
- Hunting Familiar

Custom Skill:

- Charge
- Energist
- Light Armor R5
- Lock Picking R3
- Quick Change
- Searching R4
- Thrown Weaponry R5

Extra Skills:
- Assault Mode
- Frozen Hide
- Photosynthesize

Inactive Extra Skills:

- Dismantling
- Focus
- Precision
- Resolve
- Stamina

- Meticulous
- Night Vision
- Tracking

Inactive Mods:

Battle Ready Inventory:
- Briar's Lost Lament (Cursed/Blight/Burn/Frostbite) x 1
- Crystal of Divine Light x 1
- Imugi's Inspiration (Mass Healing Crystal) x 3
- Imugi's Inspiration (Mass Healing Crystal) x 5
- Popcorn (T4 VIT) x 5
- Popcorn (T4 VIT) x 5
- TP Crystal x 5

Housing Buffs:
- Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.
- Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot
- Attic (Bedroom): +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cannot boost a skill without ranks, or increase a skill past its maximum rank. Cannot boost a skill the user has not learned yet. Ranks obtained using this buff will make the mods of that rank available for purchase. Mods obtained this way are unusable if this buff is removed until the skill is returned to the appropriate rank by way of SP purchase.
- Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per fishing attempt
- Extended Workshop: +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
- Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild Totem:

Wedding Ring:

Crafting Profession:

Gathering Profession:

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Watching, waiting. The time passed, the hot sun moved. Kindling shifting only to occasionally wipe the beads of sweat that formed just past his hairline and trailed their way down. Keeping them from interfering with his focus, and his vision. Keeping count of every single one that went in, or came out and joined the rest by the campsites to drink, and cook up the various versions of sea creatures that swam in the sand as opposed to any water. Some drank from flasks or waterskins. Meaning they had a source of something in there. Be it alcohol, or perhaps a well in there. It could easily be both, given what he knew of the ancient Moroccans or Mali. Perhaps it was raided or paid to them from nearby towns, though more likely, they were being paid in Figs and fermenting those themselves. Which meant that time was on Kindling's side. Players couldn't get inebriated as easily, but these weren't players. These worms were subject to the natural rules of their world, forcibly encoded into them, their minds drowning in every sip they took. He only needed for them to get more and more drunk, making all those who partook too heavily easy targets.

The train of intense focus and that string of thoughts was broken by a sudden hiss of a whisper. His startled reaction was to immediately reach his left hand out and open it, in order to call the spear <<Hand Of The Mountain>> into his graps without the use of UI. His head turning in that same motion to look at the source of it, expecting that he had been found by some of the marauders wandering or returning to their camp. Instead, he first saw the green crystal, and then the woman that it was floating over. A player, one like him. Immediately Kindling's expression stiffened, not at her, but himself. He had let this random stranger sneak up on him, getting close without making a sound. And it seemed to be absolutely nothing to her. What an insult this was. One that he'd speak to himself and correct when not in the presence of another.

And yet, despite the loathing of his own flaw battling it's way through the rest of his thoughts, this woman didn't seem to know or mind at all. Simply pulling out a map, and detailing that there would be a dungeon here. She was after the same thing he was. There was a brief moment where the man thought to shrug. To lie, and say he had no idea and perhaps that would convince her to leave. He didn't need the help, afterall. How dare that thought even attempt to rear it's head. But that passed, in trade for another. Maybe this one wasn't as useless as some of the others he had met. She out here far enough, seemed to at least hold some semblance of stealth. -

Before he could answer, there was another voice. His blue eyes snapped past the first woman to lay upon another pair, with their matching purple hair. The annoyance grew - his own infiltration skills would need serious work if people were able to happen upon him so easily. 

>"Oi, We interrupting?"

Came the whisper of the singular man of those here that he actually recognized.

"Yes, you are."
It took every fiber of his being to grit his teeth, and keep that as just an imaginary thing to say, as opposed to saying it out loud. He was trying to keep track of bandit numbers, find a plan of attack, and the number of people just kept growing. These two would need placated, and at the very least, there was no call for outright rudeness to the man, given they might make business partners some day. 

"Very surprisingly good, thank you."
Came the quick answer as his review of the chips. That was the truth of it - normally the weeb-like things didn't interest him, potato chips either for that fact. But, in truth, they were perfectly crisp, just the right texture of flakiness. Already thinking of how to structure the next sentence delicately, to take Ryo up on his offer that they dip, and preferably take this sneaky-woman with them. Only to be interrupted by another newcomer. This one was a lot less subtle, seeming to recognize the girl of the purple haired duo. At least having the decency to introduce himself. That made Five in total now. Throwing stealth completely out of the window at this point, even if their dune and outcropping made for good shelter from this far. 

"Good for you, Boreas. But, she's not my 'party member'. The other two aren't either, while we're on the subject."
The need to correct was strong. He didn't even want to be talking to these fucking people, let alone partying up with them, or getting lumped in as a group. He looked back down. Eight outside right now, possibly more inside. Plus, who knew how many would return during his attack. Hit and run might be the best tactic. 

Then came another. Getting to the point where Kindling was feeling like his best move was to simply stand up, and leave. Just walk away, and find another place to launch his attack. Let these ones fraternize, and talk. Waste their time in the sand and sun talking, while he went and did things that actually mattered. That strengthened his position. Only then did his eyes lay upon the newest comer of the group. This one he actually knew well

"Mina. Tricolor Mina, to be precise."
He pointed to her. This was one of the combatants of his competition. One of Sixteen that he had studied well, and gotten to know one sided. She was on the stronger side, and actually fairly entertaining, a frontliner. Her offered drink catching his sight more than anything. An item from that aloof Alchemist, Bistro. One that he had bought previously to give to Yue Hua and Telrenya. Meant to boost damage. Together, there were six of them, numbering as many as the bandits. And with any luck... far stronger.

Satisfaction slowly wrote itself across his face. Maybe this attack wouldn't be so difficult. Maybe others would serve an actual function outside of singing his soon-to-be praises. 

"Since you're all here, we will do something useful."
He began, pointing down the ridge to the massive rock in the distance. Where the campfires and meandering bodies were. 

"That is a dungeon. I have it marked as such on a map of mine. Loot to share, swine to butcher for the experience points."
That was the extent they'd get for a sales pitch. As far as he was concerned, this is happening now. He gestured for anyone who cared to come closer, and look over the ridge, to make his demonstration a bit easier.

"A group on the left, and a group on the right. If you're in, we can split into two groups of three. Do away with slinking in the shadows and attacking them like some destitute guerilla fighters. We can let them know who each of us are. I will move to the left, and take volunteers based on builds. I am personally built with minor healing, and no need for armor. My own skill is enough to carry me through. Likely best we divide the tankier builds between us. And keep the purples matched together."

Giving his strategy for how he planned to do it, and swiping open, with his right hand, the UI in order to be ready to send out the party invites as they agreed and offered any information on their playstyle or skill level. If need be, he was ready to charge down there alone. But, if there were others to be here, then this could be made easy. Opening a fantastic oppurtunity to really prove mettle over planning and hiding in the shadows. More of a raid, than a strategy.

In the interim, Kindling offered a hand out to Mina, gesturing for one of the offered bottles.
"I'll take one, and suggest others here do as well. They're damage boosting Alchemy items. I've also got col and materials if you've got any other preparation to share."

Requesting any of the supplies she or the others might have brought, fully ready to pay the price necessary if need be. Now, all that was left was to see who was in, and who was out.

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