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[Clash of Blades Season 1] Tricolor_Mina Tag-Out

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It is with a heavy heart that I deliver the unfortunate news that one of our combatants - @tricolor_mina - Will be tagging out of the competition under concerns of being able to keep up, and give her opponents the time and attention they deserve. I have spoken with her about it, and she has come to the conclusion that she can no longer give the competition a fair shake. We, the hosts, greatly appreciate her participation up to this point, and the effort dedicated to those she has fought thus far. We hope that all participants and viewers will extend to her the same gratitude and appreciation.

In light of this fact, @Minako (Lemonarsonist) and I are taking a one time measure to replace her in the competition, and keep all the fights fair, and interesting. We would like to keep the numbers at an even 16 for the purposes of the competition, and want people to still be excited for their match-ups every week. Here's what we will do:

- We will be choosing a replacement/new participant at random
- This random participant will be drawn from a list of people who show interest in taking over Mina's spot by simply replying to this post.
- The replacement will be taking over directly from Mina - inheriting her current Wins and Losses, and her future matchups. This is to ensure full fairness and continuity of the competition. 
- Mina will be finishing up her already started and declared matchups. This new participant will begin starting in Week 6.
This thread will be open for twenty-four hours after it's posted minute. After which time, any and all who show interest in taking over her spot will be placed in the running, and one will be randomly picked by RNG. 
- Reminder that if you already have a character in the competition, to not try and put an Alt in the running for the replacement tag-out. 
- Big thanks to Mina for her contribution thus far, and we wish her the best in her future posting endeavors!

Currently In The Running:
- @Boreas
- @KnightessCiela

Edited by Kindling
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