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[Clash of Blades Season 1] Week 6: Lessa v Jomei

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Minako's breath hung in the air as she rubbed her gloved hands together. The snow covered lands of floor four made for an interesting contest, at least in comparison to Kindling's fire infused floor four floors up. She couldn't help but wonder how he was doing? Were the contestants behaving? It didn't really matter too much, she knew that he could handle himself. After all, he was going to be the one who saved everyone. And if that was the case, he could handle a few rowdy people here and there. Putting her own mind at ease, she stepped closer to the edge of the ice and snow filled pit. It was a small section of packed down snow, surrounded by a poles and ropes to separate the various people sitting in attendance. The show had only grown larger at this point, with the crowd outsizing the quaint arena. Fans who had found their favorite champion had begun to follow them from floor to floor and getting choice seating so they could see the contest all that much clearly. Fans of every person where here, placing their own bets with each other, and cheering and jeering each other.

Minako stepped out, nearly sliding and falling over. Catching herself and playing it off for show caused the crowd to laugh and give polite applause as she adjusted herself before speaking. "Good evening everyone! I'm so happy that everyone here was able to brave the cold and come out this evening!" She said, thanking everyone. "And everyone, be sure to enjoy your complementary Kindling Hand Warmers! Make sure that if it gets too cold you let anyone of the Fans know and they'll take care of you!" She said, motioning for he crew of die hard fans to wave their arms and alert the crowd. Last thing she wanted was someone getting frostbite who wasn't meant to.

"For our match this evening, we have a veritable clash of titans! In this corner we have the beautiful, the charming, the Guardian of Aincrad herself! It's Lessa!" Minako said, introducing the woman. "And in this corner, we have a man who's charm has won many the hearts of other combatants, as well as a handful of fans! It's the Emerald Duelist, Jomei!" She said introducing the man to a cavalcade of womanly screams. "Alright combatants, same rules as last time! And-"



Welcome to the Sixth week of Clash of Blades - Fire and Ice! This week's thematic is fairly simple; you're worrying about the cold! You'll be under the effect of Frostbite which is tied to your energy! You'll gain 1 slot of Frost Aura and Frost Thorns, and gain Vulnerability (Take 16 unmitigatable damage when struck with a Sword Art). When missing 30 or more energy, double the previous effects!

There has been several changes from last week, so please be sure to have the Informational at the ready!
Another soft reminder to NOT use outside items. Please use only the items purchased in the Event Shop.

  • Please remember to LINK your Spreadsheet, and triple check that all your stats are correct. Failure to do so before the actual combat begins will result in a loss by default. Going forward, we will be taking a much more hardline stance on this rule. The reason for that is out of respect for the time and energy of the hosts, and your fellow participants. 
  • TECH-A is disabled this week, and cannot be used. Get your stuns and CC somewhere else!


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the emerald duelist 



  • Level: 34 | Paragon: 78 | Tier: 4(12) 

Jomei | HP: 980/980 | EN: 136/136 | DMG: 21 | MIT:44 | ACC:3 | TAUNT | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | BH:54 | HB: 43 | VAMP-D: 108 | BLI: 32/-20  | LD:1 

Fragarach : AA | HLY | FLN | FLN
Vestige of St. Patrick: HB | MIT | EVA | EVA
Alateron's Will: ACC | ACC | ACC


  • Fragarach
  • Vestige of St. Patrick
  • Alateron's Will

battle-ready inventory




Rapier R5 | TECH Spec.
Combat Mastery DMG R3
Cloth Armor R5
B Healing R5
Fighting Spirit
Quick Change

Forgotten King's Authority

Assault Mode 
Lady Luck


Emergency Recovery
Vengeful Riposte

Justified Riposte


Focused Howl




Housing Buffs
Well Rested: -1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat    
Squeaky Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)    
Tasty: Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. 
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll
Item Stash: +1 BRI slot
Advanced Training: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.



"Guh.." Jomei groaned as he crushed the can within his grasp, letting the aluminum hit the table top with a light clang. Twelve. Twelve cans, all in various states of slightly mangled or toppled over, littered the wooden surface of the tabletop and the floor around him. Without pulling his face from the palm of his hand, which was propped up by an elbow, he opened his inventory to summon another drink - the same container, but full. "Uh, sir." a voice would speak to him, softly, a waitress who had been going table to table, checking on customers. "Are you.. okay? I think maybe you should-" taking one of the nearby cans in her hand, she would look at the label. Her first thought was that he was drowning his sorrows in cans of beer, ready to cut the ginger off. But to her surprise, and horror, the label with the simple word "Energy" revealed otherwise to her. "Sir, why are you-"

Jomei would down the last of the energy drinks, some of the fizzy, clear liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth. 

"Why did it have to be thirteen cans.."

After cleaning up his mess, and finally explaining the situation to the concerned waitress, Jomei left the warmth of the tavern. It was much colder than he was used to, due to a special condition set for today's duel. Their Survival skill was only working at half strength, not doing its normal job of protecting them from the frigid weather. Donning a deep green parka-like jacket over his usual vest, and a fur-lined cloak, it helped to combat the weather a bit more. At least the heat of the day's battle should keep him warm.

Snow crunched under his boots with each step as he entered the center of the arena. A bright smile an a wave, he would greet the crowd that cheered on the two combatants. All of that seemed to go quiet as he made eye contact with his 'opponent' who stood across from him; Lessa. His heart (which surprisingly wasn't beating out of his chest from 13 energy drinks) skipped a beat, excited and nervous to be crossing blades with the blonde whom he had become so fond of. The woman he had grown to call his best friend... yet something more than that lingered in his gut. 

"So, you ready for this?" Jomei asked simply. "I'm not going to hold back, you know so.. Good luck." he would wink at her. 

//Pre Duel Buffs
->Energy Drink | +16 EN
->Warm Jacket | Sword Arts -3 EN
->Phoenix Soul | On 0 HP, +100 HP, +20EN, cleanse negative effects

-> Initiative | ID 243408 | LD 19

Jomei HP: 200/200 | EN: 59/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:22 | ACC:3 | AA  | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | BH:7 | HB: 4 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 |[ Frost.A 2 | Frost.T 2 (4/2) | VULN 16 ]| Warm | P.Soul

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Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 59/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 46 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Frost.A: 2 | Frost.T: 2 (4/2) | VULN: 16 | Warm | P.Soul

Lessa, Guardian of Aincrad
True Tier: 10
Level: 10
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 200/200
EN: 43/43

Damage: 10
Mitigation: 42
Accuracy: 2
Battle Healing: 6
Stealth Rating: -3
HB: 8
REC: 2
HLY: 2

Equipped Gear:
  - Arcael's Might (T4 THSS - DMG DMG DMG HLY)                                                                                                        
  - Vega's Panoply (T4 HA - THNS THNS HB HB)                                                                                                             
  - Neutron Star Necklace (T4 TRINKET - ACC ACC REC REC) 

Combat Mastery:
  - Combat Mastery: Mitigation R3

Combat Shift:
  - ST Shift

Familiar Skill:
  - Rending Familiar

  - Battle Healing R3
  - Energist
  - Extended Weight Limit
  - Heavy Armor R3
  - Straight Sword R3

Extra Skills:
  - First Aid R3
  - Leadership R3

  - Hyperactive
  - Iron Skin

  - Energize
  - Impetus
  - Inspiring Speech
  - Large Pockets
  - Purify

Inactive Mods:
  - Press the Attack

Battle Ready Inventory:
  - Energy Drink, Warm Jacket, Phoenix Soul (All Consumed)
  - A Lot of Conflicting Emotions

Housing Buffs:
  - Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
  - Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)
  - Living Room: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
  - Attic (Storage): +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests
  - Slime Farm: +5% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.
  - Basement: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll                                                                                                           

CoB Spreadsheet




“So, you like him?”

Lessa stared at the bottom of her mug for a long while, watching the last drops of cider race along the curved edge as she moved it between her hands. “Yes,” she finally admitted, delivering the single word with the force and finality of someone dropping a very heavy load after a long trek. Hell, she might as well have just lugged a fifty pound haybale up Everest, with the way her entire body relaxed upon its delivery. “I do. I do like him.”

“Buuuuuut you’re going to fight him?”

“Uh, yeah.”

Wren, the young daughter of Alexander and Margaret, screwed up her face in confusion. “If you like him, why are you going to fight him?”

Lessa tilted her head in thought, considering how best to explain the tournament to the NPC child. “Because we’re all playing a sort of game, where we pretend to fight each other, and the strongest fighter wins.”

The girl nodded sagely, though Lessa might have sworn she could see the concept fly right over Wren’s head. “So you fought other people?” At Lessa’s confirmation, she added, “Did you like them, too?”

“Uh, they’re nice enough people, but I don’t like any of them the way I like Jomei.”

“So you didn’t kiss any of them?”

Memories of her first fight exploded in front of her eyes, and Lessa muttered a pained, “Oh my god,” before she realized what she was doing. The cup slipped from her hands, and when she scrambled to scoop it back up, she nearly toppled off her barstool. As Wren giggled in that mocking way that only kids can get away with, Lessa sent a pleading look toward the girl’s father. “Can’t you do something about your daughter? She’s being really mean.”

Alexander studied her for a moment, though he never ceased his polishing of the already immaculate cutlery. Finally, in his infinite wisdom, he opened his mouth to ask, “How many of them did you kiss?”

“Oh my god,” Lessa repeated, this time with more force as she launched herself from the stool and took a few steps toward the door. She turned to level both father and daughter with a glare that held no malice. “I’m never coming back here.”

“See you after your fight,” Alexander called back, his tone overly cheerful, and a sharp contrast to the man’s typically detached and dry demeanor. “Don’t kiss anyone.”

“You're not my real dad!” came her sharp retort, though she was grinning as she pushed open the door and emerged into the winter wonderland.

Lessa loved the fourth floor. She always had, and she figured she always would. The pristine blankets of snow, and the way the sunlight set it shimmering like diamonds, always managed to make her feel incredibly at peace. Or, at least, it did when her Survival skill was working correctly. This round had delivered yet another surprise, and the new vulnerability to the cold wasn’t doing her any favors. She’d planned ahead, incorporating a jacket and heavy skirts into her normal battle gear, in an attempt to stave off the worst of the chill. She couldn’t be certain it was actually working, but she appreciated the new look. Annnnnd only worried a little bit that the new skirts might get in the way.

She had no reason to worry, though. At the mere sight of Jomei, warmth filled her more thoroughly than any number of layers possibly could.

“Hey you,” she greeted, her smile growing (and her stomach doing a weird flipping maneuver) at his wink. “More than ready,” was her answer, “and I would never ask you to hold back. Give it your all, and I’ll do the same.” Fat snowflakes drifted around her as she positioned herself opposite him across the arctic arena, her gaze finding his and never wavering as she slowly drew her sword. Then she crooked one finger in a clear “come and get me” gesture.

Initiative | 243415 | LD: 6

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There was something hypnotic about the depth of those cerulean eyes, like endless oceans that pull you in with each lingering glance. One could spend an eternity gazing into them, wading through their shades of azure and cobalt, losing themself in the quiet promise they hold. Each look was a current, gently tugging him deeper, until he was adrift in a world where nothing else exists but the infinite blue that surrounded him.

But this was not a staring contest, and it was not until her playful beckoning with a single finger did he finally break from that trance. 

Following suit, Jomei's left arm would open his cloak, like drawing curtains, to reveal the rapier housed at his hip. Gingerly unsheathing the weapon with the resounding hiss of scraping steel, he readied it at his side. A slow exhale through parted lips resulted in a swirling cloud that gave his breath a corporeal form for but a brief moment. If they stood still any longer, the cold winter's bite might as well just freeze their boots to the ice and snow beneath them. 

As his cloak of green billowed out once more, he rushed forth with a blinding speed that hardly disturbed the snow in his wake. Leaping into the air to close the last of the distance between himself and Lessa, the tip of his rapier would ignite with the golden energy of his sword art. Thrusting Fragarach downwards as he descended, he attempted to pierce into Lessa's shoulder. Her armor was strong, however, much tougher than he had realized, and the tip of his blade had hardly pierced the surface of her pauldron before she countered, knocking his rapier out of the way. The moment his boots hit the ground once more, he continued his assault. 

"Hm, good. I was a bit worried that you were going to make this easy for me." 

Jomei's rapier flicks through the air, fast and precise, seeking to find any gap in the knight's defenses. His posture remined low, as he danced on the balls of his feet, ready to dart in and out of range at a moment's notice. But where Jomei had his speed and precision, Lessa had her defense and the length of her great sword could catch him off guard easily. It was obvious that he was at a slight disadvantage, but the curling smile that never faltered was a tell that he didn't mind. 

"But, I sure hope you're not going to let me do all the fighting."

// Main Action

-> ST-1 | ID 243422 | BD 1(+4) | -2 EN

// Swift Action

Lessa | HP: 200/200 | EN: 59/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 46 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Frost.A: 2 | Frost.T: 2 (4/2) | VULN: 16 | Warm | P.Soul

Jomei HP: 200/200 | EN: 57/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 22 | ACC: 3 | AA  | F-SPIRIT | EVA :2 | BH :7 | HB: 4 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 |[ Frost.A 2 | Frost.T 2 (4/2) | VULN 16 ]| Warm | P.Soul

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The contrast between his emerald cloak and the white snow was so stark, and so perfect in a way that she struggled to articulate. It seemed to accentuate his every action, and draw every eye as he drew his blade. Or, at least, it drew hers. And maybe it was just the Spartan in her - a life-long Michigan State University fan, she'd grown up bleeding green and white. But damn, if he didn't make it work for him.

And as embarrassing as it was to admit, she was so intrigued by the way that his cloak billowed on the blast of frigid air that she nearly missed his initial attack. Her heavy armor, as it had a tendency to do, absolutely saved her ass. And by the time that the pointy end of his rapier met her pauldron, years of practice had her positioning her own weapon to parry. She easily swatted his slim blade away, then fell into an easy rhythm of traded blows. "Easy?" she asked him at one point, peering over their crossed blades before they skittered apart again in a shower of pixelated sparks. "Never. And I won't even make a comment about having the bigger blade, because I know you men can get a little sensitive about your size."

With a wicked grin, she made the most of his momentary loss in concentration. Power poured into Arcael's Might, the divine blade glowing with a familiar silver light. When the sword suddenly shone a brilliant gold instead, and warmth radiated up her arm and across her entire body, Lessa recognized the Holy procc. This was gonna hurt. Sorrrrrrrrry, a teeny voice inside her cried, even as she slammed the sword home through Jomei's seemingly unprotected midsection. This was a duel, so she was going to have to get used to dealing damage against him. And it hadn't bothered her in previous weeks. So why did she wince inwardly as she watched his health bar plummet?

Eager to smooth ruffled feathers, she spread her arms, gesturing to their surroundings. "So we ended up on floor four after all. Still want to go build that snowman? The one that probably won't eat us?"

// Main Action

-> ST-I | ID 243423 | BD: 10 | 14*8=112-22= 90+16(vulnerability)= 106

// Swift Action

Lessa | HP: 194/200 [-6 thorns] | EN: 54/43 [-5] | DMG: 10 | MIT: 46 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Frost.A: 2 | Frost.T: 2 (4/2) | VULN: 16 | Warm | P.Soul

Jomei HP: 94/200 | EN: 57/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 22 | ACC: 3 | AA  | F-SPIRIT | EVA :2 | BH :7 | HB: 4 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 |[ Frost.A 2 | Frost.T 2 (4/2) | VULN 16 ]| Warm | P.Soul

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"Well well, getting a bit cheeky now are we?" Jomei would chuckle as he shifted onto his back foot, narrowly avoiding Lessa's sword from cleaving him in two. Dodging and parrying, he remained on the defensive. "You sure size matters?" he would taunt her as he continued to avoid her attacks, "Not gonna do much if you don't know how to use it."

Bracing the flat end his rapier's blade, he would block a sideswipe from Lessa. Pushing back against the weight of her strike, he would lean into their clashing blades. Mischievous smirk plastered on his face, "I can give you a demonstration." Pulling back from their bind, Jomei would flourish his weapon before attempting to catch her off guard. Before he could react, however, Lessa was already on the follow up. The great sword collided with his abdomen, cutting clean through his armor. The wound burst with radiant light, numbing his torso as the burning sensation took over. The power behind her strike knocked him off of his feet and into the packed snow a couple of feet behind him. 

"..I deserved that.." he would mumble to himself through a cough as he pushed himself into a sitting position. There she stood, with a painted on innocence to mask the damage she had just done. Jomei could not help but laugh at her question. "Yeah, sure.. Let's start now!" Balling up as much snow as he could, he tossed the packed snow up into Lessa's face to distract her. With barely a moment to spare, Jomei would shoot to his feet and charge up his own sword art. In some ironic way, the usual glow of his sword art was replaced with a more brilliant light, just as hers had. Drawing his sword arm back, he would thrust it forth into and through Lessa's side, golden white flames burning at her armor for a moment before snuffing out. 

Leaning into the hilt of his rapier, he would reach a free hand to Lessa's shoulder, brushing away some of the snow he had tossed at her. "You missed a spot." he chimed, sarcastically. "Oh, don't give me that look." he'd laugh, "All's fair in love and war." 

// Main Action
-> Recovery | +7 BH, +4 HB, +1 EN

-> Tech-D | ID 243424 | BD 9 | Shatter Applied!
8 x 10(+1 Crit)(+2 Holy) = 104(-36) = 68 +16(Vuln)=84 DMG! | Jomei takes 2 Dmg from Frost Thorns | (-9 EN)

// Swift Action
-> Evade | +1 EVA (-2 EN)

//Note: Adjusting Lessa's health. -2 from Frost Thorns, 4 DoT for 2 turns applied. Adjusting Jomei and Lessa energy maximum to 59 to accommodate Energy Drink consensus.

Lessa | HP: 114/200| EN: 54/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 36 46 | ACC: 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Frost.A: 2 | Frost.T: 2 (4/2) | VULN: 16 | Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (0/2) | SHATTER (1/3)

Jomei HP: 103/200 | EN: 46/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 22 | ACC: 3 | AA  | F-SPIRIT | EVA : 3 2 | BH :7 | HB: 4 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 |[ Frost.A 2 | Frost.T 2 (4/2) | VULN 16 ]| Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (0/2)

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With a high-pitched shriek, mixed parts alarm and childish glee, Lessa threw up both arms to block her face. The snow slammed into her crossed bracers like a wave against rocks, sending spray splattering across her exposed skin. She made to wipe it away, then remembered her gauntlets. Instead, she did her best to shake the droplets away in a way reminiscent of a wet dog. Only then did she notice the crimson gash in her side, and the sizeable chunk carved out of her health bar. She scowled at him, glaring out from under eyelashes heavy with snow crystals. The expression, of course, was absurdly over-the-top. "Foul!" She cried out, jabbing one finger in his direction with all the showmanship of a disgruntled soccer player. "Unsportsmanlike conduct! Red card!" After a moment, she threw in, "Offsides!", just for added effect.

Content to keep the gag going, as she definitively wasn't going to be attacking until she could blink the snow from her eyes, she heaved her world-weariest sigh. "And after all that we've been through together. Fighting bandits. Being chased by Demogorgons, and helping tortured spirits cross over. Killing Cerberus, and the corrupted Floor Boss bear from Hell." The absurdity of her next thought struck her, and as her face twisted into an expression of sheer, unadulterated pleasure, she couldn't help the laugh that burst forth. "And we didn't die on the Lovecraftian Horror floor, but we can't pick five flowers without getting our asses kicked. Twice."

Her laughter finally slowed to a handful of cackles, but only after she'd bent at the waist, her hands on her knees, the joy trembling through her. "Woooo," she concluded finally, straightening to look at him with actual tears in her eyes. "We have been through a lot together, you and I. And we suck."

// Main Action
-> Recovery | 243444 | CD: 2 | FAILED | +6 BH, +8 HB, - 4 DoT (1/2), +1 EN

-> ST-II | 243445 | BD: 5 | MISS (-2 EN)

// Swift Action
-> Focus | +1 ACC (-2 EN)

Lessa | HP: 124/200 | EN: 51/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 36 46 | ACC: 3 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Frost.A: 2 | Frost.T: 2 (4/2) | VULN: 16 | Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (1/2) | SHATTER (1/3)

Jomei HP: 103/200 | EN: 46/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 22 | ACC: 3 | AA  | F-SPIRIT | EVA : 3 2 | BH :7 | HB: 4 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 |[ Frost.A 2 | Frost.T 2 (4/2) | VULN 16 ]| Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (0/2)

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He would have to remember to ask her what quest granted her the audacity to throw a penalty in his face - for snow to the face. "Unsportsmanlike? Me?" He gawked at Lessa, finally removing the length of his rapier from Lessa's hip. "And an unsanctioned dick joke isn't? Hm? If I've gotta' sit in the penalty box, then you bet your ass you'll be right there with me." If she was going to point fingers, than he was going to fire back. The edge of his lips tugged into a smirk. 


A hearty chuckle that made his shoulders rise and fall, he would offer Lessa a nice one finger salute.

Allowing Lessa a moment to clear the frost from her face (those gauntlets weren't looking too soft and gentle now) he would turn and take a couple of paces away from the blonde. She went on with the pretend pity party, listing off their many adventures.. and they had many. Stopping in his step, he smiled a warm, fond smile. He took a short moment to think on their times together before chiming in, "And fighting pirates on an airship, can't forget about that one." Finally he would turn to face Lessa once more, and while he stood there armed and wearing the scars of their battle, his expression was soft. ".. I'm still disappointed I never got the opportunity to ask you to dance before the party got crashed." 

The sound of her laughter was rich and genuine, with a playful sparkle that made everything feel lighter. It was full of comfort, like a familiar song. Each chuckle felt like a shared secret, a soft reminder of all the joy they shared together. Jomei simply watched her, listened to that warm melody, with soft chuckles of his own. Shaking his head lightly with crossed arms he would release a long sigh, one that felt like it had been held for ages. "Speak for yourself." he would mumble loud enough for her to pick up, with a wink for extra flavor.

"Now, I hate to ruin such a tender moment. But I think we've got some business to attend to." 

Charging up a sword art, he would rush at Lessa, the tip of his rapier dragging through the snow. Turning his body like a corkscrew to barely avoid a strike at his midsection, he would drag his sword upwards the moment his feet his the ground once more. The sharp blade cut deep through the armor and skirts that covered her thigh. Rushing to stand up at full height before Lessa fully recovered, a flick of his wrist would bring his rapier to his front again. The sharp tip pointed towards Lessa's delicate neck, while cold steel tapped the underside of her chin. The tiniest bit of pressure lifted her gaze to meet his, "Tsk tsk, get too comfortable reminiscing?" 

// Main Action

-> Recovery |+7 BH, +4 HB, - 4 DoT (1/2), +1 EN

-> ST-1 | ID 243448 | BD 3(+4) 7 | HIT | -5 EN
8 x 10 = 80(-36)= 44+16 = 60 DMG | Jomei takes 4 DMG 

// Swift Action
-> ---

Lessa | HP: 64/200 | EN: 51/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 36 46 | ACC: 3 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Frost.A: 2 | Frost.T: 2 (4/2) | VULN: 16 | Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (1/2) | SHATTER (2/3)

Jomei HP: 106/200 | EN: 42/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 22 | ACC: 3 | AA  | F-SPIRIT | EVA : 2 | BH :7 | HB: 4 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 |[ Frost.A 2 | Frost.T 2 (4/2) | VULN 16 ]| Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (1/2)

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♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

“I'm still disappointed I never got the opportunity to ask you to dance before the party got crashed."

The statement was delivered with so much tenderness, and when her eyes found his, the wistful expression he wore sucked the air from her lungs. “Yeah,” she barely managed to whisper before pausing to draw a deep breath. “Yeah, I’m disappointed, too. I would have really liked that.”

Had she known, that night on la Duchesse Sincère, that he’d wanted to dance with her? As friends, of course - he’d made that glaringly obvious in his invitation. At the time, she’d found it charming. And looking back, she might have even been satisfied with it. Content with shoveling shrimp into her mouth and flirting shamelessly as the sun set the sky ablaze all around them. But so much had changed since then. She had changed. And she wasn’t sure she could be satisfied with it anymore.

Lessa paused to simply watch him, countless miles and millions of snowflakes hovering between them. He quirked that devil may care smirk that he sometimes wore as he teased her, and because it was such a sharp contrast to his true demeanor, she found the expression so damn appealing. It was likely that smirk that kept her distracted as he closed the distance between them, and her health dipped into the red. Another strike like that, and he’d whittle her down to zero. The Phoenix Soul would kick in, keeping her in the fight, but he’d have her on the ropes. Another hit, and it would be over for real. Another mark in the loss column. And yet, she couldn’t find it in her to care.

"Tsk tsk, get too comfortable reminiscing?"

“I guess so,” she answered, a bit breathless. Dropping her gaze, she lifted her sword to tap his blade away, then took three long steps backward.

As Troy Bolton’s voice reminded her to get her head in the game, Lessa inhaled sharply, praying the cold air might shock her out of this stupor. Now is not the time, the logical part of her mind scolded. So she rolled her shoulders, wiped the emotion from her face, and extended her sword-arm out behind her. Then, with impossible speed and the crunch of snow underfoot, she closed the space between them. With her left hand, she grabbed his right arm and yanked hard, pulling his body flush against hers. And she held it there, her face buried in his neck, as she slid her sword into his stomach.

Perhaps it was an odd effect of the Phoenix Soul, or simply a trick of her imagination, but Lessa would have sworn that time slowed. She felt the heat explode between them, and even as she pressed her eyes against his snow-slick skin, the vibrant gold light promised another Holy procc. He was done for. She should be thrilled. She should be readying to deliver the final blow. And yet. And yet.

"If there was one thing I had to ask you now, it’s what do you want?" He had smiled at her with so much warmth, so much patience, so much understanding, even back then. Years and years before. In his shop, his place of solace, where he’d welcomed her with open arms. Where he’d let her fall apart, and picked up her pieces. Where his light had guided her in before she could break upon the rocks. "If you go looking into that big heart of yours, what do you feel you truly long for, if anything specific I guess. I know you just want to be happy, we all do. You want to be able to get yourself out of bed each morning and do what you love. But if there's a longing for something that will give you that extra push.. what is it? And is it worth it to fight for?"


Sorry, Alexander.

Jomei’s big body went limp against hers as his health bar reached zero, and when he crumpled to the snow, she went down with him. It was a temporary side-effect, she knew, and he’d be back in only a matter of heartbeats. Or perhaps that wasn’t the best method of time-keeping, given the way hers threatened to beat out her chest. Gathering Jomei’s upper body into her lap, Lessa dragged clumsily at her gauntlets, tearing them off and letting them fall forgotten into the snow. And once he blinked up at her, once again in full control, she pressed trembling hands to his flushed cheeks. “Hey Jomei,” she began, her voice as unsteady as the rest of her. Her blue eyes, deep with emotion and dark with need, crinkled at the edges as she offered him a shaky smile. “I know this is really, really bad timing, but… can I kiss you?”

// Main Action
-> Recovery | 243494 | CD: 7 | SUCCESS |  +6 BH, +8 HB, - 4 DoT (2/2), + 2 EN, +1 EN

-> ST-II | 243495 | 14*11=154-22= 132+16(vulnerability)= 148

// Swift Action
-> Focus | +1 ACC (-2 EN)

Lessa | HP: 74/200 | EN: 44/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 36 46 | ACC: 3 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Frost.A: 2 | Frost.T: 2 (4/2) | VULN: 16 | Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (2/2) | SHATTER (2/3)

Jomei HP: 0/200 | EN: 42/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 22 | ACC: 3 | AA  | F-SPIRIT | EVA : 2 | BH :7 | HB: 4 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 |[ Frost.A 2 | Frost.T 2 (4/2) | VULN 16 ]| Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (1/2)

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The roar and rumble of the audience fell to a whisper. 

That whisper diminished even still until there was nothing but silence.
He could swear he could hear the sounds of snowflakes softly hitting the snow covered earth. 

For that brief moment, it had felt as though the two had slipped through the cracks of reality and stepped into their own pocket world.
Just him and her, Jomei and Lessa.

The warmth of her embrace, despite the cool touch of her steel plated garments, and her frost covered eyelashes gently brushing against the skin of his neck. There was a comfort to it that took his mind away from the duels, the stress and exhaustion of it all. As his body leaned into hers, lids would slowly fall over his eyes. The tenderness of her face buried into the crook of his neck was the last thing he felt, before consciousness slipped away from him. His 'lifeless' body collapsed to the snow at her feet. 

That should have been it, his health points had hit zero. By the rules set by Minako and Kindling, Lessa would be crowned the winner. But a string of embarrassing losses against Mina and Katoka forced him to take a more cautious approach, and plan accordingly. Before darkness could fully engulf the ginger, a spark ignited a flame that burned within his chest. The heat of that fire grew, spreading to his hands and feet, literally breathing life back into him. As the Phoenix Soul that he had prepared released its magic, Jomei took in a sharp breath. The cold air burned his nostrils, and his eyes opened and adjusted to the light of the day once more. They came to focus on the figure that hovered over him, blonde hair cascading over her shoulders like gentle waterfalls, a smile that could light up the darkest of rooms..

..And those deep, blue eyes that he could get lost in for hours. 

"… can I kiss you?”

He must have still been unconscious, right? He didn't load the item correctly, and he was just dreaming as Minako’s crew dragged his unconscious body through the snow as the crowd cheered Lessa’s name. As a steady hand rose and found her’s - no cold gauntlets, only the soft touch of her skin - did he realize that he was conscious, and that this was really happening. Speechless, he stared up at the woman, mouth trembling as he fumbled for the right words. 

Their eyes locked, the world around them fading into a blur as the air between them seemed to grow thick with anticipation. He took a soft breath, his heart racing, her lips just a breath away from his. His hand, warm and gentle, brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Slowly, it found the softness of her cheek - cold at first, with an ever growing warmth. 

The moment hung in the air, delicate, fragile, as if time itself held its breath. His gaze flicked to her lips, and then, with hands faster than any sword art could replicate, it happened. Their lips met, tentatively at first—soft, as if testing the waters. It was slow, careful, a gentle exploration, as though they both feared breaking the fragile moment. The warmth of her kiss was like a promise, tender and filled with unspoken words, a moment that felt as though it had always been meant to be.

“That was a cheap trick.” he whispered, his forehead pressing up into hers, lips brushing against hers with each spoken word. A moment he had longed for, for so much longer than he had even realized until just now. The applause from the crowd, which had never truly ceased, became apparent again, though even that was not enough to pull him from her embrace. A tiny groan escaped him, “I don’t think they’d appreciate it if we just called it there, huh?” he asked, his voice a low, soft grumble - as if he had just woken from the best night’s sleep. “Maybe we continue this conversation later?” he began to push himself up onto his knees, sitting level with Lessa for a moment, “Whether or not we actually converse.” Another wink? Guess even now he wasn’t done with the flirting. 

Brushing the snow off of Lessa’s plate covered gloves, he would place them in her lap before standing once more, and extending a hand to help her up off of the ground. He enjoyed the soft, warm touch of her hand for a moment longer, before allowing her to return them to their armored state. Putting a couple steps distance between himself and Lessa once more, he readied his rapier once she had retrieved her sword. With a silent nod, he charged her, and their blades clashed once again. 

Sparks sent soaring as steel met steel, each holding their own against the other. Though each strike with their swords held a sort of giddy, playfulness to it, they still fought with power behind every blow. They moved in tandem around the battlefield as each struggled to gain the upper hand over the other. “Guess I’m getting that dance with you after all,” he joked, before catching Lessa’s blade in a parry that knocked it from her hands. As he brought the tip of his rapier to her chest, he’d shrug with a tight lipped smile, “I hope you packed one of those Phoenix Soul’s as well.. Or else this is going to feel really awkward.” Not allowing a moment for her to respond, he sunk the blade in the center of her chest. Pulling it out almost immediately, he followed suit and softly guided her body to the ground. Keeping himself in a crouched position, so he could keep Lessa sitting up against him, he waited for her to come back to consciousness.

// Main Action
Phoenix Soul | +100 HP, +20 EN
-> Recovery | +7 BH, +4 HB, - 4 DoT (2/2)+1 EN

-> ST-II | ID 243500 | BD 2(+4) | Hit! | -7 EN
11 x 10 = 110(-36) = 74+16= 9 DMG! | Jomei takes 4 DMG

// Swift Action
-> Evade | +1 EVA(-2 EN)

Lessa | HP: 0/200 | EN: 44/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 36 46 | ACC: 3 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Frost.A: 2 | Frost.T: 2 (4/2) | VULN: 16 | Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (2/2) | SHATTER (3/3)

Jomei HP: 103/200 | EN: 50/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 22 | ACC: 3 | AA  | F-SPIRIT | EVA : 3 | BH :7 | HB: 4 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 |[ Frost.A 2 | Frost.T 2 (4/2) | VULN 16 ]| Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (2/2)

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// Main Action
Phoenix Soul | +100 HP, +20 EN
-> Recovery | +6 BH, +8 HB, +1 EN

-> ST-I | ID 243535 | BD:5 | MISS (-2 EN)

// Swift Action
-> Focus | +1 ACC (-2 EN)

Lessa | HP: 114/200 | EN: 55/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 36 46 | ACC: 3 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Frost.A: 2 | Frost.T: 2 (4/2) | VULN: 16 | Warm | P.Soul | SHATTER (3/3)

Jomei HP: 103/200 | EN: 50/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 22 | ACC: 3 | AA  | F-SPIRIT | EVA : 3 | BH :7 | HB: 4 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 |[ Frost.A 2 | Frost.T 2 (4/2) | VULN 16 ]| Warm | P.Soul | Frost 4 (2/2)

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// Main Action
-> Recovery | +7 BH, +4 HB, +1 EN
-> Tech-C | Charge (+3 DMG, -1 BD) ID 243536 | BD 5(+4)(-1) Hit! | (-9 -2 EN)
8 x 10(+3) = 58 + 16 = 54 DMG! | Jomei takes 4 Damage

// Swift Action
->Focus | +1 BD | -2 EN ((Note: Forgot I was already at capped ACC :( ))

Lessa | HP: 36/200 | EN: 55/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 46 | ACC: 3 2 | THORNS: 18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | REC: 2 | HLY: 2 | Frost.A: 2 | Frost.T: 2 (4/2) | VULN: 16 | Warm  

Jomei HP: 110/200 | EN: 38/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 22 | ACC: 3 | AA  | F-SPIRIT | EVA : 2 | BH :7 | HB: 4 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 |[ Frost.A 2 | Frost.T 2 (4/2) | VULN 16 ]| Warm | Charge (1/3) | Counter -25%

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