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[Clash Of Blades Season 1] Week 6: Acanthus vs Oscar

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 Bubbling seas of magma, pockets where it jetted out sometimes fifteen feet into the air, the entire ground clinging to the feet of those who walked onto it from the tar-like crust that formed atop the streams and rivers of the molten material below. What was not to love about the wonderful stretches of Floor Nine? This was a destination hot spot, a place of fiery passion just outside the reaches of Yalon Village on this floor. Well, okay. Maybe the heat wasn't to die for. Or the Fauna, made of twisting pillars of fire or having backs of dark rock that ebbed with the life blood of the earth below. Or even really the flora, often being more dangerous to stand near and breathe in the fumes of than to even touch. Other than those things, what was not to love? It wasn't as bad as it was prior to the slaying of the Hydra that defended this floor, and poured from its body, the ocean of liquid metal and elements. What brave rangers those must have been, to take on and defeat the creature with their limited gear and understanding of the world by then. The assortment of colors and personalities they must have came in, walking away from it likely with a new sense of camaraderie  and inside jokes. Today would hopefully be no different.

In those stretches, there was something of a clearing, or perhaps it was better described as a crater. A depression within the ground, flanked on all sides by spines and pillars to form a ridge around the nearly perfect hole in the center. The soot and ash creating perfectly parallel lines that converged on the center from those steep 'walls'. It was a perfect pit, and predictably, the turn out for such an arena was lower than normal. Those who were there would need to peek out over the side of the ridge, sitting on the side of it, or laying down to look down. Kindling had some he had handed cold water cannisters to, offering them some col to hand it out to anyone present who looked like they were about to fall over. The air shimmering with the heat, waving dramatically. Any bit of moisture that escaped the bodies of people or container sizzled and immediately disappeared. Leaving nothing but a few bubbles as the heat kidnapped it, and the sight of mist was choked as quickly as it formed. Kindling hoped Minako was staying warm on floor 4. She deserved that much comfort, with her mittens, and cute scarf...

There he was as well, that host. Sitting on the edge of the ridge, looking down into the pit. Wishing to all the heavens that he had at a minimum, brought a fan with him. If the combatants of the day could handle it, than he could too. He'd make it through the hours - with discipline. They would learn to respect the lengths he went to. His brows furrowed, gloved hand going up to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and push his mass of redhair back atop his head. Taking a deep breath, it was time to get this show on the road.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Volcanoes and Craters, Lava, Magma, and Phoenixes! Today, you might be most aware of - the weather!" Came the half joke, trying to keep things light, for his own sanity. "It's not going anywhere, and neither are we. Instead, it will be incorporated into today's fights. Those in attendance, and those coming up next, make sure to stay hydrated. My first aid skill can only do so very much for you. It cannot stop you from the fluid in your body evaporating, or the feeling of parchment in your throat." God how he wished that wasn't true. He'd be spamming the skill on himself at this very moment to get rid of those very symptoms. 

"Drink your water, and prepare to meet your first Combatant; It's an unhinged lunatic, a woman who will fight to the death given the chance, she'll bite you if you disarm her I think - IT'S ACANTHUS!" Giving the first introduced a second to slide down into the pit without getting too dirty with all the ash. "And on the other side, he can easily cook his glizzies in this heat, the man donating his weiner to his opponents with their express consent, and who certainly doesn't need to do any more pushups to be strong enough for this fight - IT'S OSCAR!

Another deep breath was taken. Shouting in this heat made his cheat feel hollow, the exertion alone through the heavy, oppressive air was tougher than he thought.

"Take your stances, and speak to each other quickly. So that both of you can get out of here as fast as possible," And myself, for that matter - Came the thought of the host. Lifting his new spear, Pluto's Lament, into the air. The countdown beginning then. 



 Welcome to the Sixth week of Clash of Blades - ICE AND FIRE! For this fight, and all fights hosted by @Kindling - you only need to worry about the Fire side of that. In this week, you will be subject to the Heatstroke Debuff - A permanent status effect that causes you to take 5 unmitigable damage for every multiple of 5 missing from your total energy. IE: If your max is 38 Energy, you will begin taking damage at 33, 28, etc.
This damage will be applied at the same time as your actions regardless of what those actions are. They will also account for current energy before actions that regenerate energy like Rest. When missing 30 total Energy from your max energy, that number doubles to 10 Damage
Make sure to watch those Energy bars!

  • Please remember to LINK your Spreadsheet, and triple check that all your stats are correct. Failure to do so before the actual combat begins will result in a loss by default. Going forward, we will be taking a much more hardline stance on this rule. The reason for that is out of respect for the time and energy of the hosts, and your fellow participants. 
  • TECH-A is disabled this week, and cannot be used. Get your stuns and CC somewhere else!
  • @Acanthus @Oscar



Edited by Kindling
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Initiative. 243416 | LD 6

I like your funny words, magic hot dog man

Acanthus | HP: 200/200 | EN: 38/38 | DMG: 10 | MIT:56 | ACC:3 | AA  | FL.AURA: 4 | THORNS:18 | BH:7 | HB: 9 | LD:3

Link to Clash Spreadsheet

Boy howdy I didn't know it was possible to fuck up spoilers that bad. It's my usual stat block (check week 5) but I've got energy drinks, sweatband, and 1 healing potion. I'll make it pretty later.



Equipment and Consumables


All enhancements reflected in the stat block unless otherwise specified.

Weapon. botan. AA | ACC 3
Armor. Corpse Flower's Kiss | MIT II | Thorns II
Shield. Fractured Heart | Holy Blessing II | Flame Aura II

Energy Drink. Gain 16 additional max energy
Sweatband. Sword arts cost 3 less EN

Shifts, Skills, Masteries and Mods


Combat Mastery and Shift
Combat Mastery: Damage R3


  • Battle Healing R3
  • Heavy Armor R3
    • Mod: Impetus (1/5)
  • Searching R3
    • Mod: Night Vision (2/5)
    • Mod: Tracking (3/5)
    • Straight Sword R3

Extra Skills

  • Forgotten King's Authority
  • Survival
  • Block R3
    • Mod: Shield Bash (4/5)


  • None.


  • Shield Bash
  • Meticulous
  • Night Vision
  • Tracking


Battle Inventory

  • Healing Potion | Main Action | Recover 15% of your HP


Edited by Acanthus
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Statline CoB Spreadsheet


Oscar | HP: 182/200 [-18] | EN: 35/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:42 | ACC:2 | PHASE | EVA:1 | BH:6 | REC: 1 | HLY: 4 | BLI: 8/-5  | LD:3

Initiative - ID: 243417 | LD: 17
Post Action -> ST-I vs Acanthus [-8 EN]
ID: 243418 | BD: 7+2, hit
Deal 80-40 = 40 DMG, take 18 Thorns Damage 

Acanthus | HP: 160/200 [-40] | EN: 43/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 40 | ACC:3 | AA | THORNS:18 | BH: 6 | HB: 8 | LD:3                              


Edited by Oscar
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Recovery. +16 HP

Swift Action: None

Main Action -> ST-I -> Oscar (-5 EN)
243488 | BD 3 + 4 - 1 | Hit! 8 * 10 = 80 - 42 = 38 damage.

Acanthus | HP: 176/200 | EN: 51/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 40 | ACC:3 | AA | THORNS:18 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | LD:3
Oscar | HP: 144/200 | EN: 35/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:42 | ACC:2 | PHASE | EVA:1 | BH:6 | REC: 1 | HLY: 4 | BLI: 8/-5  | LD:3


Edited by Acanthus
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Recovery. +16 HP

Swift Action: Charge [-2 EN]

Main Action -> ST-II-> Acanthus (-5 EN)
243488 | BD 3 + 4 - 1 | Hit! 8  10 = 80 - 42 = 38 damage.

Acanthus | HP: 176/200 | EN: 51/59 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 40 | ACC:3 | AA | THORNS:18 | BH: 7 | HB: 9 | LD:3
Oscar | HP: 144/200 | EN: 35/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:42 | ACC:2 | PHASE | EVA:1 | BH:6 | REC: 1 | HLY: 4 | BLI: 8/-5  | LD:3


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