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[F01] <<The First Few Lessons>> (Hyde) [WIP]

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Hyde's last adventure came in the form of his first-ever log-in to the virtual world of "Sword Art Online", the world-famous VRMMORPG that was sold out quickly after being released live to the public. During this adventure, he witnessed how thousands of players had entered the game, excited to explore its vast unknown, only to encounter a rather nasty surprise from none other than the game's creator and game master, "Akihiko Kayaba" who had proceeded to reveal to all of them that they would now be trapped in the cyberspace of his game unless they reached the 100th floor of the world's enormous floating castle known as <<Aincrad>> and cleared it successfully someday. Of course, as could be expected of such an unexpected bombshell of an announcement, it had sent almost everyone present in the central Plaza of the starter town, the <<Town of Beginnings>>, into a catatonic stupor for the first few moments followed by mass hysteria and panic in the minutes afterward as their fight or flight responses kicked into overdrive in the aftermath.

Naturally, unlike most players who had succumbed to this mass panic and hysteria, Hyde was entirely unfazed by this huge reveal about the game since he was more excited than afraid despite the very real prospect of permanent death he may encounter at some future point in the game. This was because of the unshakeable influence that the insatiable thirst for ever more knowledge (especially of the mysterious kind) he had because of his mad scientist personality influencing him towards this end. Instead, in the weeks that came after that introduction to the game, he focused on getting acclimated to his new environment progressing to the point that he was ready to take on the first of the many quests that would surely come his way over time. So, when the day finally came, he arose from the bed in the inn room he had rented for the time being since he did not have enough money for a personal residence while yawning widely and stretching slowly.

Egads...morning already? I wish I could sleep in more...but, today will be a rather important and hectic day, so it would be more prudent of me to get myself ready for it and head out to take on the quest I had in mind for today...

With these thoughts whirling silently in his mind, Hyde dragged himself out of his bed at last and traipsed around his room at the inn, attending to the various daily morning rituals that his support staff of maids and butlers had made sure to inculcate in him right from childhood and beyond in the real world during his pre-SAO life. Then, he donned the custom light armor he had received as part of the universal starter package he had chosen when he set up his character in the game. He had calibrated it to be a perfect replica of the physician-scientist outfit he was used to wearing almost all the time in the real world and had christened it as <<EP01 (UID: Aegis Mk-I)>> due to his penchant for fancifulness. Then, he strapped the various holsters with the other smaller items in said starter package (i.e., 5x Healing Potions, 2500 Col) to it so he could access them easily while exploring what the first floor offered in the way of adventures and mysteries. Finally, on his back, he strapped his custom polearm weapon (i.e., a giant scalpel he had christened as <<EP00 (UID: Longinus Mk-I)>>) he had received as part of the universal starter package he had chosen when he set up his character in the game. After these preparations, he headed out of the inn and stepped out into the streets to take on the quest he had in mind for the day, namely <<The First Few Lessons>>.


Hyde's Appearance:



Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 638
  • Personal Total: 638


Hyde's Info:


Hyde | Level: 1 (Tier 1) | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 (Source: 1 DMG (Base) +3 DMG (R1 <<Spear>> Skill)) | ACC: 0 | MIT: I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit) | EVA: 0 | LD: 0

Equipped Items:

  • EP00 (UID: Longinus Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Spear | PARALYZE I (Successful attack rolls you make with this item of a natural 9-10 (1 slot) or 8-10 (2 slots) will apply Paralysis on the target, removing their action on their next turn. Paralyzed targets lose any evasion properties until this status wears off (If present on the weapon or shield, this applies on successful sword arts/shield bash. This effect is not triggered when the user is struck))
  • EP01 (UID: Aegis Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Light Armor | MIT I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit)

Battle-Ready Inventory:

  • Starter Healing Potion (5) | Tier 1 Uncommon Potion | HP: +50 HP

Consumables: N/A


  • <<Spear>> Skill | RANK 1/5

Misc. Buffs: N/A

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After heading off from the <<Town of Beginnings>> where he had rented a room at an inn to <<Tolbana>>, the town that had the quest he wanted to take on for the day, Hyde entered through its main gate and started searching for the NPC that he needed to start this quest he was aiming to have completed by the end of the day. It took a while for him to do so, but he found the one in question heading towards him through the throngs of passersby swiftly using an elongated and deliberate stride. Once he was within earshot, he noticed the man was dressed like an authority figure from a socioeconomically exalted stratum of society with a vibe to match as he stopped him to introduce himself before heaving a sigh and adjusting his monocle.

"You there! Stop, please! Pardon me, but I need some assistance, and you appear quite capable...My name is Dorian White, and I am the mayor of this town, Tolbana...As part of those mayoral duties, I issued a small loan to one of my community members a few months ago...Well, the time to collect had come around and I-"

Hyde heard <<Dorian White>> start to explain but then, saw him grow anxious and pause in his narrative to handle his mustache briefly as if to give himself time to collect his thoughts as best he could before explaining the quest details and reason for it.

"You see, I've forgotten who I loaned the money to...Embarrassing, I know, but I am a very busy man...and I cannot keep track of everything that happens...I'm sure you understand...Should you be willing to track down the loan recipient for me, and collect the col, I would be eternally grateful...However, please do not let anyone else know I forgot who the loan went to!"

Hyde beheld <<Dorian White>> with a bemused smile on his thin lips as he concluded his explanation of the <<First Few Lessons>> quest to activate the sequence of events it would need to be completed successfully, and at the end, he accepted the quest per his plans for the day.

"Very well, I accept your quest and shall complete it to the best of my ability."

With that done, Hyde witnessed the next part of Dorian's dialogue activate to conclude the introduction to the <<First Few Lessons>> quest and saw the man emphasize his conclusion with a nod.

"Excellent, I knew I could count on you! You might start with 'Zackariah Stroll', the alchemist...He's often doing projects for the town, so he may have been the one who borrowed  money from me earlier."

Hyde nodded to <<Dorian White>> and excused himself to head off to the alchemist's shop owned and operated by <<Zackariah Stroll>> to start the first part of the <<First Few Lessons>> quest.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 467
  • Personal Total: 1105
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It did not take Hyde long to find the alchemist's shop owned and operated by <<Zackariah Stroll>> to start the first part of the <<First Few Lessons>> quest, and upon arrival, he took in the sight of several shelves filled to the brim with colorful potions of all kinds that were held in various vials and jars. As he stepped inside, he tried to examine the potions he saw in the vials and jars on each row, but he was interrupted by the owner before he could do so.

“Oh, hello, I am 'Zackariah Stroll', and it is nice to meet you...Now then, did you come here to order something? If so, I am sorry since I am currently swamped with orders and to make things worse, I am running out of supplies to fill the one you have for me.”

Hyde heard <<Zackariah Stroll>>, the old man with a long, snow-white beard, say while glancing up from a bubbling cup of sweet-smelling purple liquid he was working on behind the counter further in, presumably for some other client. 

"It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Hyde. Also, I am not here to place..."

Hyde was about to say when he was cut off by <<Zackariah Stroll>> who seemed to have an idea of how to remedy the perceived problem given that his eyes took on a visible glint of excitement that he was all too familiar with, so he listened silently since he presumed this choreographed interaction was necessary to advance the quest's plot. 

“Would you gather a few materials for me from the area outside the city walls? I require flowers, herbs, rare woods, and other interesting raw materials you can find there...In exchange, I promise I will help you fill your order when you return to me with them...Of course, I can even show you how to do it yourself, Hyde.”

In response, Hyde nodded to <<Zackariah Stroll>> and confirmed that he would accept the task the old man wanted to give him. 

"Understood, sir. I shall head out immediately to fulfill your request of me."

When <<Zackariah Stroll>> heard Hyde accept his task, he smiled and explained the next steps Hyde would need to take before he could head out to complete this first lesson of the overall quest. 

"Excellent! In that case, please follow me so I can give you something to facilitate your task."

So, Hyde followed <<Zackariah Stroll>> into the back area of his shop where he saw a small, bubbling pot of fondue awaiting anyone who wished to partake of it. Once there, he heard the old alchemist offer him some of the fondue while explaining further. 

"As I was saying, I have something you may be interested in sampling before heading out to gather those materials for me. Specifically, it is a sweet that I have concocted with the special property of facilitating your gathering attempts."

Hyde nodded while taking a ladle from the countertop next to the fondue pot and scooped up a small serving of it into a glass vial he found sitting next to the ladle on the same countertop. Then, he sampled the fondue, savoring its taste and feeling it improve his perceptiveness. Then, he thanked <<Zackariah Stroll>> for the fondue and headed out onto the street so he could exit <<Tolbana>> and enter the wilderness area outside its walls to begin his gathering task.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 570
  • Personal Total: 1675


Hyde's Info:


Hyde | Level: 1 (Tier 1) | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 (Source: 1 DMG (Base) +3 DMG (R1 <<Spear>> Skill)) | ACC: 0 | MIT: I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit) | EVA: 0 | LD: 3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)

Equipped Items:

  • EP00 (UID: Longinus Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Spear | PARALYZE I (Successful attack rolls you make with this item of a natural 9-10 (1 slot) or 8-10 (2 slots) will apply Paralysis on the target, removing their action on their next turn. Paralyzed targets lose any evasion properties until this status wears off (If present on the weapon or shield, this applies on successful sword arts/shield bash. This effect is not triggered when the user is struck))
  • EP01 (UID: Aegis Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Light Armor | MIT I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit)

Battle-Ready Inventory:

  • Starter Healing Potion (5) | Tier 1 Uncommon Potion | HP: +50 HP

Consumables: Zackariah's Fondue (1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Dessert | LD: +3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)


  • <<Spear>> Skill | RANK 1/5

Misc. Buffs: N/A

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Hyde exited <<Tolbana>> and entered the wilderness outside its walls and started to search for the herbs, flowers, and other alchemy ingredients that <<Zackariah Stroll>> asked him to obtain from that area for him.

Hmm, how do I go about this? I wish he had given me more information to facilitate my gathering, but oh well...I have no choice but to rely on the old science trick of trial and error, I suppose...

Hyde grumbled thus mentally while settling down in the first spot he came across to examine each flower, herb, and rock he found therein to see if it was the right one that the old alchemist, <<Zackariah Stroll>>, had wanted him to collect during this gathering portion of the quest. However, it was to no avail as none of the ones he found and examined were the right ones for the quest. As if that was not bad enough, it took him several hours to go through his study of each of these material types.

Hmm, this is a disappointing result for the amount of time and effort I spent studying this area's flora and minerals...On to the next area, I guess...


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 195
  • Personal Total: 1870


Gathering Attempt #1:  ID#: 243443| LD: 1 (Natural) +3 (Fondue Boost) = 4 (Modified, Interpretation: Failure!)

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After failing to find any suitable flowers, herbs, or minerals in the first area of the wilderness outside <<Tolbana>>, he moved on to the next area there. Upon arrival, he quickly set about surveying the location thoroughly for potential gathering spots that he could use to seek out his desired materials again.

Alright, it is time for my second gathering attempt...If the Norns are willing, this will go better than my previous one...Now, where should I begin in this second area?

Thinking thus silently, Hyde considered his options carefully and chose a handful of spots that looked like they held the raw materials (i.e., flowers, herbs, minerals, etc.) he was asked to gather during this part of the overall quest. Then, he collected a small selection of samples of each category he was interested in and began examining them in greater depth, all the while, hoping that he would be successful this time. This took him a couple more hours, but alas, he was unsuccessful yet again and that made him start to feel exasperated upon seeing the observed disparity between his efforts and his success rate.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 188
  • Personal Total: 2058


Gathering Attempt #2:  ID#: 243447 | LD: 9 (Natural) +3 (Fondue Boost) = 12 (Modified, Interpretation: Failure!)

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Hyde was now on his third attempt at trying to gather the flowers, herbs, minerals, and other alchemy ingredients he needed to get for <<Zackariah Stroll>> from the wilderness outside <<Tolbana>> and thus, he moved on to the third and final area of the wilderness where he had been told to search by the old alchemist. Once there, he started his search as he had done in the previous two areas, specifically by surveying the locale for sections that looked promising in resources.

This will be my last attempt since I do not have more time to spend on this...Oh, "Verðandi", Norn who watches over the present...Please guide me to success this time...

Hyde mused thus silently as he examined each section in the third gathering area that had caught his interest for the flowers, herbs, minerals, and other similarly significant alchemy ingredients on his gathering list for this part of the quest. Unfortunately, however, even after spending yet another couple of hours in this activity, he still did not achieve success, though he felt his knowledge growing by leaps and bounds regardless.

Curses, foiled again...Oh well, at least it was not a total loss, for I can use the knowledge I gained here in my future gathering quests to facilitate them...

Grumbling thus, Hyde returned to <<Tolbana>> and made his way over to the alchemist's shop owned and operated by his current client, <<Zackariah Stroll>>, to report that he was not successful in finding any of the ingredients that the old alchemist wanted him to get for him.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 259
  • Personal Total: 2317


Gathering Attempt #3:  ID#: 243450 | LD: 11 (Natural) +3 (Fondue Boost) = 14 (Modified, Interpretation: Failure!)

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Thankfully, the old man did not reprimand Hyde for his failure but merely looked at him with disappointment reflected in his wizened features. Despite that, Hyde was shown the basics of potion brewing by the old alchemist and succeeded in creating a decent enough batch that the man saw fit to proclaim it as being passable. Then, the old alchemist poured some of that potion and gave it to Hyde as a parting gift. Afterward, when Hyde brought up the question about the old man possibly being the one to whom <<Dorian White>>, the mayor of <<Tolbana>>, had lent some money in the past, the old alchemist informed him that he was not the debtor and even pointed him to seek out another potential debtor while lamenting the mayor's lack of memory power.

"Leave it to Dorian to forget something so important. No, I did not borrow the Col. You might try Lyle, the blacksmith. I've seen him talking with the mayor frequently the past month or so, and he's just up the road. I wish you luck!"

With that done, Hyde excused himself and headed off to see <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the blacksmith in <<Tolbana>> who rivaled <<Zackariah Stroll>>, the alchemist, in fame and talent while wondering what sort of trial waited for him during this second portion of the overall quest.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 222
  • Personal Total: 2539


Battle Ready Inventory Additions: Zackariah’s Special Draught (1) | Tierless Perfect Potion | HP Recovery

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After leaving the shop of the old alchemist known as <<Zackariah Stroll>>, Hyde went looking for the blacksmith's shop owned and operated by <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the best blacksmith in town who was even said to be the equal of the old alchemist. It took a while to find the shop given how far away it was from the alchemy shop he was just at not too long ago, but finally, his ears caught the sound of the constant metallic clangs that were the telltale signs of a blacksmith's shop. So, he hurried over to it and entered it cautiously lest he draw the owner's ire, and soon spotted the man working away at his latest project by pounding at it steadily with a rather heavy-looking hammer.

Another dusty fossil, eh? How troublesome, indeed...That said, I have no choice yet again...

With that silent thought whirling in his mind, Hyde stepped up to the aged blacksmith and was about to introduce himself when he saw the man look up, regarding him with annoyance that bordered on disgust for some inexplicable reason.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 180
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As if that was not bad enough, Hyde heard the aged blacksmith greet him curtly since he was busy immersing himself in his latest project.

"I'm busy."

A lesser man would have balked at talking to such an imposing individual after being greeted so brusquely by them. However, Hyde was on a mission to complete for <<Dorian White>>, the mayor of <<Tolbana>> and that meant he could not afford to let himself be dissuaded from establishing contact with the aged blacksmith. So, he gathered himself and introduced himself to the man while keeping his well-practiced cordial smile and voice ready to conceal the exasperation he felt dealing with such an obstacle perfectly.

"Greetings, I am Hyde, and I have come here to..."

Hyde was about to speak further but found himself cut off by the aged blacksmith waving his leathery hand at him to dismiss his concerns as if they were inconsequential. Then, he heard the man inform him of the work he needed to do to get his attention.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 170
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"I don't do anything without payment."

Hyde heard <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the aged blacksmith, say to him after a few moments. Naturally, Hyde answered by inquiring about what sort of payment the man had in mind for him since he wanted to get started on the more challenging segment of this portion in the overall quest as soon as possible.

"Then, what would you have me do for you to earn your recognition?"

Hyde asked <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the aged blacksmith, and heard the man elaborate on what he wanted in return for hearing him out along with the stipulations for considering the task a success.

"Go deal with a few of those pesky <<Boarlets>> for me, and return here with either their tusks alone or their whole body..."

Hyde raised an eyebrow at the aged blacksmith's words since he did not expect the man to be so accommodating, so he inquired to make sure he truly did not mind which option was chosen to be brought back as drop rewards.

"Do you not care which option I choose? I mean, that seems like it would be important..."


Hyde's WC Tallies:

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"No, I do not care which one you choose."

Hyde heard <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the aged blacksmith, say before he went to pick up a small bag and one of his crafted weapons from the counter behind him. Then, he saw the man hand him the weapon while explaining further.

"They are pretty weak, so even you should not have any trouble...If you bring back the spoils of your battle with them, I promise to hear you out." 

Hyde heard the aged blacksmith tell him while handing the weapon and the small bag to him, presumably because both would be needed to cover the needs of whatever option was chosen to deal with the troublesome <<Boarlets>>. So, he took the weapon and the small bag the man gave him and inspected each to see whether he could use them. While doing that, he also inquired further regarding the task given to him.

"So, the weapon is straightforward enough to understand since it happens to be my preferred weapon type, a polearm, and more specifically a <<Spear>>, but how are those truffles I saw in the bag meant to be used in this task?"


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 192
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"Ah, those are known as <<Tranquilizer Truffles>>, and they are used to sedate the <<Boarlets>> to make them more compliant to capture in this task you will be doing for me...That said, be warned that if you try to sedate them and fail, they will become aggressive and attack you."

Hyde heard <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the aged blacksmith, explain to him about the use of the truffles he saw in the bag he received from the man mere moments ago along with the high-quality loaner weapon that he had now equipped onto himself after putting away his starter weapon. In response, he nodded to the man and thanked him for the helpful items he was given for the upcoming battle against the <<Boarlet>> mobs that would be encountered shortly. Then, he headed out of the man's blacksmith shop and exited from <<Tolbana>> to head out into the wilderness just outside it again.

Now then, it is time to hunt down some chibi pigs...Hopefully, all this preparation will serve me well in these upcoming battles...

Hyde thought silently as he held his loaner <<Spear>> with a somewhat relaxed grip to not tire himself out prematurely due to tension while searching for the <<Boarlet>> mobs he was tasked with hunting down and harvesting in this portion of the overall quest.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 217
  • Personal Total: 3484


Hyde's Info:


Hyde | Level: 1 (Tier 1) | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 5 (Source: 1 DMG (Base) +3 DMG (R1 <<Spear>> Skill) + 1 DMG (Weapon Slot: DMG I)) | ACC: II (Gain +(1 per slot) or 2 total, to the BD when attacking. This cannot be used to cause a critical hit) | DMG I (+(1 * Tier) or +1 to base damage per slot for 1 total) | MIT: I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit) | EVA: 0 | LD: 3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)

Equipped Items:

  • Loaner Polearm | T1 Perfect <<Spear>> | ACC II (Gain +(1 per slot) or 2 total, to the BD when attacking. This cannot be used to cause a critical hit) | DMG I (+(1 * Tier) or +1 to base damage per slot for 1 total)


  • EP01 (UID: Aegis Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Light Armor | MIT I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit)

Battle-Ready Inventory:

  • Starter Healing Potion (5) | Tier 1 Uncommon Potion | HP: +50 HP


  • EP00 (UID: Longinus Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Spear | PARALYZE I (Successful attack rolls you make with this item of a natural 9-10 (1 slot) or 8-10 (2 slots) will apply Paralysis on the target, removing their action on their next turn. Paralyzed targets lose any evasion properties until this status wears off (If present on the weapon or shield, this applies on successful sword arts/shield bash. This effect is not triggered when the user is struck))


  • Zackariah’s Special Draught (1) | Tierless Perfect Potion | HP Recovery


  • Zackariah's Fondue (1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Dessert | LD: +3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)


  • Bag of Tranquilizer Truffles (puts 1x <<Boarlet>> to sleep on BD 5+, requires a post action to attempt using)


  • <<Spear>> Skill | RANK 1/5

Misc. Buffs: N/A

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After searching for a couple of hours, Hyde finally found his first <<Boarlet>> mob and it turned out to be one that consisted of a single <<Boarlet>> that seemed to have gotten separated from its herd for some reason.

Excellent! O "Verðandi", Norn who watches over the present...Thank you for this stroke of good fortune!

Hyde thought silently thus as he observed the <<Boarlet>> mob from a safe distance to learn its behavioral patterns since he fully intended to exploit this chance encounter with a single enemy instead of the multi-unit mobs that were the norm out in the field. To that end, he remained as silent as he could for several minutes while gleaning as much information about the enemy before him. After collating all that data in his mind, he was finally ready to take it on in earnest, so he left his observation post and headed toward the <<Boarlet>> that was currently unaware of his approach. Once he was within striking range, he rushed forward with a basic attack instead of a formal sword art since he wanted to test how effective it would be against this type of basic enemy because this was his first battle ever. Fortunately, he succeeded in catching the <<Boarlet>> unawares, and managed to land a hit successfully thanks to the special ACC enchantment that <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the aged blacksmith, had placed on the loaner polearm weapon he gave him to use in this starter hunting task. 

How interesting, even my basic attacks can be successful, meaning I do not have to rely on my <<Sword Art>> repertoire constantly...Although, for tougher enemies than this one, it would probably be prudent to employ them to gain a strategic advantage against the enemy...

Sadly, his attempt did not go perfectly since the <<Boarlet>> retaliated against him, albeit unsuccessfully due to pure chance. However, his attack was strong enough to one-shot the <<Boarlet>> and granted him 1x <<Boarlet Tusk>> as loot for his victory.



Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 329
  • Personal Total: 3813


Hyde's Info:


Hyde | Level: 1 (Tier 1) | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 5 (Source: 1 DMG (Base) +3 DMG (R1 <<Spear>> Skill) + 1 DMG (Weapon Slot: DMG I)) | ACC: II (Gain +(1 per slot) or 2 total, to the BD when attacking. This cannot be used to cause a critical hit) | DMG I (+(1 * Tier) or +1 to base damage per slot for 1 total) | MIT: I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit) | EVA: 0 | LD: 3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)

Equipped Items:

  • Loaner Polearm | T1 Perfect <<Spear>> | ACC II (Gain +(1 per slot) or 2 total, to the BD when attacking. This cannot be used to cause a critical hit) | DMG I (+(1 * Tier) or +1 to base damage per slot for 1 total)


  • EP01 (UID: Aegis Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Light Armor | MIT I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit)

Battle-Ready Inventory:

  • Starter Healing Potion (5) | Tier 1 Uncommon Potion | HP: +50 HP


  • EP00 (UID: Longinus Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Spear | PARALYZE I (Successful attack rolls you make with this item of a natural 9-10 (1 slot) or 8-10 (2 slots) will apply Paralysis on the target, removing their action on their next turn. Paralyzed targets lose any evasion properties until this status wears off (If present on the weapon or shield, this applies on successful sword arts/shield bash. This effect is not triggered when the user is struck))


  • Zackariah’s Special Draught (1) | Tierless Perfect Potion | HP Recovery


  • Zackariah's Fondue (1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Dessert | LD: +3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)


  • Bag of Tranquilizer Truffles (puts 1x <<Boarlet>> to sleep on BD 5+, requires a post action to attempt using)


  • <<Spear>> Skill | RANK 1/5

Misc. Buffs: N/A


Combat Log:

  • Roll Result: 243498 | BD: 6 (Natural) + 2 (b/c ACC II) = 8 (Modified, Interpretation: Hit!) | MD: 4 (Interpretation: Miss!)
  • <<HydeS>> attacks 1x <<Boarlet>> with <<Basic Attack>>...Attack Success, 5 DMG dealt to <<Boarlet>> and 1/20 EN spent, 19/20 EN left.
  • <<Boarlet>> attacks <<HydeS>> with <<Basic Attack>>...Attack Failure, <<HydeS>> HP: 20/20
  • <<Boarlet>> HP: 5 - 5 DMG = 0/5 HP Left...1x <<Boarlet>> is slain by <<HydeS>> successfully (Loot Gained: +1 of 3 <<Boarlet Tusk>>)
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After his first victory against the <<Boarlet>> mob with a single unit, Hyde felt more confident and thus returned to his search for the remaining 2x <<Boarlet>> mobs with renewed vigor and managed to spot another one after walking some distance away from his first encounter with them.

Since observing it before attacking was successful last time, it would be prudent to repeat this strategy for this encounter as well...

With that thought in mind, Hyde stopped a safe distance away from the second <<Boarlet>> mob that also had a single unit for some reason he did not care about and began studying its behavior. After several minutes of compiling data on it and comparing its behavior to the previous one he just fought and killed previously, he was ready to confront it, at last, using the same tactics as last time. More specifically, he approached it from behind slowly since that seemed to work to catch them off-guard. Again, like last time, he rushed in with a basic attack against it once he was within the optimal distance for melee combat. Surprisingly enough, his streak of good fortune was stronger this time than his success in the previous fight against this basic enemy. Consequently, he successfully scored a minor critical hit against it, albeit not without being subjected to a successful counterattack by it unlike the last one. Fortunately, he had the foresight to calibrate his chosen starter <<Light Armor>> with an enchantment of MIT I that allowed him to ward off the damage he would have received from its successful counterstrike against him. Then, his attack took effect and destroyed this second <<Boarlet>> mob and caused it to drop the second of the <<Boarlet Tusks>> he needed to collect for this part of the overall quest.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 298
  • Personal Total: 4111


Hyde's Info:


Hyde | Level: 1 (Tier 1) | HP: 20/20 | EN: 19/20 | DMG: 5 (Source: 1 DMG (Base) +3 DMG (R1 <<Spear>> Skill) + 1 DMG (Weapon Slot: DMG I)) | ACC: II (Gain +(1 per slot) or 2 total, to the BD when attacking. This cannot be used to cause a critical hit) | DMG I (+(1 * Tier) or +1 to base damage per slot for 1 total) | MIT: I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit) | EVA: 0 | LD: 3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)

Equipped Items:

  • Loaner Polearm | T1 Perfect <<Spear>> | ACC II (Gain +(1 per slot) or 2 total, to the BD when attacking. This cannot be used to cause a critical hit) | DMG I (+(1 * Tier) or +1 to base damage per slot for 1 total)


  • EP01 (UID: Aegis Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Light Armor | MIT I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit)

Battle-Ready Inventory:

  • Starter Healing Potion (5) | Tier 1 Uncommon Potion | HP: +50 HP


  • EP00 (UID: Longinus Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Spear | PARALYZE I (Successful attack rolls you make with this item of a natural 9-10 (1 slot) or 8-10 (2 slots) will apply Paralysis on the target, removing their action on their next turn. Paralyzed targets lose any evasion properties until this status wears off (If present on the weapon or shield, this applies on successful sword arts/shield bash. This effect is not triggered when the user is struck))


  • Zackariah’s Special Draught (1) | Tierless Perfect Potion | HP Recovery


  • Zackariah's Fondue (1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Dessert | LD: +3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)


  • Bag of Tranquilizer Truffles (puts 1x <<Boarlet>> to sleep on BD 5+, requires a post action to attempt using)


  • <<Spear>> Skill | RANK 1/5

Misc. Buffs: N/A


Combat Log:

  • Roll Result: 243497 | BD: 7 (Natural) + 2 (b/c ACC II) = 9 (Modified, Interpretation: Minor Critical Hit!) | MD: 8 (Interpretation: Hit!)
  • <<HydeS>> attacks 1x <<Boarlet>> with <<Basic Attack>>...Attack Success, 6 DMG dealt to <<Boarlet>> (b/c Minor Critical Hit = +1 DMG) and 1 EN Spent, 18/20 EN Left
  • <<Boarlet>> attacks <<HydeS>> with <<Basic Attack>>...Attack Success, <<HydeS>> HP: 20/20 (b/c 5 DMG Dealt - 6 DMG Prevented from MIT I = 0 DMG Dealt)
  • <<Boarlet>> HP: 5 - 6 DMG = 0/5 HP Left...1x <<Boarlet>> is slain by <<HydeS>> successfully (Loot Gained: +1 of 3 <<Boarlet Tusk>>)
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It is finally time for the last <<Boarlet>> take-down...This time, methinks it would be a good idea to attempt one of those basic <<Sword Arts>> I learned during training with my <<Spear>> weapon...

Hyde mused silently thus as he stored the two <<Boarlet Tusks>> he acquired so far in his <<Inventory>> and then headed off to find the last of the three <<Boarlet>> mobs for this part of the overall quest. Fortunately for him, this last one he encountered was also a single unit, thus making his job easy. Still, he did not let his guard down and instead, studied this one just as he had the previous two.

Hmm...which <<Sword Art>> would be effective here...Ah yes, here is a simple enough one for a newbie like me...

Hyde decided silently in this manner on what <<Sword Art>> to use in his imminent fight against the last of the single-unit three <<Boarlet>> mobs he had been hunting till now, and then approached said enemy slowly from behind as he had done with the previous two enemies of this kind. After that, once he was within melee range, he rushed forward while using the preprogrammed physical motion associated with the basic Rank 1 single-target <<Sword Art>> to activate it. Upon its use, the system assist feature of the game allowed his body to charge forward and thrust his now glowing <<Spear>> weapon at the <<Boarlet>> to land a hit. Fortunately, his attack was successful yet again as it had been the previous two times against the other two enemies of this kind. Alas, this third <<Boarlet>> succeeded in counterattacking against him as had its immediate predecessor but again, his <<Light Armor>> successfully prevented all damage that would have been dealt to him by the <<Boarlet>>. After that, his attack took effect and destroyed the <<Boarlet>> while dropping its loot of 1x <<Boarlet Tusks>> as had its two predecessors upon their destruction.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 320
  • Personal Total: 4431


Hyde's Info:


Hyde | Level: 1 (Tier 1) | HP: 20/20 | EN: 18/20 | DMG: 5 (Source: 1 DMG (Base) +3 DMG (R1 <<Spear>> Skill) + 1 DMG (Weapon Slot: DMG I)) | ACC: II (Gain +(1 per slot) or 2 total, to the BD when attacking. This cannot be used to cause a critical hit) | DMG I (+(1 * Tier) or +1 to base damage per slot for 1 total) | MIT: I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit) | EVA: 0 | LD: 3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)

Equipped Items:

  • Loaner Polearm | T1 Perfect <<Spear>> | ACC II (Gain +(1 per slot) or 2 total, to the BD when attacking. This cannot be used to cause a critical hit) | DMG I (+(1 * Tier) or +1 to base damage per slot for 1 total)


  • EP01 (UID: Aegis Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Light Armor | MIT I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit)

Battle-Ready Inventory:

  • Starter Healing Potion (5) | Tier 1 Uncommon Potion | HP: +50 HP


  • EP00 (UID: Longinus Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Spear | PARALYZE I (Successful attack rolls you make with this item of a natural 9-10 (1 slot) or 8-10 (2 slots) will apply Paralysis on the target, removing their action on their next turn. Paralyzed targets lose any evasion properties until this status wears off (If present on the weapon or shield, this applies on successful sword arts/shield bash. This effect is not triggered when the user is struck))


  • Zackariah’s Special Draught (1) | Tierless Perfect Potion | HP Recovery


  • Zackariah's Fondue (1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Dessert | LD: +3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)


  • Bag of Tranquilizer Truffles (puts 1x <<Boarlet>> to sleep on BD 5+, requires a post action to attempt using)


  • <<Spear>> Skill | RANK 1/5

Misc. Buffs: N/A


Combat Log:

  • Roll Result: 243499 | BD: 7 (Natural) + 2 (b/c ACC II) = 9 (Modified, Interpretation: Minor Critical Hit!) | MD: 8 (Interpretation: Hit!)
  • <<HydeS>> attacks 1x <<Boarlet>> with <<[x4] ST-I (4 EN)>>...Attack Success, 24 DMG dealt to <<Boarlet>> (b/c Minor Critical Hit = +1 DMG for 6 DMG x 4 = 24 DMG) and 4 EN Spent, 14/20 EN Left
  • <<Boarlet>> attacks <<HydeS>> with <<Basic Attack>>...Attack Success, <<HydeS>> HP: 20/20 (b/c 5 DMG Dealt - 6 DMG Prevented from MIT I = 0 DMG Dealt)
  • <<Boarlet>> HP: 5 - 24 DMG = 0/5 HP Left...1x <<Boarlet>> is slain by <<HydeS>> successfully (Loot Gained: +1 of 3 <<Boarlet Tusk>>)
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After storing the last of the 3x <<Boarlet Tusks>> in his <<Inventory>>, Hyde let out a tired sigh while grumbling mentally again at the hunting task having taken him so long to complete that it was evening time in the field.

Egads...that only took forever and a half for me to accomplish...Now, it is finally time for me to return to that old blacksmith...Hopefully, he will reward me for all this effort I put in for him...

With such thoughts racing through his mind, Hyde returned to <<Tolbana>> and once inside, he made his way slowly over to the blacksmith shop owned and operated by <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the aged blacksmith for whom he had been hunting those pitiful <<Boarlet>> mobs for several hours now. After reaching the front door to the establishment, he headed inside without knocking and alerted the man to his return to the shop with the desired loot in tow, namely the 3x <<Boarlet Tusks>>.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 158
  • Personal Total: 4589


Loot in <<Inventory>>: 3x <<Boarlet Tusks>>

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Posted (edited)

"I have returned with 3x <<Boarlet Tusks>> to hand over to you, sir...Will that suffice to complete this task you have given me?"

Hyde said to <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the aged blacksmith, upon stepping up to him after entering his workshop again. In response, he saw the man give him a brief nod and heard him explain the exact purpose he had in mind for the <<Boarlet Tusks>> when said items were handed over to him.

"Yes, that will do for me... and I had you collect these for me since I regularly use these <<Boarlet Tusks>> on the hilts I forge for my weapons."

Hyde heard the man explain, and so he listened intently since the process fascinated him endlessly, though not to the same degree as had the potion-brewing process shown to him by <<Zackariah Stroll>>, the old alchemist he had visited at his alchemist lab before coming over to <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the aged blacksmith at his blacksmith workshop. After that, he saw the aged blacksmith head over to the counter behind him and pick up a set of three different pieces of equipment.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 185
  • Personal Total: 4774


Loot in <<Inventory>>: N/A

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Then, Hyde watched onward as <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the aged blacksmith, brought the set of three different pieces of equipment over to where he was standing as he waited for his return and heard him elaborate on each of the three pieces.

"Here is your reward for helping me out with this task...Feel free to choose any of these three pieces to take away with you as my parting gift...Each one is on par with the loaner weapon I gave you for that <<Boarlet>> hunt I had you do for me...and speaking of, I would like to have that one returned to me."

Hyde nodded and handed over the high-quality loaner polearm weapon he had been given earlier in the day to the aged blacksmith who promptly took it and kept it carefully on one of the many racks lining the far wall of his workshop. Then, he equipped his starter custom weapon that he had christened as <<EP00 (UID: Longinus Mk-I)>> to his person again while waiting for the aged blacksmith to return for their final words to each other. While he waited, he examined each of the equipment pieces that the man had placed before him and decided to choose the <<T1 Perfect [Trinket of Choice]>> since he did not have any of those in his collection yet due to being a newbie player who just started his SAO career.


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 231
  • Personal Total: 4774


Hyde's Info:


Hyde | Level: 1 (Tier 1) | HP: 20/20 | EN: 18/20 | DMG: 4 (Source: 1 DMG (Base) +3 DMG (R1 <<Spear>> Skill)) | ACC: 0 | MIT: I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit) | EVA: 0 | LD: 3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)

Equipped Items:

  • EP00 (UID: Longinus Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Spear | PARALYZE I (Applies <<Paralysis>> on an attack roll of natural 9-10 [1 slot] or 8-10 [2 slots] to the affected target, removing their post action for next turn and all evasion until it wears off. Activates on sword art use for weapons and shield bashes for shields but not if user is struck)


  • EP01 (UID: Aegis Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Light Armor | MIT I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit)

Battle-Ready Inventory:

  • Starter Healing Potion (5) | Tier 1 Uncommon Potion | HP: +50 HP


  • Zackariah’s Special Draught (1) | Tierless Perfect Potion | HP Recovery  


  • T1 Perfect [Trinket of Choice] (1)


  • Zackariah's Fondue (1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Dessert | LD: +3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)


  • Bag of Tranquilizer Truffles (puts 1x <<Boarlet>> to sleep on BD 5+, requires a post action to attempt using)


  • <<Spear>> Skill | RANK 1/5

Misc. Buffs: N/A

Edited by HydeS
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When <<Lyle Tealeaf>>, the aged blacksmith, returned to the front counter of his shop, Hyde pointed to the trinket that lay on it while informing the man that he chose to take that as his reward for helping him out.

"I have decided to take this Trinket you have here as my chosen reward for helping you...Ah, right, I am also returning your <<Tranquilizer Truffles>> to you since I do not need them any further."

Saying thus, Hyde handed the small bag of truffles that was also given to him along with the loaner polearm weapon back to the aged blacksmith and then brought up the subject of the borrowed money that <<Dorian White>>, the mayor of <<Tolbana>>, had sent him to track down. In response, he heard the aged blacksmith refute the allegation and offer up an alternative target who could have been the one to borrow the money from the mayor but never return it.

"Now, I'll have you know that I do not take loans from anyone, especially men the likes of <<Dorian White>>...You might try old <<Pete Larkin>>...He spends all his time fishing for river monsters or some such nonsense."

Hyde nodded, acknowledging the receipt of the information that the aged blacksmith just provided him, and listened on as the man suddenly made a derisive noise while continuing to close out his comments about this old fisherman.

"Without a real job, the man could probably use the charity."


Hyde's WC Tallies:

  • Post: 242
  • Personal Total: 5016


Hyde's Info:


Hyde | Level: 1 (Tier 1) | HP: 20/20 | EN: 18/20 | DMG: 4 (Source: 1 DMG (Base) +3 DMG (R1 <<Spear>> Skill)) | ACC: 0 | MIT: I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit) | EVA: 0 | LD: 3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)

Equipped Items:

  • EP00 (UID: Longinus Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Spear | PARALYZE I (Applies <<Paralysis>> on an attack roll of natural 9-10 [1 slot] or 8-10 [2 slots] to the affected target, removing their post action for next turn and all evasion until it wears off. Activates on sword art use for weapons and shield bashes for shields but not if user is struck)


  • EP01 (UID: Aegis Mk-I) | Tier 1 Uncommon Light Armor | MIT I (Prevents 6 DMG to Hyde/hit)

Battle-Ready Inventory:

  • Starter Healing Potion (5) | Tier 1 Uncommon Potion | HP: +50 HP


  • Zackariah’s Special Draught (1) | Tierless Perfect Potion | HP Recovery  


  • T1 Perfect [Trinket of Choice] (1)


  • Zackariah's Fondue (1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Dessert | LD: +3 (Temporary, Duration: Rest of Quest)


  • <<Spear>> Skill | RANK 1/5

Misc. Buffs: N/A

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After the aged blacksmith finished saying his piece, Hyde saw him return to his work, and he excused himself so that he could head off to seek out the old fisherman, <<Pete Larkin>>, since he was the most likely candidate for the one who borrowed from <<Dorian White>>, the mayor of <<Tolbana>>. Upon arrival

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