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[Clash Of Blades] Season 1 - Week 7 Matchups and Weekly Shop

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 Good Morning Challengers! Your weekly matches have been drawn up, and then separated between Hosts @Minako and I, @Kindling. Your host will be the one who posts the thread to introduce your fight, and give some flavor casting throughout the combat. With the drawn up matches, your Weekly Clash Shop has been rolled and assigned. Use this opportunity to understand who your opponent is, and plan accordingly either through your own build, and through consumables purchasable in the Weekly Shop. Remember! No outside consumables are allowed in these fights. Only those purchased at the Weekly Shop.

Your matchups host will be who starts your thread, and is primarily responsible for mediation, as well as for adding casting flavor to your fight!


Without further ado, here are the Week 7 Matchups and their appropriate hosts.

Hosted By:  




@Jomei vs @Kiru | @NIGHT vs @Koga | @Oscar vs @Pollux | @Wulfrin vs @Lessa








Week 7 Matchups Start:
Sunday, March 23rd

All Combatants are awarded 18 Tokens this week


This week will also include the banning of the use of the Tech-A Sword Art. Get your stuns somewhere else!

March Madness finally comes to an end.

Remember that any Tokens unspent last week have rolled over into this week.
Tokens will no longer be rolling over! Spend them while you have them.


Weekly Shop

Along with your weekly matchups, every single week will have a shop with some randomly assigned items to add further depth and strategy to the game!

This week, Combatants will have 18 Steel Tokens to spend on Consumables - As well as any tokens unspent last week. Please remember that outside Consumables are not allowed, and that Purchased Consumables DO NOT roll over into other weeks. Use it or Lose it. Also be aware that other than as Vanity Trophies, Consumables don't transfer outside of the Competition either. Please note that the following tables are separated by Main and Swift Action categories. This is to make it easy for Combatants to distinguish what they're buying, and their value.

For the purposes of the Weekly shop, Your purchases can be declared using one of two Methods:

  • Below, using a Spoiler to hide your purchases from the opponents. THIS METHOD IS UNSAFE
  • For those who want more Privacy, they may message @Kindling or @Minako to declare their desired Purchases
    • Or by messaging Vesuvyan or LemonArsonist directly on discord.

Advise that all purchases must be declared using one of the above methods to be considered valid. Undeclared or Invalid purchases from this weekly shop will not allow you to use those items during your weekly match. 
It is also important to note that items will vary from Week to Week, so make sure to check each weekly shop for what's in stock, and what can give you a likely necessary advantage over your weekly opponent!

Items must be purchased by the MONDAY 11:59 PM EST before that weekly matchup, otherwise the purchases are considered invalid. We are extending the time limit due to the shop being late, and last week's interruption. Thank you for understanding.

Starting this week, Lemon (Minako) and I (Kindling), will be more stringent on deadlines. This is to ensure fair play, and the proper respect is given to the time of your fellow Clash participants, and your hosts. Thank you for understanding.



The following consumables are considered MAIN ACTIONS - meaning that they cannot be used on the same turn as other Main Actions, or each other.


Item Name

Item Description


Token Cost

Healing Potion

A flask with a lipped opening, filled about half way with crimson liquid.

Heals 15% of Maximum HP on Use.


Bloodfly Chamber

A red, pill shaped capsule about the size of your hand. Inside the clear, glass cap, one can see a hoard of miniscule crimson dots and black wings, smaller than gnats.

Inflict SWARM on an enemy for 3 turns. Swarm: They must use their Swift Action to try to SWAT away the Blood Flies, hitting a CD 6 or higher, or taking 20-30 Bleed Damage.



A small disc in the shape of a broken heart.

Reduce a target's healing by 50%. Lasts for 3 turns. Does not Stack.


Romantic Music

*intense saxophone* 

Stun a target for 1 turn. If target is still stunned, next Sword Art against deals an additional 2 base damage


Blue Gatorade 

A container in the shape of a typical water bottle, containing a sky blue fluid that is chilling in taste, and smooth in viscosity.

Makes the user immune to Freeze and Frost Thorn effects for 3 Turns.


EnKindling Salve

An amber gel-like solution that is used to coat the end of your weapon.

Grant your weapon 1 slot of Burn(tier 1)



A small disc with a comical button on top. Twist to activate.

Set a Landmine. The next natural BD your opponent rolls that is a natural 1-3 they take 30 unmitigatable damage.

If you roll a natural 1 BD, you trigger the Landmine.


Discharge Plate

A Silvery piece of flat metal about the size of an average human’s chest. The leather straps and metal buckles hanging from its corners make it easy to attach to armor pieces and articles of clothing.

Makes user immune to Paralyze and Static Effects as well as grants +10 Mitigation for 3 Turns.


Every Rose

A chain of roses, their thorns pointed outwards. 

Grants you 3 slots of Thorns(18). Lasts for 3 turns.


Pheromones, new and improved formula

A small bottle filled with a semi clear fluid. Elevate your mood with a vibrant blend of citrus, lemon blossom, and creamy vanilla.

Set target’s EVA to 0, and ACC to 3, lasting for 3 Turns.


Mina-Kind Energy drink

An aluminum can branded with friendly faces. Just looking at the liquid within gives you palpitations.

Grants user 4 slots Recovery, ignoring caps. Lasts for 3 turns.


Red Gatorade

A container in the shape of a typical water bottle, containing a rich red fluid that is chilling in taste, and smooth in viscosity.

Makes the user immune to Burn, and Flame Thorn, and Flame Aura effects for 3 turns.


Fatiguing Salve

A thick ooze that is meant to be spread, not on a sandwich, but your weapon.

Your next natural BD 9-10 will remove 8 energy from your target.


Mystery Goo

A vial filled with goo. It tastes of mayonnaise, with the consistency of a jelly.

On a LD 1-10 nothing happens. On LD 11+ Heal 50% maximum HP.


Phase Stone

A cloudy-grey, strangely blocky stone that - while remaining perfectly still to the touch - visually seems to blur and vibrate.

Gain 1 slot of phase.


Glass Mirror

A rectangular mirror with a handle for holding it in your hand.The glass is tinted light blue, and the reflection inside seems to transpose your image with that of another.

You and your target swap any, and all, current conditions and debuffs.



Exactly as it says on the tin; a small sphere with a pin and handle at the top. Pull, release, toss. Boom.

Attack Roll. On hit, deal 50 Unmitigatable damage. On Critical (Natural 10), apply STUN to the target.


Greasy Cheeseburger

6 patties, 7 slices of cheese, 12 strips of bacon, half a head of lettuce, a whole tomato, all between two delicious buns. Enjoy.

Makes you immune to Bleed effects for 3 turns.



A large metal tube with an open, rounded end to one side, and a closed end with a string hanging out of it on the other. When shaken, one can hear some kind of sand inside.

Sets user HP to 0, being used as a normal attack and replacing Weapon Equipment. Dealing 150 Damage to the Enemy if hit on a 6 and above. If Opponent is defeated by Finale, the user wins. Replaces Weapon Slot when used.



The following consumables are considered SWIFT ACTIONS - meaning that they cannot be used on the same turn as other Swift Actions. These items may also be used in place of a Main Action


Item Name

Item Description


Token Cost

Antidote Crystal

A rectangular, storm-cloud grey crystal that fits neatly in your hand

Remove ALL negative status effects on your person


Shell Crystal

An ocean blue nautilus-shell shaped item that cracks and shatters on use.

Increase your mitigation by 15. Effect lasts for 3 turns. Cannot stack.


Coughing Powder

A bag filled with inhalants such as: Black pepper, paprika, and Chili powder. Smells nice.

Applies Stun to the target.


Amp Crystal

A rectangular, lightning-yellow colored crystal that fits neatly in your hand.

Reduces the remaining Cooldown of 1 Skill to 0.


Rage Crystal

A small red crystal that wants you to smash it, it wants you to smash everything. Do it. Go loose.

Increase Base Damage by 1 and reduce mitigation by 5. Effects last 3 turns.


Prepared Fix

A teardrop shaped container barely bigger than a nail, containing a clear, bitter liquid inside.

The next status effect applied on the User is mitigated. If two Status Effects are applied at the same time, the user may choose which one is mitigated.


Healing Crystal

A rectangular, crystal the color of dried blood, that fits neatly in your hand

Heal yourself for 15% of your maximum Health


Energizing Tea

A nice hot cuppa. Pinkies out.

Your next critical strike(Nat. 9/10) will recover 10 EN.



A series of sharp metal objects that can pierce even the sturdiest of boots.

When an enemy targets you with an attack they must make a LD roll of 11 or higher. Otherwise taking 15 unmitigatable damage. Lasts 3 turns.


Focus Stone

A light blue shard that looks more like a heavenly meteorite than anything of this world. Just holding it makes one’s thoughts more clear…

Gain 1 slot of A. Accuracy, and 1 slot of Accuracy ignoring caps. Lasts 3 turns.


Phoenix Flare

A small, red capsule, with a short string hanging off of it. When pulled, sparks create the visage of the flying mythos that soars straight forward.

Inflicts the target with Tier1 Burn, dealing 14 Damage a turn, for 2 Turns. 


Basilisk Fang

A disembodied, jagged tooth about the size of one’s hand. Still coated in the sickly green venom of it’s previous owner.

Can only be used on a successful attack. Inflicts the target with Tier1 Envemon (O), dealing 8 Damage a turn, for 4 Turns.

Envenom stacks on itself.


Noble Vampire’s Knife

More elegant than it’s compatriot, this curved knife glints a silvery color in the light, and boasts a fanged tip. 

Can only be used on a successful attack.

Deal an additional 20 Unmitigatable damage, and heal yourself for 20.


Phase Stone

A cloudy-grey, strangely blocky stone that - while remaining perfectly still to the touch - visually seems to blur and vibrate.

Gain 1 slot of Phase for 3 Turns.


Smoke Bomb

Three dark grey pellets, packaged together in a small red net. They make no noise when shaken or rolled.

Both Combatants gain +2 EVA, and -2 ACC for three turns. 


Change Now!

A small crystal filled with energy. Breaking it will do…something.

Swap your current energy total with someone else. 


Blessed Ankh

An Ankh that is blessed by the gods.

Recover 10% health for 3 turns.



A small disc on a string. Lull your opponent to near sleep, making them sluggish and pull back their swings.

Applies Misperception to Self - Reducing incoming damage after Mitigation by 10%.

Lasts 2 Turns.


Healing Fog

A small cylindrical style thermos, when twisted, vents open on the sides and top of the cap, slowly filling the surrounding air with a soothing, warm mist.

Heal both Combatants to 50% max health if they are below. Double all HP recovery effects for 3 turns.. 


THE Coin

A coin bearing the beautiful profile of Minako on one side, and the dashingly handsome profile of Kindling on the other.

Call Evens or Odds, and roll the LD. If you are correct, gain +3 Base Damage until your next attack. Otherwise, your opponent gains +3 damage until their next attack. This can stack. 


In addition to the above items, Players may also purchase from the following Upgrades and Feasts - These are buffs that are automatically used, and applied at the start of your fight.
These do not stack on themselves, Combatants may only buy up to 1 of each kind.


Item Name

Item Description


Token Cost

Large Soda

A large styrofoam cup labeled as ‘McKindling’
Holds 64oz. Of a bubbly dark brown liquid. Fizzy!

Increase your current energy, and your energy cap by 16.


Phoenix Soul

A lone flame, burning in on itself, as it twists and rotates on it's own. Bringing it to your chest fills you with a sudden surge of energy - the feeling of invincibility simmers below.

The first time you would reach 0 HP immediately recover 100HP, 20 energy, and cleanse all negative effects.


Trial By Fire

Not a feast, but instead, a stone that is jagged at the top, and round on the bottom. Just holding it fills you with a weird surge of warmth. Using it causes the air around you to shimmer and wave.

You will get 2 Slots of Tier 1 Flame Aura for the duration of the fight. Preventing 8 damage from successful attacks, and Non-critical attacks against you inflict 4 unmitigatable burn damage.


Assorted Sushi Plate

Various fish sit on top of seasoned white rice and seaweed. Sauces on the side.

You will ignore the first negative status ailment that afflicts you.


Dragon Heart

A cooked to your liking patty made of a Dragon’s Heart, supposedly.

You will gain 2 Slots of Overhealth for the Duration of the fight. Granting 10% Bonus maximum Health.


Spaghetti and Meatballs

One large plate of boiled, soft noodles, topped with a helping of red, meat sauce and sprinkled with salt, garlic and pepper. 

You will enter this week’s combat with an additional 1 Base Damage, and 10 Mitigation.


Two Number 9’s, a Number 9 extra dip.

Fried Chicken Sandwich - Two of them in this case, one slathered in a spicy, peppery sauce.

Your weapon gains one slot of Tier 1 Burn for the duration of the Fight, breaking Caps.


A Number 6 with extra dip, a number 7

Grilled Chicken Wrap, Fried chicken wrap - The grilled chicken wrap comes with some kind of mystery orangeish sauce.

You gain one slot each of Evasion and Accuracy for the duration of the Fight.


Two Number 45s (one with cheese)

Quesadilla with shredded chicken and beef. (one has cheese)

Negate the next critical hit against you, turning it into a normal hit. (affecting enhancements, skills,and bonus base damage.



This post may expand or include additional information as necessary. This is a trial, so please be patient with us. Thank you!

Good luck to all Combatants!

Edited by Kindling
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