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(op-F2) Waiting for the day

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Aria walked around the the town on floor 2 meeting people at shopping around waiting for the day of the wedding, some times going out side of the town training with the new weapon just being rather bored in general she whet over to the inn and rented her room and sent a quick PM to rage which only said "come find me"

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As I was walking around floor 2 feeling the breeze with my hands in my pocket, I received a message from Aria saying "Come find me" That's all huh.. I turned on my tracking system and went into the inn. I made a distraction so no one would see me run up the stairs, I entered the room and I saw Aria over there staring out the window. I found you, do you need something Aria?

A life without risks is a life half lived


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As Aria calmly walked towards me and hugged me I replied to her statement Uh no not really. I didn't have anything planned today I said while scratching the back of my neck. Let me just take off my armor, it feels a bit heavy I swiftly swiped open my menu with my right hand, going to character and unequipping the armor I had on me. Aria was still hugging me so I ran my fingers through her hair

A life without risks is a life half lived


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As Aria walked backwards a few steps, I put my hands in my pockets while listening to her sentence(s) A week until the wedding huh.. I replied to Aria in deep thought.. One more week.. until the wedding.. then god knows what Oske or Aria will do.. Snap out of it Rage! Now's not the time to be thinking about those two fighting. I gave a small slap to my face then replied to her next statement Uh sure, if you wanna eat we can go eat. Lead the way, it doesn't matter which place it is. Expensive or cheap, I don't mind. I'll pay for it. I need to use up all this col anyway.. I sighed with relief.

A life without risks is a life half lived


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