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[SP - F4 ] <<Feeding the Enemy>> [Complete]

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Lessa sheathed her sword. Then, she stooped down next to the stoat. Holding her breath all the while, she reached out and delicately scooped the creature up. The moment it was in her hands, the animal scurried up her arm, and draped itself around her neck. She stood frozen, heart racing, waiting to see if this was the animals signature killing move. Maybe it would slash her neck or something. But she relaxed a bit when the stoat nuzzled her ear gently with its nose.


Out of curiosity, Lessa pulled up her menu, and looked at her quests. <<Feeding the Enemy>> was now marked as completed.


"Huh," she said aloud. "Guess its you and me now." The white beast gave a small chirp of agreement, and the pair made their way back to the city.

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