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I had a dream about this place. Basically, I was Lessa, and I interacted with some of the people that I have roleplayed with.

Please tell me that I'm not the only one who has dreamt of this website.

In had a strange dream of Keith, Ruri, Haines, and I, but strangely we were friends in it. Me + Ruri = a battle no one wants to intefure with in real site.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have dreams of this place along with all the novels that I'm writing as well. For here, it is usually me as Ryuu interacting with the people I have just recently role played with, but sometimes it is also an epic hand-to-hand combat scene in my dream.

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  • 1 month later...

I have dreams of this place along with all the novels that I'm writing as well. For here, it is usually me as Ryuu interacting with the people I have just recently role played with, but sometimes it is also an epic hand-to-hand combat scene in my dream.

Sounds pretty epic. Haven't had any recently though :(

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I had a dream last night about Zero and his grandma....does that count?
I dreamt that I was visiting America and went to his house, we had to go visit his grandma but when we opened the door to the house the entire world flooded, but we could all breathe underwater.

Go figure huh?

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I didn't dream about that ahahahaha. Let's see if it is in my dreams tonight eh? I am abut to go to bed so we will see what Mari dreams about!

I assume the water bill would be well into the billions, considering it sent the entire world under water.

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Ok so I had a dream last night about our RP cahracters/selves whatever

Mari was in a forest and had confessed to Alkor, he turned her down.
Then Lessa was turend down 

Lessa and Mari (me) Met up and talked about it then we went to this hot springs and had a soak and Zero and Zel were spying on us and Daeron was there but he had boobs, but also the man junk, like - picture the typical muscular/toned guy, but with d cups, that was Daeron.   D-cup Daeron.

Zero took pictures of Daeron and started selling them online and all my fans and customers from my modelling stuff went to him instead and that made me a little sad.

Also I was eating waffles

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