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Come to me if you feel your character is forever alone and you don't want that. I will not work miracles and make your character suddenly find a companion, but talking about it is always fun. So who is my first victim, I mean patient? Haha!

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Lol! Honestly, I think half the characters on this site are forever alone. I expect to see some more posts other than just you and me. I bet L will find his way over here before too long, since his character seems like he would be a loner for life.

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Hmm....*pushes imaginary glass up the bridge of his nose* Are you aiming for someone in particular? If you don't feel like sharing, you could always try giving the chosen character a 'surprise' if you are that forward. To be honest, girls have it a lot easier. As long as they aren't going for a clueless guy, all they have to do is a simple peck on the check and that should give him a hint. Then, BAM! No longer forever alone.

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Then a kiss and a confession may be necessary, but if you don't want to go that route, you could always try for holding his hand when randomly walking with him. That's a bit more on the DL, but still enough to grab his attention.

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  • 3 weeks later...

At times I, MacGrath, feel alone, usually I sit at the corner to myself when there is a celebration going on that I get invited, not everyone talked to me, even when I tried to talk to them, hence I sit alone in a corner until someone comes up to, but that's rare.

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Lol this place is fun...Kazuya, you should create a dating system or something similar(like the dating sites). Everyone will fill up forms about their characters and describe their opposed sex type what kind of relationship they want or other things like that. That would ease the job of the players in finding a good partner for their char.

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