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(OP-F2) Bored and defenseless (Complete)

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Aria was walking around the city on floor two looking in the stores, falling alseep on the benches around the city geting yelled at by people that want the game completed she would just look at them and say "then why don't you do it" give them a look. Aria walked to the safe zone limit griping the swords hilt that wasn't there her last sword was destroyed when she fell to floor one " I need a new weapon...but what I've tried rapiers, curved blades and long swords but nothing has felt right yet..." She thought to her self

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While walking around floor 2, people scared the crap from coming near me. I kept walking with my hands in my pockets. I stopped when 3 people came in front of me What do you want.. I don't want to kill you guys.. move along.. I dashed right in front of them, then dashed behind them. Meaning I just dashed forward. I kept walking till I saw Aria, I walked up to her as she was falling asleep on the bench. I pounced on her and said hi there Aria! I said with a nice smile.

A life without risks is a life half lived


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Ahahaha, yes I know you get scared so easily when sleeping, but it's fun! :P.. Eh.. Finding a new weapon..? I You don't know who you're talking to right? I laughed at Aria while sitting next to her, leaning back and closing my eyes, waiting for her to figure it out.

A life without risks is a life half lived


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Oh so you're finding a new type of weapon that could suit you..? Well.. I don't know much about any of them.. because I only use a one-handed sword.. I'm not a fan of having shields or anything.. Sorry for not being much of a help.. but I can accompany you everywhere.. just to keep you company I guess..

A life without risks is a life half lived


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I looked at her while rubbing the back of my neck just below the hair as I opened my eyes and being pulled by Aria, I replied to her and said Well.. I've never seen you fight.. well I have.. but barely.. I don't know what you like.. Besides.. I've only used a one-handed sword style.. since the beginning.. and probably till forever... And I guess.. we should do.. more things together..

A life without risks is a life half lived


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I looked at Aria then glared at the person beside her, she thought I was glaring at her, I went in front of the player and said "Why're you staring at her back-side.. Give me a good reason or I will cut your throat!" I unsheathed my sword with and clenched the hilt of my blade with my right hand, taking it right next to the left side of his neck. "I said.. TELL ME!" I yelled at the player yet again. haa? Who the hell are you!? Some rand- I slashed him and he took a nice knock-back but didn't suffer any damage "Did I not make myself clear enough? Or do we need to fight for this?" I held my sword in front of me as he walked towards the center of the town, I looked backwards towards Aria and said "I'll be back.. Give me a minute" I smiled at her as I walked towards the player who had been staring at Aria's back-side with a perverted look

I sent him a half health duel request, he was only lvl 2, while i'm lvl 15..

The timer hit 0 I stood there waiting for him and then dashed at the speed of light behind him and said "You still haven't answered my question.. oh well.. all I will say is.. look at her again.. and I will have you slain." I slashed his head through out to his back, completely destroying him. I sheathed my sword and a notification came up



The player sat there surrounded by a crowd, I walked back to the place with Aria and awaited her next response.

A life without risks is a life half lived


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"Eh.. Do you really want to know why I destroyed him..." I asked Aria with a weird look, the wind blew so violent today it was going on and on, it blew so hard that it made the buckle of my sword visible to the people of the town

A life without risks is a life half lived


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He was staring at your back-side.. or rather.. your butt.. I don't like perverted people like him looking at you.. He doesn't deserve to do what he likes just because we're in a game.. He can do what he likes as long as he doesn't look at you.. That goes for the rest of the players as well..

A life without risks is a life half lived


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I looked at Aria and thought to myself "She really doesn't like me hitting people.." I then continued on and said Yeah yeah I know but.. I don't want him looking at you with that face.. it annoys me.. I said to her while looking away

A life without risks is a life half lived


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Aria pulled rage along looking in windows going in and out of stores buying a few important things like crystals and food

then she pulled him in the a clothing store okay i'm going to look around you do the same she said walking for to look a jackets and other clothes

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As I was being dragged by Aria, I got back up in my normal stance and started walking beside her until she pulled me in a clothing store and then said "I'm going to look around you do the same" I followed her orders and started scouting for some clothes to wear

"Man.. this is such a drag.."

A life without risks is a life half lived


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