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Weapon Skill

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So yeah,I wanna talk about this one.


How about we add weapon skill to our RP because SAO won't be SAO without it.


We'll divide the skill according to rank. For example (taken from wiki):


One Handed Sword Skill: Slant will add 1 damage when use. This skill can be use when that person have rank 1 in sword,

One Handed Sword Skill: Vertical Arc will add 2 damage when used. This skill can be use when that person have rank 2 in sword.


And the list goes on. Now it may seems to be a little...OP for the added damage. Which is way after using the skill, that person will enter a     <<Post Motion>> state. During that turn,the person is vulnerable to attacks (much like paralyze). How long they will be in that state depends on on the rank of the skill. Example: 


Rank 1 skill will have 1 turn <<Post Motion>> state.

Rank 2 skill will have 2 turn <<Post Motion >> state.


Also,to prevent skill from being abuse,they will have cooling period. This will prevent them from being used right after the player finish their <<Post Motion>> state. For example:


Rank 1 skill: 4 turn

Rank 2: 7 turn

Rank 3: 9

Rank 4: 10

Rank 5: 11


This can be apply to monster and boss. To reduce the post motion state period,maybe add a skill that can reduce it. Using rank 5 skill and have 5 turn state could be deadly x.x


Example of the battle would be:


Me: Base stat damage 1+3 from weapon+1 from weapon mastery. Then I use rank 1 skill to add 1 more damage. Total damage = 6

Mobs: 1 damage

Me: post motion (paralyze)

Mobs: 1 damage

Me attack again

Mobs: 1 damage

Me: attack again

Mobs: 1 damage

Me: skill cooling period complete,able to use skill again


Like that...yeah...


For the skill,it's up to the player to determine it. They can create their own skill. For number of skill they can have, it will be like this.


Rank 1: 3 skill

Rank 2: 2 skill

Rank 3,4,5: 1 skill


This is to ensure that players can use other skill so that they won't have to wait longer to use their skill (for the exception of rank 3,4,5)


With that,I finish my explanation (rant). So what do you guys think? Share your opinions.




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Hey! I just though about this today.


The skill system is not balance yet. For example why should i waste skill slot for sprint if I can take rank 5 evasion?

So I know they are stile working on it and the skill system need some edit and etc...


But I want sword skills! I mean, not been able to make my sword glow is really missing for me as a SAO fan.



So I though about that hate skills. there is 3 hate skills that seems to me like a little waste and basically do the same.

They generating a different amount of hate each other, but why to take this if I can take other skills like rank 5 damage to my sword right?

And more then that, it's feel like every hate skill should be more unique.


So, why not combine the glowing sword skills with the hate skills? You will make damage skill that will create some amount of hate.

Its stile not feel quite right because I think we do need skills that make hate only (so players like Kirito can use the hate skill to hold the boss while the other use different glowing skills) but its a start.


Pay attention Yuji that using a skill then wait a turn is kind of suck, and wont be worth of using the skill most of the time.

The monsters could have more health  or something else ( I don't think it's really op, don't forget we are only on floor 10, It's should be easy for high level players. In f 20 fighting mobs that deal 10 damage per hit sound more deadly)

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For the Sprint thing, there is no evasion skill, only a gear enhancement capped at +2. That was just a guide being badly written. So Sprint is the only way to decrease mob dice in skills. The Evasion there was just describing, the same way Blocking is not an actual skill, but just using damage mitigation to block an attack so already is inherently there.

We will be looking into Sword Skills beyond a RP material to make it interesting basis, but right now fixing the site and renweing parts of the site are at the highest priority. It will be dealt with in the future though, don't worry!

There are just more pressing issues at hand, like the revamping of Performer, fixing some quests etc. and rewriting guides.

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No worries,I'm just giving my opinion. I know there are many issues that need to be solve (guides,skill,-cough dice cough-) due to this site being transfer. That and I want to see the communities opinion regarding this matter. For now sword skills are just a way to make your story more interesting~

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Yeah, there is a lot being done to the site, of which I'm not sure how much of I can say that hasn't been said publically. The Feedback is always good though, its how a site improves!


For the dice honestly, there is feedback for Cindel's dice in its own thread and unless someone appears with IPB code/module to ingrain a perma roller into the current forum (since both the old system we can no longer use and embedded rolls are exploitable), there isn't much we can do about it right now. It feels like a workaround, but that's simply how it is.


But don't worry sword skills will be dealt with! It's just that its not something vital to do, so is currently being left for now in favour of more pressing issues at hand.


I personally think attacks should be double damage/more or come with different skills with inherent buffs, say a sword skill with much higher accuracy or one that paralyses. Then of course along with the Post Motion state if we add that, there is the general cooldown of using a sword skill, so it would take so many of your own combat turns before you can use it again.


I would agree to it tied to being to your weapon skill level, but then we have to consider that those skills already have their own dmg buffs for each rank. As such I would say rather than inherently getting them for each rank, you can learn skills and there is a minimum rank you must be to be able to use that Sword skill, or multiple requirements such as X evasion (so Sprint and enhancement buffs) for a speed related one or X Hiding for more sneaky ones.


I'm not holding my breath, but I'm interested to see what comes around with it.

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Hey Tristan Delaney, I got feeling for mechanics, you guys can just upload it here and the community will add a great ideas and do a lot of job about it.

about the evasion skill, please look at what Cindel wrote to me here



Evasion makes you harder to hit, forcing your opponent to incur penalties on their attack rolls.  Unlike parry evasion does have ranks. Other skills like sprint also give 1 point of evasion. Evasion is a fully passive skill and doesn't require you to do anything special.





From what I understood, Evasion got ranks and you can up to it, maybe I misunderstood?


BTW there isn't any accuracy skill yet, so active that give accuracy sound great!

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To be clear, an active skill is one you activate, like <<Concentrate>> from the Gemini quest which gives you +1 for BD for one turn and has a 5 turn cooldown. Do you mean skills like that?

You misunderstood her there. What she meant was that Evasion on a whole can go up, the same way damage mitigation can or such. What she meant was that Sprint is a way to add 1 point of evasion, the other unmentioned way being through crafted enhancements. Her context was that Evasion, like Damage Mitigation is a passive stat and not an active skill like Parry, which requires a combat turn.

If you look in the Skill systems guide, you will also notice that the Evasion part is crossed out because it is just simply badly worded.

To put it into perspective, I'll borrow Alkor. His character through Sprint and evasion +2 gear means only rolls 9 or above will actually HIT him and he can never be crit'd, unless it is a special monster that ignores negative bonuses.
Now imagine Evasion was a separate skill he can build. With just two ranks of that, it would he feasibly impossible to hit him. That is universe destroying OP.

That make it clearer for you? :)
Keep in mind the skills and guides for them are currently being renovated and worked on, so are subject to change.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey i dont mean to necro... but Us two hand weapon users should get a buff or something...


 1 hand users get a shield that gives 5 free blocking (thats like 5 evasion) without gear alone. if your two hand you cant do that. This set up completely encourages people to never use 2 hand. Can we get like a small damage buff or something.


Think about it. Why should sword and shield hit as hard as Sword and board. if the gear is the same level and grade?


That or you should allow two hand uses to also be able to block without a shield. 

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