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If your character had a theme song, what would it be. And if you can think more than one that would suit your character, put that down as well.

My Character theme song would be Guilty All The Same by Linkin Park, A Line In The Sand by Linkin Park and probably Until It's Gone by Linkin Park. There could be more, just don't know yet.

And if you like too, and it's optional, put a link of the song, but that's optional,

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Well, I already know that you've read my journal. My guy is partially insane, but he doesn't really want to be. Half the time he is afraid of himself, but won't let that get in the way of him being calm and collected.(most of the time) I think Unravel is a fitting song for Kazuya. It seems to fit pretty well with his whole insanity thing.


Also, we have to have a battle theme, right? I can't forget about when he goes all Hellfyre and bad*ss.


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  • This would be his main theme which fits best with the SAO world:
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNnLK5FFBDg


This one is a Sad Theme(when he's down):


  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCv1S7QQJ-U



This one is the "Sh*t Just got real" theme when he's pissed off:




Apparently the forum doesn't let me post more than 2 videos and that is why the last one is a link.

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I'm going to use this thread to create Snow's OST. I'll start with her first track and theme. Please note, the title I link is generated by me, but the original composer and title will be in the youtube video, or soundcloud bit.

Here we go:

[Track 1] "For those who can no longer fight" - (Snow's Resolve)
[Track 4] "A warmth beats in the cold" - (Love Theme)
[Track 5] "Insurmountable Odds" - (Boss Battle)

[Track 10] "No More Chances" - (Sorrow)
[Tack 12] "The Puppeteer Revealed"

Edited by Snow
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