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[SP-F9] Enter the pit of flames!

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The flames that danced across the orange lakes seemed restless today. More volatile, ones senses are rudely assaulted with bursts and pops as the lava leaves openings for fire to escape. Raidou trekked softly across the brimstone pavement.




Raidou's footwear is audible on the solid surface. The heat is overbearing here, and the danger is very real. Floor 9 is still relatively new, but Raidou has already been here numerous times before. Between the salamanders, the malachite golem, and the loss that was the failed raid on this floor. Raidou was eager to press on, skimming the lava's edge he stumbles on some burning roots. With a lean down Raidou quickly rips it up with his protected left hand. Placing the herb in his apothecary satchel to keep it from burning his hands.


LD: 15


Obtained: Burning-Root

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Raidou scans the remaining batch of burning roots, they all seem to be to young to be of use. Raidou gets up, and wipes some soot from his hand and his knees. Continuing onward aimlessly, as par his usual methods. The path seems to be cluttered with fire creatures, The red wanderer begins to draw his weapon to reap these monsters. Coming to a flaming serpent, Raidou rips his weapon to his left side scratching up the plates on his left arm creating sparks, crossing his arms and preparing to cut horizontally from left to right with his right arm. The monster leaves no room for this swing, and Raidou is forced to jump back and attempt a parry. With a quick rotation...


LD: 6

BD: 6+2=8



The Mass Parry connects with the monster...




Damage Trade:

Raidou » Salamander: 4*½=2 Damage Dealt

Salamander » Raidou: 3*½=1.5 Rounded up= 2-4 Mitigation= 0 Damage Dealt


The monster is thrown asunder, from the impact. Raidou holds his ground with ease, completing his quick left pivot and letting The Black Star do most of the work as he is use to such momentum. Soot is kicked up in all directions as the impact forces air outward rapidly.





HP: 45/45

Damage: 4

Damage Mitigation: 4

Lifesteal: +2 HP on 8-10 Base Battle Dice

Accuracy: +2 Battle Dice

Hate Generated: +3 per successful attack, +2 on a failed attack, +4 on a critical hit


Flame Salamander:

HP: 21/23

Damage: 3

Burn Damage: 2 per post over 2 posts on 9-10

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Raidou dashes forward, chasing down the enemy as it bounces. Grinding to a halt the enemy quickly spins up and rears its fangs at Raidou in a grim smile. Suddenly the jaws open and take aim at Raidou, who responds mid slide with a pivot.


BD: 8+2

EBD: 8

LD: 1


The beast's attack aim is true, Raidou is forced to parry. Ash is kicked up, as Raidou rotates while sliding. A quick left turn followed up with the one ton terror of a weapon lashes into the creatures attack skill. Metal meets bone as the beast is knocked down for a second time, cracking the brimstone a bit. Raidou takes quick caution and leaps back to avoid the molten rock.


Damage Trade:

Raidou » Salamander: 4*½=2 Damage Dealt

Salamander » Raidou: 3*½=1.5 Rounded up= 2-4 Mitigation= 0 Damage Dealt



HP: 45/45

Damage: 4

Damage Mitigation: 4

Lifesteal: +2 HP on 8-10 Base Battle Dice

Accuracy: +2 Battle Dice

Hate Generated: +3 per successful attack, +2 on a failed attack, +4 on a critical hit

Hate: 6


Flame Salamander:

HP: 19/23

Damage: 3

Burn Damage: 2 per post over 2 posts on 9-10

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Raidou stands idle, as the monster submerges in the pit of fire. Familiar with the tactic, the beast means to wait for an opening to strike from under the lake of fire. The battle goes silent, as each piece stands its ground on the board. Raidou stands still, with his weapon drawn out like an arrow on a bow. Raidou's left arm points outward, following the length of the blade as his right arm keeps the blade docked high edge pointing in unison with his left. A small red fin is seen, breaking the flat surface of the orange sea. Raidou tracks its movement with his eyes, the fin moving left and right around the lava...


BD: 1+2

EBD: 3

LD: 20



Damage Trade:

Raidou » Salamander: Null

Salamander » Raidou: Null



HP: 45/45

Damage: 4

Damage Mitigation: 4

Lifesteal: +2 HP on 8-10 Base Battle Dice

Accuracy: +2 Battle Dice

Hate Generated: +3 per successful attack, +2 on a failed attack, +4 on a critical hit

Hate: 6


Flame Salamander:

HP: 19/23

Damage: 3

Burn Damage: 2 per post over 2 posts on 9-10

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Raidou is forced to just watch, as the beast circles him from the body of heat. Raidou begins to speak, hoping that shouting at it might make the system draw it out. "Get out here beast, your the first one I've ever seen to show fear!". The monster seems unphased. A bit more ground gives way as Raidou is forced to jump to another space of solid ground behind him, landing firmly with a *Thud* Raidou quickly drags the blade up his Swordsman Bracer, causing sparks as the blade ascends the plates of metal. 


BD: 1+2

EBD: 5

LD: 20



Damage Trade:

Raidou » Salamander: Null

Salamander » Raidou: Null



HP: 45/45

Damage: 4

Damage Mitigation: 4

Lifesteal: +2 HP on 8-10 Base Battle Dice

Accuracy: +2 Battle Dice

Hate Generated: +3 per successful attack, +2 on a failed attack, +4 on a critical hit

Hate: 6


Flame Salamander:

HP: 19/23

Damage: 3

Burn Damage: 2 per post over 2 posts on 9-10

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Suddenly, in attempt to take advantage of Raidou's re-position the serpent pops from the surface of orange. Raidou sees this coming with ease, expecting this all along. With a quick jump back, the monster fumbles as it body slams empty space. Raidou quickly kicks the flat side of his blade, arcing it overhead...


BD: 9+2 Critical!

EBD: 4

LD: 9



Raidou quickly cleaves downward, crushing the creature between the blade and stone. A large red gash is left as Raidou disengages and jumps back, not about to leave an opening for the creature to exploit.


Damage Trade:

Raidou » Salamander: 4+1= 5 Damage Dealt Critical!

Salamander » Raidou: Null



HP: 45/45

Damage: 4

Damage Mitigation: 4

Lifesteal: +2 HP on 8-10 Base Battle Dice

Accuracy: +2 Battle Dice

Hate Generated: +3 per successful attack, +2 on a failed attack, +4 on a critical hit

Hate: 6


Flame Salamander:

HP: 14/23

Damage: 3

Burn Damage: 2 per post over 2 posts on 9-10

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