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[F-6]Gladiolus Checkpoint- Selling crafting attempts, Bonus Craft EXP, and other buffs (close)

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"That sounds awesome!" Arekkusu said. "Pm me when it is going to start, I'll make sure to attend. Would it just be us or can we get more help?"


Arekkusu looked at his time, but he didn't care. He loves to kill monsters, even when he got nothing out of it. He then unsheathed his sword with excitement, he was like a little kid again.

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2890 10+1


Rei had enough enegry to make 1 more dish... she did not know how well it would go but she hope it would be tasty for everyone. And it was a success YAY


Item: Gladious VD 1.5

Type: Consumable
Quality: rare
Shop: Gladolus Checkpoint

Enhancements: [Vitamin]

Description: 2 LD

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Zelrius came to the checkpoint looking to purchase something that most people didn't purchase from anywhere, let alone Cooking shops. But Zelrius was after the basis of the best gear around, the bulding blocks of Survival: Matriels. He asked Unyielding how much she was charging for a mat and came to the resaonble price at 500 Col Per a Mat

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Hands over axe to Rin


»Item:Raging Fury (2H axe)


Mob drop:Breaking in the Game

Enchantment:+1 Damage

Description: This axe was forged by a blacksmith who was mad at the world. The reason he was mad was trivial... but never the less he was mad... His trivial anger was absorbed into this weapon


Take good care of it
it was my first item


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Jun walked into the store, it was pretty cosy and warm, quite different from the other NPC run Inns. He sat down next at one of the tables and waved to what he thought was the owner of the place, "Hi there, can I grab something to eat, I'm pretty hungry." He got up and thought about what she had. He wanted something that could improve his luck with his crafts, not that he could do anything about it at the moment anyways.

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Unyie noticed somebody sitting at the table and rushed out from the kitchen. 

"Greetings Fallen-sama thank you for visiting my establishment, As a blacksmith can i recommend something with Crafting die bonus. I understand alot of players have been asking for Gear lately, for the right price i can cook you up something that can tip the scales of your luck." She pulled out a menu circling the item she was referring too



[Gladiolus Lunchbox][3][1] Adds +1 to CD for the duration of the crafting day.

uncommon 400 col or 4 mats
rare 700 col or 7 mats
perfect 1000 or 10 mats

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Jun smiled, "Hey Yield, so you own this place huh. It's nice, good job on this place." She offered him some food that would do exactly what he hoped, change his luck. It wouldn't change it by much but it would still be better than nothing. A little window popped up that stated the item Yield was talking about, it gave him a little extra luck. He closed the window and looked up at Unyielding, "This will be perfect, is this the only type of this item you have? I have some money coming in soon so I can probably buy most types of items."

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Jun gave a quick look over the list, he spotted the herbs which seemed like something he could use because despite what he sometimes thought, he was actually pretty prone to missing the target. Jun again looked at Unyielding, "Can I grab one with herbs in it and maybe a separate one with the essential nutrients buff as well. Can I get a pricing on that, I might not have enough."

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