Rintaro 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #41 Share Posted November 24, 2014 The movement of the whetstone stopped and Rin looked up, black hair, piercing ice blue eyes. "You all do realise that this one has literally thought about killing, and that's it?" He said with no emotion,looking round the assembled people. "I'd say taking the sword off him and a good sleep is what Tyrius here really needs, not exchanging blood." Link to post Share on other sites
Arekkusu Sepera 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #42 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Arekkusu put his face on his face once again. This time he aimed for the nose, which actually did hurt him enough for him to release the hand. "Whatever you heard about blood being literally exchanged, you are wrong." Arekkusu said. He then turned to the new player. "I'm sorry this is what you have to see as your first venture, I can assure it isn't common to see this happen while you are still new." Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 24, 2014 #43 Share Posted November 24, 2014 "I agree... you see people go crazy and kill others... but rarely do you see people have a desire to kill others... then want to die them selves. If you ask me, I think it is weird and scarier then a PKer themselves." she added, despite it being her opponion. At least you know that the pker will attack you... nots not random like with this kid. She then turn to the sempai, "Do you lose hp for slapping your face like that lolz" Link to post Share on other sites
Arekkusu Sepera 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #44 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Arekkusu laughed a little bit. He knew his answer would trigger a slap, not to him, but still a slap would be triggered. "I think not." Arekkusu said. "I think you take damage via weapons, not hands. Now don't smack anyone now Unyie-Chan." Link to post Share on other sites
Rintaro 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #45 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Rin nodded. This one - Arekkusu - made the most sense of them all, he wasn't leaking water or talking in binary.. This world was indeed strange. He continued sharpening his blade, listening in as Arekkusu said slaps couldn't hurt. "Indeed, I heard they hurt but won't let your HP drop unless you have <<Martial Arts>>." Rin added. Link to post Share on other sites
Tyrius 0 Posted November 24, 2014 Author #46 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Tyrius laughed for a few moments at Arekkusu telling him to build trust, and when Unyielding said he was seeking attention and that, from his understanding, she was considering killing him. "Arekkusu," Tyrius said, "I just broke down, and cried a bit, okay? So now there is a big a** crowd here, and that does make me look like an attention seeker. But, as to insulting you, Unyielding, I don't recall that I did. All I said was that you had bothered me before." Tyrius was actually sick of the attention, because he was not a people person. Knowing that things would probably go downhill if he kept talking, he started to take steps backwards, distancing himself from the crowd step by step. Link to post Share on other sites
Arekkusu Sepera 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #47 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Arekkusu looked at Tyrius as he was beginning to pace himself back. Arekkusu knew he was broken right now, and RIn was correct. He needs to get a good nights sleep and some time alone to help himself. The insanity pulling on players was starting to take effect, who knows how long it would be before everyone starts to lose their minds? Arekkusu didn't say anything, he just stared. Link to post Share on other sites
Epyon 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #48 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Epyon surveyed the crowd. There didn't appear to be any imminent danger, however Tyrius did still seem distraught. Having been in similar situations IRL, Epyon knew that telling Tyrius what he should and shouldn't do wasn't the answer. In these kinds of situations, is better to be a friend then a boss or parent. As much as he didn't like social situations, here was some one who might need his help, or might not, best let him decide. "Hey, Tyrius, what do you want to do?" He called to him. Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 24, 2014 #49 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Rei put her hands on her hips and leaned towards the kid who was upset, "when you said I was scared I when you broke down and was swinging your sword, I considered that an insult especially when I was trying to help you out." The she blew a raspberry at before turning around, "why would I be scared of someone who's has inferior gear." Link to post Share on other sites
Arekkusu Sepera 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #50 Share Posted November 24, 2014 "All right Unyie-chan that is enough!" Arekkusu ordered. "If you don't stop talking you are going to cause a fight and kill someone, he wasn't trying to insult you so don't insult him back. As for you Tyrius-San... be careful and it's probably best you and Unyie-Chan here don't speak to each other." Arekkusu held his blade in front of Unyie to make sure she doesn't go any further towards Tyrius. He wasn't going to start a fight and he was most certainly not going to increase tension among them all. Link to post Share on other sites
Tyrius 0 Posted November 24, 2014 Author #51 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Tyrius smiled at Unyielding's comment about gear and said, "Yeah, I guess you are right about the gear. I haven't upgraded or replaced my sword yet, and I have no armor." To Arekkusu, he said, "Yeah, me and her obviously don't get along." Then, looking at Epyon, he said something that surprised himself, "Well, if I ever feel the urge to hurt someone, hell, if I feel the urge to kill them, I just might. Let's just see how far I make it doing things I would rather not." Link to post Share on other sites
Epyon 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #52 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Epyon smiled as he turned to head out into the wilderness. "That's the best way to do it." He said before turning away. He took his first steps toward whatever fate, or the game, might bring him. Link to post Share on other sites
Rintaro 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #53 Share Posted November 24, 2014 You could feel the change in the aura emanating from Rin. His eyes narrowed as a sword was levelled at Unyielding, who in his eyes had done nothing wrong. On top of this Tyrius had admitted he would kill in cold blood. In a commanding voice coated in venom Rin warned them. "You. Arekkusu. I'd HIGHLY recommend taking Tyrius home, before you piss me off." He sheathed his scimitar across his back, readying his hands and standing. To his advantage he was trained in Martial Arts IRL and it seemed the boy had forgotten you can't do damage with a sword in a safe zone. But you could still throw or restrain a person... Link to post Share on other sites
Arekkusu Sepera 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #54 Share Posted November 24, 2014 "I personally don't care who I piss off with my actions." Arekkusu said. " I won't allow any players to get hurt, and to start war won't make things any better. I'm getting so sick and so tired of all of this and I'm really just about ready to let it happen!" Arekkusu then began to let his anger grow. He kept his sword as a border between both players, but no border in the world could stop him from growing mad. Arekkusu just wanted to get out with no players harmed in the process, but things are getting way too difficult. At this point, he didn't care what happened now, his eyes were covered by shade and he is just standing there. No effort being put into the real world now, he is currently lost. He doesn't know what to do anymore, the trouble of being split. Arekkusu was no longer there. His darkness is controlling him, he now is no longer in existance at this point. Arekkusu wasn't a teacher, a peacemaker, a pacifer, none of that. But he is now real to lose it. "But now you are just starting to threaten me." Arekkusu said. "If you seriously think I'm a problem, why don't you send me a total loss duel request and you can try to wipe me out of the equation." (OOC: Careful, you probably don't want to do that.) Link to post Share on other sites
Tyrius 0 Posted November 24, 2014 Author #55 Share Posted November 24, 2014 "Oooooh!" said Tyrius, "things are heatin' up real quick." Deciding that if there was gonna be a duel, Tyrius wanted to watch. Looking at Rintaro, Tyrius assessed his appearance and figured that he was no higher level than five, while he KNEW that Arekkusu was at least level seven. Tyrius was standing a distance away, eager to see some action, but still wanting to avoid the others because of what had happened previously. Link to post Share on other sites
Rintaro 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #56 Share Posted November 24, 2014 (OOC sorry my character can't understand what you must be feeling..) Rin let the guy have his spiel, listening closely to what was being said. Saying he won't allow players to be hurt and instantly asking for a duel to the death didn't sit right with him. Seemed to him Arekkusu was as unstable as the other male. "Birds of a feather flock together I guess. It seems you're the real threat to be dealt with here.." he raised his hand to send a duel request. Link to post Share on other sites
Ethereal 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #57 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Ether stepped out of his shop, turning away after locking the door. Surprised out of his wits, he saw what looked to be a duel about to start. One of the potential duelists had his back to Eth, so Ethereal stepped in and pulled the man around to face him. In a glace he saw two things - that the duel was a total loss duel. That and it was Rin as one of the contenders. "RIN?!" he exclaimed. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Ether shouted, physically lifting the player above his head. Turning to the rest of the people present, he spotted the next most battle-ready individual. "IF YOU WANNA DUEL, I'LL GIVE YOU THE LAST ONE YOU WILL EVER HAVE, SON!" Link to post Share on other sites
Arekkusu Sepera 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #58 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Arekkusu was then snapped to his original state, then he realized what he had done. Now he knew the biggest mistake he had made is the one that his other brought him into. The man wasn't too happy with him either, all because Arekkusu stupidly let his anger get the better of him. Arekkusu then dropped his blade and shield, realizing that all of this could've been prevented. What does he do next? Is there anything he can do? Arekkusus body released the anger inside, which took for of black smoke, which then left his body. "Damn it damn it damn it!" Arekkusu exclaimed. "Why do I have to be so stupid!?" Link to post Share on other sites
Tyrius 0 Posted November 24, 2014 Author #59 Share Posted November 24, 2014 "Well," Tyrius said in amusement at Rintaro being lifted up, "we can't have a duel with him in the air, now can we?" Tyrius laughed a bit at the whole situation before turning to Arekkusu and saying with a straight face, "Hey, you started it man, let's see it through." Tyrius walked over to Arekkusu and picked up his sword and shield, gesturing for him to take them back. Link to post Share on other sites
Rintaro 0 Posted November 24, 2014 #60 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Rin looked down, bewildered at his best friend's face. "Christ, Eth. You were the last person I expected to see. Fancy putting me down now?"he asked politely. "I thought you were out of town?!" he asked with more forcefulness. Link to post Share on other sites
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