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(OP-F1) Choosing the Darker Path (Completed, Please Lock)

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(OOC: I would like a Player Killer or someone who has killed another player for this one, but I'm okay with other normal players too.)


Tyrius had been following the group of level one players for a while, and was eager to satiate his blood-lust because the horrific killing urge had started up again. They had set up a camp in the middle of the woods, and Tyrius was watching them from about fifty meters away, planning on how he could kill them when they went to sleep. Licking his lips, he thought, I could wait until they start watches and drag the one on watch into the woods and end him. But then I would have to drag the one of the others out of their tents without waking their friends.

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I touched my hand to the pendant stringed around my neck. Without any weapons to be seen on me, I looked like easy prey. Like just another low level stumbling through the woods aimlessly. It was true that I was kind of lost but that didn't bother me too much. For now, I wanted to distract myself and maybe kill a few boars while I was at it. All it took was a dagger or two for me to end them, I practically killed the boars for the fun of it. I looked up from my neck and saw another player following a group, most likely a Pker. With a grin I snuck up behind him and tapped him sharply on the shoulder. Heh, I don't remember hearing anyone near me...In the dark I looked pretty scary, with two colors in my hair and all. But the fact still remained that I also was a girl that looked harmless.

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Tyrius nearly jumped out of his skin when the girl tapped on his shoulder, and had to bite down on his cheek to prevent himself from screaming. Turning towards her and drawing his sword as silently as possible, he whispered in a very serious voice, "If you are here to stop me, I suggest that you don't." As he spoke, he assessed her appearance, torn between thinking that she was A)Sweet and innocent, or B)A higher level player in disguise. Tyrius looked back at the other players, and was relieved to see that he had not been noticed.

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It's dangerous to play with sharp objects young man. I nodded my head at his sword and laughed just a little. And what would I be stopping you from? If you are going to kill them that is your choice, I'll spectate I guess. I said in a full voice, but not load enough to disturb the other players. Besides, they were far enough to not hear us. The boy seemed to be troubled in a way, just a little bit paranoid. But other than that he unsuccessfully scared me.  

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Celes had been with a group of lower levels. She blended in well, considering her armour was merely a reinforced cloth shirt. She had gone on patrol as the others set up camp. It was because of her new guild rank that she was with these players, she wanted to help foster the lower leveled players, as Tristan and zero had aided her.

As she walked she head some voices near the south of the camp. She walked over to see tyrius and Kiru, talking. She went to greet tyrius happily, they had adventured before and shared moments when they were both lower leveled. She tiptoed over and whispered " hey, what are we doing in these bushes?"

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Tyrius reacted to Celes showing up a lot better than when Kiru showed up, and lied calmly, "I was just watching the lower levels here, sort of assessing them without them knowing." He turned toward Kiru and made a gesture out of sight of Celes, so that Kiru would know to just run with his lie.

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Celes watched tyrius cautiously. He had been nice the first few times, but she was sure he was a trickster. She smiled at tyrius and bowed to Kiru. " hello I am Celes" she faced them both " what's up? Why asses lower level players? Didn't you realize I was traveling with them?"

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Tyrius didn't like how Celes was questioning him, and felt concerned with the look she gave him. To answer her question, he told a partial truth, "Well Celes, I didn't see you there, though I wish I had, so we could have met earlier. But yeah, as to assessing, I just wanted to see how they will do, seeing as they are camping outside the safety zone in the woods." Nodding to Kiru, who's name he still didn't know, he said to Celes, "This is my friend Kerry, and she's just sort of watching with me. You could say that she's spectating." Looking at Celes, he wanted to tell her how he had changed, but knew she would not trust him.


Tyrius wished that Celes hadn't been here, but knew that he couldn't control that. He had to find a way to get her to leave.

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I turned around with a grin on my face, a hand on my waist at the ready. I had known she was behind us the whole time. The moment I tapped the kid on the shoulder I saw one less light flicker from the group, making it obvious that she was no longer part of it, probably watching us. 


The little speech the boy made- whose name I still didn't know, wasn't a very persuasive one. Spectating? Honestly...I hope that you think she's dumb enough to believe that one. I thought, not even caring if she found out about me watching with him. I could easily explain that I hit him with a dagger, that he was the suspicious one. Being me, I only focused on how bad me was at convincing a lie. 


Hey. I nodded to Celes and glared at her with my icy eyes. She looked strong, I looked at her attire and her facial expression. Easing my icy stare, I began my performance. He's just embarrassed! Oh he's so silly, he wanted me to teach him what not to do in the forest, especially outside a safe zone. Since I'm a level thirty five he wanted to get some strategy tips too. I exclaimed, copying the same girly movements I had seen once by an old classmate. I poked the young man next to me in the rib and ruffled his hair. No need to be shy, you'll find your life to be easiest if you tell the truth! I made myself look my age, instead of scowling and insulting the girl; I knew she was strong somehow. It wouldn't be wise to pick a fight with her now anyways, it was dark and I couldn't see so well. 

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Tyrius blushed, but that was a bit difficult to see in the night. He decided that he would run with Kiru's lie. But he was blushing because he felt like the second half about telling the truth was directed towards him and was not just an act. Looking down, he whispered, "Yeah..."

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Celes looked at them both for a moment, flabbergasted. "Of all the dumb*** excuses you could come up with tips and tricks? Really? Tyrius what are you up to this time? Last time it was stealing and now? What were you. Going to steal from them? Attack lower players to survive? You're better than that! You aren't a bottom feeder. And you Kiru, I remember you from my shop. 'Kerry?' Really? No one. Is that bad with names."

She began to laugh, making sure to be loud enough for the lower level players to hear, "hiding in the bushes! No way is that goin to work for you, you need to be stealthier. Or maybe just be strong enough that you won't need to prey on the weak to survive, what is the point of that?" She gave them both a pointed look. As she had been talking she had slowly positioned herself between the two. " so what now? " she said, noticing the lower level players beginning to pack up their camp. She had been scouting for them, and they new if she made a fuss it would be best to leave.

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Tyrius swore in anger and stared past Celes, figuring that the truth may as well be told. "Alright!" he yelled, "Fine! I was going to... hurt... them. And I AM sorry that I lied, I just wanted you to leave so that you wouldn't have to see it." Tyrius looked away, scared to see her expression. "I-I've changed since we last met, okay? I feel... broken. But I wouldn't hurt you, and I won't hurt you. Don't be angry, just understand that I am not the same." Looking at Kiru, whose name he had just learned, he said, "Could have told me you're name beforehand."

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I narrowed my eyes when she figured everything out in a matter of seconds. Either she was an amazing guesser or her deductive skills were very high. I heard the movement to the left of me, signaling that the group was leaving the camp. I sighed, giving up on going after them, totally bored with this situation. The only thing that kept me here was this girl, was different. I did tell the truth you know. I am actually a level thirty five, I did teach him a lesson by throwing a dagger at him, and he was embarrassed to speak, could you not tell? I said to the girl, who was reminding me of Tristan. 


Pathetic, you couldn't even finish the job. I thought after he spoke to the girl. Obviously he wouldn't be able to control himself if he did actually "kill" someone. Most likely he would have a serious case of blood lust then get carried away, almost inviting himself to his grave. You could have told me you name too. Also, you could have told me where the town was. Technically, this is all on you my friend. I kept my glare on the girl, whose name I had already forgotten. A spark flew in my mind, I remembered that this girl sold me the hair potion...

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"Tyrius, what's going on, why have you changed. And Kiru, im surprised, I know you are a high level player, I can see that, but you don't look like much o da teacher. Or am I wrong? He was embarrassed to speak, sure, but I remember him, he made a stupid decision last time I met him, too. Here's a thought, why not teach both of us? I am lower level too..." She finished, giving Kiru a sly grin. She wasn't sure she believed them and... Something was off about tyrius, he seemed... So different, confused? She wasn't sure but she wanted to find out.

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Tyrius was distraught. This girl in front of him, she was almost his friend, and had lied to her several times now. Cursing his previous actions, he just wanted Celes to go. But then she said something about teaching her too, and Tyrius was thrown for a loop. Tyrius looked at the leaving lower-levels and made the decision to abandon these two and go for the kill anyways. Before he did start running at the other players, Tyrius looked at Celes and said, "Please, please forgive me." As he started to run, he drew his sword.


This was his chance, this was it. He could finally know what it was like to kill another player.

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Celes felt him move before he began to move. She knew something was wrong, that's why she had told them to leave, but this was unexpected. She flashed in front of tyrius (2506, bd 6+1 ACC) and shopped short if his chest with her spear. "I don't want to hurt you, I really don't, but I will protect them, as is my responsibility. What are you doing, tyrius? Why this?"

She looked back at Kiru, as if daring her to interfere, but she realized Kiru seemed almost like a spectator....

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Liam walked carefully across the cobblestone path. He could shake the sense of nostalgia. He knew exactly were to go. He smiled to himself and thought highly of his sense of direction. He soon realized that the person before him knew the way. He looked to his side and saw a man sitting there. "Hello son," The scary gentleman said,"My name is... I can't remember.' Liam stay focused on him until he heard the clang of iron. He turned to see but, he looked back and the man was gone. He ran downhill and saw two people fight. One he didn't know and other he somehow knew. He hissed in angry,"Celesmah!"

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Liam frowned," I'm sorry, I don't know you... please forgive me." He placed his hand on his great axes and took a step back. Liam looked to his left, and saw the man again. He looked at him asked,"Who is that?"

The man looked down at him and said," Don't know but, don't engage... I remember....she is highly hostile... weapon happy... always ready to kill."

Liam released his hand from his weapon and he walked into the bushes. He hide from prying eyes. The Dark man order to him to find a man named Kazuya.

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I don't think you need me to teach you anything. Actually I think it would benefit if we both taught him. We both know that you don't need me. I said, smiling at Celesmeh. Perhaps we could start by you introducing us to your friends? 


The young man beside me, who Celes called Tyrius, was now talking apologetically. I could tell something was going to happen. It was exciting to watch the young man run off to go kill her friends, with just a simple sorry at that. He must have been crazy to think that she wouldn't do something about it though. As I suspected, Celes ran in front of him and pointed her spear at him. Another man also showed up out of nowhere. He had some disregard for Celes, tension too but I couldn't figure out what. It was raising my suspicion of Celes now. 


I sighed when I heard Celes voice, she didn't want him to become a PK'er. I didn't know why but I stepped up to them both and looked directly at Tyrius. Tyrius, if you really want to get out anger or something like that you can use me for target practice. Don't worry, it won't hurt very much. 

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