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[MB-F4] Frosty The Warlord

Guest Aurora

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Aurora stood in the same spot she had stood in for a while. Taking a look at the roster of names that had signed up, she nodded. This was the first sign of life she had really given since everyone had signed up. Packing up the list and equipping some normal travelling gear, she now stood before all of the players. Turning to look around her to try to make eye contact with everyone near her to a certain extent.


"Everyone, listen up. I have some news regarding the boss that you are all about to face. The information is limited, but should be good enough to do the trick to get the upper hand." she says as she sends everyone a private message that is on the roster, though they don't have her on their friend's list.



Boss Name - Frosty The Warlord

Health - 200


Boss Abilities -


-- On Natural 9 or 10, Freezes Opponent For 1 Turn (No action may be taken on Frozen Turn)

-- +2 Accuracy (+2 CD For Boss)


She then stopped any commotion she was doing and then only said one more thing before leaving the group to be left alone. "I'll be back in 5 days so that you can do some planning and get any last minute items. If you are not here to be led to the boss, then have fun staying in town because I'm the key to get to the area. Until then, don't die." She said with ice cold words and then she walked away leaving the group to tend to themselves with the boss plans.

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Cles looked at aurora and at her stash of crystals, this was bound to be a tough battle, so she took stock and thought about what to make. Five days, enough to probably make four items Of perfect quality, if she was careful. She walked along to the NPC and sat down, waiting for others to arrive. She had some talents, she was sure, but she wasn't the strongest. She knew where she fit, high Dps, high evasion, she was ready for the fight.

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Daeron gave a glance at the feminine player that was walking away, giving her a quick check out. "Hmm, not bad. Sucks that it's only an NPC." he says as he gives a smirk. Daeron looks at everyone. "Alright everyone, I'm taking charge here on the planning." he said towards everyone with a solid tone. "Any objections? No? Good." he said as he continued to make eye contact.


Looking around the large group of players, it set his mind to a strategic stage where he realizes that he has a fairly decent army before him. "Alright, so we're going to need some tanks to absorb any hits the boss deals. She told us it has a high hit and can freeze. This means that it will be a huge physical threat and doesn't seem to have any AOE attacks. Any volunteers? I plan on making several groups with a tank in each." he said as he tried to figure out the best possible groups.

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Zelrius had absolutely hated being on the fourth floor. And he was correct, During his latest Solo Adventure, He knew he'd be back here. The bitter cold, Zelrius just couldn't handle. He had spent far too much time on the floor of nine, With the volcanos and all. He absolutely had no idea why he decided to come back other then for a boss, and even that was beginning to lose his intereset. he gave a sigh, As it was too late now. Five days, Zelrius thought was far too much time to prepare for a simple enemy on the Fourth Floor. As Daeron gave his speech, Zelrius went and stood next to him. Pulling out his Twinfire Sword and holding it straight up. "I support Daeron taking command. Any who object speak now and state why you'd be better. Which none of you are." Zelrius had said this with a loud voice, And that would be all the commanding he'd be doing for that day, For the Narcissist hated responiblity.

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Rue looked at Aurora who finally started to move. She seemed to gather her things and then she began to speak about the boss. He listened to she had to be here in five days time to fight the boss. The boss's stats were very high.

200 HP. That was going to be stronger than the boss with the hydra she was about to fight with the frontliners. Holy (Censored)[censored](Censored) this was going to be the hardest fight she has ever had. Luckily she had some decent armor and weapons. But she had no crystals of any sort. Fs not something she just had. Also she did not know where to find things like that. She then noticed a man who watched the girl leave. He seemed to enjoy looking at her. He then looked at the others and seemed to take charge. Another man also took charge. She looks around and seen Celes sitting. Maybe this would not be all too bad.

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Celes sighed as people started to sit down, "alright guys, any crystals i make in the next few days I'll sell to you guys at a discount, so don't worry about that..." She looked at deacon and said, "I can't tank for fish, but I can hit hard and fast, maybe even daze the creature for a moment, so if I'm of any use out me where you want me." She gave him a hard look, as if daring him to say otherwise. She didn't look as strong as other higher level players, but she had seen enough abd been through enough to know she was strong. Plus she had given zero a good buttkick so there was always that...

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"Well, discount crystals ought to be helpful," he remarked as he returned to the area around where Aurora had been standing. As she left, he took a spot seated near the rally point and folded his legs in the Lotus position. There would be plenty of time for them to yell and argue during the fight itself when tensions were at a high.

For now, Alkor would relax and offer wisdom where he could. Of course, there were stronger players who were on top of calling shots and knitting together strategies. Alkor was more a man of subtle things- for instance, trying to keep the players, especially weaker ones, alive.

"That means everyone planning to involve themselves ought to get together enough money to cover crystals or potions," he added for the benefit of the group. "Make sure you have any and all weapons and armor in time for the fight. If you come in without them, you're going to be fighting like that."

The boss might be more dangerous than anything they had faced yet, or it might be substantially weaker. They had no way of knowing until it was finally in front of them. "Lower Level characters should try to keep themselves scarce," he added, "that's not to say you can't fight; just that you shouldn't attract too much attention. Dying is, as ever, a one time deal."

His eyes shut and he took a breath. "I'll be helping with damage," was all he said about his role in the fight.

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Tristan walked towards the NPC with the other players and listened to what everyone had to say. Daeron was made leader of the group, a fellow guildmate, and waited.

"I have no qualms with the leadership, I trust Daeron. As for roles, I would suggest I tank for my Fire Thorns and Zelrius is the main damage dealer, seeing as he deals burn damage with that fiery sword of his. Any other aggro tankers to join me would be much appreciated, as I won't be able to deal with that on my own."

He made a mental note to stock on HP restoring items too, maybe he could get a further discount for Celes being his brother. After all, HP restoring will be his main point here in terms of necessities.

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"I'm all for Tristan tanking," Alkor interjected as the other man spoke up, "but that means we're going to have to provide him with plenty of backup to help him, since this is a boss battle."

Alkor looked around. "Anyone want to contribute to getting him some extra potions?"

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Ranganok, leaning with his back on the wall and his arms crossed, listened to what the NPC had to say and after the  " If you are not here to be led to the boss, then have fun staying in town because I'm the key to get to the area." he gave a small smile as he started to take a liking in the NPC pre-made personality. After that, he silently listened how people were talking about who is leader, and how that person started to take command. He didn't care much about such frivolities so he remained silent as the scene was running. Then it came to the tank problem...it seemed as there was a shortage of tanks. Well, The cloaked mysterious guy wasn't build for tanking...however with a small evasion potions he could become an evasion-type tank...the main problem being that he didn't know the damage of the boss.


After some thinking, the time for Ranganok to intervene has come. " If i can get my hands on a perfect evasion potion I could be an evasion-type tank. The problem is now that we don't know how much damage the boss does, so given that I don't have very much HP so I would suggest that the red haired guy(reffering to Tristan) should start the tanking and we will swich if his hp drops below 50-60% or one of us gets frozen and vice-versa.We will have to cover one another if that happens. This way we could also learn about the monster attack pattern and until we do, I advise the non-tank players to use the hit&run tactic." said the boy with a cold and experimented tone(given that he excels at strategy in games).

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Celes walked over to Ranganok and Tristan " hey you two, how ar you gys doing?" She looked over to daemon and signaled him " hey Daeron! I want to be in a group with Tristan! " she smiled and looked at Tristan " be my tank yeah? Together we are unstoppable!" She said with a smile.

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After hearing a brief explanation on our next event from Aurora, the NPC that will become our guide to where the fight will begin, I pick an empty bench and sit down. She left us with a warning, not that I would care about as I will arrive in the designated place on time. 


A player step up and volunteer himself as the leader of this group. I don't have any qualms with that, and same goes for the others. Then the next discussion are  tanks for each group. I look over to my stats; for now I'm adding the finishing touch to my final piece of equipment before I can use it in my shop. I also need to gain some skill points to be spent in my skill. There are some quest that I have completed, but I forgot to report it... Now would be a good time to do that for this upcoming boss battle.


"I'm not much of a tanker, but I can deal decent damage. Put me in any group that you think is suitable and I'll carry out my part."

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Rue watched everyone begin to move around. She heard a few people who wanted to be tanks. She would be useless to that. She would just probably just do a hit and run sequence. She wasnt high leveled but she could deal some damage. She the went up to the description. The name was frost the warlord. 200 HP. Freezes targets. She thought for a minute and began to sing. She stopped once she remembered that everyone was here. She had a good voice but she didnt think she'd be taken very seriously if she went around singing songs off of the 95.7 FM radio. She was absolutely bored but she forced herself to look like she was completely focused and interested.

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Rebekah showed up at the monthly boss battle with everyone already there. She had hoped that she was not late to the meeting, as she had only received the message today. She knew better of herself to keep up with messages, but sometimes they got lost. She looked up at the crowd of people in front of her, she knew the majority of them at these events, but the word 200 HP really stood out in her head, now that was a tanky monster.

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Rowan was in the audience and listened to everyone. There was a lot of players around, some of them he knew, some he only heard about. He up open his inventory to look on his items, a beginner sword and a low uncommon armor item. Lucky he was able to order an evasion cloth in time, so he won't be completely vulnerable. He wasn't a tank nor a damage dealer, but he wanted to join the fight.


Rowan rise his hand "I want to be in the front line, near Tristan."

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After recieving the message from Aurora the NPC , about the boss Kosan starts heading to the town.  Seeing the gathered people around the NPC that announces the monthly things about this bossfight i see that i have almost no time left to prepare . "Ok , we can do this , we have so many players ... LIke Daeron and Zelrius , and others with great power" he thoughts as he gets closer to them. "Hello , i haven't missed anything i hope." He says laughing a bit .

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Mari knew she was late; and she was rushed, she had skitted straight past most the others, lost in her own world as she checked her equipment and items. She had 5 health potions, she could easily be  able to afford more if need be...would crystals be better maybe? She had a teleport crystal equipped just in case things got too dire. She had her dagger..lovingly crafted by Moartea and her Light Armour chest plate crafted by


Mari had bumped into none other than Alkor, she stepped back rubbing her head, giving a frazzled sigh. All she wanted was a big distraction from her recent strife. Looking up at Alkor her eyes widened when she realized who she had bumped into. "Oh hey." She tilted her head giving him a soft smile. "At least Life didn't push me into you that time eh?"

She looked around at the group of players who had been conversing, discussing the battle ahead. "I have potions, can get crystals, and can do decent damage I guess..." She said as she realized the crowd was bigger than she was comfortable with, "mmmm..." 


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The ice-coated, Frosty, has appeared on the fourth floor. Letting out no sound but a loud, hollow roar, it echoes through the air. Equipped with heavy armor that is made of pure ice, players all over Aincrad were able to hear it's battle cry. Holding it's blade of solid ice, it readies itself for an onslaught of players to come at it with everything they've got. Frosty The Warlord has fierce, cold, blue eyes that have a glow like ice. It's body is muscular and extremely pale.


Frosty The Warlord: 200/200 HP


(This will be one of the toughest bosses yet to be fought. Better hope you have solid tanks.)

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Aurora had led the parties to the respective area of where the boss appeared. Unknowing of this area, he was curious what kind of enemy it was. When they finally were in front of the monster, he saw it looked as difficult as any other boss one could imagine. Ready for combat, he made sure everyone was in check. "Everyone! I sent you all a message on who's group you're in. We're already behind schedule, so let's make up for that loss in this fight right now!" he said as he held out his weapon.


This time, he didn't bother with his robe. Instead, he went with his gear that provided heavier protection as he had volunteered to lead his group as a tank. Since hardly anyone spoke up about what they are good at, Daeron mostly went on his instinct with planning raids as he had planned and organized the Hydra raid. Though it was arrogant, he assumed he was the go-to raid leader now as he had planned two consecutive raids in a matter of days to a week. (Signature for my stats)


Running in for his attack after planning everyone's groups one last time, he ran forth at the enemy and swung his weapon with raw power. It'd be great to start a raid with a heavy hit. After connecting with the hit, he saw the boss' health didn't change at all really. "Damn. Looks like I'm going to need to pack some heavier heat than that if I plan on taking the hits." he said as he pointed forth with his sword in the air, initiating the rest of the raid.


ID: 3474 [battle: 7] [Crafting: 1] [Effect of Turn: 7 Damage Dealt]


Group 1:

Daeron: 72/72

Kazuya: 25/25

Mayonaka: 37/37

Alkor: 28/28


Group 2:

Zelrius: 79/79

Kosan: 22/22

Rebekah: 34/34

Rue: 17/17


Group 3:
Tristan Delaney: 39/39

Celesmeh: 39/39

Seldentar: 55/55

Ranganok: 17/17


Group 4:

Lessa: 38/38

Life: 28/28

Orhalimi: 17/17

Yuji: 40/40


Frosty The Warlord: 193/200

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As Daeron struck, so did Alkor. Two powerful punctures from separate angles, taking the boss unawares with blinding speed. One flash of brilliant color, the other a stain of inky darkness.

Alkor recovered on the other side of the boss from his group, skidding to a halt and shearing his body around in a precise spin. This allowed him to regain a somewhat more defensible position, in the event that the boss decided he was the best target.

The bastardly red blade hummed with violent intent as it glowed faintly, signifying it's hunger.

It didn't matter that they didn't necessarily have a proper order; they coalesced as separate, functional units when the time for action came. Controlled chaos.

Alkor brought the blade up and stared across the edge of it at the boss before turning his gentle smile toward Mari. The woman had said hello, but they'd had little time to chat once the boss had engaged.

Ah, well.

[iD: 3673, BD: 7] (Hit, deals 8 damage)

Group 1:

Daeron: 72/72

Kazuya: 25/25

Mayonaka: 37/37

Alkor: 28/28

Frosty The Warlord: 186/200

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