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(PP-F3)The youngest player...but not the weakest

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Well since i don't have money to my a house....i just stay at inns aria said standing up and scanning the forest with my <> skill hoping not to find an monster or worse...a PKer I would be able to defend very well against anything since i still didn't have a weapon other then the skill with i didn't have leveled very high yet Come on lets go I motioned to mavis

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Okay! I skipped in front of Aria, happy to just have a friend to talk to again. I hummed a song on the way there, spinning in circles everyone in awhile, becoming a white and silvery blur at times. I looked up at the moon and stars at times, comforted by the thought that they still watched over me. We walked into town again and walked down the darkened streets to building with a candle in the window. Is that the inn?

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as the pair got to any inn aria bought a room with two beds, walking in too the room taking off her jacket and scarf hang them up and clasping over on to the bed and looked up at mavis uhh you put the music box somewhere safe don't want to see if wrecked

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I won't forget it! I promise! I ran over to Aria. I love it here too! it's pretty! I started spinning to see what the room looked like when it was blurred together. Cool.... Black, brown, white, grey, green, and the light swirled together before my eyes. It looked like when you mixed paint together just before it finished mixing and became one color. So pretty!

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Thank you! I exclaimed, reaching into the bag and pulling out a piece of candy. I popped it into my mouth. Mmm! Putting the candy bag away, I looked at Aira and smiled. I swallowed the candy and looked out the window at the night sky, stifling a yawn.

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I chewed on my lip and opened my menu, pulling out the stuffed animal I'd found awhile back. It was a white rabbit wearing a pink outfit with a bell inside of it. The little bell rang when I hugged it. I can sleep on my own if I have this!

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I got off the bed and crossed the room to the cabinet where I'd put the music box and grabbed it out. I walked over to the other bed. It took me a minute to climb onto it, but I made it. Setting the music box down, I looked over to Aria. I always play it before I go to sleep. Can I?

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