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Destiny's Journal; the Temperamental

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The temperamental

» Username: Destiny
» Real name: Diana Vo
» Age: 20
» Gender: Female
» Height: 5'3

» About: History/personality


Destiny is confused. Unsure who to trust and who to befriend.  Not only does she battle with the complexity of being outgoing but also introverted in large groups, the girl is extremely contentious; taking her time to get to know others and attempting to perceive others true intentions. 


Destiny started her life like any other child; rather carefree and willing to trust and see the good in all people. But overtime, after being abused by the ones she loved and shunned by her friends she decided to walk go through high school alone. Before all of this, Destiny was smiling and overzealous with joy. Nothing could surpass this happiness that she was feeling. It was as if she was flying; sky high.  Able to see all that there was in the world. 


Not only had she been ostracized in high school; but it felt even worse in college where she was surrounded by others yet still alone. 

It was a cold and harsh environment in which Destiny became more and more reserved; retreating to her internal self. 


However, inside she was fighting another battle. There were days in which Destiny would look into the mirror and would not recognize the person that she was looking at. She hated herself. She hated herself for letting others abuse her, use her and then throw her aside. Dirt. 

At times, it felt like she was two different people. One side inside of her wanted to let go of the past, and make new; to be happy again and ALWAYS  be smiling.  While the other side of her wanted retribution, and held grudges against those who shunned her. 


Aside from walking her path alone for sometime; Destiny was able to befriend a small few; only after making sure that she could trust them completely, and that they would be friends no matter what lie ahead of their friendship. It took a large amount of time for Destiny to find people that she could trust but she still questioned their intentions. 


Because Destiny felt ostracized by others and she did not know much about some of her friends intentions. Destiny spent the majority of her time attempting to express herself in other ways. This lead her here...



» Virtues:

Destiny knew that if she didn't assert herself in her world, she would not be able to make it in society. She had to act confident in the real world to succeeded in life. She had to act the part of being under control internally and externally to make it as far as she was now. Not only did she also fake her control over emotions; she also faked happiness when the moment called upon itself. 


Through it all Destiny has always persevered. Not only was she rather stubborn or hard-headed; she would never let someone win. Especially if she knew she was right. If necessary, Destiny would be ready to fight the same battle again and again, whether if she was fighting off her emotions or those who betrayed her. Most often it came to doing something that she resisted she wouldn't give in without a fight.  This meant if someone wanted some thing from her they would have to prey it out of her; generally one would get tired of all the effort that they would need to put into it. 



Always being aware of others was natural to Destiny. She had been observing others around her for so long from the background. Whether it be social or personal relationships she always knew where others stood.  In addition, Destiny is sensitive to other's feelings. She does her best to preserve whatever tranquility that there may be. 


» Flaws:


Since Destiny is reserved, she ends up lashing out when she is unable to take enough of something.  Most of the time she lashes out in anger; it being the anger of the past or the anger of a situation. Other times, she may lash out in sadness.  Destiny has a tendency to be a bit dramatic during these extremely high emotionally stimulated moments. 


Though at times she may hate to admit it; she would do anything or anyone in help. Especially if those people were the few that she held close and dear to her. 


Since Destiny has had a hard time trusting other's in the past and due to her internal battle she has a hard time moving forward due to her past.  Though she greatly wants to move forward, she can't let go of the pain because if she let go of the pain then she would be forgiving them.  Destiny is constantly changing her mind about others.  Never certainly knowing if she can trust them entirely or if they will betray her in the end. Lastly, Destiny is always changing her emotions towards others; one second she may be happy and content the next she may be full of rage. Her emotions are swift to change. 






» Precision (Mastered) 6/6 skill point used

» Sprint & Acrobatics (Mastered) 6/6 skill point used

» Battle Healing (Journeyman/Rank 2) 6/6 skill points used 

» Athletics (Mastered) 6/6 skill point used 


»Fighting Spirit (Unskilled)  


Weapon skills:
» One-Handed Curved Sword (Journeyman/Rank 2) 6 skill points used 

32 skill points gained in lifetime

30//35 skill points used


» Destiny Blade -- +2 Dmg, +1 Bleed

» Fate's Protection -- +1 Acc, +1 Dmg Mit

» Promise Band

» 9 bread

» 15 water

» Articles of clothing
» 8132 Col
» 14 material

» <<The Matriarch's Stinger>>





~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X Chapter 1: A New Lease on Life X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

»[Private party] Wolves, Boars, and an Ally!? Oh My! Complete*****

»[Private Party] Greetings and Salutations Complete *****

»[Open Party] I can do what with it? Complete *****

»[Private Party] This Time Will Be Different Complete *****

»[Private Party] Are You Fair Dinkun? Complete *****

»[Private Party] Can't Learn to Swim Without Getting in the Water  Complete ***** 

»[Private Party] Running into a Cousin Complete *****

»[Private Party] That's Just Peachy Complete ******

»[Private Party] Birds of a Feather Flock Together Complete *****

»[Private Party] Long Live the Queen Complete ****** +4

»[Private Party] Here Today, Gone Tomorrow Complete ******

»[Private Party] Into the Dungeon  Complete******                                                                                                                                                                                                                          15 Skill Points

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 2: A Rough Road X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

»[Private Party] Tread Lightly ***** In Progress

»[solo Party] Blade of Dreams Complete *****

»[Private Party] Duck Soup Complete *****

»[Private Party] Hot Chocolate Complete *****

»[Private Party] Blaze a New Trail Complete  ******

»[Private Party] The Missing Link ***** In progress

»[Private Party] @_@ Complete *****

»[Private Party] That's a Doozy Complete *****

»[Private Party] A Warrior's Journey Complete *****

»[Private Party] Overcoming as A Whole Complete *****
»[Private Party] Time of Change Complete *****
»[Private Party] A Changed Sol Complete *****                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10/12 Skill Points

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X Chapter 3: First things first X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

»[Private Party] The Time of the Night Completed ******
»[Private Party] The Road to Recovery ****** In progress
»[Private Party] The Jungle Book Complete *****

»[Private Party] A Friendly Leverage Duel ***** In progress

»[Private Party] Harmony of Two Classics Complete *****

»[Private Party] Bandit Camp ***** In progress

»[Private Party] Hare Brained Idea Complete *****

»[Private Party] There is No Cow on Ice ***** In progress 

»[Private Party] Showing Them Avalanche ****** In progress

»[Private Party] It Runs in the Blood ***** In progress

»[Private Party] An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure ***** In progress

»[Private Party] Darkness Falls ***** In progress                                                                                                                                                                                                                         4/?? Skill Points

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X Chapter 4: X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

»[Private Party] War....War Never Changes****** In progress

»[Private Party] A Cold Night with Company Complete *****

»[Private Party] Seeking Gifts In progress ******

»[Private Party] Lessons from the Past Complete ****** +3

»[Private Party] 



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Unknown X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

»[Private Party] All in Due Time ***** Incomplete ******

»[Open Party] Goodbye's Are Hard, But Necessary ***** Incomplete ******

»[Private Party] A Fateful Meeting ***** Incomplete ******

»[Open Party] New Player ***** In progress




»[solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

» Sol - Friend 

» Souske - Cousin
» Ryujin - Sibling

» Draterion - Half sibling (unaware)

» Brayden - Half sibling 

» Crozeph - Cousin

» Arekkusu - Nephew 

» Claim - Zombie Associate 

» Pyro - Friend

» Manta - Friend 

» Vexi Acquaintance 



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