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[SP-F1] Gearing up <A Worn Out Welcome>

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Arthonnen materialized on the third floor, all thanks to some lovely information by one of the brokers down in the town of beginnings. He had herd about a quest up here on the third floor that was an easy way to get some armor and finally get out of this basic starter gear. Looking forward to it Arthonnen strolled off looking for Griswolds armor shop. It took him awhile being unfamiliar with this floor, but eventually he herd the sound of metal banging up against an anvil. This had to be it he thought to himself walking up to the smiths shop.

Griswold was outside working at the forge creating a steady beat with his hammer smacking against the anvil as he worked on someones armor. Glancing over as Arthonnen started to approach turning his head to spit on the ground stopping his work to rest the hammer head first on the anvil. Its shaft sticking up in the air Griswold cupped both hands on the tip leaning into it with a large portion of his weight "Yea?" He said in a cranky tone seeming to be annoyed someone would dare come to shop in his store.  

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Arthonnen studied the man carefully frowning at the man tones before rolling his eyes. These two were bound to get along as Arthonnen naturally talked back in sarcastic tone "Oh don't mind me at all ya hulking oaf, I am just here to shop for some gear. I would hate to pay you for that service." Arthonnen stood tall, but he was dwarfed by the size of the blacksmith in height and weight. Still Arthonnen kept his posture to seem as large as he possibly could. "Got anything in leather?"


Griswold piratically snarled picking up his hammer tossing it in the air catching it by the shaft and repeating the motion a few times until he drew closer to Arthonnen jabbing him in the chest with the metal head. "Lucky for you little brat I don't deal with leather, because I would sooner crack you over the head with this than sell you something." However as tension grew between the player and the NPC a voice could be herd calling from inside the shop "Oh do we have a customer. Oh please show him inside dear I can see what he needs" Griswold grumbled to himself  waving his large arm to the door before going back to working on the armor.

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Arthonnen smirked in victory as Griswold turned away from him to go back to working on the armor placed over the anvil. Arthonnen turned to face the door quickly stepping inside incase Griswold turned sour again to be greeted by lovely looking middle aged woman with a big warm smile on her face. Arthonnen smiled back offering his hand to Hanna to shake. "Ahh you must be Hanna yes? I have just herd fantastic things about your shop and decided to stop by and replace some of my gear"


Hanna beamed back instead of shaking his hand however she just gave Arthonnen a big hug. A bit of a surprise for Arthonnen, but he hardly complained about. Hanna stepping back placing both hands on the mans shoulder sizing him up. "Hmmm young and handsom, wide shoulder, tall frame....hmmm. Well if your looking for anything in leather I am sorry, but we are fresh out, but ohh." she scoffs at herself for a moment running behind the counter to grab a tape measure and return. "What kind of person would I be letting you walk out of here empty handed after coming all this way...yes lets see" She started to measure Arthonnen while she rambled on talking. "How about this deary, if you can go out and get me some wolf pelts I would be happy to make you something free of charge." 

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Arthonnen perked an eyebrow. "Free? Well I can hardly pass up that kind of deal now can I? I can easily understand why your shop is so popular." Arthonnen grinned maybe it was just the quest or his flattery was getting him a long way with this NPC he was not sure but hardly cared. Letting Hanna finish up what she was doing before turning to head outside the door. "I will be back then with your wolf pelts before sundown." With a quick wave he walked out of the shop flashing Griswold a smirk before heading down to the first floor. He should be able to find some wolves there.

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About an hour latter Arthonnen found himself yet again wondering the grasslands of flour one. Scanning the area around him for any spawns, but it seemed this place had been picked clean by some players recently, not a boar or wolf to be seen fore miles. Arthonnen let out a sigh thinking it was going to be one of those days. Searching for awhile longer he finally came across one, and even better yet it was alone. Arthonnen not to keen to be taking on multiple things just yet. Creeping up to the mob he drew his sword and charged slashing at the wolf. He managed to catch the beast off guard cutting right into its side as it lets out a howl of pain.


Arthonnen 7/7

Wolf 2/4





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The wolf snarled drawing aggro on Arthonnen. It leaped back from him as Arthonnen tried to take a second swing and missed. This time the wolf charged forward trying to find an opening in Arthonnens defense after his failed second swing. It leaped into the air going to bite at his left arm, but Arthonnen managed to snap his limb away just in time and the wolfs attack missed him. Landing back in the grass it kept running past him trying to escape before Arthonnen could deal another blow.


Arthonnen 7/7

Wolf 2/4



MOB: 4


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Arthonnen watched the wolf dart away, easily with its speed getting out of the way of Arthonnens reach. The swordsman snarled, but quickly coming up with a strategy as he put all he weight onto his right foot and waited for the wolf to attack again. This time when it charged at him he would step to the side swinging his blade to catch it across the ribs. Dealing a killing blow to the creature as it shattered like glass leaving behind its pelt for the quest Arthonnen giving a relived sigh "Oh good I was worried this game was going to make me skin it" He shivered at the idea grabbing the item. "Three more to go" he muttered to himself.








1 pelt

20 col

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Arthonnen  suddenly herd a howl behind him as a second wolf leaped out of nowhere, it had just spawned behind him and caught the man off guard taking him the to ground as it bit into his shoulder, but Arthonnens luck would become even worse as the third wolf spawned in leaping his way biting his left arm as he was attacked by the two mobs. Arthonnen tried to fight them off but he was in a poor position to do so and his health was ticking down because of it.


Arthonnen 5/7

Wolf 2 4/4

Wolf 3 4/4



BD: 7 (Wolf 2)

MOD: 8 (wolf 3)


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Arthonnen struggled to break free of the two wolves. One ripping at his left arm the other biting down on his chest on face standing on top of him. Arthonnen knew this was a game and thanks to the lack of pain he managed to calm himself and think for a moment. Glancing over his sword was still close all he needed to do was reach it. Trying to kick at the wolf on top of him to slow his attacks he groaned having to pull against the other wolf to stretch out and grab his blade, but the moment his fingers curled around he hilt he swung back cutting right across the wolfs body, a critical hit killing it instantly. As the wolf above him started to shatter like glass he swung his legs out kicking the wolf biting at his arm getting him to let go, and then kicking his whole body to launch himself back on his feet in would swift motion of glorious gaming skill.


Arthonnen 5/7

Wolf 1 0/4

Wolf 2 0/4

Wolf 3 4/4



BD: 10 (BOOM!)

LD: 10 (No loot)


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The wolf let out a yelp as it was kicked in the face, Leaping back to get some distance between it and Arthonnen blade, growling as it played defensively letting out a howl into the sky as it stared back with its tiny red eyes. The beast looked tense seeming to not want to attack Arthonnen by himself, it was a pack mob after all. Waiting for Arthonnen to come to hit or until more of its friends could spawn back into the game. Arthonnen looked curious for a moment the coding for the AI in this game was insane.


Arthonnen 5/7

Wolf 1 0/4

Wolf 2 0/4

Wolf 3 4/4



MOB: 2


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"Oh come on you dumb beast, lets finish this" He taunted as he started to walk to the wolf holding his left arm in front of his face and chest while the other holding his blade was held low at his left hip almost as if it was sheathed. The wolf started to get agitated as Arthonnen drew closer to the wolf and suddenly leaped forward without warning going for Arthonnens arm yet again, but this time he was ready. Swinging his right arm out the blade cut right into the wolfs face it shattering like glass even before his blade left the other side of the beasts head. Arthonnen grinned putting his blade back into its sheathe, but slowly became agitated when he noticed both wolves he had killed didn't drop a single pelt. "Son of a bitch! See this is why I hate RPG's" he complained chuckling at himself for the irony in it all. At least he leveled up as he saw the congratulations menu pop up right in front of him.


Arthonnen 9/11

Wolf 1 0/0

Wolf 2 0/0

Wolf 3 0/0





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Arthonnen set off once again still looking for more wolves to help collect some more pelts, then he saw something. He crouched down low spying on a mob moving around in the grasslands. A massive looking dire wolf Arthonnen grinned predicting a mob like that will have a higher chance of dropping something for him.,slowly creeping up on it from behind. He jumped out of the grass charging at it as his sword started to glow blue using a sword-skill to dash at the wolf clipping its back tail. He grinned quickly positioning himself in a defensive stance. His blade crossed diagonally across his body waiting for the beast to attack.


Arthonnen 9/11

Dire Wolf 4/6





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The dire wolf spun around with lighting quick speed. All the teeth in its muzzle starting to glow red as it jumped at Arthonnen sinking its teeth right into her sword arm. Arthonnen gasped out not expecting the beast to attack him that quickly. He groaned out as he saw more of his health begin to whittle down even more. This damn quest was going to be the death of him. Good old Arthonnen killed by a bunch of wolves on floor one, was not something he wanted to see on his gravestone.


Arthonnen 7/11

Dire Wolf 4/6



MOD: 9


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Arthonnen tried to fight back, but it was useless. He could hardly swing his sword with the wolf maw wrapped around his arm. Near the base of the wrist all he could do was twirl the blade around in a useless fashion trying to damage the beast. He tried to get the monster to let go punching it across the face with his other hand as the dire wolf started to thrash its head around to shred up his arm. It was hard to keep his balance with the strength of the best and soon he would trip hitting the ground, letting go of his blade as the wolf continued the attack.


Arthonnen 7/11

Dire Wolf 4/6





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The dire wolf would jump on the chance to attack him as soon as Arthonnen tripped and came crashing to the ground. Letting go of his arm it leaped on top of him going for his throat. Fortunately Arthonnen had enough time to thrust his leg in the air kicking the wolf off and away from him before it could deliver a killing blow. It let out a yelp as Arthonnen boot hit its stomach flying backwards to simply roll across the ground and stand back up letting out a howl charging at the man again. Arthonnen having to quickly dive to the side to avoid another one of its bites.


Arthonnen 7/11

Dire Wolf 4/6





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This fight had been going on for long enough and Arthonnen got ready for the Dire Wolfs next attack. Digging his feet into the dirt to get a stable stance he waited as the wolf made a wide arc around him trying to come in from behind. Arthonnen had been watching though and with one swift movement he swung his sword stepping to his right as his blade caught the wold across the side mid leap. Hurting it a great deal the dire wolf fell into the grass tumbling for a moment and started to stand up now with a limp. It wimped shrinking back getting scared to attack the man once again after a blow like that.


Arthonnen 7/11

Dire Wolf 1/6





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Arthonnen let out a smirk walking to the scared wolf, ready to drive his sword right through its chest and be done with this fight, but in his arrogance he failed to notice the wolf getting ready to attack again and as he swung it swiftly jumped out of the way before charging at him. Leaping into the air it crashed into his body sinking its teeth right around Arthonnen's neck doing incredible damage and knocking them both to the ground. However the wounds of the wolf were dire and it failed to stay on top of him. Falling over on its side whimpering in pain.


Arthonnen 4/11

Dire Wolf 1/6





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Arthonnen groaned pain may not be a thing in this world, but he saw his life flash through his eyes with that last attack. Thats the one problem with full-dive reality gear. You may not actually feel any pain, but the lines between the game and reality became blurred and feeling a wolf stink its teeth into your neck...Needless to say Arthonnen was just happy to not be dead. His hands shaking as he slowly stood up walking over to the wolf bending down to grab his sword he stared down at the wounded animal, and with little hesitation he drove his blade right into its neck twisting it around as the wolf shattered into glass. He fell over with a deep sigh trying to get over the shock of almost dying.


Arthonnen 4/11

Dire Wolf 0/6




Loot: 11




30 Col

1 Pelts

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Arthonnen eventually just stood up putting away his blade and started to walk back home. In a death game like this he was not going to risk anything with such low health. The quest had no time limit to it and he could simply come back in the morning after he had healed up some. The thought passes through his head he told the NPC he would be back before sundown, but he shrugged it off. It was just an NPC what did he care if he lied to it. That part of the conversation might have not even registered having little importance.


Next morning Arthonnen was up bright and early. This was typically when he would go to the gym, but did physical exercises even help in this world. Unsure about that idea he simply decides to get some practice in killing some wolves and hopefully getting that last pelt. Returning back to his original spot he hoped he would not be here long. Fortunately many of the players were not up yet so early in the morning the sun not even up yet. Arthonnnen grins eyeing a dire wold and draws his sword.


Unfortunately for him the wolf herd the sound of his blade in his sheath and started to charge at him, Arthonnen diving out of the way just in time to avoid its attack, but lost his in the process.   


Arthonnen 11/11

Dire Wolf 6/6





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Arthonnen spun on he heels getting ready for the wolf to attack again, but damn he lost it in the dim lighting and tall grass. The wolfs black fur blending in to well with the environment around him practically invisible. Arthonnen tried to find him again, but failed as the wolf jumped from the tall grass from his right side manging to bite his leg tripping him before the wolf darted back into the grass. Letting out a loud howl to the night sky almost as if taunting Arthonnen in his failed attempt to fight the wolf.


Arthonnen 10/11

Dire Wolf 6/6





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