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[SP-F1] In the Beginning

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After finding out what Ferrah had gotten myself into, heading to the training fields had been a quick decision. And at the time, a smart one. But as she began to enter the grounds it didn't take long for her to realize that it was also a common decision. Avatars of all shapes and sizes were right on top of each other. Monsters that were once prevalent in the Grasslands were now a commodity. In other words, it was completely and utterly packed with desperate souls trying to level up.

And she couldn't blame them.

After all, she too had come here for the exact same reason as they had. Survival. Death in this game now meant certain death in the outside world. The chance to see loved ones again could be gone in a single moment. With that thought, a new fire started to burn rapidly through Ferrah's system. Dying was not an option that she was willing to accept. At least not without a fight. She wanted...no needed to see her family again. With a new resolve, her emerald green eyes steeled over and proceeded to search for unsuspecting prey.

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White billowy clouds passed above in a lazy fashion as a light wind from the south urged them along. The grass swayed back and forth as it was pulled and then released it once more but the same exact current. The act in itself was creating the a wave like illusion. Sunshine beamed down on the open Grasslands, providing warmth and light for all under it’s rays. That also included that boar that was peacefully and innocently munching on the silken turf.

It had taken several minutes to find this particular specimen. As to why no one had hopped on the chance to attack the unsuspecting creature, Ferrah didn't know, but she was not going to pass up this golden opportunity. Silent as the night her sword was drawn from the scabbard on her left hip and held blade out to her side. It glistened dangerously as the sun’s rays beat down on it. It may have been a beginner's sword, but it would work all the same. Closing her eyes and taking a deep calming breath, in through her mouth and out through her nose, she then opened her eyes and then rushed at her prey.

Attack hit’s:1-5

Attack misses: 6-10

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Coming up behind the creature Ferrah swung the blade in a upward slice. It came close to hitting its target, but did not make contact. For just a second, silence seemed to make the air heavy. It was only the slight disturbance of the wind rustling her hair that made her jolt of the shocked state.

What happened after that seemed to be in slow motion.

The boar, which she had attempted to hit, was now turning around. It’s eyes had turned red in anger and it’s appearance was now menacing. With a frown decorating her features Ferrah couple steps back and then raised the sword once more. She didn't understand. Everything had been done correctly, right? Eye narrowing in frustration, she glared at the creature as it began to rev it’s hooves on the ground, preparing to charge. Sticking her feet firmly to the ground she prepared herself for what was to come next.

Dodge: 1-3

Dodge and hit: 4-6

Attack: 7-10

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It charged.

The boars hooves thumped against the ground in a rhythmic beat. Ferrah knew that it would not take but a mere second for the boar to close the short distance between them. She had to think fast if she didn’t want to lose any HP. Since that was the case, there was only a couple choices.

As much as she wanted to stand there and face her prey head-on, her body had a different idea. Right as it was about to fully ram into her, she just simply side stepped. That was the thing about boars. Once that start charging they can no longer chance course. Which, in turn, leaves them open to an attack from behind. Stupid animals. Swinging the sword in a downward arch Ferrah hoped that this time it hit it’s mark.

Hit: Even

Miss: Odd

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Three times.

Three times her sword had missed it’s mark.

This time, a low growl reverberated from her chest in frustration. Everything was being done right, Ferrah was absolutely sure this time. Yet it had yet to make it’s mark. Sure, she had never in her life used a sword, but that shouldn't be affecting the targeting system. While turning thoughts over and over, much like a taffy machine, Ferrah had yet to take a glance away from her foe. Too much was on the line to get distracted.

Heaving in a large sigh in an attempt to calm herself down, she then did something without thinking. Raising the sword once more she began to run at the boar. This time, the sword glowed a greenish color. Leaping at the boar, the sword came down. This time it hit. It let out a screeching noise and the disappearing in shattered pixel. Ferrah stared at the spot the boar had once been and then at the sword. What?

Opening the manual, which had been given to every player, she began to scan through it in an attempt to find out what had just happened. After a couple seconds she paused, eyes flying across the page. It was her answer. Apparently, it was a Rage Attack. When a players focus become high it created a high powered attack. Making a mental note about that Ferrah then headed back toward town. A new weapon was in order. One that was more...familiar.

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