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[PP - F1] A Cold heart (RIn)

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Sousuke sat in his favorite spot in the middle of town on the edge of the fountain smoking his now ever present cigarette. He was going about his regular routine of observing the players in the morning looking so see if there was anyone he recognized. He let his head drop slightly and his bangs covered his eyes so that only his mouth and cigarette could be seen. He grinned a dark smile to himself as he reminded himself of his ultimate goal. He took a drag and exhaled a puff of smoke as he watched the players pass by.

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Rin trudged through the streets of on of the towns on floor one, a place she hadn't visited in a long time. Over the past few days she had been incredibly bored as she hadn't really interacted with any of the other players. As she walked through the middle of the town, by the pretty fountain, she thought she recognized someone. Rin walked stopped walking momentarily to observe the male player who was a few meters away from her, tilting her head to the side and staring. Who was he?

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Sousuke heard footsteps pretty close to him and looked up to find it was girl who had been involved with once he observed her for a moment before taking a drag on his cigarette and puffing out a small cloud of smoke. He looked her up and down and noticed she seemed to be a little stronger than back then, still she wasn't exactly on the top his list of people who he wanted to see him like this. He simply looked back towards the crowd of people and greeted he coldly. ''Sup Rin.'' was all he had to say while he took another drag of his cigarette.

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Rin squinted at the male, trying to work out who it was. "S-Sousuke?" She asked curiously, finally realizing it was him. He had changed so much since the last time she had seen him, having now grown long bangs and had started smoking. She walked up to him and stared at him with wide eyes, not believing what she was seeing. She understood that people changed- for she herself had grown her hair longer and was slightly curvier than before- but this was rather drastic. "Whats happened to you?!"

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Sousuke scoffed at her reaction to seeing him. He guessed she wasn't at all to pleased to see him like this, but people change and when things got tough for him he had to change. The cigarette was a way to hide his emotions, it kept him calm and collected, without out he would probably lose himself and go on a blood filled rampage until he was either killed or took revenge. Either was fine with him, though he preferred the latter. ''Ah Rin if only you knew heh, You see since our little fling Ive been helping others out but seeing people killed infront of you changes you. You see im working my way to the top and before this game is over im killing that B***** who started all this.'' he said as he took another drag on the cigarette

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"Wow, geeze calm down baka. I am only starting a friendly conversation, no need to get in to all of that depressing stuff- we all want to escape from this game, its not just you." She sighed and continued to stare at him, still confused at how someone can change so much in the space of such a small amount of time. "And I dont think you should be smoking baka," She quickly jumped up and snatched the cigarette from in between his lips, making sure he couldnt take another drag.

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Sousuke glared at her as she removed the cigarette from his mouth, he made no move to take back but simply too out another from his pocket and lit it. ''I can smoke if i want to Rin, it helps keep me from blowing my lid.'' he said to her darkly sure she was trying to make conversation but he didnt want her to see him like this

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Rin glared at Sousuke and snatched the next cigarette just as she had done to the first one, "Stop it! It is bad for you!" She frowned at him sternly, "Yeah sure you can smoke if you want to but I am not going to let you!" She meant it, if he took any more cigarettes out of his pocket she would steal them without hesitation and dispose of them. "Whats wrong with you?!" Rin sighed, not really knowing how to go about the situation and what to say.

"What happened?" She knew something serious must have for him to change like this.

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Sousuke for the first time in his life lost his temper and stood up glaring at her fire in his eyes causing people to stop and watch him. Some even drew their weapons incase he attacked the girl standing before him. ''WHAT HAPPENED? I WATCHED MY ENTIRE PARTY SLAUGHTERED IN FRONT OF ME KAYABA WHAT EVER HIS F****** NAME IS WILL PAY.'' he screamed at her as he finished he stood there panting. 'Oh god what have i done' he thought to himself

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Rin was not phased by his screaming, she knew that he could not harm her whilst they were inside a safe zone- which all towns on floor one were. However she was very annoyed at him, she was only trying to be kind to him for she was truly concerned about his well-being at the moment. "Hmph!" She glared at him for a few minutes, not saying a single thing whilst feeling rather hurt on the inside. "Well if you are going to be like this, I might not bother next time I see you!" She turned her back to him, her hands in shaking fists by her side as rage trembled through her body. She just wanted him to be okay.

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Sousuke dropped back onto the edge of the fountain defeated. Rin was right he was a mess and here he was screamed at someone who only wanted to help he looked up and began to speak but lost his balance falling into the fountain. ''Look Rin i - WOOOOA!'' he shouted as he fell back into the water.

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"Wha-" Rin turned around only to see that Sousuke had lost his footing and about to fall into the water fountain. With quick reflexes she managed to grab hold of Sousukes wrist just before he broke the surface of the water. However she was not strong enough to pull him back and ended falling into the water with him. She flailed about in surprise for a moment of two before lifting herself out of the water, drenched through from head to toe and her long hair partially covering her face. Glaring at Sousuke who was below her she folded her arms.

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Sousuke lay there soaked head to toe with Rin sitting across him. the situation seemed comical to him and he couldn't help but laugh. ''Look Rin im sorry i have been acting like a fool can you forgive me?'' he asked trying no to look her in they eye out of sheer embarrassment of what he had become. 

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Rin was taken by surprise when Sousuke apologized, that was the last thing she was expecting at this moment in time. However now that she thought about this situation from an outsiders point of view, it must look pretty humorous- two players who had just been arguing and then had suddenly fallen into a fountain. A small smile sneaked onto Rins lips, "Its fine. I am just worried, dont go do anything stupid." 

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Sousuke saw Rin smile, he had admittedly missed and smiled back. ''I've missed that smile.'' he told her. ''And don't worry i wont do anything stupid you have my word now maybe we could erm you know get out of the water maybe?'' he said laughing

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"Oh... Yeah..." Rin had forgotten she was standing in the middle of a fountain for a moment, her stupidity caused her to laugh a little. She stepped out of the fountain and waited for Sousuke to follow her, not wanting to help him out in case he screamed at her again for some reason. Rin decided to ignore his comment about missing her smile as well, she was still unsure of him being sane for the time being.

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Sousuke got up out of the water looking at Rin. "Look let me make it up to you, lets go get a drink oh and for the record smoking here doesn't harm our real bodies." He said to her. He could tell he had upset her and didn't want to push his luck so he decided against lighting another

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Rin sighed, "Fine, lets make it quick though because I have only just had a drink." She tried to brush him off as if she didnt care, knowing that this wasnt true though. She knew that there was no way he could change instantly so she would have to keep on working on it, this meant not pretending like everything was okay. "Come on then baka," She called over her shoulder as she walked off, her hair still dripping.

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Sousuke followed her and headed inside the nearest tavern with her. He faced Rin in the door way and addressed her. "Look i know you arnt expecting me to change just like that after all its a lot for one man to deal with and i feel the same but for now lets just ... enjoy ourselves, what are you having I'm getting a cider." He said to her offering her a drink.

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Sousuke followed her and headed inside the nearest tavern with her. He faced Rin in the door way and addressed her. "Look i know you arnt expecting me to change just like that after all its a lot for one man to deal with and i feel the same but for now lets just ... enjoy ourselves, what are you having I'm getting a cider." He said to her offering her a drink.

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