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[PP - F1] A Cold heart (RIn)

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"No one changes just like that. It's impossible, trust me I know," She muttered not specifically to herself or to Sousuke as she dodged him and went inside the tavern. The inside interior was like that of any other standard tavern across the world of Sword Art Online, the bar being at the center of the room and various seats and tables arranged around it. Rin sighed and slipped into one of the chairs nearby, "Get me whatever, I dont care."

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Sousuke shook his head and sat down. She didn't mean it in a bad way he knew that but it still stung at him like a thousand knives. He order to bottles of mead for the two of them. Large bottles to be exact. He felt like he could use the drink and thought maybe Rin could do with one too.

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"I dont like mead, baka," She said whilst poking the bottle in front of her out of boredom. She was probably just saying this to get on Sousukes nerves. Shrugging, she decided that she didnt really mind and reached out a hand towards the bottle. 

Within moments she had down half of its contents, her head now light. She slammed the bottle back onto the table and hiccuped loudly. Rin had never really drank alcohol before, so her body was not used to it. "Ne, Sousuke..."

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Sousuke downed his bottle just for the sake of it and ordered two more and looked at Rin who was looking at him funny. She said his name as his head started to feel a bit fuzzy, he probably shudnt have drank it so fast. "Hai Rin" he replied

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Rin snatched another bottle, and began downing its contents once again. She felt a strange urge to drink as much as she could, almost as if she could drown her fears, worries and problems. As the mead slipped down her throat her body felt warm inside and her cheeks flushed a subtle shade of red. "Do you think..." She hiccuped again, her body still getting used to the alcohol consumption, "We will ever escape?"

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Sousuke sipped at his drink but still drinking it rather quickly. He thought long and hard about how best to answer her question, cursing the alcohol for impairing his judgement and his ability to think. He hoped that one day they would be able to escape but for they had to make do. ''Sure we will Rin, just for now we should make do a definitely have another drink.'' he said, he was unsure why they needed another drink but ordered them another anyway.

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Rin hiccuped again and reached out for another bottle of mead. She was curiously drawn to the alcohol, it tasted like nothing she had ever tried before, for it contained a mixture of sweet flavors and sharp sour ones. Sousuke seemed to be drinking as much as her so she guessed her behavior was okay and didnt stop drinking little amounts. 

The half empty bottle hit the table with a slam as Rin put it down, "I guess," She sighed. There was a moment of silence whilst she tried to focus her vision on Sousuke for it had been impaired by the alcohol, "Do you still like me?" 

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Sousuke was completely thrown off by the question he hoped that his answer didn't draw on an aggressive Rin. He could deal with lovey dovey and depressed drunks but aggressive really effed with his head esspecialy with his father being one. "Erm don't take this the wrong way Rin, but i didn't think id be seeing you again." He said letting his head drop slightly after he necked the bottle he had in front of him and ordered two more. "I'm with someone now ... " he said bracing for impact

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Rin simply stared into midair with a dead look in her eyes for a few moments, her lips slightly parted in a dumb found expression. The mead was certainly having an effect on her and was something she now couldn't control. She didnt know why his answer had this effect on her though, she knew his reply would be something similar to this because of course who wouldnt fall for Sousuke. Rin frowned slightly to herself, maybe this was her fault, maybe she couldnt have been a bit better to him. Her yellow eyes were now wide with an almost ghostly sheen to them as reality sunk in, she couldnt have Sousuke. Something she had wanted for a while but had been too stupid to do anything about it. Rin slowly lifted the bottle up to her lips again.

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Sousuke watched her a moment, he knew he had broke her heart but they had been out of contact for so long after all he thought he would never see her again. Besides he was with Manta and when he got stuck in that love triangle things got really awkward. ''Look Rin if im honest I thought you had forgotten about me so I had to move on ... thinks got awkward and I fell for someone else you cant help who you fall in love with I hope you understand.'' he said his head spinning a little.

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"Mmmmm," Rin mumbled in response whilst sipping on her mead once again. Of course she had expected this, it was her own fault. She had just stopped all communication with Sousuke without giving any explanation to him. Her explanation was rather pathetic- she was awkward in relationships and panicked as soon as she left the tavern that day with Sousuke. Rin hated messing things up so she hid from them when she felt that she wasn't strong enough to take them on.

Rins face was expressionless and her eyes were completely blank, not knowing anymore how to function. "Sorry."

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Sousuke shook his head making himself wobble a little on his stool. He steaded his balance and decided tonight wasn't a night for feeling down. "Look Rin it was my fault i should have come after you i know what your like and a real would have chased after you, instead i became ... this." He said indicating himself. "Besides tonight we should be happy not down we get to see each other atleast." He said leaning closer to Rin a devilish smile on his face

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Rin stared at Sousuke, remaining silent, as he spoke and fixed his posture after almost toppling over. She pulled her legs up on to her chair and hugged them whilst resting her chin on her knees and listening to what he had to say. He was wrong. He shouldn't have come after her. She needed to stop replying on people saving her and learn to deal with life and its hardships by herself. Her eyes bore into Sousuke as he grinned, her face still blank. Sighing she gave in, "Fine."

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Sousuke grinned and order a round of vodka shots and laughed at Rin when she mumbled fine. She looked like a little kid doing that. he handed her a shot of vodka when it arrived and smiled. ''If we are gonna get drunk then lets do it right.'' He said wobbling a little as he stood up and downed the spirit

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Rin felt the corners of her mouth lifting into a small smile and immediately frowned causing the smile to disappear. She took the vodka shot from Sousuke and observed it curiously having never some across it before. Lifting the shot glass to her lips she took a tiny sip. As the clear liquid slipped down her throat her eyes widened dramatically and she make a choking noise. "EWW!" Exclaimed Rin in surprise, "This tastes horrible!" Her throat burned as she spoke.

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Sousuke laughed at her reaction that was just way over dramatic he thought. ''Its not supposed to taste nice silly you neck it, its why its called a shot here look.'' he said as he downed another. ''Try it, you get drunk faster.'' he laughed. He felt giddy and it felt good.

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"Well if it doesnt taste nice why would I want to drink it!" She complained loudly even though she was smiling, evidently in a better mood that earlier. Rin had never been drunk before but she had certainly seen her fair share of people being drunk. Back in the real world her mums boyfriend got drunk all the time and became very aggressive. On the other hand her mum became extremely depressed when she drank and constantly cried. Rin poked the shot glass, deciding whether to drink it or not.

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Sousuke shook his head and smiled deciding to play the understanding friend and what not. He picked up her shot and necked it himself and looked her up and down his vision going blurry and his head feeling really light. He looked at her again blinking and rocking back and forth trying to get his bearings. ''You donsh hafta drink it yoush know.'' he said to her. Why couldn't he speak properly everything he said was beginning to mush together.

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"Hey I was about to dri- Sousuke!" Rin was about to scold him when she noticed that he was in very bad condition, the alcohol was getting to his head and affecting his speech and actions. She jumped up and grabbed him by the shoulders for he looked like he was about to topple over any minute now. "I knew you shouldnt have drank all of that baka!"

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Sousuke began to laugh for a moment unable to contain it since he was drunk. He managed to collect himself and looked at Rin straight in the eyes his eyes glazed over but still seeing. ''Hehe Rin I don't think you get it, I don't want to make you do something your not comfy with besides...atleast like this I cant think about my brother.'' he said smiling a few tears in his eyes

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