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[PP-F4] Such a "Graceful" Meeting (Raeyliff)

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"Hmmm I guess for now find a friend who you can stick with who wont betray and leave you." Clarence doesn't really smile at the comment either but he doesn't want to bring more depressing things into this. Clarence sees Raeyliff stretch and Clarence tries not to stare, but does anyway."A girlfriend... or a boyfriend, not sure what you are into. Should come after you get good friends, so you have something to fall back to and support you just in case it doesn't work out." Clarence gives a smile at that comment and yawns a bit too, power of suggestion coming over Clarence."Yeah it is arm in here, a whole lot better than outside." Clarence then stands up from the couch and walks over to Raeyliff. He smiles and hits him the arm."That's for the comment about me tripping." Clarence smiles and sits back down on the other couch.

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Raeyliff's eyes were slowly starting to get heavy. Shoot, I am NOT going to sleep..oh look, a soft couch I can sleep on..He looked at Clarence "You're right...you know, this is probably one of the first discussions I've had about having a girlfriend. I won't be looking for one anytime soon though, I'll just have my friends, that you are now part of, as the dudes I hang out with...probably.". As Clarence stood up, Raeyliff looked at him sleepily and then went wide awake as Clarence punched him. It was a light one, but he smiled and rubbed his arm. "We're even then...I think...". Before his eyes were to go heavy again, he looked at Clarence, "Oi, I think I'm about to go to sleep in this cafe..."

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Clarence smiles lightly as Raeyliff gets more and more sleepy. He's kind of cute when he is sleepy.. Clarence thinks and picks up his now empty hot chocolate mug. Clarence throws it at Raeyliff and it shatters right next to his ear."Are we awake now?" Clarence says with a wicked smile. Clarence then gets up and sits next to Raeyliff."I'm going to bother you so you don't fall asleep." Clarence smiles lightly and pokes him in the chest."Are you awake?" Clarence says and pokes his chest again, feeling the skin underneath. "Hey stay awake." Clarence says and pokes him in the chest for a third time 

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As the mug shatters right next to Raeyliff he is jolted wide awake. "Dude..." he frowned. As Clarence sits next to Raeyliff and starts to poke him, Raeyliff leans back on the couch and looks at Clarence. "Dude, you just broke a mug. Doesn't that make you pay even more?". Raeyliff's eyes were growing heavy again, ready to sleep Clarence's poking off, since he wasn't really feeling anything but a light press. 

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"Ehh oh well its like 5 col more." Clarence shrugs and sits there, seeing that Raeyliff is slowly falling asleep. Got to try some more means of keeping him awake. Clarence thinks then he got a bright idea. Clarence pokes him a little harder, but this time, in the stomach."God you are so sleep deprived or just very lazy." Clarence laughs lightly and pokes him in the stomach again."So, lets talk. I don't really know what to talk about but I'm pretty sure you don't want to fall asleep in this cafe." Clarence says then frowns lightly."Unless you do and want me to leave, I'll leave." Clarence mutters lightly, not sure what he is going to say.

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Raeyliff, now being poked in the stomach, jumped and moved away from Clarence, and looked at him. He covered his stomach. Uh Oh... Trying to play it natural, he smiles, blushing a bit. "No, no, no need to leave. I'm wide awake now. " he said quickly, grinning. Oh God please don't make him figure out why I just jumped away right now. He let go of his stomach and looked at Clarence. "So, what are you doing for Christmas?" he asked. 

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Clarence sees the blush on Raeyliff's face and is about to ask what that was about but then it hit him. CHRISTMAS! Clarence's face went slack and he just looks."Ch-Christmas? I uh forgot about Christmas actually..." Clarence mumbles and looks down, blush clearly on his face on how stupid he is for forgetting Christmas."I don't really have many people to buy presents for. I have Zelrius, Keith, Richard.... that is it. Well I guess maybe you now because we are friends." Clarence smiles at that."So why are you blushing?" Clarence asks, curious.

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Raeyliff laughed, the blush fading from his face. "No worries. But where do you buy stuff? I don't know what I can buy, my money isn't enough for a weapon or armor to give...". He looked at Clarence and grinned and said, trying to dodge Clarence's question "Hm...I don't know a lot of your friends, but that's fine. Go and hang out with them during Christmas, or else you'll feel lonely and, well, you don't want to have a bad Christmas in Aincrad. You should enjoy it as much as you can." 

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"Yeah... I'll try to have a good Christmas, no promises though with the luck I am having." Clarence mumbles then looks at Raeyliff."Why were you blushing?" Clarence asks with a raised eyebrow and moves closer to Raeyliff, not letting him escape."Are.. are you ticklish?" Clarence asks with a smile. He slowly reaches and pokes Raeyliff in the stomach."If you are ticklish, that is kind of cute." Clarence mumbles, thinking that Raeyliff didn't hear him, but said it a little to loud. I really need to go Christmas shopping."Also, I don't really shop much." Clarence answers Raeyliff's question with a smile on his face.

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Raeyliff tried to move but there was no where to go. He jumped after Clarence poked him and he looked at him, smiling helplessly. He didn't really get what Clarence was saying since he was trying his best to cover his stomach from any attacks. "I-I'll take your word for it then..". How is it possible that he's younger than I am yet it feels like I am the one who is younger? Raeyliff tried to moved a bit more against the wall where his couch ended. "I-If you let me be then I'll stay awake. I promise!" he said, looking at Clarence. 

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Clarence crosses his arms and thinks for a moment before smiling."Fine, I'll leave you alone..... for now." Clarence said the last part with a wicked grin and moved over a little bit, giving Raeyliff room on the couch. God he is adorable. If only he played for my side of the field sort of say. Clarence blushes at that thought and he looks at Raeyliff. "So, you are 16 right? Dang, you got the body of a older person but kind of act like someone younger. You are giving me mixed signals." Clarence blushes brightly from his comment. I hope I didn't make him uncomfortable. "I hope that didn't make you uncomfortable, just stating facts." Clarence blushes brighter from that.

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Raeyliff was a bit hestitant to sit back normally on the couch after Clarence's statement. So...evil...He thought jokingly. Hearing Clarence, he laughed and smiled, looking at him. "I've been told that I act like a child in real life as well. Doesn't change the fact that I'm having fun, so it doesn't really matter what they say, now does it? And you're not making me uncomfortable, you just keep blushing and making yourself feel that way. I wonder what are you blushing about anyway.". 

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"N-nothing!" Clarence stammers out and his blush goes brighter. Clarence has not resorted to hiding his face, it feeling hot and beating from his blush. I wonder what his reaction will be if he finds out. Trying to change the subject, Clarence tries to talk about something else."So... What are you doing for Christmas?" Clarence asks, his face still bright red. I hope he doesn't figure out my sides are ticklish, that would be the end of me. Clarence thinks, his face still bright red, but it is calming down slightly.

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Raeyliff smiled evilly and pointed a finger at Clarence "I've already used that one. Now tell me. You know, I could get you back if I wanted to, and I will..but..." Raeyliff's eyes were growing heavy but he forced them to be wide awake. I cannot look sleepy in front of him or else. "What am I doing for Christmas? After a lot of thinking I might just go and hang out with Pyro and her friends, since she invited me. I just don't know what I'll buy for them, or for my friends in general..." At this point he was literally fighting for his eyes to stay open. Cannot..let..him...win! 

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"Who is this Pyro chick?" Clarence ask Raeyliff and notices that Raeyliff's eyes are starting to get heavy."Are... you sleepy?" Clarence asks wickedly, the blush almost gone from his face as he moves Closer to Raeyliff, getting all in his personal bubble."You do know what happens if you try to fall asleep?" Clarence says with a smile, his body right up against Raeyliff's. Clarence places his hand on Raeyliff's stomach, poking it gently. Clarence smiles again and removes his hand."God I'm going to need to go shopping tomorrow." Clarence mumbles. I feel like I'm getting in his personal bubble, but he'll tell me when I make him feel uncomfortable. "Do you like this Pyro girl?" Clarence asks, jealously slightly creeping in his voice.

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Raeyliff moved back next to the wall when he feels Clarence coming closer and flinches when he pokes him. "Oi, you're scaring me..." Raeyliff said, jokingly. Figure out a strategy. Moving to the next couch? No...and we're in a cafe as well...nowhere to hide...He looked at Clarence and saw that he was too close. "Can you scoot over a bit?" Raeyliff said, trying to regain a little bit of seriousness that they left behind. After all, they were still at a cafe, so it wasn't a place to play games. Or is it? He looked at Clarence after asking about whether he liked Pyro and laughed. "Nah dude, it's nothing like that. We're just friends." he said. 

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"Oh s-sorry." Clarence mumbled and moved back over form Raeyliff. Clarence smiled slightly at the comment of Raeyliff not liking Pyro but he quickly wiped his face of a smile. I need to stop being so creepy. Clarence thought and looked back at Raeyliff. "So..... sorry I don't know what to talk about, I'm not a very interesting person as I've said. You are far more interesting than I am. " Clarence said with a slight smile. "Wait actually! What kind of music do you like?" Clarence asks, wondering if  the conversation is dead,

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"Um...music...I don't know. I listen to music a lot, I just don't talk about it with other people." Raeyliff looked at Clarence apologetically. Feeling like this conversation was closing to an end, he wasn't sure what to do, and he didn't really feel that sleepy anymore anyway. Thanks a lot, Clarence. he thought jokingly.  Looking at Clarence, he asked "Do you want to go outside? 

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"Oh you're fine." Clarence said with a smile. Clarence wondered if he should just say he should leave, not wanting to make Raeyliff feel uncomfortable."Oh sure." Clarence said, barely even listening to Raeyliff, all he heard was Outside. Clarence hopped up from the couch and approached the wooden door."After you sir." Clarence said with a sweeping arm gesture, joking lightly. He followed Raeyliff outside soon afterwards and the cold smashed into Clarence like a brick wall.Jesus christ! Clarence thought and it took all his strength not to start shivering.

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Raeyliff smiled and said "Thanks, man." and walked out. The second he felt cold he said loudly "Bruh." then fell on the snow face first, and since the snow was thick it covered his body. It's so cold...but I have a plan. I need to get him back anyway. He started to move his hand to create a snowball underneath him and firmly grabbed it with his left hand. Revenge is best served cold, right? Nothing can go against a snowball in the face. Hehehe.. he thought, expecting Clarence to help him up any moment. 

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