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(OP-F1~F6) New Player

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I take a deep breath and start singing as well, my voice coming out clear and clean cut.

"Check yes, Juliet

Kill the limbo

You keep tossing rocks at my window

There's no turning back for us tonight..."

My smile grows as I comtinue.

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Tyrius was excited, and started what could be considered part of the chorus:

"Lace up your shoes

Ay-o ay-o

Here's how we do"

He whispered quickly to her, "Chorus together." And with that, continued hoping she would join in.

"Run, baby, run

Don't ever look back

They'll tear us apart if you give them the chance

Don't sell your heart, don't say we're not meant to be

Run, baby, run, forever we'll be

You and me"

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I join in on the chorus smiling big and looking between him and the ones we were singing to.

"Run, baby, run

Don't eer look back

They'll tear us apart if you give them the chance

Don't sell your heart, don't say we're not meant to be

Run, baby, run

Forever we'll be

You and me"

I smiled bigger still blushing

"Check yes Juliet

You'll be waiting

Wishing wanting mine for the taking

Just sneak out I won't tell a soul goodbye..."

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Aedan started clapping. It wasn't even the song he was clapping for. Altough he tought it was brilliant, the thing he enjoyed the most was the chemistry between the singers. He was quite jealous of their newly found bond, as he had nobody in the world of SAO who shared his interests, someone who he could talk about them with.

"This was absolutely breattaking! Honestly, you two should make a band or sonething. In the real world you two could huge!"

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Tyrius was cut short by a player who started to applaud early, and said, trying to turn to hide his crimson cheeks, "Y-yeah, the song was great." He looked at Wynter and took a step towards her without realizing he had done so. He laughed and said, "Well, I guess half a song is okay." He did a little salute to those listening and sat back down.

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"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize there was more!"

Aedan facepalmed himself as hard as he could for being a such a huge idiot. He was caught up on how good the two players looked together while singing that he completely forgot about where the song was actually at.

"Well, another one to the good old "Moments-butchered-by-Aedan'list..."

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I smiled at them and then sat down by him hiding my face and looking at the table. I lean over to him and whisper in his ear, "You were amazing, Tyrius." I smile at him and then turn back facing forward, looking down at the tv.

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Arekkusu clapped as the performance has ended. He loved the duet, and this was coming from a Performer. Of all the professions, of a performer thought it was good, it was good. It was great, beautiful, and something he thought he would never see again in the world of sword art online again. A duet singing.

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Tyrius jumped when Wynter whispered in his ear, and blushed when he realized she had complimented him. He leaned towards her and said, "I think you were better." He pat her on the back lightly, not being used to situations like this, and picked up his drink, trying to look unphased.

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I laugh softly. "Thanks." I thought to myself about how amazing that was. I'd never talked to someone unless they approached me first and here I was making contact. This is insane! Almost overwhelming but so far so good. Just have to make sure I don't mess up too bed. "So uh...where could one stay if they don't have money for an inn?" I look up biting the inside of my lip nervously. 'If any of them offer a place, decline. You barely know these people. Don't take advantage.' I thought to myself.

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"I know one inkeeper who will let you in with my permission for free. Good thing to have connections you know." Arekkusu said with a smile confirming that he was speaking the truth. "I live in an inn on the 6th floor for free, Unyies inn, she is an aquantance of mine that will allow you all to sleep... If you want to climb Tue floors that is. Im about to go there anyways since it is a long way up, so I'll be willing to get some of us some rooms, free of charge."

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"I-I...haven't beaten any bosses." I whispered quietly hiding my face by looking down and letting my hair fall in from of my bright blue eyes. "If it doesn't work out then don't worry I can find somewhere to stay." I smiled encouragingly. I didn't know how I was gonna do it but I didn't have much of a choice.

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Tyrius nodded, saying, "That would be nice. One tires of sleeping on benches and outside the safe zone." He laughed and said to Arekkusu, "Look at this. I used to have... issues... and now I am standing around with people singing!" He giggled, and looked around when he realized he had giggled. He coughed, and acted inconspicuous.

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"Like hell we are going to leave a friend behind. And that goes to everyone here. We aren't going to leat anyone slip behind." Arekkusu said as he stood up. "We act and live as a temporary group until we can stand. We aren't letting any players fall behind. It will work, I know it will. Because we aren't letting people go in their own."

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I look at them. "You would be willing to do that for your allies?" I look at him in surprise, no one has ever been that willing to help me before. "Or friends..." I whisper. He called me a friend. I had a friend. I couldn't stop repeating the word in my head. Friend...

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Destiny was nodding on and off. She loved the song that the two had sun and found that their voices together were so beautiful.  She was about to fall over and fall asleep until she heard her young nephew say things about a place to day.  "Hm?" she said as she rubbed her eyes awake.  "Oh yes... Umm.. Once I do buy myself a place to live.... You are all free to stop by, eat and rest up there.  Free of charge."  she said with a smile.  It was a long day for Destiny and she longed to see someone but she didn't know where they were.  She also didn't want to bother them.  Destiny rubbed her red ribbon that was tied to her wrist.  She thought about the promise.  "And, well.." Destiny looked at Arekkusu.  "I don't think either of us want to see others perish." 

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"I want to give everyone here what I never had and wished I could've had while I was a new player " Arekkusu said as he folded his hands. "Willing to do it for an ally you ask? Hell no. I am willing to do it for a friend in need, or anyone in need for that matter, but friends especially. And this isn't the only time I'll help like this. If you guys are willing to stat at the inn I live in, follow me please whenever you are ready. Destiny, Sousuke, and I will protect everyone from dangerous monsters."

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I smiled brightly at their offers. "That would be...great. I promise I'll pay you all back for being here for me. I haven't ever really had friends so this is a big change for me and I do really know what I'm doing but I promise I'll returt the favor." I looked around at each of them.

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"Don't put yousrself in a debt that you can't pay." Arekkusu said. "I'm the one offering what I am, I don't expect anything in return. The only thing I demand is that no one is harmed or mentally hurt by the end of this game, and living outside can do just that. So I ask of you not to suffer while I am not around, but to be happy. I'll take the pain, I'm used to it, just don't take it, please. Everyone understand?"

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