Baldur 0 Posted January 4, 2015 #1 Share Posted January 4, 2015 (edited) Profile » Username: Baldur » Nickname: Gaijin Samurai; Bal » Real name: Jason Weaver (not public knowledge) » Age: 31->33 » Gender: Male » Height: 5'11" » Profession: Grand Master Merchant » Combat Role: Tempered Glass Canon » Guild: Jacob's Ladder » Guild Role: Pillar » Weapon of Choice: Katana » Fighting Style: Katsujinken - Grandmaster » Place of Residence: Private Island on Floor 24 (public knowledge) » Before SAO: As a young boy, Jason grew up in a Japanese neighborhood on the west coast of America. He never learned the language, but he was surrounded by their art and architecture and customs. In school, he was the only white kid, constantly standing out for his blond hair and blue eyes. He and his brothers were bullied for being gaijin, until his parents moved them into private schools. They were still the only white kids there, but the classes were smaller and better managed. The academic standards at the private school were also much higher than the public schools, and as a result, Jason rose to the challenge and excelled. When it came time for high school, they moved again, this time out into the rural country. In the beginning grade school, he had excelled at all sports simply by virtue of the fact that he was the biggest kid around. But when he went to high school, more diversity came with it, and he went from being the big fish in a small pond, to just another unremarkable fish. However, Jason had a unique blend of loving pop-culture, being a jock, and on the honor roll. So he found himself in a strange cross section of people. He could move from circle to circle, but didn't really belong to any of them. Living out in the countryside it also made it hard to keep up with his old friends, and even the new ones lived too far away to ride his bike to. So he turned to video games. Gaming was also how he learned to get along with his brothers. They could beat each other up outside, but at the table, or side by side at couch or keyboard, they worked together like a well oiled machine. It was due to his older brothers and his parents that he also developed a love of old movies. In games, it didn't matter who he was in real life, he could be anything he wanted, and that bridged the social awkwardness gap he had had from being so different from everyone else. His parents were by no means rich, but they made travel a priority, and as such, Jason developed a love of it as well. He loved to travel and explore. He learned to love different cultures, and appreciate the larger world as a whole. Especially when traveling to third world countries, he learned to value what was truly important to survive, and understand how blessed he was. When Jason went to college, the diversity crept in even more, but it was a more honest diversity than you find in high schools. The rigors of college life caused Jason to draw inward, however, and revert to his video games rather than be social. Still, he was far more social than your usual NEET. He eventually found a balance to college, for being social through MMO gaming, and managing to excel in his studies. During college he also began to fence competitively, both with the foil in European fencing, and with the Shinai in Kendo. Baldur studied and truly excelled in Iaido. It was his passion. He felt some deeper connection with the eastern philosophy of Iai and Kendo, but loved the competitive academic european fencing scene. He pushed hard, and placed nationally for both Foil and Kendo. Once he graduated college with a degree in network security he moved again, this time across the country. There he truly found himself and flourished, having the opportunity for a fresh start. He found a group of people just as odd as he was, and who shared a collective passion for academics, theater, and martial arts of all kinds. His excitement for life and having found "his people" caused his success in all areas to skyrocket. He met his first love, a perfect match for him he never would have expected to find, Rhoan Xavia, and they never looked back. But life would change once more. Jason had the opportunity to move across the world to Japan. He spent the first year before the move learning Japanese as quickly as he could, but due to his background, he had a leg up on most novices. As with most things, when Jason found a passion for something, he excelled at it. So together with his girlfriend Rhoan, they moved together to Osaka, Japan to pursue the next exciting step in his promising career and life. They had been living in Japan for several years when the announcement for SAO came out. Being an avid gamer, especially of MMO's and martial artist he had his girlfriend were first in line to pick up a pair of NerveGear. They were extremely excited about the game, and read everything about it which was publicly available prior to release. Being one of the lucky couples to get their NerveGear, they raced home and logged in immediately. They had everything prepared up front. Food, drinks, comfy chairs, and time off from work. They became so engrossed in the game, they never even noticed the Log Out option was disabled until that fateful meeting in the Starting City. While the initial revelation was terrifying in its consequence, Jason, as someone who often looked to escape reality into a game, was able to quickly adapt and adopt this new world as his new "real one." and embrace the new rules of this world. That was years ago. » Jason is the kind of person who will take his time to help the newbies out, who will go out of his way to help others, and to try and raise up the less fortunate and defend those who need his help. He wants to stand up for what is right, and to treat everyone fairly. He will side with what he thinks is Just, even if it isn't what is best for him. He believes in putting honor above his life, though he would never ask anyone else to by his code. He has one of those personalities that people feel instantly like they can trust. In fact, he is honest to a fault, and is a terrible liar. More so than telling the truth, his feelings are honest and straightforward. He is guided by his heart and his code of honor, and if they are ever not in alignment, he feels torn. His emotional depth is not deep enough to be murky as so he can often come across as transparent. He is a rock. Or perhaps a willow. Whatever the analogy, he is the type of person who will weather the storm, and adapt to his surroundings. His will is implacable, but he also has a 'go with the flow' manner that makes him fit into many different social situations. After years in Aincrad, he has some scars and some wear and tear showing, but where lesser men might have fallen, he will pull himself back up and move forward. Baldur loves to help people, and to that end he has also taken a few players under his wing. It wasn't a position Jason would have thought he would find himself in, but as he and therefore Baldur, are far older than most of the players, Baldur has found himself helping younger players. Not so much with his sword arts, but with coping with life and the situation they find in, and helping try to balance the mental and spiritual health of his fellow players. He didn't want the position at first, but he has grown to embrace that maybe his greatest contribution to helping escape the tower won't be the damage he deals, but the people he helps get up there and fight along the way. » In spite of the fact that he is (righteous), this attitude of always standing on the moral high-ground, and being assured of the right-ness of his cause and point of view, can rub those who love to languish the the shades of gray and moral ambiguity the wrong way. He can be blind and bullheaded in the pursuit of what he feels is right, especially if he certain of it, and refuses to bend his morality to suit a situation. Perhaps going hand in hand with being self-righteous, he is prideful, and those who attempt to demean him, his friends, or his ideals, are sure to inspire his wrath. It also means he has a hard time asking for help for himself, though not for others. He doesn't view this as pride, however, rather he does not wish to impose on others, especially if he feels that the task is something he should have the strength to accomplish himself. As mentioned, he is honest to a fault. He couldn't lie to save his life, and he will tell you why you're wrong and he's right. He never is mean-spirited about it, he just honestly thinks you want to know why you're wrong, and that by sharing his correct reasoning, you can see the light and become enlightened along with him. He can't see why anyone wouldn't want to be "on the same page" as him, and the fact that people would willfully disagree with his version of "common sense" is bewildering to him, and can cause him to act indelicately. As Baldur as spent more and more time in SAO, and on the front lines, he has developed a certainty that he knows more than most other people. He won't dismiss good advice from someone he respects, but it does mean he discounts people he views as having less experience than he does, or who are out of their depth. He isn't quite obstinate, but he will err on the side of him and his friends being right, rather than someone he doesn't know or trust. This dismissiveness can be more hazardous and make him seem to come across as Blunt and Self-Righteous to others. Story Thus Far » It has been years now since they have become trapped in the game. For much of the first year, Baldur and Tyger made due staying in the city. It seemed obvious to him that whatever the situation actually was, the authorities would rectify it quickly. As time wore on, however, and they were still in the game, he became confronted with the reality that they might have to take Kayaba at his word and save themselves. It was then that he and his girlfriend from the real world, Tyger, took the stance of catching up with the others to help clear the castle. He would no longer let their lives be solely the responsibility of others now that he had to accept that this might really be their only way out. They stepped forth from the Starting City and began their adventure. Along the way they became members of the Guardians of Aincrad under the stewardship of Lessa. They made many friends who they would fight side by side with such as Ariel, Crozeph, and Oikawa and in whom they often entrusted their lives to. They flourished in the tower, learning how to fight as a group with their friends and began to feel invincible. There was nothing the tower could throw at them which could stop them. Together, it seemed, anything was possible. But perhaps it was not the tower they should have been the most concerned about. It never occurred to Baldur that there would be players who would actually seek out to harm others. He had seen orange players before. He had even grouped with them as a member of the Azure Brigade. Those people became orange for a reason, a grudge, a responsibility. A reason he could fathom. That there would be those ugly people who just wanted to watch the world burn... that never entered into Baldur's mind. He won't tell anyone what happened. All that anyone can piece together is that Tyger and Baldur disappeared for almost a year. Neither of their names showed up on the Monument of Life on the first floor, but he had removed everyone from his friend list and vanished. He won't talk about it. He doesn't even like to think about it. But he has reappeared and renewed his desire to free everyone from the cage of Aincrad. When he came back from this mysterious leave of absence, he was broken and lost. He sought out the strongest connection he had: Lessa. At her side, she helped him get back on his feet, work through his issues, and build up self-confidence again. Her help in repairing his emotional state was immeasurable. He formed a bond with Lessa that to this day outweighs any other. In a moment of weakness and in trust, Baldur told Lessa one thing he had never said to anyone else in Aincrad. He told her his true name. Her, and no one else. Lessa had her own struggles, which would at times cause her and Baldur to pass like ships at night, but the ebb and flow of their friendship always brought them back together. Not as lovers, but as two people who had found someone they could confide and trust in more than anyone else, and that bond was unbreakable. As he became more involved, Baldur joined the front line just in time to witness the first major death in a Floor Boss Fight. Azide had been someone he had greatly admired and respected, and had things gone a different way, they might have been good friends and guild mates. The death of Azide, however, impacted Baldur severely. It would adjust his philosophy when it came to boss fights and managing the raid in its entirety. They must be prepared, and they must be as safe as they can. Reconnecting with other old friends, Baldur discovered that the junior members before were the senior leaders now. They helped him work to get caught up to the front line at a rate he never would have expected. Very quickly, Baldur became a voice of influence in raid planning, because the people who knew their role better than anyone else, listened to Baldur. This advisory role would define Baldur's time in the front line. He was never the best at anything, but he taught those who were. His strategic influence became respected, and his voice was listened to. Occasionally, the stress would be too much for him to bare, and Baldur would take a short hiatus from the front line to recharge his batteries, and then come back to join his friends and push the line forward. This progressed through what seemed to be years passing on the frontlines. Eventually, Baldur would be sought out by Shield as a key member to a new Frontline guild. The first true front facing guild in a long time.The frontlines had been through a rocky time, especially after the murder of two leaders of the Azure Brigade and the destruction of that guild by supposed members of the Laughing Coffin. Baldur knew the two assassins and confronted them. OIkawa was one of Baldur's closest friends and family, and was wracked with guilt over what he had done, but the once proud paragod had found himself manipulated into the assassination by another rising star; Opal. Baldur had found a quick connection of kindred spirits with Opal, and had been hurt to be so betrayed by her. A masterful manipulator, Baldur confronted her as well on the side of the mountains of floor 7, but the woman he had known was gone. Shortly thereafter she went on a suicide mission of revenge against the Laughing Coffin and was shortly thereafter found on the Monument of LIfe. From there, redemption became a major facet of Baldur's life and teaching. He helped his friend Oikawa work through his grief and decide to pursue redemption, even though the path would be hard and the hate would be powerful. He taught Calrex, the highest level player in Aincrad, how to use the Katana so that he could reach his wife, Teayre, another notable and infamous PKer. Then Baldur taught Teayre, a woman who had succumbed to the blood-lust inherent in the cursed blade Muramasa. She relinquished the demonic blade to him as the only one who could bear the sword without falling to its corrupting influence. Baldur was then also sought out by Shield, a rising star of the frontlines and an unparalleled tank. Baldur factored in as a key for Shield in starting up a frontline guild, the first true one since the fall of Azure Brigade. They would learn from the folly of the past, and move forward to help the frontline. But then, floor 23 happened. What was proceeding as perhaps one of the most well coordinated fights of the frontline devolved into one of the most ruinous. A friend of Baldur's, Hirru, ended up siding with one of the Dark Elf boss monsters, interposing himself between the frontline players and the boss. What followed was conflict never seen before, and included PvP in a boss fight. Afterwards, Baldur had called together a summit of the people he felt were leaders on the front. Calrex, Shield, Hestia, Jomei (who was not able to make it) and Macradon. While most of them could agree, Hestia became an agent of conflict. Someone Baldur had trusted with his life, and considered one of his closest friends and partners, threw wrench after wrench into the discussion, seeming to disagree just for the sake of disagreeing. Instead of bringing the front together, they tore it apart further. But Shield and Baldur moved forward with their plans, putting together a team that they would hope exemplified what good teamwork could do. Unfortunately, this brought them into conflict again with Hestia, who continued to be obstructionist to any progress they had on the frontlines, and culminated in a shouting match at the floor 24 boss meeting, and with Shield and Baldur's dream of a guild falling apart and the members scattering to the winds and not participating in the boss fight. And floor 24 was a marathon boss fight, illustrating the lack of coordination and preparation that Baldur and Shield had wanted to fix. However, slowly Baldur was drawn back to the front again, this time by a new pupil, Morgenstern, who asked Baldur to teach him the way of the sword. From here, Baldur decided he wanted to open up his own dojo, where he could teach players how to fight with the katana, how to handle themselves in combat, and how to be prepared for boss fights, as well as how to wield their sword to save others. He named his style, Katsujinken, the life giving sword; for his sword style would be to bring life back to those trapped in purgatory, and to redeem the life of those who had fallen for one reason or another and sought to use their life in pursuit of redemption to clear Aincrad. Just as he built is dojo, Shugyosha, Student of the Way, Shield and Baldur once again got together to plan a revitalization of their guild idea. This time, under the co-leadership of Oikawa and Mari, two notable orange players who sought to earn their redemption by helping others and pushing the frontlines. This guild finally came to fruition. Jacob's Ladder, the guild that would help build a staircase form the dream world to the real world. They would help to wake the dreamers and return them home. For the 25th floor the Frontlines faced a battle greater and unlike any other. A milestone floor required the best efforts that could be provided. Jacob's Ladder called a raid meeting together at the guild hall, and worked closely with Firm Anima to make sure that the entire raid was properly kitted out, and that every player came into the fight with a full stack of group heal crystals. While it was the most attended Raid Meeting ever to that point, there was still an obvious lack of unity. However, the danger of the raid was made known, and the Frontline came prepared. It was a difficult fight, but successful. T̷̳̪̖̏ȟ̵̢̨̹̟̫̘̻̜̥̎͑̏͑̾͜e̴̯̮͎̝̐̇͆̋́̓̆ ̴̰̖͉̂̔̉͠͠S̷̨͙̖͙̮̯̮̙̈͋̀̏̂͊h̷̛̪̪͍̥͐͋̕͠a̴̛͍̠̮̍͑͘ḑ̴̧͉̬̣̦̩̬̗̘̄̿͗̽͐̑ớ̴̡̙̺̟͉̖̏̇̏̒͋w̴̠̞̖̺͎̖̿̊̚ broke all the rules, and when the Frontline triumphed, a change rippled through the castle. The floor 26 Raid went much better, with many parties coming prepared with feasts, but once again there was a schism in the party, splitting the raid between siding with the raid boss and causing players to draw blades against one another. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed, and the raid voted on their course of action and no PvP actually took place. The boss fight itself was not the end, however, and the choice of sparing the boss created a post raid event that spilled across the entire floor. Only after completing the event did the next floor open up. However, after such chaotic fights, Baldur found the need to do something to create community. So he invited everyone to his island home and guild hall in order to host a valentines day tournament. It was the largest gathering of Frontline and adjacent players he had ever witnessed. People got to showcase their abilities, and in several cases work out their problems. The event was a huge success, however after several such unprecedented floor fights, Baldur needed to rest and recuperate. He watched over his friends from a distance as he and many others took time to recuperate. For the 28th floor boss fight, Jomei summoned Baldur to fill in for a missing player. Once more the gaijin samurai stepped back onto the frontline, though once again surrounded by old friends. The fight was going exactly as planned when suddenly it appeared that Freyd, the now highest level player in Aincrad, appeared to die. Then moments later seemed to respawn somehow, or come back from the brink. This has caused Baldur to assume that Freyd may not be who he says he is. Could he be Kayaba Akihiko, or one of his agents? Only time would tell. Relationships IRL (optional) » Tyger (Rhoan Xavia) - Girlfriend (MIA) Edited December 27, 2024 by Baldur Formatting and adding to bio Link to post Share on other sites
Lessa 1 Posted January 5, 2015 #2 Share Posted January 5, 2015 Approved. Welcome to Aincrad! Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted October 10, 2016 Author #3 Share Posted October 10, 2016 (edited) »Equipment » Standard Equipment (Baldur alternates the use of these 2 swords, but only ever has 1 equipped) » Muramasa | Tier 4 Demonic | Absolute Accuracy, Fallen (8), Blight(32/-20), Burn (56) » Ethereal Tether - Zanshin | Tier 4 Demonic | Absolute Accuracy, Keen, Burn (56), Freeze (64) » Montsuki Haori | Tier 4 Demonic | +1 Evasion +48 Mitigation | 1 Recovery (+4) » Emerald Teardrop | Perfect | +2 Accuracy +1 Evasion | 1 Recovery (+4) <<The Muaramasa>> Reveal hidden contents Item Name: <<The Muramasa>> Item Tier: 4 Item Type: Katana Item Enhancements: AA/Fallen/Blight/Burn Description: The masterpiece sword of a cursed master, the black and red blade exudes a murderous aura, as if the blade itself seeks out battle. According to legend, the blade was handed down from murderer to murderer, until it made its way into the hands of the orange player <<Teayre>> whom had one of the highest body counts of any player. The blade is said to have a corrupting influence, and seeks blood whenever drawn before it can be sheathed, even if it is the wielders life The blade is a dark black, but the hamon is wicked waves of red. It has an unequaled history of ending the lives of players, including taking the lives of legendary front liners. When activated, the light of the sword art appears to be a sickly, bloody red. On the verge of collapse, the legendary hero Calrex engaged in battle with his wife, the legendary murdered Teayre, for her very soul. Only after facing defeat at the hands of her husband was Teayre broken free of the curse. With a clear mind at last, she chose to give the sword to Baldur, whom she believed was the only one who could wield the sword without giving in to its corrupting influence, until one day when she was ready to take it up again. <<Ethereal Tether - Zanshin>> Reveal hidden contents Item Name: Ethereal Tether - Zanshin Item Tier: 4 Item Type: Katana Item Enhancements: AA/Keen/Freeze/Burn Description: A relic in purplish silver crusite make, housed in a ivory saya. When held it is as if your are linked to your targets, even if blind folded it is as if you can 'feel' them. Frightening to all those but the most practiced of minds, this weapon seeks to destroy opposition all its own. <<Montsuki Haori>> Reveal hidden contents Item Name: Montsuki Haori Item Tier: 4 Item Type: Light Armor Item Enhancements: Mit/Mit/Eva/Recovery Description: This traditional Japanese jacket is thigh length, and unlike a kimono doesn't close, but is instead held together by a burnished orange string that connects at the lapel. The majority of it is a light blue that matches the sky surrounding Aincrad, while the hem at the bottom and at the end of the sleeves have white flames worked into the fabric that seem to dance as the wearer moves. On the back is emblazoned the symbol of SAO's eldest Samurai ronin, the Heron wading in the rushes. <<Jade Magatama>> Reveal hidden contents Name: Jade Magatama Profession: Artisan Rank: (8) Master ID: 64131 Roll: 13 (12 + 1 CD) Item Type: Trinket Quality: Demonic Enhancement: +2 Accuracy, + 1 Evasion, +1 recovery Description: A piece of dark green jade shaped into half of the yin-yang symbol attached to a rose gold chain. To be worn around the neck. Post Link: Here <<Warden's Fury>> Reveal hidden contents Name: Warden's Fury Profession: N/A Rank: N/A ID: N/A Roll: N/A Item Type: Katana Tier: 3 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: 1 Slot Absolute Accuracy, 2 Slots Paralyze Description: Post Link: Dropped Here, Acquired Here & Converted to Katana Here OTHER ITEMS Quote » Hammerspace Backpack A normal looking backpack that actually can carry an obscene amount of items. Adds +1 to Battle Ready inventory. In addition to this effect, all Battle ready Inventory slots can stack up to two more. This item does not take up a Battle Ready inventory slot (A player may only have one Dimensional Backpack or Hammerspace Backpack at any time). Expand » Equipment in inventory Reveal hidden contents Quote Item: Searcher’s Eye Item Type: Trinket Quality: Rare Enhancement: Loot Dice +2 Description: A red lens within a golden monocle. ID: 64132 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare Item Post: Here Expand Quote Item: Spiral Compass Item Type: Lucky Charm Quality: Rare Enhancement: +1 Skill Rank (Search and Detect) Description: A silver monocle that is said to make it easier to find other items. ID: 33815 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) Post: Here Expand Quote Item: Monocle of Sight V2. Item Type: Trinket Quality: Perfect Artisan – Rank 8 ID: 66749 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item Link: Tier: 2 Enhancement: +1 Search & detect Skill, +1 LD Description: An aristocrat's choice of eyewear, just the fashion statement to set him apart from the unwashed masses Post Aquired: Here Expand Quote Item: Bandit’s Lucky Rabbit’s Foot Item Type: Trinket Quality: Perfect ID: 66755 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect Artisan – Rank 8 Link: Tier: 2 Enhancement: +3 Loot Dice Description: This lucky rabbt’s foot always helps bend the odds in your favour so that you can find what you’re looking for. Post Aquired: Here Expand Quote Item: Emerald Magatama of Grace Item Type: Trinket Quality: Perfect ID: 66710 CD: 12 – Nat – Perfect Profession: Artisan Rank: 8 Link: Tier: 2 Enhancement: +2 Evasion, + 1 Accuracy Description: An emerald in the shape of Yin. Post Aquired: Here Expand Quote Name: Fudōshin Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 8 ID: 66568 Roll: 12 [9+3] Item Type: Katana Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +4 Damage & +1 Bleed Description: Fudoshin is the state of the immovable spirit, the iron will of a warrior made steel. As such, Fudoshinken can only be wielded by a warrior who has risen to the challenge of defeating their inner demons. Post Link: Here Expand Quote Name: Ronin Uwa-obi Profession: Tailor Rank: (9) Master ID: 64437 Roll: 12 (10+2) Item Type: Light Armor Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: (2) Damage Mit, (1) Evasion (-36 damage received) Description: Also known as a 'himo' this item is a light blue with white cloth sash that is used for attaching your weapons and other items to it. Post Link: Here Expand Quote » Dimensional Backpack Dimensional Backpack (5,000 col) Item Type: Unique Item Effect: Adds +1 to Battle Ready inventory. This item does not take up a Battle Ready inventory slot. A player may only have one Dimensional Backpack at any time. Expand Quote Name: Shukketsu Your Profession: Blacksmith Your Rank: 9 ID: 99441 Roll: 12 Item Type: Katana Tier: 3 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: (2 Damage, 1 Bleed) +6 Damage, 36 Bleed on BD 9-10 for 2 rounds Description: This katana has a long black blade, with a red hamon running down from habiki to yokote as if permanently stained with blood. The sword itself it perfectly balanced and sized for a larger swordsman and fits snugly into it's dark lacquered saya. The tsuba bears the image of a heron wading in the rushes, the symbol that has become recognizable as belonging to Baldur, the gaijin Samurai. The tsuka is wrapped in red silk, to contract the black saya and it has a gold menuki of the laughing buddha. Post Link: Here Expand Quote Name: Raijinken Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 8 ID: 66963 Roll: 12 (11+2) Item Type: Katana Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +4 Damage & +1 Paralyze Description: The sword of lightning, this katana seemed to crackle with faint energy and has the ability to paralyze its foes. Post Link: Here Expand Quote Name: Ki'Raion's Tail Profession: Quest Reward Item Type: One Hand Straight Sword Tier: 2 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +2 Accuracy + Paralyze Description: A leaf blade that looks like it was picked from a daisy, and charged with the power of the sun. Post Link: Here Expand Quote Name: Weeaboo Armor Profession: Drop ID: 134725 Item Type: Light Armor Tier: 3 Quality: Rare Enhancements: Savvy | Recovery | Description: A set of black martials arts gi that help you move and be more accurate with the power of anime on your side. Post Link: Here Expand Quote ≪Nihilim's Anguish#154380≫ [T3 Katana] Fallen | Fallen | ACC A fang of the cursed dragon, Nihilim fashioned into a weapon. Darkness seeps from within the very core of the fang. Merely touching it fills the user with a faint sensation of dread. Acquired Here: Post Link Expand <<Emerald Teardrop>> Reveal hidden contents See <<Jade Magatama>> » Accessories & Vanity Items Reveal hidden contents » Hoya of Minos | Quest Reward | A really pretty necklace » Blue and white haori | Good Item | Baldur's signature jacket. It is primarily blue, but has white flames rising from the bottom hem and sleeves. » Ring: Bungads | Good Item | Gold and silver ring with dragons on the side » Battle-Ready Items » Varies thread by thread » Baldur's Hammerspace backpack allows him to carry 1 more battle read item than standard, and stacks up to 7 Edited December 27, 2024 by Baldur Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted October 10, 2016 Author #4 Share Posted October 10, 2016 (edited) »Consumables »Consumable Items: » Bottled Banshee Scream x1 | Quest Reward | Paralyze on-hit for one thread » Cerberus Soul x1 | Quest Reward | Burn damage » Lucky Heart x1 | Thread Reward | +2 LD (Vitamin) » Beginner Dungeon Map | Donor Reward | Works on any floor » Beginner Dungeon Map | Last Hit Reward | Floor 23 | +600*Tier EXP and 5,000 Col for up to 4 people » Intermediate Dungeon Map | Donor Reward | Works on any floor » Intermediate Dungeon Map | Last Hit Reward | Floor 23 | +600*Tier EXP and 5,000 Col for up to 4 people » Advanced Dungeon Map | Donor Reward | works on any floor » Advanced Dungeon Map | Last Hit Reward | Floor 23 | +600*Tier EXP and 5,000 Col for up to 4 people » Yui's Grace x1 | Donor Reward | Use in first post of non event/boss thread and gain +1 SP » Easter Special Dungeon Map | Event Item | Tier 3 Easter Dungeon » Egg Nog | Event Reward | Demonic Consumable | Safeguard & +15 MIT » Horn of Battle | Event Reward | sounds this horn to grant yourself and your party +2 increased energy regen » Huginn and Muninn | Event Reward | Skip the "finding" phase of <<Feeding your enemy>> once » Asgard's Finery | Event Reward | Reroll a single enchantment on an existing item using Unique Enhancement OR increase an item to demonic quality and roll for normal enhacement »Potions & Crystals: » Field Rations +2 x2 | Merchant Item | +12% Max HP » Immolation Potion x3 | Merchant Item | 40 Thorns damage » Basic Teleportation Crystal x7 | Good Item | Teleports player to the Town of Beginnings » Max T2 HP Recovery Crystal II x3 | Perfect T2 Item | +15% Target HP » Max Vitality Snack x2 | Perfect Tier 2 | Grants +12 Energy » Medium Vitality Snack x6 | Rare Tier 2 | Grants +8 Energy » Max T2 Over-Health Potion x6 | Perfect Tier 2 | +90 Over-health » Max T3 Over-Health Potion x1 | Perfect Tier 3 | +135 Over-health » Max T2 Mitigation Potionx3 | Perfect Tier 2 | +20 MIT » Low Damage Crystal x13 | Uncommon Tier 2 | +1 Damage » Mid Damage Crystal x16 | Rare Tier 2 | +2 Damage » Max Damage Crystal x4 | Perfect Tier 1 | +3 Damage » Safeguard Potion x2 | Perfect Tier 1 | Safeguard » Medium Accuracy Snack x4 | Rare Tier NA | Grants +2 accuracy » Medium Evasion Snack x4 | Rare Tier NA | Grants +2 evasion » Medium Protein Snack x5 | Rare Tier NA | Grants +2 damage - 40 MIT » Flash of Rejuvensationx99 | Perfect Tier 1 Crystals | +10% HP (Some of these were distributed, but most weren't) » Resonance of the Grave | Perfect Masterpiece Song | Incarceration - Double damage from DOT, lasts for one battle » Valiant Decree - Crescendo | Perfect Masterpiece Song | Misperception - Reduce damage of enemy by 10% after mitigation for one battle » Crippling Composition - Lullaby | Rare Masterpiece Song | Hypnosis - Reduce enemy accuracy by 2 for one battle » »Usage Log: Reveal hidden contents » Used » » » » » » » » » » Used (1) Mass Heal Crystal in the floor 28 boss fight (20? -> 19) » Used (1) Medium Evasion Snack in the floor 28 boss Fight (5->4) » Used (1) Medium Protein Snack in the floor 28 boss Fight (6->5) » Used (1) Immolation Potion in the floor 28 boss Fight (4->3) » Used (1) Damage +3 Potion in the floor 28 boss Fight (6->5) » Used (1) Medium Accuracy Snack in the floor 28 boss Fight (5->4) » Used (1) Field Rations in the floor 28 boss Fight (3-> 2) » Gave (1) Safeguard Potion to Corzeph in the floor 28 boss Fight (3->2) » in the floor 28 boss Fight ( » Recieved (1) Smores (Evasion 2 food) from Koga in the Floor 26 Floor Boss Fight (5->6) » Used (1) Medium Protein Snack in the Floor 26 Floor Boss Fight (7-> 6) » Used (2) Medium Evasion Snacks in the Floor 26 Floor Boss Fight (7->5) » Used (1) Max T2 HP Recovery Crystal on Cro in the floor 26 Labyrinth fight (4->3) » Used (1) Group Heal crystal during the floor 25 boss fight (11->10) » Used Numbing Hymn - Falter during the floor 25 boss fight (1->0) » Used Banner of Command during the floor 25 boss fight (1->0) » Used (1) Medium Antidote during the floor 25 boss fight (1->0) » Used (1) Immolation Potion during the floor 25 boss fight (5 ->4) » Used (1) Rhino Horn during the floor 25 boss fight (1->0) » Used (1) Snowfrost during the floor 25 boss fight (1->0) » Received (2) +3 Damage potions from Jomei in the Baldur, Mac, and Jomei vs Ramen » Received (1ea) Incarceration, Misperception, Hypnosis, and Lullaby masterpiece from Raidou on the player request board » Received (100) Group Heal crystals on the player request board from Raidou » Received (1) Tier 3 Healing Crystal (0->1) from Heard you like labyrinths so search for one in a labyrinth » Purchased (4) Perfect Tier 1 Damage Potions (0->4) from Zandra's shop » Used (1) Medium Accuracy Snack +2 (5->4) in Heard you like labyrinths so search for one in a labyrinth » Used (1) Field Rations +2 (4->3) in Heard you like labyrinths so search for one in a labyrinth » Used (1) Max Damage Potion (1->0) in Heard you like labyrinths so search for one in a labyrinth (bought from Zandra and used immediately) » Used (1) Medium Accuracy Snack (6-5) in My Wayward Kohai » Used (1) Gleaming Stone | Event Reward | Changes 1 Equipment from one Type, to another. Used to change Warden's Fury into a Katana » Used (1) Medium Accuracy Snack (7->6) in Anemone, I choose You! » Used (1) Mid Damage Crystal (17->16) in Anemone, I choose You! » Used (1) Yui's Grace (2->1) in Anemone, I choose You! » Used (1) Teleportation Crystal (1->0) in [BR-F24] Sahagin Shenanigans » Purchased (7) Rare accuracy food, (7) rare evasion food, (7) rare protein food, and (1) Perfect T3 Overhealth food from Tacet Cibum (Neo's shop) » Purchased (7) Perfect Group Heal crystals, (13) low damage crystals, (17) mid damage crystals from Zandra's shop » Use (1) Max T2 Mitigation Potion (4-> 3) in [BR-F24] Sahagin Shenanigans » Use (1) Tiger Rage (1->0) in [BR-F24] Sahagin Shenanigans » Use (1) Max T2 Over-Health Potion (7->6) in [BR-F24] Sahagin Shenanigans » Use (1) Field Ration +2 (5 -> 4) in [BR-F24] Sahagin Shenanigans » Purchased (5) Field Rations +2, and 5 Immolation Potions from Catfish Sundries » Gave (1) Mass HP Recovery Crystal (1 -> 0) to Haz in Adulterated Realm T3 (Event boss) » Use (1) Mass HP Recovery Crystal (2->1) in Adulterated Realm T3 (Event boss) » Use (1) Medium T2 Rare Damage Potion (1 -> 0) » Use (1) Mass HP Recovery Crystal (3->2) in Paving the way to Floor 24 » Use (1) Mass HP Recovery Crystal (4->3) in Adulterated Realm T3 (Event boss) » Use (1) Mass HP Recovery Crystal (5->4) in Paving the way to Floor 24 » Use (1) Toxic Venom Alve (1->0) in Paving the way to floor 24 » Use (1) Max T3 Overhealth Potion (+135 HP) recieved from Zandra on Paving the way to floor 24 » Use (1) Max T3 Mitigation Potion (1->0) in Paving the way to floor 24 (recieved from Zandra) » Gave (2) T2 Damage Potions (+3 DMG) to Jomei (and Telrenya) (3->1) in Paving the way to floor 24 » Use (1) Rare T3 Dessert - Bullseye +2 ACC (#102200-1) got from Pinball in Paving the way to floor 24 » Use (1) Rare T3 Dessert - On the Run +2 EVA (#101788) got from Pinball in Paving the Way to floor 24 » Use (1) Medium T2 Antidote Potion in Paving the way to floor 24 » Use (1) <<<Blood Bane>> in Paving the way to floor 24 » Use (1) Field Ration +2 (1->0) in Paving the way to floor 24 » Use (1) Perfect T2 Damage Potion (4->3) in Paving the way to floor 24 » Use (1) Safeguard potion (4->3) in Paving the way to floor 24 » Use (1) Tofu Burger (received from Neopolitan at the boss fight) Paving the way to floor 24 » Use (1) Accuracy Tea (1->0) in <<Trouble in the Mines>> Baldur & Shield » Use (1) Whole Grain Cookie (1->0) in Down with the King <<Betrayal of the King>> » Use (1) Safeguard potion (5 ->4) in Down with the King <<Betrayal of the King>> » Use (1) Max T2 Damage Potion (5->4) in Down with the King <<Betrayal of the King>> » Use (1) Max T2 Mitigation Potion (5->4) in Down with the King <<Betrayal of the King>> » Used (1) Tier 2 Medium Damage Potion (+2 Damage) in "<<Bane of Blood>> I'm not Dead yet" » Used (1) Yui's Grace (3->2) on Nature vs Nurture with Calrex » Used Yui's Grace on The Hidden Village quest with Hestia and Calrex » Used glittering snow flake to increase Muramasa to tier 3 (below here, I went oldest to newest. Above here, I put the newest at the top) Reveal hidden contents » Floor 17 Boss Fight | Perfect T2 Damage Crystal » Floor 17 Boss Fight | Perfect T2 Mitigation Crystal » Floor 17 Boss Fight | Safeguard » Floor 17 Boss Fight | T2 Over-health Potion » Floor 17 Boss Fight | Alcoholic » Madness... No | Steak Sandwich (T1 Alcoholic) (given to Baldur by Syn in previous post) » Madness... No | Safeguard (given to Baldur by Vyrtew in previous post) » Madness... No | Giave (2) healing Potions (+15 HP merchant) to Vyrtew » Exterminate! | Rare T2 Damage potion » Exterminate! | Rare T2 Mitigation Potion » Exterminate! | Wasp Energy Drink (given to Baldur by Hirru in previous post) » Quest for the First Chest | T2 Perfect Damage Crystal » Floor 18 Boss Fight | Banner of Command Charge » Floor 18 Boss Fight | Bottled Banshee Scream » Floor 18 Boss Fight | Monkey Agility » Floor 18 Boss Fight | T2 Perfect Damage » Floor 18 Boss Fight | T2 Perfect Alcoholic » Floor 18 Boss Fight | T2 Perfect Mitigation » Floor 18 Boss Fight | T2 Perfect Overhealth » Floor 18 Boss Fight | Safeguard » Floor 18 Boss Fight | T2 Perfect Toxic Venomon (ruled not to stack and removed) » Rudolph the Rabid | T2 perfect Damage potion » Rudolph the Rabid | Safeguard » Rovian Wars Pt 2 | Banner of Command Charge » Rovian Wars Pt 2 | Safeguard » Asterios the Bull King | Safeguard » Floor 20 Boss Fight | Safeguard » Floor 20 Boss Fight | Armoured Dragon-Scale (T2 Perfect MIT) » Floor 20 Boss Fight | Vicious Dragon-Fang (T2 Perfect DMG) » Floor 20 Boss Fight | Holy Water (T2 Perfect Overhealth) » Floor 20 Boss Fight | Vodka (T2 perfect alcoholic) Edited December 27, 2024 by Baldur Consolidated items by type Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted October 10, 2016 Author #5 Share Posted October 10, 2016 (edited) »Thread Log Reveal hidden contents » A Brave New World (gains 676 col, 7 mats, and 2 uncommon items, 1 skill point) » Smithy Shenanigans (Gave 7 mats to Tyger)(Gained 200 Col, 1 Skill Point) » Dances With Wolves (gains 7 mats, 520 Col, 1 skill point)(Used 1 Water, 1 Bread) » Secret Medicine of the Forest (Baldur & Tyger) (Quest)(300 Col, 2 SP) » We're Floor Explorers, and we need Floors! (Gains 8 Mats, 575 Col, 1 Skill Point)(used 1 water, 1 bread) » Gearing Up (Gives 15 Mats to Tyger)(Gains Rare: Hellfang, and Rare: Golden Night)(200 Col & 1 skill Point) » Catfish Forge (shop) - (Gained Silver Sights>(Gave Sharp Kindjal and Swordsman's Cape to Tyger) » The Gemini (Wish me luck) (Quest)(Gained 460 Col, 2 Mats, 4 Skill Points, & <<Concentration>> Extra Skill) » Long Live The Queen (Quest)(Gained 575 Col, 4 Skill Points, <<Matriarch's Stinger>>) (Bought 2x Healing Potions for 1,000 Col) » Calming the Soul (Return of the Red Eye) (Quest)(Gained 470 Col, 2 Skill Points, 1 Mat, and <Meditation> Skill) » It's Burr Outside <Avalanche> (Quest)(Gained 607 Col, <<Snowfrost>>, 4 SP) » Quest for the Hoya (Quest)Gained 258 Col, 3 SP, Hoya Amulet) » <<Earning a Living>> The wolf of mainstreet (Quest) Merchant profession, +1 SP, +400 Col) » Materials, Mobs, and mystery oh my! (Gained +3 Mats and <<Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi>> from Tyger)(255 Col, 1 SP) » The Phantom Agent Makes an Appearance (Gained 80 Col & 1 SP) » Catfish Sundries (shop) - (Gained 2 Heal Potions, 1 teleport crystal, 1 field ration, -1920 Col) » Hunting The Upper Floors (Gained 208 Col, 1 SP) » <<Earning a Living (again)>> Supply run (Quest) Gains 735 Col, 12 Mats, & 1 SP) » Rainbows!!!!!! And New Friends (Gains 160 Col & 1 SP) » Catfish Forge (shop) - (Gained Perfect Scales (+1 to CD)) » <<The Traveler>> Search for the Dead Sea Tupperware - (Quest)(Gained 200 Col, 2SP, 1 Mat and <<Survivor>> Skill) » The Mountain's Secret - (Gained 200 Col & 1 SP) » From Weakling to Slightly less of a weakling (1SP) » <<Blood in the Sand>> Catfish vs Shark (Quest) (Gained 563 Col, 4 mats, 4 SP) » Valentines Festival (All invited) (100 Col, 1 SP, and vanity item <<Bungads>> ring from Tyger) » Saving Valentine (Event)(Quest)(4SP, 441 col, and <<Gift Box>>) » <<Earning A Living>> Baldur vs the Volcano (Quest)(Gained 480 Col, 7 Mats, 1 SP) » Hunting the Upper Floors, part deux (1SP, 2 Mats & 565 Col) » The Bane of Their Existence (Abandoned) » <<Guardian of Fire>> Hot dog roast and newbie cook-off (Quest)( Gained 400 Col, 3 mats, 4 SP, and <<Cerberus Soul>>) » <<Let There Be Light>> (Quest)(Gained: 1205 Col, 3 Mats, 2SP) » Rocket Through (Incomplete)(Gained Amateru & Knight's Guard) » A Quest of the Heart (Gained 400 Col, 1 SP) » [OP-F1] Who Knew Armor Could be Comfy (1 SP, 100 Col) » Hunting BAMs in the prairie (Incomplete) » Moonlight Relaxation (Gained 1SP, and 133 Col) » [OP-F4] Fools Gold (Gains 1SP, 58 Col) » [PP - F7] The Baldur Feels Conflicted (1 SP, 200 Col) » [PP-10] <<Wail of the Banshee>> Earplugs are OP (6 SP (1 thread, 2 quest, 3 Dungeon) 100 Col, <<Bottled Banshee Scream>>) » [OP-01] Touring Town (+1 SP, +200 Col) » Shop: +3 SP from <<Gift Box>> -1240 Col, +1 Antidote, +1 Field Ration, +2 Crafting XP » [PP-F14] Just that Quick [Floor Boss Battle] (4 SP, 3105 Col) » [PP-F4] Grandmaster (Abandoned) » [PP-F4] The Blade of the Heart (Grandmaster Katana) (1 SP, 2,820 Col, 26 Mats, Grandmaster status) » [OP-F11] Taft Spring Festival (1 SP, 62 Col) » [PP] <<Lord of the Seas>> Poke it with a stick (Complete) (4 SP, 150 Col, <<Lightning Rod>>) » [PP-F1] Dirge for Azide (1 SP) » [PP-F1] A Faint Explanation (1 SP & 57 Col) » [PP-F2] Asterios the Bull King (4 SP) » [PP-F6] <<Deforestation>> (Gained 4 SP, 1150 Col, 4 Mats, <<Tiger Rage>>) » [PP] Floor Boss Meeting (Leonidas, 1 SP, ?? Col) » [SP-F1] That sweet, sweet grind (1 SP, 72 Mats, 8500 Col) » [PP-F1] Initial Greeting (Gained 1 SP, 30 Col) Y» [OP:KE:F2] The Second Greeting (1 SP, 44 Col) » [PP-F1] Taking a Break (Gained 1 SP, 40 Col) » [PP-F1] Scouting for Allies (Gained 1 SP, 40 Col) » [PP-F1] Back in Black (Gained 1 SP, 40 Col) » [PP-F2] Flying with Clouds (Gained 1 SP) » [PP-F17] Demigods (1 SP, 1 Mat, & 1450 Col) » [PP-F1] Break is Over (1 SP & 50 Col) » [PP-F10] To Take A Life, Or Spare One? (3 SP, 1320 Col, 2 Mats) » [PP-F17] Into the Fray (8 SP, 3142 Col)(F17 boss fight) » [PP-F3] Myths and Legends (1SP 44 Col) » [PP-F10] Madness... No <<The Falling of Tagas>> (10SP, 1610 Col, 4 Mats, <<Banner of Command>>, <<OHCS of the Fallen>>, <<Potion of Fallen Strength>> » [PP-F8] Mats for days (Abandoned) » [PP-F1] Becoming a Tailor (1SP) » [PP-F5] <<Butcher of the sands>> A new alliance forms! (4 SP, 4 Mats, 1025 Col & OHCD of Sand) » [PP-F3] We haven't a clue! (Abandoned) » [PP-F7] <<Case of Wurms>> Isn't that a lovely sight (4SP, 625 Col, & <<Snake Venom>>) » [PP-F17] Days of the Five Rings: Earth (1 SP, 200 Col) » [PP-F4] Wolf of Mibu <<Feed the Familiar>> (2 SP, Gram the Fighting Familiar) » [SP-F8] Say hey we're the monkeys <<Monkey King>> (7 SP, 13,735 Col, 50 Mats, <<Monkey Agility>>) » [PP-F10] Cry of the Soul (Hirru, Itzal) (1 SP, 130 Col, Bottled Banshee Scream) » [PP] Balawa Strikes Back! (1 SP, 200 Col) » [PP-F15] Something about a Lion <<WOTW TLC>> (Gained 3 SP & 200 Cor, <<Lion's Courage>>) » [OP-F1] Scouting the Field (2 SP, 80 Col) » [OP-F18] Light Fades to Darkness (2 SP) » [OP-F2] Lakeside Fun (6 SP, 100 Col) » [PP-F18] Days of the Five Rings: Water (2 SP, 2 Mats, & 3,030) » [PP-F7] Dharma And Baldur (SP 1, 200 Col, 1 Mat) » [PP-F4] New Beginnings (SP 1, 200 Col) » [PP-F11] Exterminate <<Earning A Living>> (3 SP, 39,925 col, 30 T2 mats) » [OP-F2] Friendly Competition & Humble Dances (11 SP) » [PP-F18] A Real Challenge (4 SP, 780 col) » [PP-F15] Off to Fight Flying Monkies <<WOTW TMH & SB>> (Gained 4SP, 400 Cor, 3 Tier 2 Mats, <<Scarecrow's Brain>>, <<Tin's Heart>>) » [PP-F17] Quest for the First Chest (6 SP, 13 T2 Materials, & 5107 Col) » [PP-F2] Why I'm Here (ABANDONED) » [PP-F17] Coalition Summit (In Progress) » [PP-F9] Fire and Blood (Abandoned with Cygnus) » [PP-F3] Feeding the Enemy Rawr!! (Abandoned with Cygnus) » [OP-F4] The Wanderer's getting old (Abandoned with Rain) » [PP-F4] Search for the Nine-Tailed Frostfire Fox (Abandoned with Rain) » [PP-F7] It's a Smol Snek (Case of Wurms)(Abandoned with Morgen and Itzal) » [OP-F1] Alchemy Free Giveaway! (Gained 1 SP, (2) Rare T2 +DMG pots, (1) Rare T2 MIT pot, (2) Uncommon T1 Antidote Pots) » [OP-F18] Paving the Way to floor 19 (BOSS RAID)(+6 SP, +3,000 Col) » [OP-F18] Making a Rock Solid Plan (BOSS PLANNING)(+2 SP, +52 Col) » [OP-F1] On Second Thought (BOSS PLANNING)(1 SP, 30 Col) » [PP-F8] Should one be this far up (Abandoned with Sey) » [OP-F1] A Swordsman's Beginning (3 SP, 300 Col) » [OP-F4] Rudolph the Rabid Reindeer (5 SP, <<Glittering Snowflake>>) » [OP-F20] Surprise, Surprise... (Abandoned) » [PP-F19] Escape and Return (Abandoned with Lawfer and Calrex) » [PP-F19] Another real challenge (Abandoned with Zandra, Teayre, Kasier, Seul) » [OP-18] Rovian Wars Part II (1 SP) » [OP-F20] <<21st Floor Boss Meeting>> (2 SP) » [PP:F3] <<Elvish Rivalries>> Training a new Blade (Teayre)(Abandoned) » [OP-F3] Asterios- The Bull King (10 SP) » [OP-F20] Paving the way to floor 21 (Floor 20 Boss Battle)(+6 SP, +15,000 Col) » [PP-F8] Master becomes the apprentice (Abandoned) » [PP-F19] Nature vs Nuture (In Progress) (Yui Tear) » [PP-F22] Sword and Board (2 SP, 12 Tier 3 Mats, 7050 Col) » [PP-F15] I'm Not Dead Yet <<Bane of Blood>> (6SP, 2000 Col, Blood Bane) » [PP-F18] The Ancient Myth <<Just for the Halibut>> (+4 SP, +2900 Col) » [The Lost and Found <<THe Hidden Village>>(In Progress) (Yui Tear) » [PP-F23] Floor 23 Boss Meeting[(2 SP) » [PP-F21] Down with the King <<Forgotten King>>(In Progress) » [OP-F1][MM] The First Meeting (In Progress) » [Event] Christmas Extravaganza 2018 (+2SP, 120 Col, <<Egg Nog>> <<Hammerspace Backpack>>) » [SP-F1][Halloween Event] I'm a zombie girl, in a zombie world... (+2SP, 400 Col, <<Halloween Sticker>>) (Yui Tear) » (In Progress) »[solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time) For a more complete and up-to-date list, see THIS link. Edited December 27, 2024 by Baldur Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted October 14, 2016 Author #6 Share Posted October 14, 2016 (edited) »Placeholder Edited April 8, 2021 by Baldur Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted April 3, 2018 Author #7 Share Posted April 3, 2018 (edited) Average Thread Stats Name: Baldur True Tier: 10 Level: 34 Paragon Level: 65 HP: 980/980 EN: 132/132 Stats: Damage: 23 Mitigation: 78 Accuracy: 5 Evasion: 1 Battle Healing: 54 Loot Die: 5 Stealth Rating: -2 AA KEEN: 1 REC: 8 BRN: 56 FRZ: 64 Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - Etheral Tether - Zanshin AA/Keen/Freeze/Burn Armor/Trinket: - Jade Magatama - Acc/Acc/Eva/Recovery Shield/Armor/Trinket: - Monstsuki Haori - Mit/Mit/Eva/Recovery Combat Mastery: - Combat Mastery: Damage R3 Combat Shift: - TECH Shift Familiar Skill: - Custom Skill: - Skills: - Battle Healing R5 - Charge - Energist - Extended Weight Limit - Fighting Spirit - Katana R5 - Light Armor R5 - Quick Change - Searching R5 Extra Skills: - Concentration - Survival - Meditation - Forgotten King's Authority Inactive Extra Skills: - Parry Addons: - Ferocity - Precision - Resolve - Reveal - Stamina Mods: - Detect - Emergency Recovery - Meticulous Inactive Mods: Battle Ready Inventory: - Basic Teleport Crystal x1 - Group Heal Crystal x1 - Medium Vitality Snack x7 - Muramasa or Zanshin x2 - Safeguard Potion x7 - Warden's Fury x5 Housing Buffs: - Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30. - Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot - Dining Room: Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread. - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts. - Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per fishing attempt - Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post. Guild Hall Buffs: Scents of the Wild Totem: Wedding Ring: Crafting Profession: - Appraising[exp] R1 Gathering Profession: - Fishing[exp] R1 Edited December 27, 2024 by Baldur Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted April 9, 2018 Author #8 Share Posted April 9, 2018 (edited) »Raid & Thread Stats »This is for copying and pasting into other threads and the raid fight where my stats need to be post. Quote » Baldur, The Gaijin Samurai Modified HP: Modified EN: Modified MIT: Modified ACC: Modified DMG: Modified EVA: Battle Heal: Search: Temp Buff: Temp Buff: Temp Buff: Temp Buff: Temp Buff: Name: Baldur True Tier: 10 Level: 34 Paragon Level: 65 HP: 980/980 EN: 132/132 Stats: Damage: 23 Mitigation: 78 Accuracy: 5 Evasion: 1 Battle Healing: 54 Loot Die: 5 Stealth Rating: -2 AA KEEN: 1 REC: 8 BRN: 56 FRZ: 64 Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - Etheral Tether - Zanshin AA/Keen/Freeze/Burn Armor/Trinket: - Jade Magatama - Acc/Acc/Eva/Recovery Shield/Armor/Trinket: - Monstsuki Haori - Mit/Mit/Eva/Recovery Combat Mastery: - Combat Mastery: Damage R3 Combat Shift: - TECH Shift Familiar Skill: - Custom Skill: - Skills: - Battle Healing R5 - Charge - Energist - Extended Weight Limit - Fighting Spirit - Katana R5 - Light Armor R5 - Quick Change - Searching R5 Extra Skills: - Concentration - Survival - Meditation - Forgotten King's Authority Inactive Extra Skills: - Parry Addons: - Ferocity - Precision - Resolve - Reveal - Stamina Mods: - Detect - Emergency Recovery - Meticulous Inactive Mods: Battle Ready Inventory: - Basic Teleport Crystal x1 - Group Heal Crystal x1 - Medium Vitality Snack x7 - Muramasa or Zanshin x2 - Safeguard Potion x7 - Warden's Fury x5 Housing Buffs: - Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat - Basic Kitchen: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30. - Storage Closet: +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot - Dining Room: Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread. - Living Room: Increases out of combatHP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts. - Fishing Pond: +2 Fishing EXP per fishing attempt - Mega Slime Farm: +10% EXP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post. Guild Hall Buffs: Scents of the Wild Totem: Wedding Ring: Crafting Profession: - Appraising[exp] R1 Gathering Profession: - Fishing[exp] R1 Expand Edited December 27, 2024 by Baldur Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted March 19, 2020 Author #9 Share Posted March 19, 2020 (edited) Breiðablik - The home of Baldur To reach the home of Baldur, Breidablik, one must travel to the island floor of twenty four. There, towards the edge of the main island, a dock leads out to the water with a Tori standing off in a short distance with a small boat tied up to the dock. When you look at the Tori, your UI alerts you that it is a portal, and the kanji carved into the top reads: “Breidabilk” Once you use the long pole to travel through the Tori gate, you are teleported to one of the almost floating teardrop islands that dot Aincrads many floors. Once through the portal, and docked at the island upon the island, you reach the gates of Breidablik. The steep hike up the hill amidst the lanterns and trees fills your nose with the scents of nature. Clean, unpolluted nature. Indeed, the house that Baldur built seems to have been constructed with nature in mind, as it augments, rather than clear cuts away, the beauty of the forest surrounding and intertwining with his home. As you enter the main courtyard, you see that the compound is actually wrapped around a series of ponds or lakes, with bridges hopping over them from one to the next, and a large, central dojo in the heart of one of the bodies of water. The bridge takes you to the main house, Baldur’s primary residence, and the hub of the whole home estate. Edited March 19, 2020 by Baldur Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted March 19, 2020 Author #10 Share Posted March 19, 2020 (edited) Baldur's Suite: Edited March 19, 2020 by Baldur Link to post Share on other sites
Baldur 0 Posted November 4, 2021 Author #11 Share Posted November 4, 2021 (edited) Baldur's Home Details: Approval: HERE Breiðablik - The Shoin-zukuri of Baldur Room Slot # Room Type Buff Name Buff Effect Occupant 1 Bedroom Rested -1 EN for 2 uses Baldur 2 NA 3 Dining Room Tasty Turn 2 food into 4 mean feast Baldur 4 Mega Slime Farm Adv Training +10% EXP to thread 1/month Baldur 5 Basic Kitchen Filling Increase food by +1 T1 slot Baldur 6 Storage Closet Item Stash +1 Battle Ready inventory Baldur 7 Living Room Relaxed OOC HP regen 5*tier after 2 turns Baldur 8 Bedroom Rested -1 EN for 2 uses Calrex 9 Living Room Relaxed OOC HP regen 5*tier Rec EN after 2 turns Calrex 10 Basic Kitchen Filling Increase food by +1 T1 slot Calrex 11 Bedroom Rested -1 EN for 2 uses Hirru 12 Living Room Relaxed OOC HP regen 5*tier Rec EN after 2 turns Hirru 13 Basic Kitchen Filling Increase food by +1 T1 slot Hirru 14 Basement Multipurpose +1 LD, Stealth, Dection, or Prosperity to 1 post Hirru 15 NA The Grounds 1 Ornate Fishing Pond Practiced Angler +1 EXP & +1 LD & CD to attempts Hirru 2 NA 3 NA Edited November 4, 2021 by Baldur Link to post Share on other sites
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