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(PP-F2) Two Silences (Sakura)

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Arekkusu then felt it, the presense of a darkness that didn't belong to him at all. He saw Sakura once more, and she had changed again. Arekkusu stopped and confronted it. "Give Sakura her body back right now!" Arekkusu exclaomed as he unsheathed his blade and held it up to her throat. "Or do you dare try me?"

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I moved way to fast for a simple human even in a game i had moved forward disarmed the boy and replaced the weapon in his sheath. ''I don't think you understand what i am do you?'' i said tapping my foot impatiently with my arms crossed. ''I'm not pure evil nor am i another being completely. I am a part of Sakura, she, or rather I call myself Dark Sakura. Because in this form i am simply my Darker side, my aggression in physical form if i might add. I am one of her many personalities. You only know of this one and her usual timid self. There are more of us inside her but she hasn't needed us. We appear when Sakura herself can't handle a situation. A normal person like yourself has all the conflicts going on inside your head. In us, we all argue and switch places when needed. She called upon me to replace her at this very moment because she can't face the crowds in her usual shy form.'' I said leaning on the wall.

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Arekkusu grinned with his eyes closed and his head down when he felt the blade being lifted from his hand. She was too predictable, her speed was something that Arekkusu never saw in new players, but his speed still surpassed hers for a mile. And that's without using Charge or Sneak and Hide. "Coward..." Arekkusu said. "I don't give a damn if you are another part of her, to me you are someone else using their body! And I'm not afraid to put you through hell in order for the real Sakura to show. I won't drag her out to the crowds if that's what it takes to have her again... But do you dare defy me? You'd best hope not!"

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I stood glaring at him. I guess he didn't get what split personality disorder really was. "Do you really think we all change our appearance in the real world like this? The game did this to us, it's not real. If you want my shy and scared and useless self back then you just have to f****** ask. We swap when she's scared to do something herself! I'm the side of her that will defend and protect her. She calls me the name she does because I'm her darker aggressive and assertive side. Either way I am Sakura just a different side of her. Now tell me do you want to see her or not?" I said tapping my foot waiting for an answer.

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Arekkusu clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. He Hated this side of Sakura and would do anything to kill it. But he hung his head down, humbling himself. No matter what level he is, he can't force the Sakura he wanted to see to show herself unless he did as the tougher one wanted him to do. "I do... But like hell am I finished with you about this..." Arekkusu said as he kept his head hung, his blade remained in its holder. "I want to see the useful Sakura, not this useless piece of... I just want to see the one I call Sakura."

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I approached the boy a small grin appearing on my face. "Then you had better look after her because if she needs me ill be there to protect her. Remember we are all Sakura and you will no doubt see me again if she needs it or you request me. We trust you and we can't explain why. We trust you enough to let you see us change." I stepped back and dropped my hood to let my hair flow out down my back and looked him in the eye. My natural blue hair colour gradually worked its way through the black and my eyes faded back to blue. "Erm hi" i said as my normal mindset returned.

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Arekkusu hung his head down, Hus hair covering his face, inside, hehad a small frown uon his face. In order for her to stay so innocent and sweet he had to act like some kind of bodyguard for her. How does one protect a girl from the real world? She needs to live life damn it not hide from her damn fears. but if Arekkusu spoke like that again, the dark Sakura might return, and Arekkusu wouldn't hold himself back to swung at Dark Sakura. So he remained silent, making the situation no worse.

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Arekkusu kept himself silent, his hands in his pockets and his head hung down. He was given a huge task at hand right now, he had treat this girl like she is some sort of jewel. They trusted him to take care of her? Arekkusu then felt himself being embraced into a hug, but he didn't move. "What were you talking about while you were gone?" Arekkusu asked.

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I looked up at him in slight shock but i could tell he knew i was inside my mind talking to the other versions of myself. ''We were talking about how we were going o allow you to be able to choose which one of us you talk to just like my brother can. Each of us have different memories that the other doesn't have and we all have different skills too. You can just ask for one of us and we will come out and say hi.'' I told him cheerfully. I sounded really innocent when i said that too.

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I decided to come clean with him so he would at least be able to sympathize with my situation a little. I didn't expect him to understand but at least he would know why im the way i am. ''All my friends Betrayed me back in the real world. I could only trust my brother and he was taken away from me when i was 14. My father got angry and horrible and ... abusive, so i created other versions of my self to handle things that i couldn't handle alone. I was scared of being alone and needed some one and so my 'Others' appeared in my mind to take over when they are needed.'' i told him

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Arekkusu then looked at Sakura, then he saw an image of Arekkusu, sad, the exact fce he had when he was at home, crying about his father. "Arekkusu.... Arekkusu..." Arekkusu stuttered. Sakura reminded Arekkusu of the kid Arekkusu used to be. Arekkusu hugged the girl, thinking it was the boy. He actually shed a tear, as if he was changing the past by doing this. "Don't cry... please don't cry little one. I'm there for you... please don't be sad... everything will be ok."

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