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(PP-F4)[Festival Event] Just "Friends"(Complete)

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Beatha watched as she brought back the food, soon after beginning to eat. She didn’t eat as fast as Yon did. Taking her time to eat was something she always did. Every now and then she’d take a sip of the milkshake she had ordered.

She wanted to find out more about Yon, “So ah… Back at…home. How do you guys… function?†She sounded stupid, but she couldn’t find the right word. She was still new to America and didn’t know what American families did. Jake didn’t count. “Ah.. that iddn’t sound right.†She murmured quietly to herself.

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Yon stopped for a second. He put his hamburger down on his plate and took a big gulp of his milkshake, closing his eyes. "To tell the truth, Beatha," an accent slipped out of him. "I'm a foreign exchange student as well. I'm from Finland. I got to America in the summer before my freshman year, though..." He was blushing from the use of his accent.

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The boy bit his lip. "My uncle..." He shifted in his seat, staring down darkly at his food, yet to be touched once more. "My parents were both agents for the United Nations and came to America on a mission. They went missing one night on the job..." He continued giving his meal a tearless, soulless stare, as if Yon was emotionally broken. "I used to live with my younger cousin, but he was supposedly abducted years ago..." The boy's stomach seemed to clench.

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“I’m sorry about your parents and cousin. “ She murmured quietly, running her fingers through her hair a bit nervously with a soft sigh. “I guess… I understand a bit.†She spoke with a sad tone and a light frown. She remember what had happened to her own parents back over seas.

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The chained, hatted lad frowned with indirect guilt as Beatha hinted at her own family losses. He didn't want to press and took a french fry in hand and ate it. "Beatha... how would you like... to go out with me...?" Yon's face was quite red and his accent was American once more, but he looked her directly in her blue eyes with his own green marbles.

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Beatha took a sip of her vanilla milkshake before setting it back down on the table, kind of freezing briefly at his question. She looked up at him and took a moment to think about it. “Uh…†She blushed lightly and looked down. “Sure.†She muttered quietly, looking back up to meet his eyes.

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The Chained Werewolf broke eye contact and blushed further, wondering if he was really so stupid to ask such a question. He returned to his food in silence, hoping that his question had at least gotten Beatha's mind off of whoever was lost from her.

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He gagged on his food at the words, unable to speak a lie at the moment. Instead he took another drink and sighed. "I just feel so weird..." Garou admitted honestly. He started eating his burger and fries again slowly.

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"I..." he gagged again, this time on air. "I think you're beautiful and actually sweet, but I don't want to be a burden on you." Garou started sweating as he took a quick swig of his strawberry milkshake, obviously shy.

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“No… You’re not a burden to me.†She drug over her milkshake across the table to her, holding it between her hands and took another sip of it. “You’d probably help me in this… game.†If she could call it a game. “And… thanks… It’s been a while since I’ve heard somebody say that to me.â€

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Yon nodded as he stood up from the table, his food now finished. "Do you want me... to wait outside...?" He looked nervous and a bit sad. Most people were gone from Millerwing Diner, only two other couples remained (besides the NPCs, of course).

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She shook her head with a soft grunted, “No. I’ll be finished in a moment.†She fell silent and began to finish her food, eating a bit quick but not fast enough to choke herself. She didn’t want to be alone anymore, even though she preferred it to many other things. After a few minutes she finished eating her steak and milkshake. “What do you want to do now?â€

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Yon left a generous tip of col for the waitress (I have no idea why I'm doing this...) and pulled Beatha into his arms suddenly. "Well, I was thinking we could try Lover's Knot..." he was blushing but now he stroked her hair.

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"Well..." he whispered into her ear. "I hear we are forced close like this, with our hands tied behind each other's backs in rope, like knotted handcuffs. If we can get out without breaking the rope, we get a prize." He smiled at her warmly.

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Garou frowned as he let her go. "I'm sorry, are you alright?" he asked. (Man, he can be annoying sometimes XD) The Victorian-clothed boy patted her head and spoke after her answer. "It's only a couple of streets away."

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